Dr Peter Gray Curriculum Vitae: Peter Gray studied at the University

Dr Peter Gray
Curriculum Vitae:
Peter Gray studied at the University of Stirling in Scotland and at UC Berkeley. He received
his undergraduate degree in Film and Media Studies with Environmental Education in 1998
and his PhD in 2005, with the title of “Spatiality and the Lives of Nursing Students”. He then
worked on various national and EU projects, including the Early Professional Learning
project, a large-scale study of teacher induction in Scotland, and EvabKom, a study of
learning and evaluation tasks in the vocational sector. In 2006, he moved to France with his
family, and in 2009 became project manager for the S-TEAM (Science-Teacher Education
Advanced Methods) project, coordinated by NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. In 2012 he
became European Projects adviser at NTNU’s Faculty of Social Science and Technology
Management (Programme for Teacher Education).
He is currently link convener for the Teacher Education Research Network of the European
Educational Research Association, coordinator of the TEQUILA network for research-based
teacher education and an expert evaluator of science education projects for the European
Commission. He currently lives in Edinburgh with his partner Jane, a writer.
Hoveid, Marit & Gray, Peter (2013) Inquiry in Science Education and Science Teacher
Education: Research on teaching and learning through inquiry based approaches in
science teacher education Trondheim/Oslo, Akademika Forlag.
Book chapters
Blake, Allan, Smith, Colin, Gray, Peter & McNally, Jim (2013) “Science isn’t my favourite
subject’: Pupil opinion in the professional development of science teaching” in Hoveid &
Gray (2013), as above
Hoveid, Marit H & Gray, Peter (2013) “Science – an inquiry based education for all”, in
Hoveid & Gray (2013), as above
Karlsen, Geir & Gray, Peter (2013) “S-TEAM in the mirror: Evidence, quality and relevance in
inquiry-based science teaching” in Hoveid, Marit & Gray, Peter (2013) as above
Smith, Colin, Blake, Allan, Gray, Peter and Kelly, Fearghal (2013) “Teachers can overcome
challenges to inquiry by developing pedagogical process knowledge(PPK): The
PISCES experience” in Hoveid & Gray (2013), as above
Gray, Peter (2012) “Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Setting the Horizon 2020
agenda for educational research” in C. Bolte, J. Holbrook & F. Rauch (eds) Inquirybased science education in Europe: reflections from the PROFILES project
Gray, Peter & Corbin, Brian (2010) 'Towards a Theory of Fun', in McNally, Jim & Blake Allan
(eds) Improving the Professional Learning of Teachers, London, Routledge.
Gray, Peter, 2004, "Journeys out of Place: Nursing Students and Spatiality" in Space,
Curriculum and Learning, Richard Edwards & Robin Usher (eds), Greenwich, CT,
Information Age Publishing.
Commissioned report
Gray, Peter (2008) Pedagogy and the Scottish Education System: an Overview, Report for
the Norwegian Council of Higher Education Institutions. Oslo.
Refereed journal articles
Grangeat, Michel, Janine Rogalski, Laurent Lima et Peter Gray (2009) “Comprendre le travail
collectif enseignant: effets du contexte de l’activité sur les conceptualisations des
acteurs” Revue suisse des sciences de l’éducation, 31/1, pp.100-118, Academic Press,
Fribourg, Switzerland.
Grangeat, Michel. & Gray, Peter (2008) 'Teaching as a collective work: analysis, current
research and implications for teacher education' Journal of Education for Teaching,
34/3, 2008, pp.177–189.
McNally, Jim, Blake, Allan, Corbin, Brian and Gray, Peter (2008) 'Finding an identity and
meeting a standard: connecting the conflicting in teacher induction', Journal of
Education Policy, 23/3, pp. 287-298.
Grangeat, Michel & Gray, Peter (2007) Factors influencing teachers’ professional
competence development, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 59/4, pp. 485501.
Other conference papers
Gray, Peter & Harford, Judith (2014) The One-Sided Professional: Why New Teachers need
Pedagogical System Knowledge, Paper presented at ECER 2014, Porto, September
5th, 2014.
Gray, Peter & Stavik-Karlsen, Geir (2013) This Is Pointless: Teacher Education, Belief
Systems and Educational Crises, Paper presented at ECER 2013, Istanbul, September
11th 2013.