
Canadian Business Culture and Management Skills
ADMS 3020 - Fall 2011 – Professor Eytan Lasry
Lecture 3 – Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively – Sept 27
A Model of Problem Solving
Step 1: define the problem
o Differentiate fact from opinion.
o Specify underlying causes.
o Tap everyone involved for information.
o State the problem explicitly.
o Identify what standard is violated.
o Determine whose problem it is.
o Avoid stating the problem as a disguised solution.
Step 2: generate alternative solutions
o Postpone evaluating alternatives.
o Be sure all involved individuals generate alternatives.
o Specify alternatives that are consistent with goals.
o Specify both short- and long- term solutions.
o Build on others’ ideas.
o Specify alternatives that solve the problem.
Step 3: evaluate and select an alternative
o Evaluate relative to an optimal standard.
o Evaluate systematically.
o Evaluate relative to goals.
o Evaluate main effects and side effects.
o State the selected alternative explicitly.
Step 4: implement and follow up on the solution
o Implement a proper time and in the right sequence.
o Small wins strategy.
o Provide opportunities for feedback.
o Engender acceptance.
o Establish ongoing monitoring system.
o Evaluate based on problem solution.
Constraints on the Analytical Model
Confusing information re: problem definition.
Few possible alternatives are usually known.
Alternatives are based on what was successful in the past.
Incomplete information.
Costly and local research.
Unknown preferences.
Political processes and resistance to change.
Four Types of Creativity
Incubation – be sustainable.
o Capitalize on teamwork, involvement, coordination and cohesion,
empowering people, building trust.
Imagination – be new.
o Experimentation, exploration, risk taking, transformational ideas,
revolutionary thinking, unique visions.
Improvement – be better.
o Incremental improvements, process control, systematic approaches, careful
methods, clarifying problems.
Investment – be first.
o Rapid goal achievement, faster responses than others, competitive
approaches, attack problems directly.
Conceptual Blocks
Metal obstacles that constrain the way problems are defined.
o Constancy
 Vertical thinking – one language.
o Commitment
 Perceptual stereotyping – ignoring commonalities.
o Compression
 Artificial constraints – separating figure from ground.
o Complacency
 Non-inquisitives – nonthinking.
Stages in Creative Thought
Ways to Improve Problem Definition
Make the strange familiar and the familiar strange – synectics (Analogies).
Elaborate the definition.
Reverse the definition.
Ways to generate more Alternatives
Defer judgement – brainstorming.
Expand current alternatives.
Combine unrelated attributes.
o Morphological synthesis.
o Rational algorithm.
Rules of Brainstorming
No evaluation of ideas is permitted.
Wild ideas are encouraged.
Quality before quality.
Build on ideas of others.
A Model of Analytic and Creative Problem Solving
Problem assessment
o Outcomes predictable?
o Sufficient information present?
 Yes
 Constraints
o Definitional problems.
o Solution-generation problems.
o Evaluation and selection problems
o Implementation and follow-up problems.
 Analytical problem solving
o Define problem
o Generate alternative solutions.
o Evaluate and select alternatives
o Implement and follow up on the solution
 No
 Conceptual blocks
o Constancy
o Commitment
o Compression
o Complacency
 Four approaches to creativity
o Imagination
o Improvement
o Investment
o Incubation
Creative problem-solving tools
o To improve problem definition:
 Make the familiar strange and the strange
 Elaborate definitions
 Reverse the definition
o To improve the generation of alternatives:
 Defer judgement
 Expand current alternatives
 Combine unrelated attributes
Cultural Differences
Are the analytical and creative approaches biased toward Western culture?
What are the differences in problem-solving with cultures emphasizing
particularism and specificity rather than universalism and a diffuse orientation?
Three Principles for Fostering Creativity
Pull people apart; put people together – avoid groupthink.
Monitor and prod.
Reward multiple roles.
Behavioural Guidelines
Follow the four-step procedure for analytical decision-making.
Employ the four types of creative decision-making.
Implement steps to overcome conceptual blocks.
Foster creativity among those with whom you work.