Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To TEACHERS: SUBJECT: Lauri Lonon Math First Grade STANDARD: 1.NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. 1.NBT.3 Compare two two-digit numbers on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, <, and = OBJECTIVE (EXPLICIT): Create two digit numbers using tens and ones Use symbols >, <, and = to compare two two-digit numbers EVIDENCE OF MASTERY (MEASURABLE): SUB-OBJECTIVES, SWBAT (SEQUENCED FROM BASIC TO COMPLEX): KEY VOCABULARY: MATERIALS: Greater than Linking Cubes Less than Dice Equal to Tens and Ones Place Value Mat ENGAGE (MAKE CONTENT AND LEARNING RELEVANT TO REAL LIFE AND CONNECT TO STUDENT INTEREST) BEFORE TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Say: I will roll the die two times. The first Orally answer the questions time I roll the die, I will make that amount Students guide teacher through using cubes to represent the tens, the example using cubes. second time I roll the die, I will make that amount using cubes to represent ones. (Roll the die-and a number 5 comes up) Ask: How would I show 5 groups of tens with cubes? (Place in the Tens place on the place value mat) (Roll the die and a number 3 comes up) Ask: How would I show 3 ones using cubes? (place in the Ones place on the place value mat) If I have 5 tens and 3 ones how much does it make? (Roll the die two more times and repeat the steps to make another two-digit number. Ex. 8 and 1 to make 81) Ask: If I have 53 and 81 are these two two-digit numbers equal? How do you know? Which one is larger? How do you know? Which one is smaller? How do you know? What symbol would I use to show that 81 is larger than 53? How would I write it to show 81 is larger than 53 (81 >53 or 53<81) CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE DURING TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Explain activity: Roll the die 2 times and make a twoFirst, Player 1 rolls the die and makes that digit number; repeat to make another “digit” for the tens. Player 1 rolls the die two-digit number. again and makes that “digit” for the ones. Compare the two two-digit numbers Put the cubes on a place value mat to and use a <, >, or = symbol. make a two-digit number. Write the numbers using a symbol. Next, Player 2 does the same thing. Then, the players compare the two two-digit numbers and use a symbols to show which is greater than, less than or equal to. Last, write it out on a record sheet. AFTER CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Ask: Partner Share: What does it mean to be greater Greater than means bigger. than? Less than means smaller. What does it mean to be less than? Equal to means the same. What does it mean to be equal? 91 is greater What number would be greater, 82 45 is less because there are only 4 or 91? groups of tens and not 5. What number would be less, 45 or Write: Greater than means a number is 54? Why? larger than another. Less than means a Say: In math journals, write what greater number is smaller than another. than means. Write what less than Draw: A picture to give an example. means.Draw a picture of cubes to give an example comparing two two digit numbers using <, >, and =. CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE Name _______________________________ 1. _____ ______ 2. _____ ______ 3. _____ ______ 4. _____ ______ 5. _____ ______ Name _______________________________ 1. _____ ______ 2._____ ______ 3. _____ ______ 4. _____ ______ 5. _____ ______ < > = < > = < > = < > = < > =