Pingao Scholarship Application form

Pīngao Scholarship
This scholarship is to support postgraduate study that will advance our
ecological and/or cultural understanding of one of New Zealand’s most iconic
threatened plant species, pīngao/pīkao/golden sand sedge (Ficinia spiralis
Cyperaceae). This once widespread plant previously occurred on sand dune
habitats throughout New Zealand (including Stewart Island and the Chatham
Islands), but is now limited to small remnants and a number of human-planted
restoration populations. Pīngao is of great cultural and ecological value and
significance for Aotearoa New Zealand. It provides habitat for our native sand
dune species, such as katipo spiders. Pīngao is one of our most important
weaving fibres, being highly valued for its beautiful golden colour when dry. It
also provides characteristic colour and texture on our sandy beaches that,
thanks to widespread coastal dune restoration efforts, many New Zealanders
recognise. Research on pīngao to date has discovered that there is a great deal
of variation within this species in what it looks like, how it grows and even in its
ecological function, such as frost tolerance. It appears that this variation is
genetic and that different regions of New Zealand hold genetically distinct
populations, or ‘provenances’. However, we lack understanding of many
aspects, including the amount of genetic variation among these provenances
and the full ecological and cultural significance of this variation. For instance,
the growth form of pīngao is known to affect its weaving properties. This
scholarship funding will support student research that builds on the strong
foundations of existing Māori and scientific knowledge of pīngao, including
how Māori have used and engaged with it in different places. Key to making
progress on our understanding of the genetic and ecological variation in pīngao
is bringing the different forms of Māori knowledge to bear on the issues. This
will include local knowledge of the plant (pīngao population history and
locations) and knowledge of its use in weaving (understanding of variation in
plant form and function and the dried pīngao fibres).
This scholarship was established in 2014 to encourage a Maori student of good
academic calibre to further their postgraduate studies in the area of pīngao
research at Lincoln University.
Up to two scholarships may be awarded annually to the value of $6500.
To be eligible to hold the scholarship applicants shall:
Be of NZ Maori descent and a New Zealand Citizen, and
Register for a full time Lincoln University postgraduate degree, and
Have an interest in pīngao research.
Selection Criteria
The criteria for selection shall be:
Potential or demonstrated commitment to Maori leadership and
advancement within the extended community, and
Potential to complete a degree at Lincoln University, and
Relevant academic background.
Selection Committee
The scholarship is to be awarded by the Vice-Chancellor on the
recommendation of a selection committee, which shall comprise
The Convenor of the Scholarships Committee or nominee, and
The Chair of the AGLS postgraduate committee, and
The primary supervisor for the project.
The selection committee may refrain from making an award if it finds no
candidate of sufficient merit.
The tenure of the scholarship is for one academic year.
Previous recipients may apply for a continuing scholarship.
The scholarship is tenable with any other scholarship, award or bursary
that is not funded by Lincoln University.
Reviews of Progress
If the Vice-Chancellor, at any time, is satisfied that the scholar is not diligently
pursuing his or her studies; or is not complying with the conditions of the
scholarship; or is not making satisfactory progress, then the Vice-Chancellor
may suspend or terminate any scholarship.
Applications will be received by the Scholarships Office at any time at the
address below.
Scholarships Office
Lincoln University
PO Box 85088
Lincoln 7647
The information requested in this application form and your academic record will be used
solely for the purposes of assessing your application for the Scholarship(s) for which you
are applying. Personal information contained in this application will be made available to
members of the Selection Committee for this award, the membership of which is detailed
in the award regulations.
Lincoln University will store your application in a secure place in the event that you are
successful in gaining an award or are selected as a reserve candidate for an award, and to
destroy your application to preserve its confidentiality in the event that you are
unsuccessful in gaining an award.
Should you have reason to believe that information held about you in either your
application or your academic record is incorrect, you have the right of access to, and
correction of, that information.
Personal references from the persons you have named are obtained on the strict
understanding that they are confidential, and you may not have access to those reports
without the written authorisation of the author.
I, ............................................................................................ agree to the above conditions
with respect to my scholarship application(s) to Lincoln University.
Signed:........................................................…………... Date:.......................................................
Applications must arrive by the date shown on the application form. No undertaking is
given to accept late applications.
It is your responsibility to contact your referees, and ask them to send their references to
the Scholarships Office. References should be clearly marked with your name and the
name of the scholarship(s) for which you are applying. Referees should not be asked to
send their references to you, as they must have the opportunity to be completely frank.
Non receipt of referees reports or incomplete applications may prejudice your eligibility.
If Official documents are requested as part of your scholarship application please do not
send original documents. Send only copies that have been certified by a J.P, a solicitor, or
a staff member in the university registry. Unless specifically requested, please do not send
a curriculum vitae. Lincoln University accepts no responsibility to return original
Please do not put your application into any sort of folder. Simply attach all pages with ONE
staple in the top left hand corner. All pages should be A4 size.
If you have any queries regarding your eligibility or how to apply, please contact the
Scholarships Office on 0800 10 60 10 or
Pīngao Scholarship
Student Information
Family Name:
First Name/s:
Date of Birth:
Postal address:
Email address:
Mobile number:
Lincoln Student ID Number:
(if known)
Academic Information
Course of Study at Lincoln:
Please attach copies of your
most recent academic results to
Are you of NZ Maori Descent?
Tick when attached
Please list your Iwi.
Please list your Hapu.
Please list your Marae.
Please attach a written
presentation outlining the
Tick when attached
suitability of your background to
the research project specified in
the regulations.
Financial Information
Please indicate your intended
means of financial support.
Mark all boxes that apply.
Student Allowance
Parental support
Other (Please give details)
Part-time employment □
Student Loan
Please submit one confidential letter of reference with your application. This referee should
be able to comment on your academic ability. Complete the top section of the referee form
and give it to your referee. Ask your referee to return their reference direct to the
Scholarships Office.
Please provide the name, title, address, phone number and email address for your referee:
Referee 1:
I declare that the information contained in and provided in connection with this application is
true and correct. I acknowledge that giving false or misleading information is a serious
Please submit your application to the Scholarships Office.
Scholarships Office
Lincoln University
PO Box 85084
Lincoln 7647