Trainee Teacher Application Form

Researchers in Schools – Trainee Teacher Application Form
Section 1 – Personal Details
We use the following information for tracking your application and evaluating our recruitment in line with equal opportunities
legislation. The information given here is not shared with anyone else and in no way affects the success of your application to the
Researchers in Schools Programme.
Enter text here
First name
Enter text here
Enter text here
Enter text here
Enter text here
Languages spoken
Enter text here
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Enter text here
Section 2 – Contact Details
Please provide us with your preferred contact details.
Home number
Enter text here
Mobile number
Enter text here
Postal address
Enter text here
Email address
Enter text here
Section 3 – Recruitment Information
How did you hear about Researchers in Schools?
Enter text here
Section 4 – Eligibility Criteria
Do you have a grade C (or equivalent) in GCSE English and maths?
Please put an x in
the box below to
indicate YES
The National College for Teaching and Leadership requires that trainee teachers meet the minimum requirements
of a grade C (or equivalent) in English and maths. In order for us to process your application, you must be able to
prove that you have met these minimum requirements.
Enter text here
Have you completed, or will you complete, a doctorate at a registered higher education institution by
Friday 15th August 2014?
Please put an x in
the box below to
indicate YES
The Researchers in Schools Programme is exclusive to postdoctoral researchers. To be eligible for the programme,
you must have completed, or be scheduled to complete, a doctorate at a registered higher education institution by
Friday 15th August 2014.
Enter text here
If offered a place on the Researchers in Schools Programme, do you agree to complete the required
Qualified Teacher Status tests?
Please put an x in
the box below to
indicate YES
The National College for Teaching and Leadership requires that trainee teachers undertake mandatory skills tests
in numeracy and literacy. In order for us to confirm your place on the programme, you must complete these tests.
These tests must be taken in a registered test centre within the UK.
Enter text here
Will you be eligible to work in the UK full-time between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2016?
Please put an x in
the box below to
indicate YES
In order for us to process your application to join the Researchers in School Programme, you must be able to prove
that you are eligible to work in the UK between these dates.
Enter text here
Do you hold any prior criminal convictions or cautions that require disclosure?
Please put an x in
the box below to
indicate YES
Any offer of a place on the Researchers in Schools Programme would be conditional on you completing a DBS check
to satisfy the requirements of our training providers and schools. Whilst a previous conviction or caution may not
necessarily disbar you from being offered a place, further investigations may be required on a case by case basis.
Enter text here
If you have put an x to indicate YES to the question above, please use this box to outline the details of the conviction or caution.
Enter text here
Section 5 – Academic History
Please complete this section in full detail.
Doctorate *
University attending
Enter text here
PhD subject area / thesis title
Enter text here
Date of PhD completion
Enter text here
Source of funding (e.g. AHRC)
Enter text here
Master’s degree *
University attended
Enter text here
Degree title
Enter text here
Grade awarded
Enter text here
Bachelor’s degree *
University attended
Enter text here
Degree title
Enter text here
Grade awarded
Enter text here
* Please note that formal evidence of all qualifications, included grade awarded, must be provided prior to confirmation of a place
on the Researchers in Schools Programme.
In which subject would you like to train as a teacher?
Please put an x in
one box below to
indicate YES
Enter text here
Enter text here
Enter text here
Enter text here
Mathematics ^
Enter text here
Modern Foreign Languages
Enter text here
Religious Education
Enter text here
Science – Biology Specialism
Enter text here
Science – Chemistry Specialism
Enter text here
Science – Physics Specialism ^
Enter text here
^ Researchers in Schools is the official training provider of the government’s Maths and Physics Chairs Programme. Every candidate
who secures a place as a maths or physics trainee on the Researchers in Schools Programme will automatically become a Chair
and will be eligible for the salary uplift and associated benefits.
For more information please see Appendix 1.
Section 6 – Assessment Questions
Why are you motivated to apply to train as a teacher through the Researchers in Schools Programme?
200 - 400 words
Enter text here
What would you hope to achieve during the two year programme on a personal and professional level?
200 - 400 words
Enter text here
Describe a time when you have adapted your style to communicate effectively with a challenging individual or group.
200 - 400 words
Enter text here
Describe a time when you have shown significant leadership to help an individual or a group achieve a goal.
200 - 400 words
Enter text here
Describe a time when you have made a significant behavioural change in light of feedback that you have received.
200 - 400 words
Enter text here
Drawing on any experience you may have of working with young people and/or teaching, describe what you
feel to be the most important factors in helping people to learn.
No word limit
Enter text here
Section 7 – Next Steps
1. Once you have completed this Trainee Teacher Application Form
Please submit a copy via email to along with an up-to-date copy of your academic CV.
To help with our administration, please ensure that give your email the following subject heading:
RIS Application [Forename] [Surname]
e.g. RIS Application John Smith
2. Once we have received your Trainee Teacher Application Form
We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 72 hours.
We will contact you with a decision on whether we would like to invite you to an assessment centre within one week.
If you are invited to an assessment centre, you will receive an email confirming the time and date of your appointment.
We will send a further email two weeks before your appointment, setting out the details of the preparation we will
require from you for the assessment centre.
If you are not invited to an assessment centre, you will receive an email informing you of our decision. Unfortunately,
due to the high volume of applications, we will not be able to provide individual feedback on each application.
Appendix 1 – Maths and Physics Uplift
‘Maths and Physics Uplift’ is a new initiative that seeks to increase the supply of maths and physics teachers with high-level
subject expertise in non-selective state schools.
Programme Overview:
Maths and Physics Uplift specifically aims to recruit postdoctoral maths and physics candidates to teach in schools from
September 2014, where these individuals will inject their subject expertise into the schools they work with.
The long-term aim of the programme is to fuel the pipeline of 16-18 year olds progressing to study maths and science
at university and/or into employment in sectors requiring these skills.
Leading businesses sponsor individual ‘chairs’ through the programme, including meeting their training costs and
offering a significant salary uplift to attract the very best candidates.
As well as building relationships with postdoctoral researchers, businesses that sponsor the programme will gain public
recognition for their investment in young people and the future of the economy.
Through this business sponsorship, each Chair will command a significant salary uplift which will take their total salary
and benefits package to £40,000 a year.
Given the close alignment, RIS has been selected as the training provider of the Maths and Physics Uplift programme. Every
candidate who secures a place as a maths or physics trainee on the RIS programme will automatically be eligible for the salary
uplift and associated benefits.
Candidates wanting to become a maths or physics Chair must apply through the normal RIS application process.