2014 Tryouts 7th GRADE & 8th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys (1st session) 5th Grade Boys (2nd session) 5th Grade Girls 3rd Grade Girls 4th Grade Girls 4th Grade Boys 6th Grade Boys 7th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls 3rd Grade Boys 8th Grade Boys OPEN DATE Oct 13th Oct 14th Oct 14th Oct 15th Oct 16th Oct 17th Oct 20th Oct 21st Oct 21st Oct 22nd Oct 23rd Oct 23rd Oct 24th DAY Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday RAMSEY TRAVEL BASKETBALL LOCATION DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER DATER TIME 8PM-9:15PM 6:30-7:45PM 8PM-9:15PM 8PM-9:15PM 6:30-7:45PM 8PM-9:15PM 8PM-9:15PM 6:30-7:45PM 8PM-9:15PM 8PM-9:15PM 6:30-7:45PM 8PM-9:15PM 8PM-9:15PM is an organized group of Ramsey parents, coaches, and community leaders dedicated to the development and maintenance of competitive youth basketball in our town. Our mission is to encourage and promote basketball in Ramsey for boys and girls grades 3-8. About RAMSEY TRAVEL BASKETBALL RAMSEY TRAVEL BASKETBALL is a competitive travel basketball program with approximately 16 league games and approximately two practices a week. RAMSEY TRAVEL BASKETBALL is not associated with Ramsey Recreation Basketball. Ramsey recreation basketball starts in 4th grade for both boys and girls and is good alternative for players not ready for travel basketball. Registration for Rec is done through school notification. RAMSEY TRAVEL BASKETBALL starts in Mid November and ends in March. It is a LARGE COMMITMENT from both parents and players. Players are expected to attend every practice. Teams average approximately 10-11 players. Some teams will have more than 11, some less. All Ramsey residents and anyone who attends a Ramsey School are welcomed to try out. Our evaluations are objectively run and open for all to see. Parents are encouraged to stay & watch We expect a large turnout at each level, so please arrive on time. If you cannot make your scheduled tryout, please inform us beforehand so that we can reschedule your child with another group. If your child intends to try out please send an email to mdmburns@verizon.net and then fill out the attached registration form to bring on the night of the tryout. Please specify Grade & Gender. Fees will be collected once teams are set. AFTER THE TRYOUT: The Fee for the season will be $250 per child. Fees cover league fees as well at least one tournament fee per team. There will be a separate charge for uniforms if needed. Full uniforms cost will average approximately $60 PLAYING TIME IS NOT GUARANTEED AND IS IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE COACHES Our website, which is currently under construction, is www.ramseytravelbasketball.com If your child intends to tryout, please: 1. Send an email to mdmburns@verizon.net with your child’s name, grade and gender. We would like to know the number of kids intending to tryout beforehand. 2. Fill out the below application, staple a copy of your child’s birth certificate and bring it to the night of the tryout. Thank you RAMSEY JUNIOR BASKETBALL REGISTRATION FORM As parent or guardian, I hereby give full permission for my child named above to participate with the Ramsey Junior Basketball Association and any league(s) or group(s) with which they associate. I fully understand that participation in any sport involves the possibility of injury. A physical examination has revealed no defect or disability, which might make my child’s participation hazardous. As parent or guardian, I will review the most recent NFHS Associations “Points of Emphasis for Basketball Participation” with my child named above and agree to abide by the guidelines for good sportsmanship with respect for teammates, coaches, and officials. I hereby absolve the Ramsey Junior Basketball Association, and any league(s) or group(s) with which they associate, their officers, managers, officials, coaches, and volunteers of liability for injury to my child arising out of game or practice activities including travel to and from these activities necessary or essential thereto. Furthermore, I hereby give permission for any association representative to transport or have transported my child to a medical treatment facility and to authorize treatment of my child for any injury or medical matter deemed appropriate by the association representative in my absence. I understand that I will be responsible for any medical fees incurred for treatment of my child. Players Name __________________________________________Grade_______ Date of Birth______________ Parent/Guardian e-mail___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name_____________________________________________ Street Address___________________________ Town___________________ Home Phone__________________ Work Phone________________________ Mom Cell_______________________ Dad Cell_________________________ Player Gender: Male_____ Female_____ Shirt Size_____ Shorts Size_____ (Specify Youth or Adult Sizes, e.g. youth Large = YL, Adult Small = AS) My child is covered by the following medical insurance policy: Named of Insured_________________________________________________ Insurance Company_________________ Policy #_______________________ Physicians Name_____________________ Physicians Phone_______________ Physicians Address_________________________________________________ Allergies: Bee/Insect______ ___Medication _____________Other___________ Ongoing Medical Conditions-NO________________YES__________________ (if yes, explain)____________________________________________________ PARENTS INTERESTED IN COACHING PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE OPTIONS BELOW: Head Coach____ Assistant Coach_____ X Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________