LIBERTON & GILMERTON VOLUNTARY SECTOR FORUM THURSDAY 27th NOVEMBER 2014 GILMERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE PRESENT AND APOLOGIES Present: June Dickson – EVOC (JD) Stewart Laird – Partnership Support Worker (SL) Sheena Smith – Home Link Family Support (SS) Apologies: Amanda Vickery – Home Link Family Support MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING SL and JD approved the minutes, however, SL asked for an amendment to be made to the update SD gave at the last meeting from “heavily involved” in the Sports Forum and Community Council to “supporting”. SUB-GROUP UPDATES OLDER PEOPLES ACTION GROUP It was explained that over the past three years issues relating to older people had been addressed via the Liberton Gilmerton Health Inequalities Group but it had been felt that this group had too wide a remit and the community had preferred a more focussed approach and selected Reducing isolation in Older People (50+) as one of its priorities for inclusion in the 2014-2017 Local Community Plan. ACTION GROUPS - Representation on the Group: The group will be required to construct some practical actions to provide an enhanced service to local people which are complimentary and additional to current statutory provision. In order that this is achieved the group needs to ensure that the correct organisations and/or individuals are represented. It was noted that some organisations may only attend meetings when pieces of work relevant to their area of expertise are on-going. Conversely others will be required to attend on a more regular basis. In both cases they will always receive copies of the relevant papers and be kept informed of progress. REMIT OF THE GROUP: It was noted that the principal remit of the group is to support and progress the work of the Neighbourhood Partnership and in particular the specific priority for which they are responsible. In order to do this the group is required to agree and implement an action plan which will be designed to reduce isolation in older people (50+). NAME OF THE GROUP: It was reported that it was up to the group what it wished to be named. However, in the absence of any practical suggestions it will remain known as the Liberton Gilmerton Older Peoples Action Group until such time as a suitable alternative is put forward. ACTION PLAN (Report and Draft Plan Circulated) 1 It was reported that after a period of consultation the Neighbourhood Partnership at its meeting of 26th March 2014 approved four priorities of which Reducing Isolation in Older Residents (50+) was one, for inclusion within its 2014-2017 Local Community Plan. On 13th May the Liberton Gilmerton Neighbourhood Partnership (LGNP), in conjunction with South Central Neighbourhood Partnership hosted an “Acting Together” Workshop. This was a well attended event at which time a number of proposed actions were suggested. These have been grouped together into themes and form the basis of the draft Action Plan. The group discussed the draft action plan which has been updated to reflect their suggestions and/or amendments. The actions will be contained within the following three principal themes. Engagement: Identify those individuals who can be described as socially isolated in order that they can be helped to become involved in community life. Communications/Information/Awareness: Improve the distribution and communication of information on the opportunities available for older people. This relates to both social activities as well as local services. Activities/Inter Generational Activities: Enable the provision of activities and inter generational provision for the mutual benefit of the younger and older members of the local community. Monitoring & Evaluation: Clear and defined actions will ensure that real improvement is delivered again the priority. Evelyn emphasised that Older Peoples Action Group needs to prove its impact and not just show that they have done the work. The Action Groups will be required to agree a number of performance targets against which the work of the group will be measured. SUPPORT TO PARENTS ACTION GROUP Representation on the Group: A number of the invited personnel were unable to attend the first meeting due to other commitments. It was noted that the group had no representation from GPs or Midwifery, which may potentially impact on the draft action plan. Carolyn agreed to contact her colleagues about the group and discuss possible future involvement. The group also expressed a desire to have representation from other areas of provision in the community including, early years, schooling and those providing dedicated support to male parents and parents from the BME community. It was therefore agreed to invite additional providers from these areas of work. REMIT OF THE GROUP: It was discussed and agreed that the principal remit of the group is to provide additional support to vulnerable parents across the community who require it. In order to do this the group is required to agree and implement an action plan that will be designed to provide support to those individuals. NAME OF THE GROUP: After some discussion, those present agreed that the ‘Support to Parents Action Group’ was an appropriate name. ACTION PLAN: A general discussion took place about the needs and existing support to vulnerable parents in Liberton & Gilmerton and it was agreed that all members were to review the action plan and consider the following areas: Which action points is each agency best suited to supporting. What should be measured in relation to each action point. 2 Has anything been missed on the action plan. It was agreed that an individual named person would be identified to lead individual actions in the Action Plan and that all partners should consider their roles. It was also agreed that all members would compile a contact list of professionals they knew who had contact with vulnerable parents who required support. AOB It was agreed that this group would engage with the service which will be newly appointed through the Health and Social Care commissioning process. YOUTH ACTION GROUP REPRESENTATION OF THE GROUP Brian Jennings chair of the group asked the group to consider if it had the correct balance of representation from the local community. It was highlighted that it would be beneficial to have young people and teachers involved at the meetings. Andrew said that young people and schools would be involved but not always at YTAG meetings. It was suggested that the next meeting could be held in a school and Andrew said he would try to arrange this. REMIT OF THE GROUP Brian stated that it is the remit of the group to oversee the delivery of the YouthTalk 2013 priority in the new local community plan. These include celebrating local youth achievement, highlighting diversity in the community and promoting the development of life skills for school leavers. NAME OF THE ACTION GROUP After some discussion the group decided that the Youth Talk Action Group was a suitable name. ACTION PLAN - LIFE SKILLS Brian outlined the key points of the Life Skills programme: housing and welfare; budgeting and nutrition; employability; crime and justice. YOUTH AWARDS Andrew proposed that the Youth Achievement Awards was a great opportunity to celebrate the successes of local young people. He added that a short-life working group was being put together and that pupils would have as much ownership as possible of the awards. DIVERSITY (LGBT) There is a drop-in service for young people currently running at The Mansion which offers confidential support and advice on relationships, sexual and emotional health, and that they are in the process of setting up another at Inch Park Community Centre. REPORT OF THE YOUTH PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING EVENT Evelyn highlighted that 16 local school pupils from Gracemount and Liberton were involved in the Youth Participatory Budgeting event on June 19th. She added that £11,000 was ring fenced for the event and awards made to 7 local organisations in the Liberton Gilmerton area. She added that it was hoped to have more pupils involved next time and that it is being considered whether to lower the minimum bid to £1,000. SPORTSFEST 4 REPORT Stewart updated the group about Sportsfest 4 which was held within the grounds of Liberton High School on 3 Friday 20 June at Liberton and consisted primarily of P7’s. It was found to be an effective way of increasing memberships to local sports providers. The event boasted a large range of sports and was attended by over 200 people. DOMESTIC ABUSE ACTION GROUP REPRESENTATION OF THE GROUP It was noted that a number of the invited personnel were unable to attend the first meeting due to other commitments. The group were asked to consider if it had a sufficient balance of representation from across the spectrum of local organisations that might be able to assist with the group’s remit. After some discussion it was agreed to seek additional representation from the Willow Project, Dunedin Canmore Housing Association, Place 2 Be, as well as CEC Social Work, Safer Families and the city-wide Domestic Abuse Action Group. REMIT OF THE GROUP It was discussed and agreed that the principal remit of the group is to raise awareness of domestic abuse across the community. In order to do this the group is required to agree and implement an action plan that will be designed to provide support to those individuals. NAME OF THE ACTION GROUP After some discussion, those present agreed that the ‘Domestic Abuse Action Group’ was an appropriate name. ACTION PLAN - LIFE SKILLS A general discussion took place about the various approaches to awareness raising that could be undertaken across the community. The group talked about the benefits of subtle awareness raising, in spaces such as libraries, and by using resources such as self-help books. Posters in areas such as toilet cubicles could also prove effective. It was also stated that people were not always aware about what consisted domestic abuse. It was agreed that any an approach should target both victims as well as those who may suspect someone of being a victim. It was agreed that all members were to review the action plan and consider the following areas: Which action points is each agency best suited to supporting. What should be measured in relation to each action point. Has anything been missed on the action plan. JD thanked SL for his comprehensive update on all the subgroups. Future Dates and Contact details for Subgroups in Liberton/Gilmerton: Lib/Gil Support to Parents Action Group 27 November 2014 4 Liberton/Gil Domestic Abuse Action Group 24 February 2015 DEVEL OPME NT DAY The attending members discussed the need for a Development Day for all Third Sector organisations within the VSF boundaries to discuss the aims, objectives and goals of the Forum. JD to take forward with a view to having a plan for the next meeting in January 2015. It was agreed that a Development Day and also a presentation on the LDP would be beneficial. CSMG UPDATE Paula Swanston from Home Link Family Support forwarded the Proforma sheet to inform the Forum of the main points from the CSMG meetings:. These were: 1. Recent survey around young people and risk taking behaviours had provided good feedback from young people along with some focus groups on risk taking behaviour. Liberton HS are starting a research project called “Do you feel safe and well cared for”. 2. Liberton HS shared their wider achievement pathway for LAC and accommodated children providing bespoke packages. 3. Gracemount Pilot for Transition for Parents from Primary to Secondary school. A three tier programme would be delivered to support parents/carers to make a smooth transition in a positive and supportive way. 4. Psychology of Parenting – Important to discuss the challenges of implementing this first phase and the issues surrounding it. Staffing etc. 5. Local Perspective of 27/30 month check – It would be helpful to know who they are flagging up so early years services can be implemented. Graham McKenzie to be contacted. Next meeting 8th December, 3.30pm. Liberton High School. Issue for Network to discuss The Voluntary Sector getting a secure NHS email – JD to discuss with Kate Kasprowicz – (update: Kate and Sarah (EVOC) meeting with NHS staff next week (12th January) and will update JD as to the outcome of meetings) Follow Up Action: The Voluntary Sector getting access to the data from the 27-30 month check? – JD to discuss with Kate Kasprowicz. (as above) DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 29th January 2015 – Development Session 10.30-12.30 Gilmerton Library (please enter through side door at car park as Library closed to public on Thursdays) Thursday 26th February 2015 – South Edinburgh VSF – 10.30-12.30 Gilmerton Library. (please enter through side door at car park as Library closed to public on Thursdays). ADDITIONAL DATES FOR DIARIES: 5 19 March 2015 Thursday 6-8 pm Liberton/Gilmerton NP Meeting Gracemount High School NP Board Members 18 June 2015 Thursday 2-4 pm Liberton/Gilmerton NP Meeting Goodtrees N C NP Board Members 17 September 2015 Thursday 6-8 pm Liberton/Gilmerton NP Meeting Gracemount High School NP Board Members 26 November 2015 Thursday 2-4 pm Liberton/Gilmerton NP Meeting Goodtrees N C NP Board Members 05 February 2015 Thursday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Older Peoples Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 14 May 2015 Thursday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Older Peoples Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 13 August 2015 Thursday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Older Peoples Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 12 November 2015 Thursday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Older Peoples Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 26 February 2015 Thursday 10am Lib/Gilmerton Support to Parents Action Group Goodtrees N C Group Members 28 May 2015 Thursday 10am Lib/Gilmerton Support to Parents Action Group Goodtrees N C Group Members 27 August 2015 Thursday 10am Lib/Gilmerton Support to Parents Action Group Goodtrees N C Group Members 26 November 2015 Thursday 10am Lib/Gilmerton Support to Parents Action Group Goodtrees N C Group Members 17 February 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Youth Talk Action Group Valleypark Community Centre Group Members 19 May 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Youth Talk Action Group Valleypark Community Centre Group Members 18 August 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Youth Talk Action Group Valleypark Community Centre Group Members 17 November 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Youth Talk Action Group Valleypark Community Centre Group Members 03 March 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Domestic Abuse Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 26 May 2015 Tuesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Domestic Abuse Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members 26 August 2015 Wednesday 2pm Liberton/Gilmerton Domestic Abuse Action Group Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Group Members Liberton/Gilmerton Domestic Abuse Action Group South Edinburgh VSF South Edinburgh VSF South Edinburgh VSF South Edinburgh VSF South Edinburgh VSF Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St Gilmerton Library, 13 New Toft St 24 November 2015 29 January 2015 26 February 2015 28 May 2015 27 August 2015 26 November 2015 Tuesday 2pm Thursday 10-12 Thursday 10-12 Thursday 10-12 Thursday 10-12 Thursday 10-12 Group Members Third Sector Third Sector Third Sector Third Sector Third Sector 6