CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Unit:Light and Optics (H.P.3F) Standard: H.P.3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the interactions among objects can be explained and predicted using the concept of the conservation of energy. Conceptual Understanding: This unit expects that students gain an understanding of the different models of light: wave, particle and ray model. They should be exposed to ray tracing and how the rays intersect at the point predicted by the lens/mirror equation. The ray model is also used in Snell’s Law and rays are easy to see with lasers. Important to Note: All files referred to are on the website by unit, except for tests. Unit Engagement/Anchor Activity Suggestions It’s always exciting to show diffraction gratings with lasers and examples of refraction (penny in the cup with water can be seen first). Formative Assessment Opportunities Standard Assessment items Lenses PhET Photoelectric Effect PhET Optics Bench Lab H.P.3F.2, H.P.3F.3 H.P.3F.1 H.P.3F.2, H.P.3F.3 Summative Assessment Opportunities Standard H.P.3F.2, H.P.3F.3 H.P.3F.5, H.P.3F.6 All standards in H.P.3F Assessment Items Snell’s Law Lab Research an application of electromagnetic waves Optics Test CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Investigations and Resources Part 1: The Behavior of Light (H.P.3F.2, H.P.3F.3) 2014 science performance indicators H.P.3F.2 Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to determine the interaction between the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and various objects (including mirrors, lenses, barriers with two slits, and diffraction gratings) and to construct explanations of the behavior of light (reflection, refraction, transmission, interference) in these instances using models (including ray diagrams) Focus question Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal Why does a penny look larger when it is submerged in water? Does a convex or concave lens be to correct for nearsightednes s? What is happening when a rainbow forms? Reading guide about light behavior Contrast refraction, reflection, diffraction, interference and transmission Explore activity: penny in water (can see it sooner than a penny not in water, and it is magnified); look at both sides of a spoon and see which image is inverted; look at a magnifying glass at short object distances and long object distances; use a comb and a laser to make diffraction patterns and draw locations of constructive interference Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Holt Physics Chapter 13 Sections 1, 2 and 3 Holt Physics Chapter 14 Sections 1, 2 and 3 Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Refraction Reflection Diffraction Magnifying glasses, spoons, pennies, combs (for use as a two-slit diffraction demonstration), lasers, diffraction gratings Transmission interference CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics H.P.3F.3 Use drawings to exemplify the behavior of light passing from one transparent medium to another and construct explanations for this behavior Is the image on the retina upright or inverted? Why? Rays in ray diagrams are approximations of light waves. Teach how to draw ray diagrams for mirrors and/or lenses Make connection between ray diagram and the mirror/lens equation Explain the previous observations as evidence of wave nature and photoelectric effect as evidence of the particle nature of light Explain Snell’s Law and total internal reflection Snell’s Law Lab Lenses Lab with optical bench (to reinforce ray diagrams and lens equation) Solve lens and mirror problems using ray diagrams and the mirror/lens equation Explain why convex lenses correct for farsightedness and concave lenses for nearsightedness Determine whether images are upright or inverted using ray diagrams and the location of the object Solve Snell’s Law Lenses Mini-Lab with PhET.doc (goes with Geometric Optics PhET) Wave model Particle model Thin lens equation practice.doc Ray diagrams Lasers, prisms and protractors for Snell’s Law Lab Snell’s law lab.doc Optics Bench Lab.doc Mirror/lens equation CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics Part 2: Wave-Particle Duality of Light and The Electromagnetic Spectrum (H.P.3F.1, H.P.3F.4, H.P.3F.5, H.P.3F.6) 2014 science performance indicators H.P.3F.1 Construct scientific arguments that support the wave model of light and the particle model of light H.P.3F.5Obtain information to communicate the similarities and differences among the different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum (including radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and gamma rays) and give examples of devices or phenomena from each band. Focus question Activity Description 5 E Cycle Expected outcome – learning goal Why do only certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum cause cancer? How can the energy of a photon be determined from its frequency or wavelength? Reading guide about the electromagnetic spectrum and the dual nature of light Identify parts of Planck’s equation Summarize the dual nature of light Resource – instructional material (includes specific pgs, chapters, lessons, etc. Holt Physics Chapter 13 Section 1 Holt Physics Chapter 21 Section 1 and 3 (for the photoelectric effect wave-particle duality and Planck’s equation) Ted talk on wave nature of light: raskar_a_camera_that_takes_one_t rillion_frames_per_second Vocabulary (tier 2 and 3) Planck’s equation Electromagnetic spectrum Waveparticle duality CCSD | Department of Instructional Support | CCSS 2014 SC Science Academic Standards and Performance Indicators Curriculum Map for Science | Physics H.P.3F.4 Use mathematical and computational thinking to analyze problems that relate the frequency, period, amplitude, wavelength, velocity and energy of light. H.P.3F.6Obtain information to construct explanations on how waves are used to produce, transmit, and capture signals and store and interpret information (including ultrasound imaging, telescopes, cell phones and bar code scanners) CC LITERACY RST.11-12.2 How is radiation used in cancer treatment? How are radio signals traveling at the speed of light converted into sound waves? Guided and independent practice with using the wave equation and Planck’s equation to solve problems. Some instruction on scientific notation and calculator usage may be helpful for some students. Calculate wavelength, frequency and energy using the wave equation and Planck’s equation Research an application of electromagnetic waves and share with the class in some format (poster or digitally). Could include fiberoptics, the radiation used in cancer treatment, and how radio signals are converted into sound waves. Summarize and present an application of waves Holt Physics Chapter 12 p. 410 (for reading on ultrasound), Chapter 14 p. 508 (for reading on fiberoptics)