Provision of Services by Club Members & others

Bury St Edmunds Hockey Club
Provision of Services by Club Members and Others
Policy & Guidance Note
BSEHC is a community based sports club working within a Constitution. As a voluntary based club
members and supporters give their time freely to support the club’s management and day to day
operational activities, by sitting on the Management Committee and/or sub committees, running
teams, umpiring, coaching or just volunteering general assistance as required.
As a club seeking to improve its performance and standing in the various leagues it plays in and
competitions it enters, at both adult and junior levels, it has recently (2014) reviewed its approach to
the provision of coaching and training, in recognition that the use of paid coaching and player
development services in particular, may provide more tangible and quicker results both for teams and
through representation by individuals within England Hockey’s Single System (Player development
pathway) and/or within representative teams at County, Regional and National level.
The Club’s 2013/14 Performance & Representative Record is attached at Appendix 1. (need to
The following principles are taken into account by the Management Committee in seeking to
encourage club members to get involved with the running of the club and/or where paid services are
considered as essential to furthering the club’s development.
Principle - Individuals prepared to sit on the club’s Management Committee and/or its various subcommittees, do so voluntarily and give their time freely as necessary to fulfil their allocated role.
Principle - Owing to the requirement to undertake specialist training to achieve expertise in coaching,
the club offers a range of incentives to encourage involvement by its members and supporters.
Eligibility for concessions requires commitment for the forthcoming season and is monitored and
determined at the absolute discretion of the Management Committee
As at the 2014/15 season these are:
Individuals providing coaching for the junior hockey coaching programme (U 8 up to U/14yrs
incl.) may receive the following concessions off their membership/club fees:
Qualified (min L1) coaches leading or assisting sessions receive free places for their
child/children attending the junior hockey programme. Unqualified coaches may receive the
same at the discretion of the Management Committee;
Team Managers of junior hockey programme teams receive a 50% discount off their
child’s/children’s combined junior coaching/membership fees;(could omit discount on
membership fee element?)
Any playing member/supporter providing the above but without children in the junior hockey
programme – No policy at present.
Bury St Edmunds Hockey Club
Provision of Services by Club Members and Others
Policy & Guidance Note
Principle – The club aspires to appoint a Coaching Development Officer (CDO) who will oversee the
club’s junior and adult coaching & training programmes, including ensuring that the whole programme
is “fit for purpose” and is adequately manned and resourced. This post will attract remuneration as
appropriate to his/her qualifications, experience and availability. To be implemented at the discretion
of the Management Committee.
Principle – The club will annually appoint a Head Coach for the Ladies and Men’s sections who will
oversee the coaching of their respective 1st Team and Development Squads and deliver their
training/coaching sessions. The post holder will liaise with and determine the selection of their Ist
Teams (and Development Squads) in conjunction with the Team Captain.
Principle – The club requires adult training/coaching sessions to be led by L2 (or above) qualified
coaches (where possible) and therefore will pay upon invoice only, the rate of £20/hr. This rate/match
is also payable where 1st Team Coaches attend and coach 1st team matches.
Principle - The club requires adult training/coaching sessions to be supported by a number of
specifically identified L1 coaches selected because of their “high standard of experience”,
who will be paid upon invoice only, the rate of £15/hr. Such coaches are able to lead/assist sessions
as directed by the CDO/Head Coaches.
Principle - The club supports the development of L1 coaches assisting the adult training/coaching
sessions. Such coaches are able to assist sessions as directed by the CDO/Head Coaches and who
will be paid upon invoice only, the rate of £15/session.
(deleted - may forego any league match fees payable in the week of their coaching?)
Principle – The club will only pay/give match fee concessions to a maximum of 2 coaches per
session. This will therefore be directed and monitored by the CDO/Head Coaches.
Delete option to forego match fees. If you wish to be paid, you put in an invoice. If you do not
wish to be paid forego match fee for any week that you have coached?
Principle - The club wishes to encourage club members and supporters to undertake coaching
qualifications (L1, L2 and above) to ensure its overall coaching and training programme is fully
resourced to meet demand and continues to develop. It will therefore reimburse (subject to prior
management Committee approval) any coaching qualification course fees (not including
accommodation, travel nor other expenses), subject to the participant agreeing to provide regular
attendance at the junior or adult coaching/training programmes throughout a full season at the time of
undertaking the course/follow up assessment period.
The participant is expected to pay the course fees in advance with 50% claimable from the club upon
completion of the course and the remaining 50% following satisfactory adherence to the club
coaching programme as referred to above.
Principle – Any individuals supporting the club’s coaching and training programme is expected to
attend any relevant safeguarding, first aid and related courses as directed by the club to ensure its
compliance with the ClubsFirst2 standard and England Hockey Good Practice as determined by the