Crisis Management
Phone tree – This is a list of faculty phone numbers and assignments of who are to be
contacted during the time of crisis.
School map – This is a blue print or map of the school structure and the grounds, with a
detailed evacuation routes. Evacuation routes may need to be adapted to the crisis event
(i.e., fire, bomb threat, shooting, hurricane, or suicide). Details of meeting places, rally
points, emergency exits, locations of telephones, exit doors, and optional detour routes,
etc., is to be specified.
Keys to all school doors – The appropriate faculty/personnel should have a master key for
all doors and other keys available for response teams; as deemed necessary by the
Bell schedule – The bell schedule may need to be changed according to the crisis event.
Bus schedule and numbers – The bus schedule may need to be adapted to safely transport
the student body according to the crisis event. The appropriate contact information and
maps of the necessary bus routes may need to be in detail.
Master schedule and student roster – This schedule and roster serves as a final role call
and personnel accounting during and after the crisis.
In-house crisis management procedures – These are the rules to follow during certain
crisis events (i.e., who is responsible for what?).
Sign-in sheet for crisis team – This form is to account for the Crisis Team personnel.
Name badges for crisis response team – These badges are a visible representation of
authorized personnel
Statement to the media – These facts or statements are prepared in advance, to respond
appropriately to the media. Only the Public Relations Specialist(s) will announce this
Sample letter from the principle informing parents of crisis/ procedures – This letter will
be brought home to the parents by the students, informing them of what occurred and
how the situation is being handled (see Appendix A).
Sample statement informing faculty and staff of crisis/ procedures – This statement
outlines the rules of engagement.
Sample announcement for classroom or school wide communication – This is a prepared
announcement communicating the necessary information to the student body.
Modifications will be made as needed.
Resource telephone numbers of community resources – This is a current list of local
emergency responders
Telephone numbers of parent network, school volunteers, clergy, and other resource
people – Professional community support who have been identified to assist with crisis
interventions (to include their contact information).
Walkie-talkies – These devices will be used, as a source of communication as the
situation deem necessary.
A School wide Crisis Response Team will be designated and staff development provided. The
Team will be composed of Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Crisis Management Team
Listed below are some guidelines for responding to a crisis on campus. Not all of the steps are
necessary in every situation, but are included as a guide.
Upon learning a crisis has occurred, the principal or designee should:
Notify the principal who will notify the School Board President and
board members, if appropriate;
2. Notify other members of the School Crisis Response Team and determine
which members of the School wide Crisis Response Team are needed at
that time;
3. Designate a member of the team to remain to coordinate
crisis response with the campus, if necessary;
4. Determine other kinds of assistance needed and designate School wide
Crisis Response Team members to meet those needs;
For Example:
Immediate notification to other campuses of students which may be
particularly affected (ex. Siblings, close friends on the campus),
Representatives present at another site (ex. Hospital, Police
accident site),
Additional counseling personnel (ex. Outside agencies, other
districts), Information to all campuses via direct line,
Transportation needs,
Monitor progress of each member of the School wide Crisis Response
Team as they report back to Principal as to the situation and any other assistance which might be
It is recommended that each campus have a 4-5 member crisis team made up of any
combination of principal, counselor, nurse, secretary, teacher, coach, custodian, etc.
The crisis team members should not only have the skills to deal with crises, but an interest with
dealing with crisis. Some people have all of the necessary skills to handle crisis, but feel
uncomfortable in those situations that their skills are not useful. Please consider this information
when selecting your team.
One team member will be assigned to meet the Emergency Response Teams when they arrive
on the campus. One team member will also be assigned to greet and manage the media until the
district’s spokesperson arrives.
LIST YOUR CAMPUS CRISIS TEAM MEMBERS (an alternate may be included)
Appendix A
Superintendent’s letter to parents:
Date: ______________
Dear Parent(s),
Today the school district is notifying you, the parent, of the disturbance at our school. (Explain
the disturbance and how it is being handled…)
This disturbance may have impact on all of us in different ways. With this in mind, the school
district has made arrangements to have additional counselors available at school to provide
counseling services to those students who are in need of, or desire services.
For additional information about counseling services, please call the Liberty School and talk to
one of the principals at 555-5555.
Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.
Notification for Media
(Formal Statement and Response to Incoming Calls)
Formal Statement
________________________ (School) is sad to report that a hostile parent injured several
students/faculty members. ___________________ (School) will be working with the local law
enforcement office and the injured staff member’s family.
Currently there are no deaths reported. School counselors and community mental health
representatives are available to any student who wishes to talk about the incident.
Response to Incoming Calls
The school has designated a media spokesperson. Please feel free to contact ______________
with your questions and concerns. We would like to respond to your questions in an organized
manner. To assist you, _____________________, will be meeting with concerned members of
the media at _____________________, in ______________________ (place). At that time, we
will provide information about the school’s response to this crisis and identify additional
resources in the community to support the families of our students.
Teacher Response to Students
I know it may be difficult for some of us to continue our work today. To help us deal with
our feelings, the counselor along with the visiting counselors have set up areas through the
school to assist those of us who need someone to talk with. Remember, it is normal for us to feel
sad and upset during times like this. Talking with someone can help us deal with these emotions.
If you would like to speak to a counselor, just let me know, and I will make the appropriate
arrangements for you.
Ambulance / Fire Department / Police Department 911
Liberty Police Department 555-7777
Adult Protective Services 777-5555
American Red Cross 592-757-5555
Child Protective Services 757-7777
City / County Health and Environmental Department 575-5555
Liberty ISD Administration (Superintendent) 575-7777
EMS – Communication – EPPD Hdqts. 757-7575
Del Sol 757-5757
Las Palmas 575-7755
Providence Memorial Hospital 577-7777
Liberty City Medical Center 757-5557
Thomason Hospital 575-7775
Liberty City Hospital 555-5557
Missing Persons Clearinghouse 1-800-346-3243
Poison Control Center 577-7775
Rape Crisis Hotline 1-800-886-7273
Runaway Hotline 1-800-621-4000
Sheriff’s Department 555-5557
Liberty’s Department of Highways and Public Transportation 775-7775
Liberty City’s Department of Public Safety 855-2105
United Way Information and Referral 775-5555
Weather (recording) 577-7777