BIO240 Exam #1 Answer key Professor Jill Carroll I stated that some of the end of chapter questions or review questions would be seen on the exam – either the exact same question, or a similar one. For those of you that did not believe me: Question #38a – on review sheet Question #39 – similar to question 3.29 Question #40 – similar to question 3.33 (genotypes altered) Question #41 – on review sheet (observed numbers were changed) Question #42 – similar to question 4.33 Question #44 – similar concept to question 5.22 from review sheet Question #45 – question 5.35 Other end of chapter questions or review questions/concepts of them were also seen elsewhere on the exam! 37. Contrast meiosis I and meiosis II. The same events occur in both stages – Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. In Prophase I, homologous chromosomes pair, and crossing over occurs. In Metaphase I, homologous pairs align at equatorial plate, and pairs separate during Anaphase I. In Meiosis II, there are no homologous pairs since the cells at that point are haploid. Chromosomes line up individuals during Metaphase II, and Anaphase II separates sister chromatids into individual chromosomes (events are Meiosis II are similar to those of mitosis) 38. Contrast each of the following pairs of concepts: a. Incomplete penetrance vs. variable expressivity Incomplete penetrance indicates than less than 100% of individuals with the same genotype will express the expected phenotype. For example: even though polydactyly is a dominant trait, some heterozygous individuals will have the normal number of digits. Their dominant allele, however, can be expressed in their offspring. Variable expressivity indicates that a single genotype can yield a range of phenotypes, from mild to severe. For example, if CB = black, and CW = white, CBCW individuals can exhibit colors from pale gray to almost black. b. Sex-linked trait vs. sex-influenced trait Sex-linked traits are genes that are located on a sex chromosome, which often is different between the sexes. For example, white-eye color in fruit flies is an X-linked recessive trait.A female must have two white-eyed alleles in order to have white eyes; males only have a single X chromosome – and expressed whichever ONE allele they have (in the XX-XY determination system) Sex-influenced traits are autosomal genes – both males and females have two copies of then gene. The EXPRESSION of the heterozygote condition varies from male to female. In one sex (usually the male), the trait is dominant, but it is recessive in the female. For example, horns is dominat in males, but recessive in females. A Hh male would display horns, but a female with the same genotype would be hornless. 39. In the jimsonweed, purple flower (P) is dominant to white (p) and spiny pods (S) are dominant to smooth (s). In a cross between a homozygote for white flowers and spiny pods and a homozygote for purple flowers and smooth pods, determine the phenotype of: (show your work) a. The F1 generation Since the P generation is ppSS x PPss, 100% of the F1 will be purple, spiny (PpSs) b. The F2 generation The F2 generation will have an expected yield of 9 purple spiny: 3 purple smooth: 3 white spiny: 1 white smooth Gametes PS Ps pS ps PS Ps pS Ps PPSS Purple spiny PPSs Purple spiny PpSS Purple spiny PpSs Purple spiny PPSs Purple spiny PPss Purple smooth PpSs Purple spiny Ppss Purple smooth PpSS Purple spiny PpSs Purple spiny ppSS white spiny ppSs white spiny PpSs Purple spiny Ppss Purple smooth ppSs white spiny ppss white smooth c. Progeny of a cross of the F1 back to the white, spiny parent PpSs x ppSS Expected ratio is 1 purple spiny: 1 white spiny Gametes pS PS Ps pS ps PpSS Purple spiny PpSs Purple spiny ppSS white spiny ppSS white spiny 40. In cucumbers, dull fruit (D) is dominant over glossy fruit (d); orange fruit (R) is dominant over cream fruit (r); bitter cotyledons (B) are dominant over non-bitter cotyledons. The three characters are encoded by genes located on different pairs of chromosomes. A DdRRbb individual is crossed with a DdrrBb individual. Give the expected proportions of phenotypes among the progeny of this cross. (show your work either by Punnett square or branch diagram) Punnett square DrB Drb drB drb DRb dRb DDRrBb Dull, orange, bitter DDRrbb Dull, orange, non-bitter DdRrBb Dull, orange, bitter DdRrbb Dull, orange, non-bitter DdRrBb Dull, orange, bitter DdRrbb Dull, orange, non-bitter ddRrBb glossy, orange, bitter ddRrbb glossy, orange, non-bitter Branch ¾ D_ ½ B_ = 3/8 D_R_B_ dull, orange, bitter ½ bb 3/8 D_R_bb dull, orange, non-bitter 1 R_ ¼ dd = ½ B_ = 1/8 ddR_B_ glossy, orange, bitter ½ bb 1/8 ddR_bb glossy, orange, non-bitter 1 R_ = 41. Some flies have white eyes and others red eyes. The difference in eye color is due to inheritance of one gene. Two true-breeding flies are mated, with the female white-eyed and the male red-eyed. The F1 are ½ red eyed and female, and ½ white-eyed and male. (There are no white-eyed females, or red-eyed males.) The F2 includes: Phenotypes 53 red-eye females 45 white-eyed females 42 red-eyed males 60 white-eyed males Observed Number (o) Expected Number (e) d (o – e) d2 d2 / e 53 50 3 9 0.18 45 50 -5 25 0.5 42 50 -8 64 1.28 60 200 50 10 100 2.0 3.96 Red-eye female White-eye female Red-eye male White-eye male Total 2 = _3.96_______ Degrees of freedom (df) = __3____ _0.5___ > P > _0.1___ a. Complete the 2 table. (For the exam, you would be provided with a copy of the 2 probability table.) Based on the information – there are no white eyed females and no red eyed males in F1. Any differences seen between the sexes such as these indicate that this is an X-linked trait. Let XR = red and XW = white. The F1 females are XRXW, and the F1 males are XWY. Such a cross will yield the following expected ratio for the F2 generation: 1 red eyed female:1 white eyed female: 1 red eyed male: 1 white eyed male. XW Y XR XRXW Red female XRY Red male XW XWXW Whitefemale XWY White male b. Write the null hypothesis (H0). The is no difference between the observed ratio and the expected ratio of 1 red eyed female: 1 white eyed female: 1 red eyed male; 1 white eyed male. NOTE: The null hypothesis is NOT that observed is due to random chance (this is a genetics class, afterall) – it is that the DIFFERENCE between observed and expected values is due to chance. c. Briefly interpret of the results of the 2 test. In your answer, be certain that you identify the mode of inheritance for the white eye color of flies. The null hypothesis can be accepted since the P value falls between 0.1 and 0.5. This means that there is a 10%-50% probability differences observed is just due to random chance. White eyes is an X -linked recessive trait, with red eyes being the dominant form. 42. Pink toe pads (T) is an autosomal trait that is DOMINANT to black toe pads (t). Round ears (XE) is an Xlinked trait that is dominant to pointy ears (Xe). You cross a female rat with pink toe pads and pointy ears to a male rat with black toe pads and round ears. The F1 progeny all have pink toe pads. What is the genotype of parental generation? What is the genotype of the F1 progeny? If the F1 are crossed to produce F2 progeny, what proportions of phenotypes is seen? Show your work. P generation ♀ TTXeXe (must be homozygous TT since all offspring have pink toes) x ♂ ttXEY F1 generation ♀ TtXEXe (pink toes round ears) x ♂ TtXeY (pink toes pointy ears) F2 generation Punnett square TXe tXe TY tY For daughters: 3/8 pink round 3/8 pink pointy 1/8 black round 1/8 black pointy TXE TXe tXE tXe TTXEXe Pink round female TtXEXe Pink round female TTXEY Pink round male TtXEY Pink round male TTXeXe Pink pointy female TtXeXe Pink pointy female TTXeY Pink pointy male TtXeY Pink pointy male TtXEXe Pink round female ttXEXe black round female TtXEY Pink round male ttXEY black round male TtXeXe Pink pointy female ttXeXe back pointy female TtXeY Pink pointy male ttXeY black pointy male For sons: 3/8 pink round 3/8 pink pointy 1/8 black round 1/8 black pointy Branch diagram ♀ TtXEXe (pink toes round ears) x ♂ TtXeY (pink toes pointy ears) ¼ XEXe 3/16 pink round female ¼ Xe Xe 3/16 pink pointy female ¼ XEY 3/16 pink round male ¼ XeY 3/16 pink pointy male ¼ XEXe 1/16 black round female ¼ Xe Xe 1/16 black pointy female ¼ XEY 1/16 black round male ¼ XeY 1/16 black pointy male ¾ T_ ¼ tt 43. In Drosophila, a mutant strain has plum-colored eyes. A cross between a plum-eyed male and a plum-eyed female gives 2/3 plum-eyed and 1/3 red-eyed (wild type) progeny flies. A second mutant strain of Drosophila called stubble, has short bristles instead of the normal long bristles. A cross between a stubble female and a stubble male gives 2/3 stubble and 1/3 normal bristle flies in the offspring. Assuming that the plum gene assorts independently from the stubble gene, what will be the phenotypes and their relative proportions in the progeny of a cross between two plum-eyed, stubble-bristled flies? Describe the inheritance pattern of plum eyes and stubble bristles. (Both genes are autosomal). Show your work. With the information given, both plum-colored eyes and stubble bristles are lethal alleles in the homozygous condition(which is why the offspring are in ratios of thirds instead of quarters). Therefore, you would not see homozygotes for either plum eyes or stubble bristles in surviving offspring. Let P = plum eyes, p = red/wild type eyes S = stubble bristles, s = normal (long bristles) P generation PpSs x PpSs Either a Punnett square or branch diagram could be used (personally, I would have gone the branch diagram route – a lot faster to do, and since the ratios of offspring are given, you could have done the calculations even if you didn’t realize the lethal pattern!) The problem states that both traits are AUTOSOMAL, so NO sex chromosomes should be used. Branch Diagram 2/3 Ss = 4/9 PpSs plum, stubble 1/3 ss = 2/9 Ppss plum, normal 2/3 Ss = 2/9 ppSs red, stubble 1/3 ss = 1/9 ppss red, normal 2/3 Pp 1/3 pp Punnett Square PS Ps pS ps PS PPSS Lethal PPSs Lethal PpSS Lethal Ps PPSs Lethal PPss Lethal pS PpSS Lethal Ps PpSs Plum stubble PpSs Plum stubble Ppss Plum normal PpSs Plum stubble ppSS Lethal PpSs Plum stubble Ppss Plum normal ppSs red stubble ppss red normal ppSs red stubble 44. You are studying body color in an African spider and have found that it is controlled by a single gene with four alleles: B (brown), br (red), bg (green), and by (yellow). B is dominant to all the other alleles, and by is recessive to all the other alleles. The bg allele is dominant to by but recessive to br. a. You cross a pure-breeding brown spider with a pure breeding red spider. Diagram the cross and predict the genotype and phenotype of the progeny. BB x brbr B B br br Bbr Bbr Bbr Bbr 100% brown offspring b. You cross a pure-breeding brown spider with a pure-breeding green spider. Diagram the cross and predict the genotype and phenotype of the progeny. BB x bgbg B B bg bg Bbg Bbg Bbg Bbg 100% brown offspring c. You cross the progeny from parts (a) and (b), Diagram the cross and predict the genotype and phenotype of the progeny. Bbr x Bbg B br B bg BB Bbr Bbg brbg 75% brown offspring:25% red d. You cross the non-brown progeny from part (c) to a pure-breeding yellow spider. Diagram the cross and predict the genotype and phenotype of the progeny. brbg x byby br bg 50% red offspring:50% green by brby bgby 45. In some goats, the presence of horns is produced by an autosomal gene that is dominant in males and recessive in females. A horned female is crossed with a hornless male. The F1 offspring are then intercrossed to produce the F2 generation. What are the phenotypic proportions of the F2 generation? Show your work. Since horns is dominant in males, a male needs only one copy of the allele to have horns; in females, horns is recessive, so a female must be homozygous for the horn allele to exhibit horns. (The problem states that the trait is AUTOSOMAL, so NO sex chromosomes should be used) “Horn” = horns “Less” = no horns P generation ♀horns/horns x ♂ less/less F1 generation 100% horns/less (100% of sons will have horns; 100% of daughters will be hornless) F2 generation genotypes: 25% horns/horns 50% horns/less 25% less/less Phenotypes ♀ 75% hornless:25% horns ♂ 75% horns:25% hornless