Peacock Healthcare Patient Participation Group Minutes Peacock Healthcare PPG meeting number 2 16th October 2014 @ 13:30. Upstairs meeting room @ Peacock Healthcare Present: Steve Johns (SJ) Jennifer Johns (JJ) PPG chair PPG vice chair Lesley Cassidy (LC) Maureen Shillcock (MS) Gloria Walker (GW) Margaret Whitworth (MW) PPG committee member “ “ “ Michael Orozco (MO) Peacock Healthcare Practice Manager Apologies: Martin Gorman (MG) Sheila Stanley (SS) Robert Stanley (RS) Wendy Carr (WC) PPG committee member “ “ Peacock Healthcare (minutes) Action Item PPG 001 Welcome and Apologies Apologies were noted by the Chair PPG 002 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (11.09.14) Accepted as an accurate account of the meeting. Maureen Whitworth (MW) asked that PPG be written out in full. It was agreed that the first reference would be ‘Patient Participation Group (PPG)’, and then after that PPG on its own would be used. It was also agreed that the minutes should have a heading stating which meeting this was, and that the pages should be numbered. Matters Arising and Actions from the Previous Meeting Jennifer Johns (JJ) stated that only matters arising should be discussed here, and not any new topics. PPG 003 Action re the constitution. Would not be beneficial at this stage to be discussed as it was decided at the People’s Council that a draft constitution for all PPGs in the Nottingham North East are (NNE) should be drawn up. No further work to be done until this is available. Page 1 of 5 Peacock Healthcare Patient Participation Group Action for Steve and Jennifer Johns (SJ & JJ) to investigate what awareness Weeks are planned and which the PPG should promote. Action cleared. To be discussed later under Awareness Weeks coming up. Action for SJ to contact Darren Bailey re PPG enablement. In fact Darren Bailey is to contact PPGs when he is ready. Action cleared Action for Michael Orozco (MO) to send a copy of last year’s GP national survey. MO stated that he had sent this, but SJ had not received it. MO to re-send. (Note re action number. The format is meeting number/action number in that meeting – who is responsible for the action) PPG 004 Staff Matters MO stated that the practice would be employing another Health Care Assistant (HCA) who would initially focus on the NHS Health Check Programme / long term conditions and would support the existing HCA & Nursing team. PPG 005 Awareness Weeks coming up JJ had investigated the NHS website and a ‘Self Care Week 17/11 – 23/11’ was advertised (although it was not easy to find on the website). See link 02/01 MO JJ produced screen prints of items that were accessible from the main Self Care week page, such as Winter Health. There is a lot of information covering long term conditions too. MO stated that the practice would support this week. A discussion took place and it was agreed that the PPG would promote this week. All to attend the surgery on Monday 17/11, aiming to get there between 09.330 and 10.00 to allow setup of any table with leaflets etc. The promotion to take place between 10.00 and 12.00. Similar times would be followed on Tuesday 18/11 and Wednesday 19/11. MS could not make Tuesday, and JJ & SJ could not make Wednesday. Who would attend Tuesday/Wednesday would be decided on Monday. Next PPG meeting would be on the Thursday when it could be discussed how the PPG had felt it had gone. Action for SJ/JJ to check if there are any leaflets or banners on the Self Care week available from the CCG or the Self Care Forum web pages. Action for MO to check if anything is being done on a local level and try to get the relevant staff from the forum/NHS into the surgery to support the PPG/practice 02/02 SJ/JJ 02/03 MO Page 2 of 5 Peacock Healthcare Patient Participation Group PPG 006 Notes from People’s Council Possibility of having X-rays done at Park House. Still under discussion. MO stated that he would talk to Dr. Oliver re what is the situation with funding for this. Action for MO to speak to Dr. Oliver. 02/04 MO Re the issue of Parking at Park House. MO has spoken to the manager of Tesco re partnership working as part of Urgent Care Pilot. Also explored possibility of Park House staff / Patients parking at Tesco free of charge as part of the service in support of the Urgent Care Pilot. Looks promising re using the car park. This may free spaces at Park House for patient parking. 02/05 MO Action for MO to continue discussions Prescribing Strategy. Review underway of higher risk patients looking for prescribing errors. e.g. where guidelines have changed but prescriptions haven’t. A letter has been drafted, but then was re-drafted into plain English. Asked for comments - JJ appears to have been the only one that replied. PPG enablement Minutes stated that only Plains View registered with NAPP, but The Peacock Healthcare is also registered. Shared Decision Making Tool. Feedback required by Michael Ellis. JJ thought she’d responded, but can’t find anything in the Sent mail, so has missed the deadline! Emergency Department (ED) project Planning to do 24 hour data collection at A&E to determine who is using A&E and why. Is it because people can’t get appointment to see the Dr? This is in the early stages of planning. MO stated that this type of survey had been done before and it was found that many people were not registered with a GP. JJ concerned re volunteers going to A&E and asking people questions. Arriva Transport Presentation given by Darren Clark. Arriva doing 800 - 1000 journeys a day. Initial difficulties as the figures given by EMAS did not match requirements e.g. no. of wheelchair users. Arriva do not transport wheelchairs in cars. If the person can get out of their chair, they get in the car and leave the wheelchair at home. Then at other end need to get a wheelchair which can be a problem. Page 3 of 5 Peacock Healthcare Patient Participation Group They do have vehicles to transport patient in a wheelchair, but the person booking it needs to say this. The bookers are having further training to assess the needs of the person. Collections from discharge not meeting their targets of 90 - 95% within 1 hr. Targets can be affected by medication and discharge papers not being ready when the transport arrives. Letters regarding booking transport are confusing and are being rewritten. NNE (Nottingham North & East CCG) You said/we did report. Report will be updated quarterly. Any information which would identify a patient is not included. There were some positive comments. Can share this report with the PPGs and is there anything else we would like to see. (Have printed copy of the report). Note that PALS covers patient experience as well as complaints. PPG constitution/T.O.R. Various key points were highlighted e.g. TORs are good but difficult to keep if few members. Also, having a list of rules could put people off. It was agreed that a generic TOR would be generated and that a NAPP representative (National Association of Patient Participation) would attend future meeting of the People’s Council. Parking Parking at surgeries is an issue especially at Oakenhall and Park House. Various actions were given along the lines of speaking to the local council. MO stated that he is in talks with the car wash people next door to The Peacock Healthcare about the possibility of using some spaces there for patients and has had a positive response. JJ has received dates of the next years Peoples Council meetings. PPG 007 PPG 008 Area 3 PPG Items covered were mainly what happened at the People’s Council. Also, Dr. Patel introduced a session practicing Breathing techniques to calm the mind and Mantra meditation. Patient Comments/Suggestions SJ had raised various items with the practice prior to our PPG meetings starting. 1) The sign in touch screen is in the wrong place. MO stated that this was to be moved to the wall on the left of the entrance door and there may be 2 screens. 2) A queue builds up while the receptionist answers the phone. It is planned that the phones will be answered in the back office leaving the receptionist free to deal with patients Page 4 of 5 Peacock Healthcare Patient Participation Group coming to the desk. 3) Items raised are posted to the Peacock Healthcare website. PPG 009 Patient Complaints/Plaudits MO stated that any complaints are handled promptly within the surgery. Specific medical complaints would not be brought to the PPG in the first instance. Non-medical or those with a common theme could be depending on the circumstances. In each case no patient identifiable data would be disclosed. PPG 010 Constitution To be covered in future meetings PPG 011 Fundraising Nothing to be undertaken yet PPG 012 Newsletter JJ circulated a document re availability of Dr Oliver and Dr Patel for patient appointments. It attempts to explain why they are not around as much as patients may wish. All agreed that this was a good item to put in a forthcoming newsletter PPG 013 Any other Business 1. TV screens SJ had sent a link to MO re having advertising e.g. flu jabs on a TV screen and how everything is updated. MO stated that he was aware of this system and was part of the original planning for new premises however due to conflicting financial pressures it was put on hold. It is an expensive option and is currently being reviewed. 2. Next meeting The next meeting will be informal and will have some hot snacks provided by the surgery (Dr Patel and Mrs Orozco). SJ asked the PPG and MO if it was acceptable to invite the Chair and Vice chair of Plains View Surgery to this meeting as they had been very helpful to SJ & JJ re the PPG setup. Assuming they were available, PPG members could ask them any questions they may have. 02/06 SJ All agreed that this would be acceptable. Action for SJ to invite the Plains View Chair and Vice Chair Date of the next meeting Thursday 20th November, 2.00pm upstairs meeting room @ Peacock Healthcare Page 5 of 5