June 2014 - Washington Parish Council

Clerk to the Council: Mrs R Luckin, Bramley Cottage, Hole Street, Wiston,
West Sussex, BN44 3DH. E-mail: clerk@washingtonparish.org.uk
Phone: 01903 893548. Website: www.washingtonparish.org.uk
It’s been all change at the top. We now have a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council; for a
short biography of each of them, see below. The continued smooth running of the Council is assured. Another
change, though, is bound to leave the editor of the Newsletter a little apprehensive: how can we ever recruit a
Clerk so attuned to its needs and efficient in its production as Rebecca (who leaves to take up the post of Parish
Clerk of Steyning in August)?; well, we can but hope. Very many thanks, Rebecca!
As we have often said here, things really do move on, but slowly. The note ‘From the Chairman’ below lists
some welcome successes. Meanwhile there’s been no news on the proposed motorable track up the face of
Chanctonbury Hill. As for Rock Mill, we understand that its purchase by Wiston Estate is in its final stages.
Representatives of the Parish Council were invited recently to a meeting with the owners of Wiston and the
contractors Dudman to discuss the future of the huge Rock Common sand-pit, now that quarrying has almost
ceased. It is clear that the sides of the quarry will need shoring up before erosion takes its toll, but we feel
parishioners would very much regret losing the striking exposure of sandstone cliffs (that constitute a
Regionally Significant Geological Site, or RIGS). At least we avoided its becoming a landfill site a few years
This time last year, as the year before, I made an approximate count of the number of orchids in flower at the NE corner of the ‘Triangle’. As last year, there are now (15th June) around 300 Heath and Common Spotted
orchids, with a few Fragrant and Pyramidal orchids among them. It seems they have spread a bit further,
particularly on the far side of the slip-road, where there are a couple of hundred more. Last year a few choice
specimens were (illegally) dug up – worth keeping a watchful eye open for such activity. The Triangle’s famous
White Poplars seem to be suckering rapidly and may need to be controlled.
A last change at the top: the Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, David Cook, is stepping
down, and a replacement must be found. The Village Hall Management Committee meets on 9th July at 7.30. If
you’re interested, please contact David (746276), Pat O’Shea (01243-551966) or Rob Gerig (07909 222458).
Robin Milner-Gulland
New Chairman and Vice Chairman announced
At the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 12th May, councillors elected Cllr Patrick Heeley to serve as
Chairman, and Cllr David Whyberd to serve as Vice Chairman, for the coming year. Both represent Heath
Common ward. Councillors recorded their thanks to Cllr Lesley Britt, who had chaired the council for many
years and continues as an active member of the Parish Council.
Patrick has lived in West Sussex for most of his life, moving to the parish five years ago, and subsequently
retiring from his role as managing director of the UK subsidiary of a major European ceramics manufacturer.
He joined the Parish Council three years ago, and has served as Vice Chairman for the past two years, also
chairing the Planning & Transport Committee. He is married with three grown up children, and as well as his P.
C. work, he is acting Chairman of the road fund for Sanctuary Lane, Georges Lane and Vera’s Walk.
David retired from a career in which he had responsibility for the environment in a multinational pharmaceutical
company covering over 150 sites, worldwide. He has served as a County Councillor for West Sussex for 12 years,
and subsequently as a Town Councillor for Haywards Heath where he became Mayor. He has been greatly
involved in work with charities, being Vice Chairman of 4Sight (West Sussex Association for the Blind), giving
talks about Guide Dogs and the RNIB. He serves as the Disabilities Representative on the Countryside Access
Forum for West Sussex and has been a Parish Councillor for Washington for the past three years, chairing the
Open Spaces Committee.
From the Chairman
2014 will go on record as a very busy year for your Parish Council, but also one of many achievements. You will
recently have received, and hopefully completed, the community survey – your opportunity to have a real input
into the Neighbourhood Plan which is being prepared jointly with Storrington & Sullington Parish Council. This
plan will lay down firm foundations for development in the area over the next 20 years, and if adopted, will be
enshrined in law, giving real local control over how and where future development occurs. Early next year, you’ll
be able to vote for or against the plan in a local referendum.
It’s good to see we’ve had some real “wins” recently, on issues including a new 30mph speed limit to be
introduced in the village, real progress towards installing Vehicle Activated Sign at the dangerous pedestrian
crossing near Kia Garage, and even the removal of “that tree” on the corner of Newhouse Lane and Rock Rd,
which has helped improve visibility at this tricky junction.
The Parish Council strives to provide valuable services for both its wards, whilst being cost effective and holding
our precept without increase for the past four years. As part of our community engagement strategy, we’d like to
know your views. Come and see us at Washington Village Day on 12th July, where Councillors and the Clerk will
be manning a stand. Or come along to the monthly Parish Council meeting at the small hall in Washington, held
on the first Monday of each month.
Finally, on a sad note, our clerk, Rebecca Luckin, will be leaving us at the end of July to take on the full time role
of Clerk to Steyning Parish council. She has done a marvellous job, and we’ll miss her greatly, but look forward
to staying in touch. All the councillors wish her the very best of luck in her new role. We’re now recruiting for a
new Clerk, so watch this space! - Cllr Patrick Heeley
Vacancy for Parish Councillor to represent the Heath Common Ward
Councillor Alison Jennings has recently resigned due to family commitments, leaving a vacancy on the Parish
Council. A new member is required to represent the Heath Common Ward. Please contact the Clerk or any of
the Councillors for any further information.
Reduction of Speed Limit – London Road, Washington village
Cllr David Horwood and other Washington Parish Councillors have been working with West Sussex County
Councillors and Officers to see the speed limit in the village reduced to 30mph. This can sometimes be a
lengthy process, but at a meeting of the Chanctonbury Local Committee on 11th June, Chairman Cllr David
Barling (WSCC) confirmed that further traffic assessments were taking place, with a view to the speed
reduction being implemented in the current financial year.
A283 Pedestrian Crossing
Washington Parish Councillors are in discussion with West Sussex County Councillors and Officers in regard to
placing a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) to alert drivers that they should slow down. This is an expensive
project and Councillors were very grateful to receive a contribution from Barratt’s Homes of £2,000 towards the
cost. Councillors would welcome further contributions from the business community within Washington.
A24 Bus Crossing Gap
The Clerk and Councillors recently spent time monitoring use of the A24 Bus Crossing Gap. The gap is
provided for buses and taxis only, and use by any other vehicle is illegal and dangerous. Councillors continue
to work with the Sussex Police to ensure that illegal use is reported and drivers prosecuted.
Spring Clean-up – April 2014
A big thank you to Alan Stephenson, Jane & David Freeman, Nicola Bean, Tony Smith, Chris Keyte, Nigel
Baker, Rosemary Hensley and Lesley Britt who took part in our third year of litter picking in Washington. It's
always staggering to see how many bags of rubbish we manage to fill in a morning. Washington Bostal, the
South Downs way car park and village Triangle were cleared. The litter pick helps to create a good impression
for visitors to our village. I will arrange another litter pick in October, so please do try and come along to make
a difference to your village. Thank you to Squires Garden Centre and The Village Larder for donating the litter
picking equipment that enabled volunteers to undertake the Spring clean-up. Thanks also to Stella Russell, the
Parish Council’s Litter Warden, who clears our litter on a weekly basis – Cllr David Horwood.
Following completion of a First Aid Course last year, Cllr Lesley Britt proposed that Washington Parish
Council provide two Defibrillators for the parish. First Responder, Elizabeth Greenfield helped Councillors to
obtain units at the very best price and kindly provided training recently. A defibrillator unit has now been
placed on the outside of Washington Village Hall and at the Parish Council noticeboard at Pixie’s Corner, Heath
Common. In the event of an emergency, a defibrillator unit can be used by any member of the public, whether
trained or not. The unit will ‘talk’ the user through the process and monitors the casualty to ensure that the
appropriate shock is delivered, if required. Units are alarmed to deter misuse or vandalism. In the event that the
alarm is accidently tripped, keys are held by Councillors.
Washington Village Day 2014
This year: on Saturday 12 July, from 12 noon to 5pm. We are having a 50’s theme, opening earlier and
providing lunch for people to enjoy. Please do enter for free as many classes in the Produce Show as you can,
bringing them to the Small Hall 8.00 to 10am. Arena events will start at 2pm, as will teas in the Village Hall,
and from 3 to 4.30pm there will be a Tea Dance, with Three Penny Piece and all the lovely music of the
40’s/50’s. We have a great selection of stalls, games to play, children’s bouncy castle and slide, vintage cars,
and the much loved Dog Show. So do come along and have a relaxing enjoyable afternoon on the Recreation
Ground. Volunteers to help for an hour on the day would be most appreciated (contact Sue: 892159).
Concert – Saturday 28th June
The Concert tickets are selling fast (numbers are limited) so don't miss out: buy your Concert tickets now to
hear Welsh Tenor, Ben Smith of ‘Only Men Aloud’, performing in St. Mary’s Church on Saturday 28th June at
7.30 pm. Together with the beautiful soprano Rowan Pierce, cellist Leah Evans and pianist/violinist David
Larkin, Ben will sing a selection of well-known light classics as well as songs from favourite musicals. Ticket
Price £12.50 to include interval drinks in the Old Vicarage garden (or in the church if wet – which it won’t be!!)
Tickets available from Irene on 01903 892631, and The Village Larder (at Squire’s Garden Centre).
Calling all Scarecrows!
I hope your owners are dusting you off, remaking you and coming up with witty captions. I want to see you all
on parade 10.00 am Saturday 28th June! Please let me know your entry in advance so that I can give you all a
number. Thanks - Trisha (01903 746276)
Choral Evensong
West Chiltington Church Choir are very kindly going to visit Washington and help us with a Choral Evensong.
We do need as many Washington singers as possible to join with them to make it a 'Washington' Evensong.
Don't worry if you have never sung an Evensong before it is really easy and a rehearsal will be arranged. Don't
forget you can also play a part by being one of the congregation. Do please contact me if you can come and
sing. Thanks - Trisha (01903 746276)
National Gardens Scheme – The Old Vicarage, Washington
Well over 3,000 private gardens nationwide open their gates for charitable purposes as part of the NGS: it is
indeed a major donor to several (mostly medical) charities. We are lucky to have one such fine garden in the
middle of Washington at the Old Vicarage. Its next public opening will be during ‘Washington Weekend’, 28th29th June, coinciding with the Scarecrow display and Concert (see above).
Washington Village Memorial Hall
We have several events coming up: see our website, www.wasahall.co.uk. On 16th August, note Music Night;
on 27th September, ‘Murder Mystery Evening’. AGM: 9th July (see Editorial).
Call 101 to help stop illegal off-roading in the countryside
People witnessing illegal or anti-social off-road driving on paths in the countryside are being called on to report
it to the police using the new 101 phone number. Sussex Pathwatch is a special service set up to help protect
the safety of everyone using rights-of-way, fields and woodland to prevent the damage that illegal off-roading
can cause. Anyone can report an offence by calling 101 or emailing contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk in
Sussex. Angela Ward, ranger for the South Downs National Park, said: “Most people driving off-road do so
legally and with consideration for other people. Unfortunately there are a small minority driving illegally. If
illegal off-roading isn’t reported then the police can’t take any action. Off-roading can be great fun, so if you
want advice on how to do it legally speak to the Land Access and Recreation Association, the Trials Rider
Fellowship or ask us on Twitter @SussexPathwatch or Facebook.” Find out more about Sussex Pathwatch at
Washington Ward Members
Cllr Lesley Britt, 1 Rose Cottage, The Street, Washington, RH20 4AS
E-mail: lesley.britt@btinternet.com
Cllr Michael Turley, Garden Cottage, School Lane, Washington, RH20 4AP,
E-mail: turleyorama@gmail.com
Cllr Nora Dorè, 19 Chanctonbury Close, Washington, RH20 4AR
Cllr David Horwood, 6 New Cottages, The Holt, Washington, RH20 4AW
E-mail: david@davidhorwood.com
Cllr Robin Milner-Gulland, Tilleys Cottage, The Pike, Washington, RH20 4AA
E-mail: rrm24@sussex.ac.uk
Heath Common Ward Members
Chairman: Cllr Patrick Heeley, Uphill Cottage, Vera’s Walk, Storrington, RH20 3JF
E-mail: patrick.heeley@gmx.co.uk
Vice-chairman: Cllr David Whyberd, Wychwood, Chestnut Close, Storrington, RH20 3PA
E-mail: davidwhyberd@uwclub.net
Cllr Christine Beglan, Wrens Hill, Georges Lane, Storrington, RH20 3JH
Cllr Rick Thomas, Windrush, Vera’s Walk, Storrington, RH20 3JF
Cllr Trisha Cook, Mulberry Cottage, Sandy Lane, Storrington, RH20 3JJ
E-mail: trisha@trishacook.co.uk
VACANCY for Parish Councillor to represent the Heath Common Ward
Clerk to the Council
Rebecca Luckin, Bramley Cottage, Hole Street, Wiston, BN44 3DH
E-mail: clerk@washingtonparish.org.uk Website: www.washingtonparish.org.uk
Phone: 01903 893548
District and County Councillors:
Cllr Philip Circus – West Sussex County Council
Cllr Diana Van Der Klugt – Horsham District
Cllr Jim Sanson – Horsham District Council
Cllr Ray Dawe - Horsham District Council