Supporting Information The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on tropical performance in the HadGEM2-ES coupled climate model. This supporting information gives additional specific information on analysis methods and results. S1. Areas for Quantitative Analysis areas The areas for quantitative analysis are based on those of Giorgi (2006) and are indicated in Figure S1. Supporting Information Figure S1. Showing the regions of investigation. CAM: Central America, split into CAM-W and CAM-E; AMZ: Amazonia; AF: Sahelian Africa; SOF: Southern Africa, SAS: South Asia; SEA: South East Asia. AF merges the original16 west Africa (WAF) and east Africa regions (EAF), while CAM-E and CAM-W splits the CAM region at 97oW. S2. Seasonal analysis for STRAT simulations Figure S2 provides a qualitative assessment of the seasonal bias in HadGEM2-ES tropical precipitation and the change in precipitation induced under the STRAT experiment. Supporting Information Figure S2. a) The seasonal precipitation bias in HadGEM2-ES (mm day-1) when compared against GPCP data (1979-1998). b) The seasonal change in precipitation from equilibrating the hemispheric albedos in STRAT. A quantitative analysis of the percentage changes in precipitation bias under the STRAT, OCEAN and CLOUD experiments over the regions shown in Figure S1 are given in Table S1. Season DJF MAM JJA SON Region AMZ AF SAS CAM_W CAM_E SEA SOF AMZ AF SAS CAM_W CAM_E SEA SOF AMZ AF SAS CAM_W CAM_E SEA SOF AMZ AF SAS CAM_W CAM_E SEA SOF HIST GPCP (mm day(mm day-1) 1) 5.88 7.16 0.46 0.30 0.58 0.67 0.69 1.43 1.83 2.03 6.41 8.03 5.07 5.83 5.79 6.54 2.31 1.81 1.73 1.35 0.66 1.36 2.06 2.22 5.75 6.82 3.06 2.67 3.08 4.35 4.65 3.91 7.41 6.79 3.50 4.60 5.66 4.49 5.54 5.26 0.51 0.54 3.77 5.13 2.83 2.42 3.52 2.45 2.14 3.71 4.84 4.02 6.32 5.54 2.10 3.16 Bias reduction STRAT % 59 44 -14 23 -27 10 -11 69 63 36 -18 -199 -5 -30 73 68 79 -27 99 -34 -21 86 85 35 20 73 4 13 Bias reduction OCEAN % Bias reduction CLOUD % 58 85 -12 19 17 5 -42 77 93 73 -11 -314 -3 90 73 78 44 -61 83 26 97 74 64 63 12 81 56 11 34 43 -45 14 19 3 -14 32 42 40 -2 -287 -18 15 38 37 39 -48 59 -7 -23 49 43 24 -2 59 13 4 Supporting Information Table S1: The absolute values of the rainfall (mm day-1) in each of the regions shown in Figure S1 from the GPCP data set and the HIST simulation. The improvement (%) for simulations STRAT, OCEAN and CLOUD with respect to the HIST simulation is calculated as 100 x (abs(HIST-GPCP) – abs(SIM-GPCP)) / abs(HIST-GPCP), where SIM is either STRAT, OCEAN or CLOUD. Using this definition, positive values represent the percentage improvement in precipitation (marked in red), and negative values represent the percentage deterioration in precipitation (marked in black). S3. Results from the atmosphere only simulations Results from the HIST_FIXED_SST and STRAT_FIXED_SST simulations are compared to those from HIST and STRAT in Figure S3. Supporting Information Figure S3. Quantitative assessment of the change in the bias with respect to GPCP for the JJA season over land in the following regions: AMZ: Amazonia, AF: Sahelian Africa, SAS: South Asia, CAM-W: Central America West, CAM-E: Central America East, SEA: South East Asia, SOF: Southern Africa (see Supporting Information Figure S1 for these regions) for HIST, STRAT, HIST_FIXED_SST and STRAT_FIXED_SST simulations. S4. The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on the moisture flux and precipitation Figure S4 shows the impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos for the STRAT, OCEAN and CLOUD experiments. Supporting Information Figure S4. a) The change (STRAT-HIST) in precipitation (mm day-1) and the moisture flux and moisture flux convergence/divergence at 925hPa (g kg-1ms-1) for 20year mean of JJA. Colours represent changes in precipitation, vectors changes in moisture flux, and grey and black contours changes in moisture flux convergence and divergence respectively. The moisture flux divergence/convergence contour intervals are -6x10-8, -4x10-8, -2x10-8, 2x10-8, 4x10-8 and 6x10-8 in units of kgkg-1s-1. b) and c) Show the same for OCEAN-HIST and CLOUD-HIST, respectively. S5. The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on the global meridional energy transport. The impact is shown in Figure S5. HIST: OCEAN HIST: ATMOS STRAT: OCEAN STRAT: ATMOS Supporting Information Figure S5. The global northward energy transport (PW) by the atmosphere and ocean from HIST and STRAT simulations. S6. Demonstrating the improvement in hurricane frequency metrics Supporting Information Figure S6. Analysis of the HIST and STRAT simulations, and comparison against observed data (see Methods for details of observational data sets). MDR is the Maximum Development Region defined by the area 10-20°N in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the analysis is performed over the June-November time period. S7. The bias in SSTs in HIST and STRAT a) b) Supporting Information Figure S7. Bias in annual mean SSTs (K) in the a) HIST and b) STRAT simulations compared against SST climatologies derived from observations. The region shown is 45°N- 45°S. S8. The SSTs gradients in HIST and STRAT compared against observations Supporting Information Figure S8. The normalised tropical Atlantic June-August SSTs as a function of latitude for the HIST and STRAT simulations compared with SSTs derived from observations (AMIP). The normalisation procedure divides by the maximum SST in each case. S9. Putting HadGEM2-ES in context with other models Supporting Information Figure S9. Filled circles represent a) Hemispheric Temperature Asymmetry and b) Atmospheric cross equatorial heat transport as a function of the precipitation asymmetry index defined by HF13. A similar index (H15) defined as (Sahelian precipitation- Amazonian precipitation)/(Sahelian precipitation + Amazonian precipitation) is shown by the diamonds in b) which is more representative of the current analysis. The x and the + sign represent observational constraints on the HF13 index and H15 index respectively.