C-1 NS 104 – CHEMISTRY Full Course Title: CHEMISTRY Hemija Course Code: NS104 Course Level/BiH cycle: I cycle; 1st year ECTS credit value: 6 ECTS Student work-load: For the whole semester (numbers are represented in hours) Lectures Tutorial / Practical training Individual learning TOTAL 40 20 40 100 Length: SPRING 2015 Faculty/School/Department: FENS, Genetics and Bioengineering Course leader: Prof.Dr.Sabina Semiz , lecturer senior assistant Jasmin Šutković Office: F3.24 e-mail: jsutkovic@ius.edu.ba Thursday 15h-16h Wednesday 10h-12h Phone: +38733957187 F1.7 e-mail: cdurakovic@student.ius. edu.ba Contact details: Office hours: Čamil Duraković Office: Office hours: Phone: Site: IUS building A, F2.14 for lectures and tutorials Host Study Program: Genetic and Bioengineering Course status: University course - required Pre-requisites: No Access restrictions: No Assessment: Lectures, Homework’s, Attendance, Quizzes, Midterm exams and Final Exam 1 C-1 Date validated: Course aims: Learning outcomes: 26th February 2015 This course shall teach the students to acquire knowledge about the nature and its compositions. In order to accomplish this, the following objectives will be achieved: To build a basic knowledge of the structure of chemistry To analyze scientific concepts and think critically To review the importance and relevance of chemistry in our everyday lives To be able to utilize the methods of science as a logical means of problem solving On successful completion of this course the student will be able define the basic concepts of chemistry, including the structure of atoms, electronic configuration. To understand and explain basic equilibrium chemistry and the principle behind four main classes of reaction, e.g., acid-base, oxidation-reduction, complex metric and precipitation reactions. Additionally student should be able to recognise in real live organic compounds and understand their functions and structures. Students will be able to compare and contrast the chemical behaviour and physical properties of common substances. Students will be able classify matter by its state and binding behaviour using the Periodic Table as a reference. Introduction to chemistry, atoms and atomic theories, Chemical compounds and their chemical Indicative syllabus content: Learning delivery: Assessment Rationale: reactions. Aqueous solutions, principles of gases, liquids and solutions, energy and work, covalent vs. Ionic binding, Carbohydrates and Life essential molecules. Lectures and tutorials. Assessment concept is based on continuous work with students during the semester. Evaluation method is based on giving points for each activity, homework assignments, quiz and midterm examination during semester, as well as on final exam. Quizzes(2x) Midterm exam Project Homework’s (5 x 2%) Attendance Assessment Weighting: Essential Reading: Recommended readings: Intranet web reference: 2 x 10% = 20% 20% 10% 10% Required , more than 70% Final exam 40% Total 100% Adveril Eldredge. Chemistry – Principles, Patterns and Applications, 2007.Publisher Pearson http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/index.shtml -- Attendance policy: Important notes: Absence from lectures shall not exceed 30%. Students who exceed the limits with medical or emergency excuse acceptable and approved by the Dean of the relevant faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark zero for this course Course policy: During examination (quiz, midterm and final exam) students are allowed to use calculators and accessories approved by the course lecturer. MOBI LE PHONES are strictly prohibited during the exams. Coming late to the class is not accepted (lateness will be evaluated as absent).Student are not allowed to disturb (talk, eat , etc...) during the classes. 2 C-1 Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and plagiarism is prohibited. However, who tries to cheat and plagiaries will receive one warning but if she/he continues to do so it will result in the expulsion from the class and receive 0 points for that particular exam. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination; Obtaining unauthorized information about an examination before it is given; Using inappropriate or unallowable sources of information during an examination; Falsifying data in experiments and other research; Altering the record of any grades Altering answers after an examination has been submitted; Falsifying any official University record; or, Misrepresenting the facts in order to obtain exemptions from course requirements. Grading policy: GRADES IUS GRADES PERCENT Weight coefficient of IUS grades A (10) A 95-100% 4.0 A- 91-94% 3.7 B+ 88-90% 3.3 B 85-87% 3.0 B- 81-84% 2.7 C+ 78-80% 2.3 C 75-77% 2.0 C- 70-74% 1.7 D+ 65-69% 1.3 E (6) D 55-64% 1.0 F (5) F < 55 0.0 B (9) C (8) D(7) Quality assurance: Quality assurance Through regular monitoring and control of the assistants the process of continuous work of students should be achieved. The entire written and oral request from student will be carefully evaluated by the responsible course holder and through discussion with other professor and course assistance decisions will be made. Quality of the course will be achieved through continues homework assignments and tutorials. Course schedule: 3 C-1 Week Lesson / Date Topics to be covered Class activities Tutorials Problems/ Readings Assignments (Homework) No No / No Page 1- 45 1 1 lesson at 27th Feb.2015 Introduction to course content – syllabus explanation Introduction to course content – syllabus explanation 2 1, 2 lesson at 4th March.2015, Introduction to chemistry – brief history, description of matter, the atom, PSE and units of measurements. Chemistry in everyday life. Atom and atom Tutorial for structure. Historical background of Units chemistry and the most important chemists conversion will be introduced. Chemical elements and Periodic system of elements assessment will be discussed. Measurement units. 3 lesson at 6th March 2015 (tutorials) Learning objectives (After this lesson student will be able to :) / 1. Identify the purpose and major components of atoms and elements. 2. Know the famous chemists and their work and contribution to chemistry. 3. Understand and use the knowledge from periodic system of elements. 4. Be able to convert units. 3 3,4 lesson at 11th Chemical compounds-their March.2015 and binding, naming, structural representations. Chemical compounds properties and binding. It is important to understand their structure and naming. Additionally Yes 1 to 2 hours No Page 46-81 1. Define chemical compounds 2. To know the 4 C-1 5 lesson at 13th March 2015 (tutorials) 4 6,7 lesson at 18thMar.2015, and 8th lesson at 20th March 2015 (tutorials) 5 9th lesson QUIZ1and Hydrocarbons, Acids and Bases and industry important chemicals. Hydrocarbon organic chemicals will be introduced, their properties and use in everyday life .The role of acidic and base substances and compounds in industry. Molecular and Empirical formula in Chemistry. Chemical reactions –Mole and molar masses, empirical and molecular formulas, chemical equations and chemical reactions. Proportions, percentages and unit conversation Chemical reactions behavior and rules. Calculation of molar masses. Additional information for empirical and molecular formulas. Chemical reactions process. Yes Quiz 1 – 30 minutes Forms of energy through the kinetic and potential energy view. Hesses Law and Enthalpy formations and reactions. Fuels and their influence in pollution – green house effect. 10th Lesson at 25th Energy and work – March 2015, Enthalpy. 11th lesson is Tutorial at 27th difference between acid and bases 3. Define and differentiate hydrocarbons 4. Write empirical and molecular formulas 5. Know industry important hydrocarbons No Page 85143 Yes Homework 1 1 to 2 hours (detailed information will be given during the lectures) Page 204254 1 to 2 hours Page 255300 1. Explain the nature of chemical reactions 2. Write empirical and molecular formulas 3. Understand the chemical reactions factors 4. Work with percentages and proportions 1. Fully understand the atomic structure and role in chemical compounds and reactions 2. Define types of energies and 5 C-1 March 6 7 12 and 13 lesson at energy levels. 3. Importance of nutrition and the chemical reaction behind it. 4. Recognize the side effect of fuels and understand how the ozone layer in affected by fuels. Atomic models and molecular structureselectron orbital’s and th 1 April.2015, configurations, ThermoLesson 14 chemistry and nutrition, tutorial at 3th April Fuels 2015 Nature of Aqueous solutions, Precipitation reactions, Acid-base reactions, Oxidation – Reduction reactions The structure of Atoms and different models. Atomic orbital’s and their energy through the understanding of electronic configuration. 15,16 lesson at 8th Atomic models and April 2015, molecular structureselectron orbital’s and 17th lesson at 10th configurations, ThermoApril (tutorial) chemistry and nutrition, The structure of Atoms and different models. Atomic orbitals and their energy through the understanding of electronic configuration. Yes NO Page 145194 Yes Homework 2 1 to 2 hours (detailed information will be given Page 204254 1 to 2 hours Type of solutions and the detailed explanations of aqueous solution, their nature and properties. Aqueous solution ability to conduct electricity and the substances responsible for this. The reaction that produces insoluble materials is called participation reaction. The nature of an acid/base reaction and types of it. The importance of REDOX chemical reactions, balancing through the oxidation state method. Page 255300 1.Define aqueous solution and the factors that have an effect on this solutions 2. Understand the nature of participation reactions 3.Understand Acid/Base properties and their interactions 4.Writte and understand REDOX reactions 1. Fully understand the atomic structure and role in chemical 6 C-1 during the lectures) Fuels 8 18,19 lesson at 15th April.2015, 20 lesson at 17th April 2015 (tutorial) Lewis theories. Covalent bonding versus ionic, rules, properties and structures. Polar covalent bonds Overview of chemical binding and types. Lewis structures and his representation rules. Lewis acid and bases. Properties of covalent bonds and types. Yes 1 to 2 hours No compounds and reactions 2, Define types of energies and energy levels. 3, Importance of nutrition and the chemical reaction behind it. 4, Recognize the side effect of fuels and understand how the ozone layer in affected by fuels. Page 340370 1. Explain chemical bonds in details and the common features of all type of bonds 2. Know the Lewis structure representation of molecules and his rules 3. Determine and understand the exceptions in Lewis representation of structures 4. Know the properties of covalent bonds 7 C-1 9 21 and 22 lesson at MIDTERM EXAM Will cover all the topics done by 17th April NO TUTORIAL THIS WEEK 22th April 2013 10 23,24 lesson at 29th Apr.2015 And 25 lesson at 1 May 2015 (FREE DAY) States of matter-gases and Gaseous elements and compounds. liquids. Their properties and Gases pressure. Relationship between laws. pressure, temperature, amount and volume. The ideal Gas law. Gas volumes and stoichemistry. Yes Homework 3 1 to 2 hours (detailed information will be given during the lectures) Molecular kinetic description of liquids and intermolecular forces inside liquids (Wan der Walls forces).The unique properties of liquids. Vaporization process. Liquids state changes and temperature affects. Liquid crystals. 11 26 and 27 lesson at 6th May and 28th lesson at 8th May (tutorial) States of matter -Solidsbinding and structural properties. Solutionsproperties and structure Crystaline and amorphous solids. The Yes arrangement of atoms in a crystalline solid .Structure of simple binary compounds. 1 to 2 hours Defects in Crystal’s .Bonding of properties of solids. Metals and semiconductors. Superconductors. Other materials of solid state. Factors affecting solution formation .Solubility and molecular structure. Units of concentration. Temperature and pressure effects on solubility. Aggregate particles in aqueous solutions. no Page 430510 Page 525610 1.Understand the states of matter and their properties. 2.Know common gaseous compounds and elements. 3.Understand how temperature, pressure and volume work with each other. 4.Define the Liquid kinetics and properties. 5.Explain how temperature affects liquids 1.Explain the crystalline structure of solid materials. 2.Understand the bonds between the atoms inside the solid structure . 3. Know the factors that cause a crystal to break and explain the reasons . 8 C-1 4.Explan how metals can conduct energy. 5.Define the effect of temperature ,pressure on solubility. 5.Explain the state of aggregation 12 29 and 30 lesson at 13th May and lesson 31 at 15th May 2015 (tutorial) 13 32 and 33 lesson will be at 27 th May 2015 And lesson 34 will be at 29th May 2015 Chemical kinetics – factors, laws, detection methods. Catalysis. Le Chateliers laws. Equilibrium constant and concept of chemical equilibrium First hour - Quiz II Will cover the topics done Generation by Addition, substitution, elimination after midterm exam Organic compounds – Reaction rate study during the chemical Yes reaction .Factors that influences the reaction rates such as temperature, 1 to 2 hours concentration of reactants, physical state and etc. Laws that explain the reaction rates, Methods of determining reaction rates and usage of graphs to represent the results. The collision model of chemical kinetics and catalysis. Common reaction in organic compounds such as addition and substitution. Reactivity of organic chemicals depends on the carbon binding on a functional group. Functional groups that determine the No – Only Lecture at 33,35 and 36 lesson Homework 4 Page 617(detailed 711 information will be given during the lectures) No 1. Define the kinetic energy during chemical reactions. 2. Understand which factor effects the kinetic energy. 3. Know the Laws about kinetic energy. 4.Explain which methods are suitable to determine the reaction rates. 5. Understand the process of catalysis. Page 1091- 1. Explain what is 1110 substitution and addition and give example of each reaction 2. Recognise the functional groups 9 C-1 Classes, Isomers, and Reactivity. 14 35 and 36 lesson at 20th May 2015, 37 lesson at 22th May- tutorial 15 June1-12 Organic compounds – Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes and their characteristics, Ketones, Aldehydes, Carboxyl acids and Amines. Lipids and Nucleic Acids FINAL EXAM PERIOD chemical reactivity. Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different rearrangement of atoms are Isomers.. More deep explanation of the common classes of organic compounds and their reaction types. The molecules of life – lipids and nucleic acids. that are responsible for the compound reactivity 3. .Define common classes of organic compounds . Yes Homework 5 Page 1110(detailed 1126 information will be given during the lectures) 1.Explain the difference among the carbohydrates 2.Recognize ethers , alcohols, carboxyl acids and ketones among the organic chemicals 3.Explain and draw the structure of the molecules of life NUMBER OF CHAPTERS FOR THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE AGREED DURING THE LECTURES Prepared by Jasmin Šutković 26/2/2015 10