Notes from meeting with Dr. Barbara Hill on November 24, 2014

Notes from meeting with Barbara Hill (11/24/14)
Globalization – movement of ideas, people, pollution, etc. across borders
Internationalization – higher ed’s response to globalization
6 dimensions (subcommittees)
Add others (non-taskforce) to subcommittees if needed/desired
 Articulated Institutional Commitment (maybe co-chairs can do this w/o subcommittee)
 Administrative Structure and Staffing
 Curriculum, Co-curriculum, and Learning Outcomes (curriculum and co-curriculum could be
separate committees. Curriculum – self report survey, dept. goals for students; Co-curriculum –
student affairs, international education week, etc.)
 Faculty Policies and Practices
 Student Mobility
 Collaboration and Partnerships
 Subcommittees gather data
 Articulate what graduates ought to know – global learning outcomes (will look differently in
different fields); Not an “add on”, rather thinking about what you do from a different lens
 Find gaps ---- create plan to move forward
 Coordinate with AAIP
 Faculty survey (look at Northern Virginia Community College example); attitudes help frame
learning outcomes; rubric used to review courses to see how international they are; is faculty
development needed to help internationalize curriculum; internationalizing the curriculum
website is tool, but you need to personalize it
 20-month process (started in August, but we’re starting in December)
 Review done by end of spring 2015
 Analysis in summer 2015
 Share with campus and get feedback in fall 2015 (mark as DRAFT with dates)
Steering Committee vs. Taskforce
Steering committee will interpret and analyze the information gathered by the taskforce
 Take baby steps with recommendations…find things you know you can accomplish and build on
them towards bigger goal.
 Faculty governance is extremely important to involve
 Use “co-create” instead of “buy in”
 Be as open about the process as possible – create a communication plan! (AAIP has a good
website and has been transparent)
 When we are seeking information use existing resources (e.g., Paulo can talk to AOs)
 Be aware of other processes/initiatives happening on campus (e.g., AAIP, Research Initiative)
We can look at ACE Mapping of internationalization and plug in our data to compare with other
institutions (79 questions)
Ask questions like what this would mean for their curriculum, how is this being done already,
would your faculty be interested in doing more of this, how can we use international students
on our campus to help internationalize the curriculum (part of learning goals), how can we
mitigate negatives of short-term faculty-led programs (model language use)
If we choose to involve students in the subcommittees then ask student governance or involve
GLI students
Are resources necessary for this process to be successful? Barbara said there would need to be some
money for people to attend the cohort meetings. Sometimes it’s a matter of redirecting funds (e.g.,
faculty development funding redirected so some resources are going towards internationalizing
Next Steps
 Read booklet (Advancing Comprehensive Internationalization)
 Review website (internationalization toolkit)
 Barbara will send the Chief Academic Officer booklet
 Meet in December to connect questions with subcommittees, figure out what data we need to
answer the questions