Office of Academic Programs • 1000 East Victoria St. • Carson, CA 90747 UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm – President’s Conference Room (WH 444) Minutes- Amended Present: Cathy Jacobs, Mohammad Eyadat, Terry Richardson, Steve Williams, Cathy Earl, Tim Chin, Mohsen Beheshti, Caroline Coward, Emily Magruder, Jamie Dote-Kwan, Betty Vu, Mark Carrier, Kaye Bragg, Dorota Huizinga, Tracey Haney Absent: Rod Hay 1. Call to Order: 10:05am 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of May 14, 2014 Minutes: B. Vu moved to approve. M. Beheshti seconded. M/S/P a. Approved 4. Introduction of UCC members: C. Jacobs welcomed the committee members and gave a description of the UCC and charge. UCC’s duties include to ensure the proposals are sound before they go to the Provost and syllabi are in compliance with University standards. a. Point of Information regarding proxies- If committee members are unable to attend a meeting, to please find another person to sit in as a proxy. The committee agreed last semester that a current UCC member cannot hold a proxy to avoid double voting. Curriculum Proposals 1. UCC 14-15 001 MGT 310- Hybrid MC a. C. Jacobs- This course is currently available as face to face and online. The current university definition for a hybrid course is up to 2/3 but not less than 1 1/3 online. An online course is more than 2/3 is online. She commented that these descriptions should be redefined. b. J. Dote-Kwan- A WASC policy or resolution was is being developed for online instruction, that there is an equivalent of 3 hours of instructional time per week for 3 unit class. c. J. Dote-Kwan- Questioned if the case threaded discussions on Blackboard are accessible. d. S. Williams- The features in Blackboard are accessible, however not necessarily everything posted on Blackboard is. i. A pdf, PowerPoint presentation or video clip posted by the instructor may not be accessible. Anything from the desktop of the professor is their responsibility to ensure accessibility. ii. Videos from YouTube should all be closed captioned, but that is not guaranteed. e. J. Dote-Kwan- Proposal Form, item 11b. Alternative Delivery Method is not completed on any of the proposals. The department does not give the percentage of online instruction. f. C. Jacobs- UCC can ask the department about Power Points and PDFs being accessible and videos being Closed Captioned. g. J. Dote-Kwan- If UCC is going to be approving courses for the alternative modalities, the courses need to be built more carefully from the start. h. E. Magruder suggested courses be built to Quality Matters standards which include accessibility. Generally this is an issue in all modalities. i. C. Jacobs will develop a memo to send out to all college curriculum committees so that they check for accessibility before proposals are sent to UCC. j. Workshops have been offered to faculty in the Faculty Development Center regarding how to make courses accessible in order to get new technology. These workshops were not made available to lecturers. k. E. Magruder- Video closed captioning service is provided by Information Technology. Dylan Lewis is the contact person. 2 l. C. Jacobs- This has to be the responsibility of the departments and faculty since it is not a syllabus requirement policy. m. C. Jacobs- Asked T. Norman what percentage of the course is hybrid. The information needs to be included in the proposal form (item 11b). i. T. Norman- There are 11/30 online sessions; that would be the percentage. He does not believe there is a specific reason why the selected dates are chosen as online sessions. n. J. Dote-Kwan – Case threaded discussions are the only instructional activity for the online course. They can’t do a quantitative count on the seat time. i. E. Magruder- The Quality Matters rubric does not provide specific information on instructional time equivalencies for online modalities. This information can be used to help standardize seat time for online and hybrid courses. ii. J. Dote-Kwan- A sample of the rubric would give a better idea. o. K. Bragg- This is a good important discussion. She stated the committee may be creating a standard that did not exist before with this course and is concerned there’s an inequity. p. S. Williams- There are tools in Blackboard that will log time. There are default settings when students log in and how much time they spend to report back who is participating. There’s no indication in the syllabus that those tools are being used. q. T. Chin- Questioned that the department states they do not need additional resources for the course. i. K. Bragg- Given the discussion, the department may need to include resources regarding accessibility. r. D. Huizinga- Suggested grandfathered thinking because all the discussion has been about the online delivery of the course; this course has already been approved for online offering. They should come up with policies in the future. i. J. Dote-Kwan- Disagrees because standards change; there are new policies and we need to evaluate this and to the current standards. 3 ii. C. Jacobs- The hope is that this type of information will trickle down to others. s. C. Coward- With these discussions, this is an opportunity to take a new look with fresh eyes to review the courses, pedagogy, and to improve a course. They make recommendations to improve courses because it is what’s best for the students and university. The opportunity comes up when the courses come up before the committee. t. D. Huizinga- Accreditation bodies look at consistency. i. C. Jacobs- They also look for continuous improvement and that is what the committee is doing. u. C. Jacobs- Called for a quick vote to evaluate courses regarding current requirements for instructional time. Unanimous vote. i. Taking this into account, the UCC will inform the college curriculum committee chairs, Associate Deans, department chairs. v. C. Coward- UCC can ask that this information be stated in an addendum to the syllabus, rather than a clause, from this point forward since the information is not a syllabus requirement. w. J. Dote-Kwan- Moved to approve pending the addition of missing information for online percentage (item 11b) and recommend that videos, and documents posted to Blackboard are made accessible. M. Carrier seconded. M/S/P 1. Approved Pending 2. UCC 14-15 002 MGT 418- Hybrid a. Typo- Last SLO “leader ship” b. J. Dote-Kwan- Proposal Form, item 11b. Alternative Delivery Method; the department does not list the percentage of online instruction. c. C. Jacobs- The SLO’s are not as sophisticated for a 400-level class. She recommended higher-level functions for this course level. Also, it is not clear where they are covered in the assignments. 4 d. T. Norman- The learning outcomes are filled in the case assignments, however the syllabus may not do enough to show this. It could take students the whole term to accomplish this. e. C. Jacobs- The 3 hours of instruction time is not evident in the syllabus. She suggested UCC request additional documentation on how students get hours with the assignments. f. M. Carrier – It is unclear what counts as seat time. The Class Schedule weekly assignments are ‘Read and Study’. This needs to be clarified. g. C. Jacobs moved to send the proposal back to the department and ask that they standardize and clarify the instructional activities from the homework and justify the 3 hours of seat time for both hybrid and online course offering proposals. J. Dote-Kwan seconded. M/S/P h. Returned 3. MGT 418 Online MC a. Returned 4. UCC 14-15 003 MGT 490- Hybrid MC a. The proposal form is incomplete; none of the boxes are checked on the 2nd page. b. J. Dote-Kwan- The Thanksgiving holiday is included in the class schedule which comes out to only 14 weeks of classes. The syllabus should reflect 15 weeks of course time. c. M. Carrier - The work done outside of class is mixed with in-class work. It is not clear how the work is divided as presented in the class schedule. d. B. Vu moved to approve pending revised 15-week course schedule, differential in-class and homework assignments in Class Schedule and complete proposal form. M. Eyadat. M/S/P i. Approved Pending 5. UCC 14-15 004 MGT 495- Online MC a. T. Haney- Recommended the department assign a new course number for the proposal. 495 is designated for special topics courses. If approved, all MGT 495 5 Special Topics courses will be approved for online offering, not just the specific topic being proposed. b. J. Dote-Kwan- The course proposal has the same issues regarding instructional time; it is not clear if the quizzes and threaded discussions are equivalent to 3 hours of seat time. The case studies do not give enough information to determine if the instructional time is equivalent. i. M. Carrier – The course does not give information if it includes essays or other writing assignments. That would help clarify. c. E. Magruder- The SLO’s may be strengthened for the course level. Consider reviewing where ‘Discuss’ is on Bloom’s Taxonomy map. d. M. Carrier- It is vague how the learning outcomes connect to the assignments and how they will be completed. e. E. Magruder- Asked if WASC has specific guidelines on how learning outcomes need to be assessed or measured. i. J. Dote-Kwan- No. WASC looks to make sure the university has and measures learning outcomes and that we use the data for improvement. f. A justification of course hours, online assignments, online hours, separation of additional homework is needed. g. M. Carrier – Asked if the all special topics could be approved. i. T. Haney- Yes, but she would be hesitant to blanket the course. Students can take several special topics courses and could inadvertently get an online degree with more than 50% online courses. h. K. Bragg- We need to ask the department if they want to propose all special topics for online modality, or the particular topic. It is not clearly stated in the proposal. i. J. Dote-Kwan moved to return with the question of if the department wants to blanket all special topic courses, or the particular topic for online offering and suggestion for new course number. M. Carrier seconded. M/S/P i. Returned 6 j. C. Jacobs recommended adding this topic to a future policy discussion for a future meeting agenda. i. T. Haney- There is a MGT 495 section offered as a hybrid in fall semester. She will investigate this offering with the CBAPP scheduler and report back to C. Jacobs. 6. UCC 14-15 005 OMG 420- Online MC a. C. Jacobs- There are several grammatical errors in the syllabus that need to be corrected. b. M. Carrier- The course description on the syllabus is missing “advanced” which is in the university catalog description. This is an important difference between descriptions. The catalog states the course, “provides advanced study of…” c. E. Magruder- The SLO’s are not advanced for the 400 level course. Suggested they consider revising to higher-level outcomes. d. The instructional time is not defined. e. Recommendation to expand on threaded discussions and discussion board. f. C. Jacobs- Elaborate on the Computer Information Literacy Statement and give more specifics of expectations and software requirements, especially for the online course. g. K. Bragg- Course Outline/Schedule- It is not clear what the listed “Recommended” websites are for or how they should be used. h. C. Bordinaro moved to return requesting clarification of course hours, revised computer information literacy statement, correction of grammatical errors. B. Vu seconded. M/S/P i. Returned Announcements i. Point of Information- A An impact statement was not received from the CBAPP dean’s office. C. Jacobs and the Office of Academic Programs will follow up with the dean’s office and request an impact statement for the courses. 7 Adjourn: 12:04pm 8