FPDA Requests and Final Reports Exemplars Requests JOHNSTON, DAVID, DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR, PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY, 24 YEARS OF SERVICE, FALL SEMESTER The field of solid state physics is in dire need of an introductory textbook that bridges the gap between undergraduate- and graduate-level instruction, and offers examples consistent with today’s technology. The standard undergraduate and graduate texts (written in 1965 and 1976, respectively) are out of date and do not present sufficient or current examples of solid state theory. Professor Johnston has already made a significant start on a new textbook; the PDA will allow him to finish the manuscript. This book will be a major contribution to the education of students worldwide, and will enhance Iowa State’s reputation in this popular field. MILLER, WYATT ALLEN, PROFESSOR, PLANT PATHOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY, 23 YEARS OF SERVICE, FULL YEAR Professor Miller will spend his PDA investigating novel mechanisms, or “tricks,” by which viruses gain a foothold in host plants and counteract their defenses. This research may lead to new ways to control plant diseases, as well as ways to use these viruses as tools for research and industrial applications, and will contribute to the biotechnology and agriculture sectors of the Iowa bioeconomy. Dr. Miller will perform his research in the lab of Veronique Ziegler-Graff at the world-renowned Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP) in Strasbourg, France. The research will synergize Miller’s expertise in biochemistry with Ziegler-Graff’s expertise in whole plant virology, genetics, cell biology and microscopy. Dr. Miller expects to acquire several new techniques during his PDA, which he will share with his students and colleagues, and also use in applications for large-scale research grants. Final Reports BASU, SAMIK, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, COMPUTER SCIENCE Professor Basu spent the Fall 2010 semester at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), working with a leading software engineer to develop verifiable software systems. Their findings have opened new avenues for incorporating stateof-the-art verification techniques into both undergraduate and graduate courses, and enabling hands-on experimentation for software engineering students. The PDA also resulted in a $500,000 National Science Foundation grant in collaboration with UCSB ($164,966 to ISU); the publication of one peer-reviewed paper; and two additional papers accepted and awaiting publication. FLETCHER, CYNTHIA, PROFESSOR, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY STUDIES, Professor Fletcher spent her PDA at universities in Wisconsin, Vermont, and New Hampshire, where she worked with colleagues who have expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods used to conduct research on rural communities. The results of these new research approaches will be used by Iowa State’s Extension and Outreach program to help communities identify effective strategies to address poverty. Interactions with faculty at the University of Wisconsin also increased her awareness of grant opportunities in the discipline. To date, she has submitted two research proposals (pending) for $650,000, and received a $7,500 stipend award. Professor Fletcher also authored a white paper and completed a manuscript draft during her PDA. ZHU, DAN, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, SUPPLY CHAIN AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SCIS) Professor Zhu used her PDA to build collaborative partnerships with peers at Beijing University of Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing University, and Beijing Normal University, in China; and Carnegie Mellon University, UCLA, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and University of Texas Health Science Center in the U.S. These collaborations are necessary to build her research program in knowledge management and data mining. As a result of her PDA, Professor Zhu has completed and submitted four jointly authored manuscripts to top-tier journals in her field – one has been published, two are forthcoming, and one is pending. The experience has provided valuable insight on executive training and CIO programs, supported the development of an innovative business intelligence program for Iowa State students, and enhanced study abroad opportunities in China.