HDR Student Funding Application Form Sept 2015

Guidelines for Crawford HDR student funding applications
To apply for funding, you must be an enrolled Crawford School HDR student and have not yet submitted
your thesis for examination. Your principal supervisor must be a continuing academic staff member of the
Crawford School.
A sub-committee of the HDR committee will consider funding applications at the committee's bi-monthly
meetings. Your application will be favourably viewed if you can demonstrate that you have also sought
funding from other sources and that you have participated in the intellectual activities available to you at
Crawford. Your milestones must be completed before applying for funding.
Under normal circumstances, the maximum total amount of funding that any one student will receive is
$7,000. Maximum amounts also apply across different categories of funding, as specified below. Funding is
not an entitlement; all applications are assessed on academic need and the strength of the case.
Here is some important information you should be aware of:
 Applicants need to have completed all milestones before being considered for funding.
 Please submit your application at least 4 weeks before funds are required (2 months in the case of
travel, see next bullet point).
 If you intend to travel, then your application is due 2 months prior to travel. After receiving approval
from the HDR committee, students need to submit an ANU Approval to Travel form. You are
reminded that travel for fieldwork and conference attendance will be covered by the ANU Travel
Insurance Policy only if you have completed the ANU Approval to Travel form. See also Travel
approval, below.
 It will be looked upon favorably if applicants also apply for other sources of funding where feasible,
such as from the Vice-Chancellor's HDR Travel Grants, which provide partial funding for travel and
other costs.
 It will be looked upon favorably if applicants, where possible, are engaged in the intellectual activities
provided to them for free at the Crawford School (for example, regular attendance and participation
in seminars and local conferences). The supervisor's supporting statement should comment on such
 Please remember to keep all receipts.
 All enquiries and submissions should be made to the HDR Administration Officer via
Conference funding
Conference funds should be used to progress research that is integral to your thesis. It is expected that
conference papers will lead to a peer-reviewed publication so it should be your intention to submit the work
for publication soon after your return. To qualify for conference funding, you must have a paper accepted for
presentation at a recognised, academic conference (i.e., not at a for-profit conference or similar). You should
consider your strategy for attending conferences and be sure that you are applying at the right time in your
candidature; it is essential that you discuss with your supervisor which conference will be most appropriate,
relevant, and useful to your research. Your application will be favourably viewed if you can demonstrate that
you have presented the paper in a Crawford or related seminar series (e.g., in the economics, CAMA,
environment and resource management, or public policy PhD student seminar series). Approval may be
given pending acceptance of the paper, but funds will not be released until proof of acceptance has been
provided. For conferences, Crawford will consider providing up to $2,500.
According to academic need, the following will be considered for conference funding:
 Airfares
 Conference registration
 Conference accommodation
 Required immunisations (as recommended by smarttraveller.gov.au)
For conferences, Crawford will not fund
 Miscellaneous, incidentals, per diems, or similar requests
 Meals
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Applications for conference funding must contain:
 A complete budget breakdown, including quotes for travel, accommodation, and registration fees
 Evidence of acceptance of the paper to be presented at the conference
 A copy of the abstract of paper to be presented or a copy of the paper itself
 A statement outlining the rationale for the post-conference publication option you have chosen
 A statement of any alternative sources of partial or full conference funding sought
 Supervisor's supporting statement
Fieldwork funding
Fieldwork funds should be used to progress your research and this research must be integral to your thesis.
Fieldwork refers to the collection of primary data for the purpose of meeting a specific research goal and that
is directly used in the final presentation of the research (i.e., the thesis). Examples of fieldwork include
undertaking participant observation, conducting interviews and focus groups, and undertaking surveys or
similar data collection methods that require direct engagement with participants. Experiments are not
counted as fieldwork as they are typically conducted in a controlled environment. The collection of secondary
data and attendance at meetings and similar are also not defined as fieldwork as they do not involve the
collection of primary data that will be used in the final presentation of the research.
Students going on fieldwork must undertake the requisite fieldwork and risk management training required by
ANU ('Safety in the Field', aka 'OHS for Supervisors - Fieldwork' (OHSG 35) and Remote Area First Aid
(OHSG 10, where necessary)). Ethics approval must be obtained before funding will be approved (funding
may be approved conditional upon ethics approval). Not all PhD students undertake fieldwork, so not all PhD
students are entitled to fieldwork funding. For fieldwork, Crawford will consider providing up to $6,000 for
fieldwork overseas, and up to $4,000 for fieldwork in Australia.
According to academic need, the following will be considered for fieldwork funding:
 Airfares
 Certain local transport (not including hire/private cars and drivers unless there is a demonstrated
safety issue)
 Visas
 Required immunisations (as recommended by smarttraveller.gov.au)
 Contribution towards translating, if required
 Contribution towards short-term accommodation, where required
For fieldwork, we will not fund
 Research assistants’ salaries or costs (the research should be the work of the student)
 Any staff salaries, payments, or honoraria for research, professional, or administrative staff
 Living expenses (should be paid for out of scholarship or earnings)
 Miscellaneous, incidentals, per diems, or similar requests
 Gifts for participants or others
 Meals for participants
 Hire/Private car and driver (unless there are safety and security issues)
 Transcription costs
 Visiting fellowships, attendance at meetings, the collection of secondary data, and similar (they do
not meet the definition of ‘fieldwork’, above; however, you may choose to fund such things out of
your conference funding)
Arguments for special consideration of otherwise non-funded or special items will be considered on a caseby-case basis. You should bring any specific security or safety concerns to the attention of the Committee.
Applications for fieldwork funding must contain:
 A statement explaining the value of the fieldwork for your thesis
 A statement outlining the fieldwork methods you will use
 A detailed plan of and timeline for your fieldwork (indicative dates are acceptable)
 A detailed breakdown of your budget
 A statement of alternative sources of partial or full fieldwork funding sought
 Confirmation of ethics approval, if needed. Approval may be given pending ethics approval, but
funds will not be released until proof of approval has been provided.
 Confirmation that your compulsory fieldwork and risk management training required by ANU ('Safety
in the Field', aka 'OHS for Supervisors - Fieldwork' (OHSG 35) and (where necessary) Remote Area
First Aid (OHSG 10)) has been successfully completed
 Supervisor's supporting statement
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Data, training, and software
Some data, training, and software are already available to students free-of-charge. If you need a particular
software program to complete your thesis, first view the information on Making a software request. If you
need data, training, or software outside of what is freely available, then Crawford will consider providing up to
$2,500 per student.
All data, training, and software needs must first be discussed with your supervisor.
Other training
An allocation of $200 per student is provided to access fee-based training not provided free-of-charge by
ANU or Crawford. This allocation is separate from the Crawford PhD funding described here.
Other funding
Requests for other resources will be considered by the HDR Committee. Prior to applying for funding you
must have completed all of your milestones. Your request should include:
 A statement of why the resource is required for progression of your thesis
 A clear estimate/quote of the cost of the resources
 Supervisor’s supporting statement (see the form)
The HDR Committee may request information in addition to that listed above at its discretion once the nature
of the other funding is understood.
Alternative sources of funding
There are other avenues of funding that you should also investigate. For example,
 The Vice-Chancellor’s HDR Travel Grants. Note that you need to apply for this grant 8 weeks in
advance of travel, so please plan early.
 Conference organizers sometimes have scholarships available for PhD students.
 Your supervisor may be able to help you obtain funding from other sources, particularly if you are
undertaking joint work with them.
 Research Professional provides a database of funding opportunities in all disciplines from a wide
range of sponsors in Australia and overseas.
 Your AusAID, Sir Roland Wilson, or other scholarship might have extra money available to you.
Travel approval
When you travel for conferences, fieldwork, and so on, you need to complete a travel approval request
online via the ANU site. This also acts as your travel insurance. If you have applied to Crawford for funding,
you must wait until you have confirmation that the funding has been considered and approved by the HDR
Committee before you submit a travel approval request online.
Once you have email confirmation that part or all of your funding request has been approved by the
Committee, there are a few fields where you need the following information to complete the application:
Payment method: “direct payment” must be selected. If “advance payment” is ticked, funds received
via advance payment will have to be repaid in full.
Domestic travel delegate: Margaret Eichholzer
International travel delegate: Robert Breunig
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Crawford School of Public Policy
Research Student Conference Funding Application
Applicant to complete
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Uni ID _________________________________________________________________________________
Program _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of program commencement ___________________________________________________________
Date of expected program completion ________________________________________________________
Scholarship details _______________________________________________________________________
Name, date, and location of conference ______________________________________________________
Milestones are complete
Evidence of acceptance of the paper to be presented at the conference is attached
A copy of the abstract of paper to be presented or a copy of the paper itself is attached
A complete budget breakdown, including quotes for travel, accommodation, and registration
fees is attached
A statement outlining the rationale for the post-conference publication option you have
chosen is attached
A statement of any alternative sources of partial or full conference funding sought is attached
Supervisor's supporting statement (see below) is attached
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
Supervisor to Complete
Attach a statement outlining how the student will benefit from the requested funding. You might like to
consider the following:
 Is the proposed conference paper of sufficient standard, or potentially of sufficient standard, to be
published in a scholarly publication?
 Has the student presented the work internally, such as at a Crawford seminar (for example, in the
economics, CAMA, environment and resource management, or public policy PhD student seminar
 How will attendance at this conference benefit the student’s research?
 Has the student participated in the intellectual activities available to them at Crawford?
 Has the student sought feedback on their paper from the Academic and Research Skills Advisor?
Supervisor’s approval ☐ Yes ☐ No
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Delegated Authority to complete
Delegated Authority approval ☐Yes ☐ No
Amount Approved _______________________________________________________________________
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Crawford School of Public Policy
Research Student Fieldwork Funding Application
Applicant to complete
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Uni ID _________________________________________________________________________________
Program _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of program commencement ___________________________________________________________
Date of expected program completion ________________________________________________________
Scholarship details _______________________________________________________________________
Date(s) and location(s) of fieldwork _________________________________________________________
Milestones are complete
A statement explaining the value of the fieldwork for your thesis is attached
A statement outlining the fieldwork methods you will use is attached
A detailed plan of and timeline for your fieldwork is attached
A detailed breakdown of your budget is attached
A statement of any alternative sources of partial or full conference funding sought is attached
Confirmation of Ethics Approval is attached
Confirmation that your compulsory fieldwork training has been completed is attached
Supervisor's supporting statement (see below) is attached
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
Supervisor to Complete
Attach a statement outlining how the student will benefit from the requested funding. You might like to
consider the following:
 Will the proposed fieldwork progress the student’s research?
 Is the plan of and timeline for fieldwork realistic?
 Has the student participated in the intellectual activities available to them at Crawford?
Supervisor’s approval ☐ Yes ☐ No
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Delegated Authority to complete
Delegated Authority approval ☐ Yes ☐ No
Amount Approved _______________________________________________________________________
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015
Crawford School of Public Policy
Research Student Data, Training, and Software application
Applicant to complete
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Uni ID _________________________________________________________________________________
Program _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of program commencement ___________________________________________________________
Date of expected program completion ________________________________________________________
Scholarship details _______________________________________________________________________
Milestones are complete
A statement of why the resource is required for progression of your thesis is attached
A clear estimate/quote of the cost of the resources is attached
Supervisor's supporting statement (see below) is attached
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
☐Yes ☐No
Supervisor to Complete
Attach a statement outlining how the student will benefit from the requested funding. You might like to
consider the following:
 Will the proposed resources progress the student’s research?
 Is the estimate of the resources requested realistic?
 Has the student participated in the intellectual activities available to them at Crawford?
Supervisor’s approval ☐Yes ☐ No
Delegated Authority to complete
Delegated Authority approval ☐ Yes ☐ No
Amount Approved _______________________________________________________________________
Crawford HDR funding application form, September 2015