Marvin Chan Bio: I am an undergraduate studying electrical engineering with a concentration in circuit design. I have always been interested in natural gas because I believe it is a stepping-stone from coal and petroleum to renewable energy sources. Keywords: Energy, Power, Sustainability, Water Conservation, Natural Gas Multimedia Suggestions: Abstract: Hydraulic fracturing dramatically increases the yield of natural gas, which is a cleaner fuel compared to coal and petroleum. However, this technique has recently been a topic of national debate because of environmental controversies. High levels of water consumption and groundwater contamination are two issues that are constantly brought up for discussion when talking about hydraulic fracturing. This paper will specifically tackle to see whether hydraulic fracturing is responsible for these two issues. To figure out whether hydraulic fracturing uses high volumes of water, an estimate was made using reasonable assumptions and government data. The estimate is then put into context by comparing it to water consumption in the United States. As for groundwater contamination, reported cases of groundwater contamination were examined and studied. The results were that hydraulic fracturing consumes 100-250 billion gallons of water per year, which is only a fraction of the United States annual consumption of 43,800 billion gallons of water. After examining different cases of groundwater contamination, hydraulic fracturing is not the culprit for contamination, but the poor design and construction of wells and the careless treatment of fracturing that causes groundwater contamination. In terms of water consumption and groundwater contamination, hydraulic fracturing does neither, so it should be continually used to extract natural gas. The Waters of Hydraulic Fracturing Natural Gas, a mixture made of primarily methane, is one of the most commonly used energy resources in the United States. It is used to generate electricity in power plants, heat up entire buildings, and fuel simple domestic stovetops. Studies conducted by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) conclude that burning natural gas is cleaner than burning petroleum and coal by releasing 30% and 45% less carbon dioxide, respectively [1]. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), natural gas currently supplies 24% of total energy consumption in the United States, and it is expected to supply 50% of total energy consumption in the U.S. in 2030 [2]. In addition, data from the EIA shows that the price of natural gas has substantially decreased from 2008 till now [3]. These two statistics were made possible because of a technique called hydraulic fracturing, which increases the yield of natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, has dramatically driven up the supply of natural gas, but not without controversy and debate. Reports of hydraulic fracturing consuming large volumes of water and contaminating groundwater have called for the banning of hydraulic fracturing. Without the proper knowledge of fracking, it is easy to quickly jump to negative conclusions that could result in the banning of a technique essential to lessening carbon emissions. In order to phase out the use of petroleum and coal for a cleaner future, the process of hydraulic fracturing must be continually used in the extraction of natural gas and must become correctly and properly understood. In order to discuss the effects of hydraulic fracturing, it is essential to understand the process itself. Contrary to popular belief, hydraulic fracturing is not a new technique, and has been around for decades. Hydraulic fracturing is technique in which fracturing fluid, which is typically 90% water, 9.5% sand and .5% of chemicals, is injected at high pressure into a well to cause small fractures in a gas reservoir, a layer of rock formation with an abundance of natural gas [4]. This is similar to the usage of jackhammers, but while jackhammers cause fractures on the surface of pavements, hydraulic fracturing causes fractures deep down in the earth. Natural gas within the rocks of the gas reservoir flow into these fractures, up the well, and are captured on the surface. More fractures mean that there is more space for natural gas to flow into, which means a greater yield in natural gas. Hence, hydraulic fracture is a stimulation process that is done to new wells, or wells that have experienced a decrease in yield. There is an additional natural process after hydraulic fracturing called flowback, which can return about 20% of the fracturing fluid back up to the surface for recycle or disposal [5]. For decades, hydraulic fracturing has been used to stimulate natural gas wells connected to “conventional” gas reservoirs such as limestone and sandstone formations, which have relatively high permeability compared to other rock formations [5]. Permeability is the capacity for a material, in this case rock, to transmit a fluid. Conventional gas reservoirs are permeable enough to yield enough natural gas to make it profitable to drill more wells in them, as opposed to “unconventional” gas reservoirs like shale formations, which have a lower permeability than conventional gas reservoirs and therefore don’t yield enough natural gas to make it profitable to drill more wells [5]. It was not until recently that a new technique called horizontal drilling (which is exactly what it sounds like) coupled with hydraulic fracturing made wells in shale formation permeable enough to make them profitable [5]. Horizontal drilling occurs once the desired depth is reached, in this case, once the well reaches the shale formation. After horizontal drilling, hydraulic Figure1: Diagram of the use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in retrieving natural gas in shale formation. Source: American Petroleum Institute [4] fracture is performed to stimulate the well. Figure 1 on the side shows an example of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling used together in shale formation, which is a topic of constant debate due to its high consumptions of water and reports of groundwater contamination. There is no denying that hydraulic fracturing in shale formation consumes a substantial amount of water, but the volume of water consumed is normally reported without supporting evidence and context. For example, “Fracking Water Use Draining Resources, Especially in Western U.S., New Studies Find” by Huffington Post states that North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado use 7 billion gallons of water without proper evidence and context [6]. Another example would be the website, which states that fracking will use 72 trillion gallons of water [7]. This website uses extreme assumptions that are impossible. The truth is that nobody really knows how much water fracking uses annually, but there are articles like “Energy Facts: How Much Water Does Fracking for Shale Gas Consume?” by Jesse Jenkins that try to estimate the amount. Jesse Jenkins calculated that hydraulic fracturing used around 135 billion gallons of water in 2011 from the 27,000 shale gas wells that were drilled in 2011 and the average use of 5 million gallons of water per well. To put this number into perspective, the U.S. consumed 43,800 billion gallons of water in 2005 (consumption of water in this case refers to water that cannot be recaptured because it is assumed that water injected into the wells cannot be retrieved) [8]. In the U.S., agriculture is the biggest consumer of water consuming 32,850 billion gallons of water, while shale gas fracking consumes .3% of total U.S. water consumption [8]. Jenkins uses his own assumptions to estimate the water consumption of hydraulic fracturing, but there are many additional assumptions that can be made when calculating annual water consumption of hydraulic fracturing, which include reusing water captured from flowback or using higher average use of water per well. In the hydraulic fracturing community, the general consensus is that fracking uses around 100-250 billion gallons of water annually. Although it may seem like fracking uses a large volume of water, in reality, it only uses a fraction of the total U.S. water consumption. Hence, the issue of water consumption should not be blown out of proportion when debating the banning of hydraulic fracturing. Aside from water consumption, another concern about hydraulic fracturing is groundwater contamination. Though there is truth in reports of groundwater contamination near hydraulically fractured wells, contaminated waters are not necessarily due to the process of hydraulic fracturing itself. In the study “Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing”, methane contamination was reported near hydraulically fractured wells connected to the Marcellus and Utica shale formation in Pennsylvania and New York. The study sampled 68 private drinking wells, and found that methane contamination was more severe with proximity to the wells. The average methane concentration of the sample was 19.2 mg/L, which is within the recommended level for action (>10mg/L but < 28mg/L) to mitigate hazard defined by the U.S. Department of the Interior, with the highest recorded methane contamination to be 64mg/L [9]. Ingestion of dissolved methane in water is currently not classified as a health hazard, but is known to be explosive and deadly at high concentrations. Figure 2 shows an example of methane-contaminated water taken from a resident’s well in Pennsylvania [10]. Many articles try to connect fracking with methane contamination, such as “Pennsylvania Drinking Water Study Shows Methane Might Contaminate Some Wells Near Fracking Sites” by Kevin Begos from the Figure 2: Photograph of methane-contamined water found in a resident’s well in Pennsylvania. Source: IBT [10] Huffington Post [11]. However, fracking may not be the cause for methane contamination. When wells are drilled into the ground, there are additional layers of casing and cement in the first 500 – 1,000 feet where aquifers exist are meant to prevent methane from leaking out of the well as seen in figure 1 [4]. Even though additional layers were designed to prevent methane from leaving, there weren’t any strict standards for design and construction [12]. John Hanger, former head of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), blames poorly designed and constructed wells for methane leakage. He stated that after repairing and plugging gas wells in Pennsylvania, contaminations decreased to negligible levels in 14 of 19 previously contaminated wells tested in 2010 by the DEP [12]. Even though not all contamination in wells was eliminated, it is obvious that the major players in methane groundwater contamination were poor design and construction. Without full and complete studies on the effects of fracking on methane contamination in ground water, it is impossible to make any final conclusion, but elementary studies have falsified the reports that try to connect fracking with methane contamination. Hydraulic fracturing is also constantly accused of contaminating groundwater with fracturing fluid. A study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2011 found 10 compounds used in fracturing fluid in Wyoming’s groundwater [13]. Many quickly conclude that fracturing fluid deep down in the earth flowed through rock formations and reached groundwater. However, that is simply not true, shale formation and groundwater is separated by at least 4,000 feet of impervious solid rock formation, which makes contamination from fracking practically impossible [14]. “The Hydraulic Fracturing Water Cycle” by EPA suggests that there are many possibilities for fracturing fluid to get into the groundwater that is not in the specific process of injecting fracturing fluid in hydraulic fracturing [15]. These possibilities include spillage of chemical during delivery, flowback, and waste disposal and leakage in well casing and abandoned waste pits. In the case of Wyoming, EPA identified 33 abandoned oil and gas waste pits that are to some degree contributing to groundwater contamination. It is again obvious that the process of hydraulic fracturing does not contaminate groundwater, but that it is the careless and negligent treatment of chemicals and waste that is used and produced in hydraulic fracturing that causes the pollution of groundwater. In conclusion, even though the process of hydraulic fracturing consumes negligible amounts of water and doesn’t cause groundwater contamination, there are many improvements and provisions that can be made to reduce water consumption and prevent groundwater contamination. In terms of decreasing water consumption, flowback fluid is filtered to extract water for reuse. This advance has made it possible to reuse up to 70100% of flowback fluid [16]. As for preventing methane contamination in groundwater, Pennsylvania enacted stricter regulations for the design and construction of gas wells to prevent leaking in February 2011. This new regulation also requires test, monitor and disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing [12]. In addition, companies are retrieving and recycling wastewater previously dumped in waste pits as an effort to prevent wastewater from leaking into groundwater [15]. Hydraulic fracturing is safe process for groundwater and is key to extracting natural gas for a cleaner future. References [1] “Natural Gas and the Environment” [Online]. Available:, [Nov. 13, 2013]. [2] “Uses of Natural Gas” [Online]. Available:, [Nov. 13 2013]. [3] U.S. Energy Information Administration. “U.S. Natural Gas Wellhead Price” [Online]. Available:, Oct. 31, 2013, [Nov. 13, 2013]. [4] American Petroleum Institute. “Freeing Up Energy” [Online]. Available: PRIMER.ashx, Jul. 19, 2013, [Nov. 13, 2013]. [5] U.S. Department of Energy. “Shale Gas 101” [Online]. Available:, [Nov. 13,2013]. [6] “Fracking Water Use Draining Resources, Especially In Western U.S., New Studies Find,” Huffington Post, [Online]. Available:, May 9, 2013, [Nov. 13, 2013]. [7] “What goes in and out of Hydraulic Fracturing” [Online]. Available:, Nov. 13, 2013. [8] Jesse Jenkins. “Energy Facts: How Much Water Does Fracking For Shale Gas Consume?” theenergycollective, [Online]. 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