Time plan


Time Schedule for the CCYPCC-project – draft 9.3.12/PN

The schedule is designed in accordance with the two main research questions and the related four main tasks, described in the project plan. The time schedule is divided into two main parts, based on the two main research questions, while the four main tasks are defined as the projects four main working phases with deadlines, events and documentation related to each phase.

Deadlines Events Documentation

Part 1

Searching and analyzing (research question 1)

Phase 1:

1.3.12 –


Searching and analyzing scientific, political and professional texts .

A international review over the scientific sociological, psychological and pedagogic literature, using theories and concepts about children´s and young people´s participation, competences and competence development in the period 2000-2011 a.

Research note on operationalized preliminary search strategy for scientific texts and a preliminary system of categories for the systematizations of results b.

Searching and analyzing scientific texts, presenting project at seminar at LUC

22.3.12 Research note no 1 c.

Research note on results from the search and analyzes 15.6.12

Project presentation 30.4.12

Research note no 2

Phase 2:

1.8.12 –

14.10.12 d.

Project meeting in Lillehammer to discuss the search results and the preliminary analyzes as a base for the work in phase 2. Members are also invited to participate in the meeting in the umbrella project at LUC 18.6. 14.00 -15.30 and dinner in the evening. e.

Follow up work after the project meeting

A review over Danish and Norwegian professional and political discourses in articles, books and documents addressing children´s and young people´s participation, competences and competence development in the period 2000-2011. a.

Research note on operationalized preliminary search strategy for political and professional texts and a preliminary system of categories for the systematizations of results b.

Searching and analyzing political and professional texts c.

Research note on results from the search and analyzes





Research note no 3

Research note no 4 d.

Project meeting in Lillehammer to discuss the search results and preliminary analyzes as a base for the work in phase 3. Members are also invited to participate in the research seminar “Børn som pårørende” 8.10 12.15 – 15.30 and dinner in the evening. e.

Follow up work after the project meeting

Project meeting



Part II

Contribution to development of theoretical frameworks (research question 2)

Phase 3:

15.10 –


Identifying how the results of the analyses in part 1 can contribute to the development of the theoretical frameworks in the research- and PhD-program at the research Centre at LUC and the concept of “actions competence” in the

Research Program for Environmental and Health Education at DPU.

Critical analysis and categorization of scientific, professional and political conceptualizations and approaches to children´s and young people´s participation, competences and competence development a.

Seminar at DPU: presentation of preliminary results from part 1 (phase 1 and 2)

Deadlines Event


12.11.12 b.

Analyzing the relations between different conceptualizations of children´s and young peoples´ participation, competences and competence development in scientific, political and professional texts. c.

Research note on results from analyzes 31.12.12

Phase 4:

1.1.13 –


Relating the results of the analysis and categorizations to the conceptualizations of children´s and young people´s participation, competences and competence development stated in the research program for the

Research Centre for Child and

Youth Competence Development

at LUC and the use of the concept “action competency” in the research guided by the

Research Program for Environmental and Health

Education at DPU.


Analyzing the research programs´ theoretical frameworks and conceptualizations of children´s and young peoples´ participation, competences and competence development in relation to the findings in phase 1-3 as a base for further development of the theoretical framework in the research programs. b.

Sending out a draft research report based on all analyzes. 4.2.13 c.

Project meeting at DPU to discuss the draft report d.

Final research report to be sent out to the participators of the seminar 28.2.13 e.

Seminar for researchers and PhD-students at LUC and DPU: presenting the final research report


Project meeting





Research note no 5

Draft research report

Final research report
