Details - Texas Animal Control Association

Texas Animal Control Association
38th Annual Conference
November 11-14, 2012
Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake, Houston, TX
Shelter Veterinarian Track
Euthanasia Certification Renewal
Bite Stick/OC Spray Certification
Annual Conference General Sessions
& Select from 24 Different
TACA is an association committed to the advancement of
all animal welfare professionals through education,
leadership and advocacy.
Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake, Houston, TX
3000 NASA Parkway
Room Rates are $90 single or double,
reservations must be made by October 19, 2012
for this rate.
Jones Trailer Company
Direct Animal Products
PetsMart Charities
Austin Cotton Inc.
Texas Academy of Animal Control Officers
The Travel Doctor/Corporate Health Management
Sunday, November 11th
9:00AM – Euthanasia Certification Renewal – Instructor - Ethel Strother
9:00AM – Bite Stick & OC Spray Class – Alan Spence
8:45AM – Shelter Veterinarian Track Starts
9:00am – The First 60 Minutes – Dr. Wendy Blount, Nacogdoches Animal Shelter/EasTex Veterinary Clinic
10:30am – BREAK
10:15am – Forensics 101 – Dr. Diana Culp, Director of Humane Education at Frederick County Shelter MD
12:00am – Zoonotic Diseases, Dr. Cate McManus
12:00pm – 1:00pm – LUNCH (Provided with Registration)
1:15pm 2:30pm – Canine Flu Update – Dr. Wendy Blount, Nacogdoches Animal Shelter/EasTex Veterinary Clinic
2:30pm – BREAK
2:45pm – 3:30 – Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare for animal care professionals – Dr. Diana Culp
3:30pm – 4:30 – Tricks of the Trade “Reducing Spay Neuter Surgery Time – Dr. Wendy Blount
2:00PM to 5:00PM – Conference Registration
6:00PM – TACA Business Meeting
7:00PM - Welcome Reception
Monday, November 12th
7:30AM – Registration
8:00AM – Welcome and Opening Address
8:30AM – General Session – Dog Fighting – Chuck Simmons
10:00AM - BREAK – In Exhibitors Area
10:30AM – General Session – Dog Behavior Today – Dr. John Wright
12:00PM – LUNCH on your own
Workshops 101 102 103 104
101 Managers – Doing More with Less…The Post-Recession Municipal Government – Jay Sabatucci
102 ACO’s – Dog Fighting – Chuck Simmons, Norrad & Associates
103 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Zoonotic Disease - Dr. James Wright
104 Compassion Fatigue – Dr. Diana Culp
3:00PM - BREAK – In Exhibitors Area
Workshops 105 106 107 108
105 Managers – Shelter Ergonomics – Rick Batterton
106 ACO’s - Urban Wildlife: How to Solve Problems, Save Money & Scrap the Traps – Bonnie Bradshaw
107 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Disease Recognition to Treat or to Euthanize – Dr. Melissa Draper & Dr. Sandra Strong
108 Volunteers – Alissa Daniels
7:00PM – Animal Control Olympics – Sponsored By Jones Trailer Company
Tuesday, November 13th
8:30AM Workshops 109 110 111 112
109 Managers – DSHS Inspection are your ready – Dr. James Wright
110 Animal Cruelty Evidence Kit – Patrick Smith, La Porte Animal Services
111 Kennel Techs/Animal Care - Canine & Feline Diseases - Dr. Melissa Draper & Dr. Sandra Strong
112 Animal cruelty and Interpersonal Violence (the connection between Animal Control and Violent
Crime), Dr. Diana Culp
10:00AM – BREAK – In Exhibitors Area
10:30AM Workshops 113 114 115 116
113 Managers – Media Training 101 – Lisa Norwood
114 ACO’s – Livestock - Dr. C. Faries
115 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Initial Care of Orphan and Injured Wildlife – Bonnie Bradshaw
116 Adoptions, PR, Education, ALL STAFF – Dr. John Wright
12:00PM – LUNCH Provided
1:30PM Workshops 117 118 119 120
117 Managers – Social Media 101: Social Media and Marketing for Pets – Susan Green
118 Animal Forensic for the ACO – Dr. Wendy Blount
119 Kennel Techs/Animal Care - Canine Body Language – Rhonda McClendon
120 Communication Skills– Lisa Norwood
3:00PM - BREAK – In Exhibitors Area
3:30PM Workshops 121 122 123 124
121 Managers – Customer Service – Keane Menefee
122 ACO’s – Spanish for the ACO – Edna Stambaugh and Carlos Gonzales
123 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Ethel Spence
125 Marketing Your Pets On-Line: Tips and Tricks to increasing your adoptions – Susan Green
5:15PM – Silent Auction Closes
Wednesday, November 14th
8:30AM.- General Session – Various Animal Control/Welfare Subjects
10:00AM - BREAK
10:30AM - Awards Presentations
12:00PM - Drawings and Adjourn
DSHS Approved
Euthanasia Certification Renewal - 8 CEU’s
Bite Stick/OC Spray – 4 CEU’s
Conference – 13.5 CEU’s
Shelter Veterinarian Track – 7.0 CEU’s (Pending TVMA approval)
(The shelter veterinarian track has been DSHS approved, if you are attending the conference there will be a separate fee for this one
day class, please note on your registration form.)
NOTE: Certificates will be available after the conference for those that pre-registered by the early registration date. Those
registering late will have their certificates mailed to them, so register early. (Euthanasia Renewal, Bite Stick/OC/Spray and
Conference only.)
Registration Form………………………………………………………………………………….
____________________________________________ _______________________________
E-mail Address
______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________
Mailing Address
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Employed By
Best Contact Phone Number
PLEASE, check all that you will be attending.
Registering For: __ Shelter Veterinarian Track/Sunday __ Euthanasia Renewal/Sunday__ Bite Stick/OC Spray/Sunday
___ Level 301 TCCI __ Full Conference/Monday thru Wednesday
Shelter Veterinarian Track – Sunday, November 11, 2012, 8:00AM to 5:00PM >This Sunday class is planned for Shelter Veterinarians and RVTs,
however if you are animal control or animal welfare professional and would like to attend there will be an additional fee along with your regular
conference fee or if just attending this seminar, please check appropriate fee (includes lunch, 2 breaks and admittance to exhibitor area, 1 year
Associate Membership for Veterinarians and RVTs/1year Certified Membership for Animal Control and/or Animal Welfare Personnel)
- _____ $75.00
_____ $50 TACA Member Attending Conference
____ $100 Not Current TACA Member Attending Sunday Only
Both of these classes are on Sunday, November 11, 2012 8:00AM to 5:00PM, please indicate which class you will be attending so that the
appropriate certificate can be made in your name. There is no additional charge for current TACA members attending the conference also. If you are
a not a current TACA member and not attending the conference, and are registering to attend one of these classes there is a $100 fee, please indicate
if you are attending in conjunction with the conference or separate.
Conjunction with Conference (No FEE)
Separate From Conference ($100)
___ Euthanasia Renewal ____ Bite Stick/OC Spray Certification
___ Euthanasia Renewal ____ Bite Stick/OC Spray Certification
Full Conference Registration for Monday, November 12, 2012 thru Wednesday, November 14, 2012. You MUST select workshops for Monday
afternoon and Tuesday, so we will know the class size to assign topics to rooms that will accommodate class size.
Current TACA Member Registering By 11/5/2012
Current TACA Member Registering After 11/5/2012
___ $150.00
___ $160.00
NOT Current TACA Member Registering By 11/5/2012
___ $200.00
NOT Current TACA Member Registering After 11/5/2012
Please make your workshops selections on the back side of this form, so that you can be assured to attend
that class. If you sign the sign in form and leave your name will be high-lited as not attending and a new
certificate will be issued deducting the hours not attended.
Monday, November 12, 2012 (afternoon workshops only)
1:30PM to 3:00PM – Workshops 101 102 103 104
___ 101 Managers – Doing More with Less…The Post-Recession Municipal Government – Jay Sabatucci
___ 102 ACO’s – Dog Fighting – Chuck Simmons, Norrad & Associates
___ 103 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Zoonotic Disease - Dr. James Wright
___ 104 Compassion Fatigue – Dr. Diana Culp
3:30PM to 5:00PM Workshops 105 106 107 108
___105 Managers – Rick Batterton - Save yourself: 5 Critical Considerations for Shelter Equipment Selection
___106 ACO’s - Urban Wildlife: How to Solve Problems, Save Money & Scrap the Traps – Bonnie Bradshaw
___107 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Disease Recognition to Treat or to Euthanize – Dr. Connie Lindley
___108 Volunteers – Alissa Daniels
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 (all day workshops)
8:00AM to 9:30AM 109 110 111 112
___109 Managers – DSHS Inspection are your ready – Dr. James Wright
___110 Animal Cruelty Evidence Kit – Patrick Smith, La Porte Animal Services
___111 Kennel Techs/Animal Care Dr. Connie Lindley Canine & Feline Diseases
___112 Animal cruelty and Interpersonal Violence (the connection between Animal Control and Violent Crime), Dr. Diana Culp
10:00AM to 11:30AM 113 114 115 116
___113 Managers – Media Training 101 – Lisa Norwood
___114 ACO’s – Livestock - Dr. C. Faries
___115 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Initial Care of Orphan and Injured Wildlife – Bonnie Bradshaw
___116 Adoptions, PR, Education, ALL STAFF – Dr. John Wright
1:00PM to 2:30PM 117 118 119 120
___117 Managers – Social Media 101: Social Media and Marketing for Pets – Susan Green
___118 Animal Forensic for the ACO – Dr. Wendy Blount
___119 Kennel Techs/Animal Care - Canine Body Language – Rhonda McClendon
___120 Communication Skills– Lisa Norwood
3:00PM to 4:30PM 121 122 123 124
___121 Managers – Customer Service – Keane Menefee
___122 ACO’s – Spanish for the ACO – Edna Stambaugh and Carlos Gonzales
___123 Kennel Techs/Animal Care – Ethel Spence
___125 Marketing Your Pets On-Line: Tips and Tricks to increasing your adoptions – Susan Green
Payment – TACA accepts checks or credit cards, we do NOT accept purchase orders. If paying at conference you must indicate that, to pay early
registration fee, your application still must be received by the designated dates. IF you are NOT a CURRENT member, complete the membership
application and send in with your registration.
Mail registration & check to: TACA 38th Annual Conference, 2402 Stonecrest Dr., Abilene, TX 79606
If paying by credit card TACA accepts VISA & Master Card complete all below.
Master Card ___ VISA ____ Zip Code ____________ Security# ________
Card# ________________________________ Expiration Date ____MO. _____YEAR Total Amount _______
Signature _______________________________________________________
Texas Animal Control Association
Since 1974
DATE ____________ RENEWAL _____ NEW _____ DSHS Region ___________________________
Name __________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________
City ________________________________ Zip Code _____________ County ________________________
Work Phone ______________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Fax ___________________
E-Mail Address ______________________________________________
Type of Memberships Available with TACA: (Please Circle)
Open to all animal control and humane personnel whose primary duties are directly related to
animal control/animal welfare profession. Benefits; reduced annual conference registration fee,
area seminars, and other educational opportunities hosted by TACA, support record keeping of
continued education hours earned, verification of continued education hours upon request, trade
journals and/or periodicals selected by the association, Quarterly Updates of News in Texas.
TACA publishes a quarterly Newsletter available on the TACA web site and announced in the
“Quarterly Update”, TACA went paperless with the Newsletter so that members could have
access faster and can print a Newsletter, if you would rather TACA print and mail you a
Newsletter please let us know here _____. VOTING RIGHTS
Open to Public Health and Veterinary Health Personnel, Government Officials, Quasi-Public
Organizations, Veterinarians and others interested in the animal control/animal welfare
profession. (NO VOTING RIGHTS)
Open to veterinarian medical organizations, supply companies, pet food companies,
municipalities and other organizations interested in the animal control/animal welfare
profession. (NO VOTING RIGHTS)
Open to business and corporations that are interested in the animal control/welfare profession
(Benefits you will receive certificate at annual conference and ad in the annual conference
proceeding book. (NO VOTING RIGHTS)
Return application and method of payment to: Texas Animal Control Association, 2402 Stonecrest Dr., Abilene, TX 79606
TACA accepts Master Card & VISA, if paying by credit card, COMPLETE ALL below.
(Check One) Master Card ___ VISA __ Zip Code _______________ Security # _________________ Card #______________________
Expiration ___Mo. ___ Year Total Amount $_______________ Signature ______________________________________________
Texas Animal Control Association
P.O. Box 150637
Lufkin, TX 75915-637