Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Problem Statement: Determine the effect of copper (II) Sulfate particle size, temperature of water mixing method on the rate of dissolution. Hypothesis: The copper (II) sulfate will have a higher dissolution rate when the smaller particles are put into the higher temperature with the faster mixing method. Materials: 0-3°C water, H20 22-28°C water, H20 55-60°C water, H20 Copper (II) Sulfate, CuSO4 * 5H2O, fine crystal Copper (II) Sulfate, CuSO4 *5H2O, powder Copper (II) Sulfate, CuSO4 *5H2O, medium crystal Scale, 0.01g precision Thermometer probe, 0.01°C precision Hot Mit 10 mL graduated cylinder 100 mL beaker (3) Test tubes, large Test tube stopper (14) Weight boat Test tube rack Stop Watch Hotplate TI-Npsire Calculator Randomize Function Procedure: Safety Note: *Copper (II) sulfate is moderately toxic; avoid contact with skin and eyes. Set up: 1. Start hot plate on a setting of 2-3 and gently warm 200 mL of water to 55-60°C. Solution should never boil. 2. 5°C and 22-28°C solutions have already been prepared and are located in the cooler and on the demo table. 3. A clean dry test tube will be used before each experiment. 4. Have stop watch ready. 1 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Protocol: 1. Randomize trials using the random integer function with the TI-Nspire calculate function. 2. Mass out 0.2 grams of the copper (II) sulfate in the specific particle size of the trial using a weigh boat 3. Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 10 mL of water specific to your trial. 4. Pour the water into a dry test tube and pour the copper (II) sulfate into the test tube. 5. Plug the test tube with a stopper and start stop watch. 6. Agitate solution according to the trials mixing method. 7. Record data in the data tables in seconds that the solution took to dissolve. 8. Repeat steps 1-7 for the rest of the trials. Diagram: Fine Crystal (Standard) Medium Crystal (+) Powder (-) Figure 1. Particle Sizes Figure 1 above shows the crystals used for the experiment. The powder on the left is the low value. The fine crystal in the middle is the standard. The medium crystal on the right is the high value. 2 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Data and Observations: Table 1 Factors Used in Experiment Factors (+) Values Standards Extent of mixing (sec) 1/s 5/10s Temperature (°C) 55-60 medium crystal 22-28 fine crystal Particle Size Table 2 Data Collected During the Random Trials Temperature Trials Particle Size (°C) 1 Standard 3 + + 8 + + 7 + 4 + 6 Standard 9 + 10 + 5 2 11 Standard (-) Values 1/10s 0-3 powder Mixing Method + + + + - Results in Time of Dissolution (s) 87 180 300+ 189 300+ 87 17 70 42 203 64 In Table 1, the factors used for the experiment are shown. The highs, lows, and standards are shown in the table. The factors that will be used are the extent of mixing, the temperature of the water, and the particle size of the copper (II) sulfate. Table 2 above shows the data collected during the trials. The trials were randomized on a TiNspire CX calculator. Trials 1, 6, and 11 are the standards. 3 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Table 3 Observations Trial Day 1 12/7/12 1 3 2 4 5 6 Day 2 12/10/12 7 8 9 10 11 Observations Redid the second day and Alex flicked. Time made more sense. Alex flicked.+,+,+ light blue Alex flicked. -,-,- light blue took longer with cold water Alex flicked. +,-,- Greater than 5 minutes and doesn’t dissolve very well. Alex flicked. Some copper stuck to side of tube. -,-,+ Standard. Alex flicked. Alex flicked +,-,+ took longer with cold water Alex flicked+,+,- took longer than 5 min Alex flicked -,+,+ Alex flicked and it went really fast like we hypothesized Alex flicked -,+,- took just a little longer than previous trial Alex flicked standard about right with the other S Table 3 above shows the observations made during the experiment. The same researcher mixed the solution every time so that there would be no effects of different methods. Notice also that there were two trials that took longer than 5 minutes to dissolve. This is believed to be because of the cold water and the medium size crystal. Also in trial 5 there was some powder that stuck to the side of the tube and did not get into the solution as fast as the rest so that may be why it took a little longer for it to dissolve. 4 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Data Analysis and Interpretation: Table 4 Effect of Particle Size (-) Values: (+) Values: 17 180 70 300 42 189 203 300 Average=83 Average=242.25 Figure 2. Effect of Particle Size In Figure 2 and Table 4 above, the effect of the particle size is shown. On average, as the particle size increased, the dissolution rate increased by 159.25 seconds. Table 5 Effect of Temperature (C) (-) Values (+) Values 189 180 300 300 42 17 203 70 Average=183.5 Average=141.75 Figure 3. Effect of Temperature (C) In Figure 2 and Table 5 above, the effect of the temperature of the water is shown. On average, as the temperature increased, the dissolution time decreased by about 41.75 seconds. 5 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Table 6 Effect of Mixing Method (-) Values 300 300 70 203 Average=218.25 (+) Values 180 189 17 42 Average=107 Figure 4. Effect of Mixing Method Figure 4 and Table 6 above show the effect of the mixing method used. On average, as the mixing method increased, the dissolution time decreased by 111.25 seconds. Interaction Effect of Particle Size and Temperature 300 Dissolution (sec) 250 P(+) Table 7 Interaction Effect of Particle Size and Temperature 200 T(-) 150 100 50 P (-) 0 -1 1 P(+) (solid) P(-) (dotted) T(+) 244.5 240 122.5 43.5 Tem perature (ºC) Figure 5. Interaction Effect of Particle Size and Temperature Figure 5 and Table 7 above, shows the interaction effect of the particle size and the temperature. The lines are not parallel which means there was an interaction. When calculated the interaction effect came out to 37.25 seconds. 6 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Interaction Effect of Partcle Size and Mixing Method 350 Dissolution (sec) 300 Table 8 Interaction Effect of Particle Size and Mixing Method 250 200 P (+) 150 M(-) 100 50 P (-) 0 -1 1 Mixing Method P(+) (solid) P(-) (dotted) M(+) 300 184.5 136.5 29.5 Figure 6. Interaction Effect of Particle Size and Mixing Method In Figure 6 and Table 8 above, the interaction effect of the particle size and the mixing method is shown. The lines look almost parallel, indicating that there is a small interaction of these factors. The interaction effect was -4.25 seconds, which is smaller than the rest of the effects. Interaction Effect of Temperature (ºC) and Mixing Method 300 Dissolution (sec) 250 200 150 T (-) 100 Table 9 Interaction Effect of the Temperature and Mixing Method T (+) M(-) 50 0 -1 1 Mixing Method T(+) (solid) T(-) (dotted) M(+) 185 98.5 251.5 115.5 Figure 7. Interaction Effect of the Temperature and Mixing Method In Figure 7 and Table 9 above, the interaction effect of the temperature and the mixing method is shown. These lines are not parallel indicating an effect. This effect is 24.75 seconds. 7 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Standards Dissolution (sec) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 Trial Figure 8. Standards There were three standard trials taken during the experiment. Figure 8 shows them on a graph to show how close they are. The first two were the same and the third was smaller. This may be because of an error or something was done differently during this trial. -111.25 M -41.75 T -4.25 PM 0 24.75 TM 37.25 PT 159.25 P Figure 9. Dot Plot of Effects The figure above shows the dot plot of the six effect variables. The two effects farthest from zero will most likely be significant, but this cannot be known for sure without doing a test of significance. To find if a variable is significant, take the absolute value of the effect. If this is greater than or equal to two times the range of standards it is significant. The range of standards for this experiment is 23. When this is multiplied by two it becomes 46. Now it is seen that anything greater than or equal to 46 will be significant. The only variables that are significant for this data is the particle size and the mixing method. 8 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 Y= 162.625 + (159.25/2)P + (-111.25/2)M + NOISE Figure 10. Parsimonious Equation Figure 10 shows the parsimonious equation that only includes the vital few that were selected by the test of significance. The two variables are the particle size and the mixing method. Then the grand average is also added onto the equation. The grand average does not include the standards, just the trials. The noise on the end of the equation is any other factor that could affect the variables. Check: +,+,+: Y= 162.625 + (159.25/2)(+1) + (-111.25/2)(+1) + NOISE = 186.625 Figure 11. Check of the Parsimonious Equation The parsimonious does work. As seen in Figure 11, when the highs are plugged into the equation is gives 186.625 as the answer. When the data that was collected is compared to the check it seems that it does work, even though the number is not exact. This is because there is no third variable, just the two that were significant. Conclusion: The data gathered from the experiment shows that the powdered form of Copper (II) Sulfate in 55-60°C of water being mixed once every second gave the fastest result of dissolution, which was 17 seconds. Since this is the case, the hypothesis made by the researchers is accepted. This scenario of water temperature, mixing method, and particle size 9 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 had the fastest rate of dissolution for many reasons. One of the reasons is the speed of the mixing method. The solute was being agitated once every second causing the particles to spread in the water. The copper (II) sulfate particles bonded more quickly with water molecules because the water is polar and the copper is ionic which caused attraction between the copper and water. With the fast mixing method, the particles bonded with each other more quickly causing a quicker dissolution. Also, another reason is the high water temperature. The heat of the water is given off by the actual speed of the particles in the water, so the higher the temperature of water, the faster the particles move. The fast moving particles in the water spread and attracted many more copper (II) sulfate molecules in a faster time. The kinetic molecular theory states that with higher temperature, there is higher kinetic energy. This higher kinetic energy causes faster collisions of molecules and overall a faster dissolution time. This also means that cooler water has slower kinetic energy causing an overall slower dissolution time. This comparison can be seen in trials 9 and 5 of the experiment. They both have the same mixing method and particle size, but one has 55-60°C water while the other has 0-3°C water. Trial 9 had the higher water temperature and also higher dissolution rate of 17 seconds. Trial 5 had the lower temperature and a dissolution rate of 43 seconds. Finally, a big impact on the rate of dissolution was the particle size. The low particle size (powder) had rates of dissolution which were all faster than the trials with the high particle size (medium crystal). This may have occurred because of the closeness of the particles and also the size of these particles. The medium crystals had bigger particle size and were also packed closely together, so the water molecules had to break down the copper (II) sulfate molecule, starting at the surface. Since the size of the particle was bigger, the water molecules took longer to break it 10 Costanzo-Kibria 10A 12-20-12 down. To completely dissolve the medium crystal, the water molecules had to break down each layer of copper (II) sulfate particles from the surface all the way to the center which caused the rate of dissolution to be slow. On the other hand, the powder had a very high rate of dissolution. The reason for this can be associated to the same reasoning for the medium crystals, surface model. The powdered copper (II) sulfate has smaller particles and the water can break it down to its center much quicker. Even though the medium crystal and the powder had the same mass, the breaking down of the particles were different because of the face that the powder was smaller and easier to break down. All of this scientific fact supports the experimental evidence in saying that the high temperature with 1 per second mixing method on powdered copper (II) sulfate has the highest rate of dissolution. Even though the science proves the experiments outcome, there were still a few weaknesses. One of the weaknesses was keeping a uniform method of mixing. The mixing was done by flicking the test tube in which the solution was in, but one flick may be harder then the next one or the one before it. Another weakness was keeping the test tube still so that no other shaking caused the solution to dissolve than the intended means of mixing. 11