POTENTIAL PGY1 SITE SURVEY QUESTIONS MORNING SESSION WITH RPD AND DIRECTOR OF PHARMACY PRINCIPLE 1 1. Describe your applicant section process? Who participates? Do you have written criteria to decide who gets an interview and who gets ranked?(1.1a & 1.1b) DOCUMENT? 2. Do you have a policy on licensure? When is the resident supposed to be licensed? What happens if the resident does not have his/her license by this date? (1.3) PRINCIPLE 2 1. What are the service or staffing obligations of the resident? (2.2a) 2. Do you have a policy on resident duty hours? Moonlighting allowed? Can you tell/show me how you track the work hours of your current residents? (2.2b) 3. Do you have a policy on the impact of extended leave and the ability of the resident to complete the program...ask to see. (2.7) 4. What local, state, and/or national meetings do you require the resident to attend? Do you provide finding for these meetings? (R2.6) 5. Do you have a list of requirements for completion of the residency program? (2.8) Do you have a % of outcomes which must be achieved in order to successfully complete residency? PRINCIPLE 3 PRINCIPLE 4 1. What was the process for coming up with the residency purpose statement? 2. Can you go through with me what the required and elective rotations are for this year? 3. How were the learning experience descriptions developed? 4. 4.1d: How do you communicate with the preceptors regarding the goals and objectives to be taught and or T/E during their learning experiences and ensure that those are the goals and objectives being taught or T/E? 5. Do you have required or elective learning experiences offsite? 6. Can you describe for overall strategy for evaluating the residents, resident self-eval, and evaluations of the residents of the learning experiences and preceptors? (4.1e) 7. What is the process for competing evaluations? (4.1e) 8. Who decides when a goals or objective is ACHR? How is it decided? 9. Do you have a residency advisory committee? How often does it meet? Who is involved? 10. How do your preceptors provide the residents with periodic opportunities to practice and documents formative self-evaluation?(4.1e(1)(a) 11. How did you choose which snapshot to evaluate? 4.1e(1)(a) 12. How was your resident(s) oriented to the program overall and also to each learning experience by their preceptors (4.2a(1-3) 13. How are the staff oriented to the residency program? (4.2(a)(2) CUSTOMIZED PLAN: 1. How do you develop you initial plan? Strengths-Weaknesses-Interests-Goals (4.2b) 2. How do you share the customized plans and modifications to them with your resident and all your preceptors? 4.2b(4). 3. How do you evaluate how the resident is progressing with regard to their strengths and weaknesses and identify new potential strengths and weaknesses? (4.2e(2) 4.How do you track resident's overall progress towards achievement of the goals and objectives for your program? . PRECEPTOR QI: 1. How do your evaluate potential preceptors for their desire and aptitude for teaching (4.3a) 2. Describe the how preceptors are given the opportunity to enhance their teaching skills (4.3b) 3. Tell me about your preceptor development plan and what sources you used for the basis of your plan? (4.3C) 4. Tell me about any changes you plan to make to next year's program based on what you've learned so far this year? 5. How do you plan to evaluate the program at the end of the year? Who will be involved in this process? PRINCIPLE 5 AND 6 Do you use any non-pharmacists preceptors? If so, can you describe how they have been utilized? (5.11) PRINCIPLE 7 BASED ON GRID: AMBULATORY: 1. Do you have any ambulatory services? 2. Outpatient oncology services/chemotherapy infusions? Where is this mixed? INPATIENT: 1. You have an average census of about ___ pts? 2. Describe your drug distribution system from prescribing to administration and tell me about the technology involved in the process. -Pharmacy is open 24 H/Day? -What is your staffing on night shift? -Do you dispense everything to Pyxis or also have med carts? CPOE implementation? Bar coding? Scan rate? Smart pumps? What is process for making changes to smart pump library? 3. Approximately how many chemotherapy infusions do you prepare per day? What is the process from start to finish? (7.4b) 4. Approximately how many patients do each of the decentralized pharmacists follow daily? WHAT AREAS? 5: How are emergency dept orders handled? 6: If you needed to utilize a half tablet, would the pharmacy dispense or would the nurse split it on the floor? (7.5a) 7. How do you handle oral liquid meds which are not sold in UD containers? 8. How do you dispense meds to the PEDS units? (7.5a) 9: Tell me about the ____ of IV products that are not mixed by pharmacy. Examples? Are there any areas where nurses mix IV infusions? 7.5b 10. Where are there multidisciplinary rounds? Where does pharmacy participate? Is this on a daily basis? 7.6a(1) 11. How is medication reconciliation handled at your hospital? 12. Do you have an investigational drug service? If so, is it 24 hours? Who dispenses on evenings and weekends? 7.5c 13. What is your policy on drug samples? 7.5e 14. Do you have an outpatient pharmacy? Is the resident involved in the outpatient pharmacy? 15. Give me examples of where the pharmacy prospectively participates in the development of individualized treatment plans (e.g. via multidisciplinary rounds, consult services to dose and monitor, etc) 7.6a(4) 16. Do your pharmacists attend codes? Is your code coverage 24 hours? 17. What is the process for development of treatment protocols, clinical guidelines, or clinical pathways? Pharmacy involvement? Tell me how the resident has been involved in this in the past year? 7.6a(2) 18. Do you maintain a Pyxis/Omnicell override list of medications for different areas of the hospital? How is this list developed and approved? 7.8b 19. Are there any meds in the ED on auto-verify? 20. Describe for me the things you document in the medical record. Where is it documented? 7.6a(8) 21. Do your pharmacists operate under any protocols (e.g. where the P&T allows them do certain things like automatic dosing or IV to PO)? Do you dose and monitor vancomycin, the aminoglycosides, or other meds? Is this a consult service or do you automatically do this? Who writes for enteral and parenteral nutrition support? 7.6a(3) 22. Tell me about pharmacy's participation in prevention and wellness programs? 7.6a(12) 23 How does your P&T work? How often does it meet? Does the resident attend? What has the resident presented or developed for P&T this year? Do you prepare drug monographs for each meeting? 24. Do you send the P&T packet out in advance? 25. Do you routinely provide medication/discharge education for certain populations of patients? If so, which patients do you routinely educate? 26. List for me some education programs provided by the pharmacy to other healthcare providers in the past 6 months to a year. 7.6b(6) 27. Tell me about your adverse drug event monitoring, trending, and reporting/communication. 7.7c 28. Can you give me a couple of examples of processes which have changed in the past year based on an adverse drug event or ADE trends? 7.7c 29. Describe how medication errors and ADR's are tracked and communicated. 7.7c 30 Tell me about 1-2 MUE's which have been done in the past year and any changes made due to the MUE (7.7b) What MUE's have the resident been involved with? 31. Tell me how you routinely evaluate the quality of pharmacy services both from a distribution standpoint and the clinical services. (7.7d) 32. Do you produce a newsletter? How are the residents involved? 7.6b2 33. Do you feel there are areas of the hospital where patients are under-served by the pharmacy or would benefit from expansion of clinical services? PRECEPTOR QUESTIONS: 1. What is your involvement in the selection and ranking of residents. How do y'all decide who is ranked and where they are ranked. 2. How do you orient your residents to your rotations. 3. What is the process for determining when goals are achieved for your learning experience and for the residency program and how is that shared among preceptors. 4. How are changes in the customized plan shared among preceptors. Can you tell me a couple of changes made to the plan this year based on identification of areas of opportunity/weaknesses of the resident? 5. What is a formative evaluation? The standard is that the each preceptor allows the resident to document formative self-evaluation, how is this accomplished on each of your LE. 6. Explain the process for doing the summative evaluations (Looking for discussion with the resident) 7. Describe some preceptor development activities which have occurred in the past year. 8. Describe the 4 preceptor roles for me? 9. Do you have a residency advisory committee? Who is involved in the committee? 10. Tell me about some changes you think should be made next year based on what you've learned from this year so far (or changes made this year based on last year)? 11. Where in the hospital or your ambulatory services do you feel that pharmacy is not adequately involved or could better impact care? Highest priorities? PHARMACISTS AND TECHS 1. Oriented to residency? 2. What do you see as the biggest challenges for the pharmacy at this time? 3. If you change 1 thing to improved pharmacy services or medication use what would it be? NURSES 1. Tell me about your roles, where you work, and how long you've been with the hospital. 2. What is your understanding regarding the difference between a pharmacy student and a pharmacy resident? 3. Do you have 1 or more pharmacists that you mainly work with? Pharmacist role? 4. Have the residents worked in your area this year? What was your interaction with them? 5. When you have to give a oral liquid medication, how is it delivered to you? Bottle, UD, oral syringe? 6. Which IV admixtures do you sometimes prepare on the floor? 7. Are you involved with P&T Committee or a Med Safety Committee? Tell me about a change which has occurred in the past year due to evaluation of a medication error, ISMP report, or a review of trends? Has there been any resident involvement in these committees/meetings? 8. If you have two prn pain medication orders, how do you decide which to give 1st? 9. How are formulary changes, policy changes, or drug shortages communicated to the nursing staff? 10. How do you know if a medication is a high alert medication or is designated as a hazardous medication? How do you dispose of hazardous medications? 11. Where is the one area or service where you would like to see more pharmacy involvement? RESIDENT QUESTIONS 1. Why did you choose to do a residency? 2. Why did you choose this particular residency program? 3. What was your involvement with the application and interview process this year? 4. What is your service/staffing obligations? 5. Do you pick up extra shifts at the hospital. Are you allowed to moonlight elsewhere? 5a. How are your hours monitored? 6. Tell me about your orientation to the program and to each of the different learning experiences. Was the orientation between each of the experiences the same or did it vary somewhat? 7. How were you oriented to Resitrak, the evaluation process, and expectations of the evaluations? 8. Tell me about the evaluation process? 9. How do you know if you are appropriately self-evaluating? 10. Have you participated in identifying any weaknesses in the medication use system compared to best practices? Have you participated in changing any policies due to problematic or potentially unsafe medication use? 10a. Give me examples of activities where you utilized group participation skills when leading or participating in a committee or work group. 11. Tell me about the opportunities you have had this year to provide education to patients? Learning Experience? 12. Tell me about opportunities you've had to provide education to other healthcare professionals. Formal lectures? 13. Tell me about your involvement in evaluation of the medication use process? ADE tracking? RCA? ISMP eval? 14. Give me some examples where in critical care you made a referral to another heath care professional when their healthcare needs could not be met by a pharmacist. 15. What have you done with regard to leading a change in a problematic area? 16. Have you led any group discussions? 17. Have you written a newsletter article or put out a drug bulletin to other healthcare professionals? 18. Describe the 4 preceptor roles for me. What activities have provided you with the opportunities to master these roles. 19. What is your involvement with P&T or the med safety committee? 20 How has the residency (so far) been different from what you expected? 21. What are 3 changes you'd recommend to improve the residency next year based on your experiences so far. PHYSICIANS 1. How are formulary changes, medication usage issues, and shortages communicated to the medical staff. 2. What is your involvement in P&T Committee 3. What has been your involvement with the residents?