1 Multispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: spatial signals of topographic niche 2 differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity 3 4 C. Brown*1,2, D.F.R.P. Burslem3, J.B. Illian2, L. Bao4, W. Brockelman5, M. Cao6, L.W. Chang7, H.S. Dattaraja8, 5 S. Davies9,10, C.V.S. Gunatilleke11, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke11, J. Huang12, A.R. Kassim13, J.V. LaFrankie14, J. 6 Lian12, L. Lin6, K. Ma4, X. Mi4, A. Nathalang5, S. Noor13, P. Ong14, R. Sukumar8, S.H. Su7, I.F. Sun15, H.S. 7 Suresh8, S. Tan16, J. Thompson17,18, M. Uriarte19, R. Valencia20, S.L. Yap14, W. Ye12, R. Law21 8 9 1 School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, UK.; 10 2 CREEM, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, The Observatory, Buchanan 11 Gardens, St Andrews KY16 9LZ, UK; 12 3 13 Drive, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, UK; 14 4 15 Sciences, 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, China; 16 5 17 Klongluang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand; 18 6 19 Sciences, Kunming 650223, China; 20 7 21 8 Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India; 22 9 Centre for Tropical Forest Science, Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 23 USA 24 10 Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Cruickshank Building, St Machar State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Ecology Laboratory, BIOTEC Central Research Unit, 113 Thailand Science Park, Paholyothin Road, Klong 1, Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei 10066, Taiwan Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 0843-03092, Balboa Ancón, Republic of Panama 25 11 Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka; 26 12 South China Botany Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650; 27 13 Forest Ecology Unit, Forest Environment Division, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong, 52109, Kuala 28 Lumpur, Malaysia; 29 14 Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines; 30 15 Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien 974, 31 Taiwan; 32 16 33 Sarawak, Malaysia; 34 17 Institute of Tropical Ecosystem Studies, University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 1690, Luquillo, PR 00773, USA; 35 18 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothan, EH26 0QB, Scotland, UK 36 19 Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A; 37 20 Laboratory of Plant Ecology, School of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, 38 Apartado 17-01-2184, Quito, Ecuador; 39 21 40 PO Box 373, York YO10 5EG, UK; 41 *Correspondence author. E-mail calum.brown@ed.ac.uk 42 43 44 45 Forest Department Sarawak, Bangunan Wisma Sumber Alam, Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya 93660, Kuching, York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis and Biology Department, Ron Cooke Hub, University of York, 46 Abstract 47 Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree 48 species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects 49 have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data 50 from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with 51 neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space 52 according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic 53 heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more 54 variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a 55 strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and 56 topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive 57 niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental 58 heterogeneity. 59 60 Keywords: species coexistence, tropical forest, niche differentiation, neutral theory, spatial pattern, cross-pair 61 overlap distribution. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Introduction 73 The specialisation of species to particular environmental conditions is one mechanism that 74 potentially supports the maintenance of high tree species richness in tropical forests [1, 2]. 75 For single species or groups of species, evidence of niche differentiation is strong, and 76 numerous studies have identified associations of tropical forest tree species to environmental 77 variables such as elevation, soil chemistry and water content, exposure, humidity, 78 temperature, and light regimes [e.g. 3-7]. However, the role of niche differentiation in 79 maintaining overall levels of plant diversity remains unclear [8, 9], as does the consistency of 80 its effects across sites. 81 82 In contrast to niche differentiation, the neutral theory suggests that species richness is 83 maintained as a balance between immigration and extinction through neutral and ongoing 84 “drift” of species [10,11], and is able to accurately predict community-scale patterns such as 85 Species-Area Relationships (SARs) and Species Abundance Distributions (SADs) without 86 recourse to any functional differences between species. As with other patterns, the 87 relationship between SADs or SARs and underlying processes is not one-to-one, however, 88 making direct inference of process from pattern impossible [12]. In particular, the footprints 89 that neutral and niche processes leave on SADs and SARs, singly or in combination, may be 90 indistinguishable [e.g. 13, 14]. 91 92 In recent years, the use of summary statistics that include information on spatial structure has 93 become more widespread in ecology [15]. These statistics provide a promising basis for 94 discriminating between ecological processes, both in empirical [16, 17] and in simulated 95 settings [18]. The possibility of resolving the neutral-niche debate has driven the 96 development and application of these statistics, but a resolution has not yet been achieved 97 [19, 20]. One reason is that limited dispersal – a process that may be neutral or non-neutral 98 depending on whether it occurs identically across species – can produce forms of clustering 99 and species turnover that correlate spuriously with environmental variation, implying niche 100 differentiation where none in fact exists [21]. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that 101 only a few species’ dispersal kernels have been estimated (but see e.g. [22]), and that niche 102 effects, if present, would depend upon the magnitude and scale of environmental variation in 103 ways that are hard to predict [23]. 104 105 When both limited dispersal and niche differentiation occur together, disentangling their 106 effects on species distributions is especially difficult. Attempts to do so generally assume that 107 the effects operate at different scales, and select an arbitrary radius at which environmental 108 variation is thought to replace dispersal limitation as the dominant spatial effect [e.g. 24]. A 109 variation on this technique is the identification of specific habitats or habitat types, within 110 which niche effects are assumed to be negligible and non-random spatial structure, therefore, 111 primarily a consequence of limited dispersal [23]. Studies that attempt to separate the effects 112 of niche differentiation and dispersal limitation, however, have not produced a consistent 113 assessment of the importance of either. Often, their conclusion is that niche differentiation 114 may play a small and variable role, but that neutral dispersal can most closely describe the 115 dynamics of rainforest communities [25-27]. 116 117 One method of discounting the effects of dispersal limitation is to compare the spatial 118 structure of forests in which environmental variability is relatively small against forests in 119 which it is relatively large. In this case, dispersal limitation can be expected either to be 120 consistent or to vary independently of environmental heterogeneity, so that differences 121 between the forests’ spatial structure do not correlate with differences in their environments. 122 Instead, systematic differences in spatial structure may be attributed to the degree of niche 123 differentiation permitted by the underlying environment. This method requires multiple 124 comparisons of very large, spatially-explicit data-sets on species distributions, with 125 corresponding environmental data. The development of networks such as the Centre for 126 Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) plots [28] now makes spatial analyses of this kind more 127 feasible, especially as the topographical data collected in these plots correlates strongly with 128 several environmental variables on which niche differentiation might occur, such as water 129 and nutrient availability [e.g. 6 - 8]. 130 131 In addition, the method requires statistics that are able to summarise the spatial structure of 132 multispecies communities and that are sensitive to the signatures of niche differentiation. 133 Very few studies of this kind have been conducted, although the few that are available give 134 intriguing glimpses of the roles of niche differentiation and neutral dynamics in determining 135 community structure, suggesting that both play important roles that may vary between 136 species, sites and spatial scales [16, 29]. It is therefore a priority for research to investigate 137 the general scope of neutrality across multiple species and sites, to complement research 138 focused on particular species and environmental variables. 139 140 Here, we perform the largest-scale test of the spatial predictions of neutral and niche theories 141 yet undertaken, using data from 14 large forest plots within the CTFS network, in order to 142 assess the theories’ relative abilities to explain cross-site patterns in community structure. We 143 apply a new statistic, the cross-pair overlap distribution, or xPOD [18], which summarises the 144 spatial overlap of all species pairs within a community. This statistic has been developed to 145 distinguish between the spatial signatures of neutrality and of niche differentiation (among 146 other mechanisms) in species-rich plant communities. Under neutrality, species are separated 147 only by the combined effects of density-dependent mortality and dispersal-driven clumping, 148 both of which must affect all species equally. All pairs of species thus have similar overlaps, 149 and the xPOD has a relatively low variance. In contrast, if species have different niche 150 preferences linked to spatial heterogeneity in the environment, they separate out in space 151 according to the scale of this heterogeneity. As a result, there is more variation in the overlaps 152 of pairs of species, and the xPOD has a relatively large variance that increases with the 153 degree and grain of environmental variation (see Figure 1). 154 155 Where niche differentiation occurs, species pairs in environmentally heterogeneous habitats 156 are expected to have a greater range of spatial overlaps than those in more homogeneous 157 habitats, and to have a correspondingly greater xPOD variance. Under neutrality, no 158 mechanism exists to produce such a systematic relationship between the environment and 159 community because this relationship is an expression of the species-specific behaviours that 160 neutrality precludes. We therefore test the hypothesis that the variance of the xPOD increases 161 with environmental heterogeneity in tropical rainforest plots. This allows us to investigate the 162 consistency, at community scale, of niche differentiation on all factors related to 163 environmental heterogeneity across dissimilar sites. Our findings confirm the hypothesis, 164 suggesting that neutral theory alone cannot account for tropical forest community structure, 165 and that tropical tree species have the feature of increasing spatial niche differentiation with 166 increasing environmental heterogeneity. 167 168 Materials & Methods 169 DATA 170 Data for all free-standing woody plants ≥ 1 cm diameter at breast height (dbh, with breast 171 height defined as 1.3 m from the ground) mapped to a precision of 0.1 m, and elevation 172 surveyed on a 20 x 20 m grid, were obtained for fourteen plots in the network coordinated by 173 the CTFS [28]. The plots were Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in Panama, Dinghushan, 174 Gutianshan and Xishuangbanna in China, Fushan and Lienhuachih in Taiwan, Lambir and 175 Pasoh in Malaysia, Luquillo in Puerto Rico, Mo Singto in Thailand, Mudumalai in India, 176 Palanan in the Philippines, Sinharaja in Sri Lanka and Yasuni in Ecuador (Table S1). 177 Topography derived from elevation data was used to measure environmental variation (see 178 below) because other data, relating for example to soil chemical and physical properties, are 179 not available to us for all sites. Plots for this study were selected to sample a wide range of 180 topographical characteristics within the tropical forest biome, but without further restrictions 181 on geographical location, altitude or climate. We set a lower limit of 16 ha on plot size in 182 order to maximise the number of sites available for study, while ensuring that a minimum of 183 100 species pairs per site met our diameter and species abundance thresholds to produce a 184 clear cross-pair overlap distribution. 185 186 The fourteen plots are between 16 ha and 52 ha in size, and have elevation ranges of between 187 25 m (Pasoh) and 269 m (Gutianshan). Plots also differ in terms of longitude, latitude, 188 climate, disturbance regimes (recorded human disturbance is absent or very minor in all), 189 species diversity and stem density, amongst other characteristics (Table S1). These 190 substantial and important differences are likely to have significant impacts on the relative 191 strengths of ecological processes occurring in the forests, including those that affect spatial 192 patterns. However, our hypothesis is that the signal of niche differentiation in the relative 193 locations of species in heterogeneous environments is universal, and so should vary in a 194 broadly predictable way in comparisons of plots regardless of specific plot characteristics. 195 196 Within the plots, each plant was identified by its coordinates relative to the plot corners, 197 diameter and species identity; where more than one stem was present, we used the largest 198 stem. We also used elevation data measured at the corners of each 20 x 20 m sub-plot to 199 derive the environmental metrics, as this was the finest resolution of the topographic survey 200 data that was available consistently for all plots. In separate analyses we applied minimum 201 species abundance thresholds of 100 and 500 individuals, to ensure that the uninformative 202 spatial signal of rare species (which, by their nature, tend to be highly separate in space from 203 other species) did not dominate our results, but also that sufficient species were included to 204 produce clear distributions. Minimum diameter at breast height (dbh) thresholds of 1 cm, to 205 include all recorded trees in the datasets, and a variable threshold to isolate the signal of adult 206 trees were applied in separate analyses (the numbers of species and individuals included in 207 analyses with each of these abundance and dbh thresholds are given in Table S2). Following 208 [30], adult trees were defined as those with a dbh greater than the 99th percentile dbh for that 209 species raised to a power of 2⁄3. This is a biologically-motivated and conservative threshold, 210 thought to be successful in excluding non-reproductive juveniles from the adult class. The 211 locations of adult trees were expected to be more informative about topographic niche 212 preferences, being less dependent upon partially stochastic effects that determine seedling 213 and sapling locations [31, 32]. 214 215 216 SPATIAL STATISTIC (CROSS-PAIR OVERLAP DISTRIBUTION) 217 218 To summarise multispecies spatial patterns in different plots, we used the cross-pair overlap 219 distribution (xPOD; [18]), a statistic that is sensitive to non-random aggregation and 220 separation of pairs of species. We give an example of the calculation of the xPOD in Figure 221 1, and provide below an explanation of the ideas on which it is based. 222 223 The xPOD describes the spatial overlap of all species in a community as a histogram of scalar 224 quantities Aij, each of which is the area under the log of the cross-pair correlation function for 225 one pair of species, i, j [15]. The cross-pair correlation function gij(r) for the pair of species i, 226 j describes the spatial relationship of i and j as a function of the distance r between pairs of 227 individuals of i and j. The function takes a value of one (zero on the log scale) when i and j 228 are distributed independently of one another at a distance r, and takes larger or smaller values 229 when i and j are more or less aggregated than this [15]. 230 231 The area under the cross-pair correlation function is computed as R 232 Aij = log( g ij (r )) dr ; eqn 1 0 233 the area under the function log(gij(r)) up to a maximum distance R (see Figure 1). Each area 234 Aij therefore captures the dominant spatial relationship between species i and j up to a 235 distance R. The xPOD was defined for use over a distance R of one quarter of minimum plot 236 dimension following the recommendation of [33]. In order to avoid violating this in the 237 smallest plots while keeping the scale of analysis constant, we set a value of R of 80 m in all 238 plots. An Aij value of zero implies that the two species are randomly distributed relative to 239 one another, a positive value indicates that they overlap in space, and a negative value 240 indicates that they are separated in space. The xPOD is the frequency distribution of these Aijs 241 over an assemblage of species, taking all combinations of species i and j, (with i ≠ j); for 242 instance 100 species give a frequency distribution of 9900 Aijs. A frequency distribution with 243 a small range indicates that all species have a similar degree of spatial overlap, while a 244 distribution with a large range indicates that some species pairs overlap to a far greater or 245 lesser extent than others. The xPOD is calculated so that edge effects do not occur (see Text 246 S1). In measuring the spatial overlap of species pairs, the xPOD is not affected by 247 differences in overall density and diversity, although it becomes more informative as both 248 increase and is therefore used with abundance and diversity thresholds. 249 250 Like any other descriptor, the xPOD does not uniquely link patterns with processes. 251 However, it has the advantage of reducing a potentially very complex multispecies spatial 252 pattern to a simple and comparable frequency distribution. It is ideally suited to our current 253 investigation because it has been shown to discriminate reliably between neutral and niche 254 processes in a simulation study [18]. The principal difference between xPODs produced by 255 simulated neutral and niche models was in the spread of values obtained for different species 256 pairs, and so we summarise the xPODs of each forest plot in this current study by their 257 standard deviations. The use of this single value to characterise the spatial behaviour of 258 species at each site allows a direct comparison with the environmental metrics of each site 259 described in the next section. 260 261 262 ENVIRONMENTAL METRICS AND REGRESSION 263 264 We summarised environmental heterogeneity in each plot in terms of topography, which is 265 the only environmental data consistently available across all plots. It is also strongly 266 correlated with variation in resources such as water availability and soil conditions, and a 267 potentially important axis of niche differentiation in plant communities [8, 34]. This means 268 that measures of topography should capture much of the variation in important specific 269 factors on which niche specialisation occurs. 270 271 Both the total range and the spatial scale of topographic variation may affect patterns of 272 overlap between species’ niches, with both increasing range and increasing scale (or 273 decreasing ‘roughness’) expected to increase the spread of the xPOD through greater niche 274 separation. We therefore used five metrics designed to capture aspects of these: the range and 275 standard deviation of elevation; the surface to planimetric area ratio; the proportion of convex 276 20 m by 20 m sub-plots; and the average slope between sub-plots (see Table 1). Range and 277 roughness are not independent properties, but these metrics allow us to separate their effects 278 as far as possible. These effects may operate directly through elevation, or indirectly through 279 other environmental variables. Because of the possibility that regular diurnal variation in 280 cloudiness influences irradiance regimes as a function of aspect, we also summarised 281 differences in aspect between plots in terms of sub-plot aspects. 282 283 We used linear regression to examine the relationships between each measure of 284 environmental heterogeneity and the standard deviations of the xPODs across plots. To check 285 for plot-size effects, we also derived environmental metrics and xPODs separately for each 286 half of the four plots with an area of 50 ha or more (BCI, Lambir, Mudumalai and Pasoh) and 287 included these in each regression as independent points. We also checked for any 288 relationships between biogeographical factors and xPOD standard deviations using linear 289 regression. No clear predictions about the form of these relationships have been established, 290 and because it is also unclear how the effects might combine or interact, we performed a 291 single regression for each. 292 293 Results 294 295 Figure 1 shows the steps from spatial patterns of trees to an xPOD, using information from 296 the Lienhuachih plot in Taiwan. Figure S1 shows the xPODs and range of elevation over 297 space for all plots in the analysis. There is clearly more variation in the xPODs as elevation 298 range increases, with larger positive and, especially, negative values, respectively indicating 299 spatial overlap and segregation of species pairs. This pattern was observed at all of the 300 abundance and dbh thresholds we applied, but was found to be strongest at an abundance 301 threshold of 100 individuals and a dbh threshold of 1 cm (Figure S2), which also maximised 302 the number of species included in the analyses (Table S2). Figure 2 shows the relationships 303 between xPOD standard deviation and elevation range, elevation standard deviation (both 304 positive and significant at just over 1% level by linear regression) and the proportion of 305 convex sub-plots (with an abundance threshold of 500 individuals, negative and also 306 significant at just over 1% level). Other, non-significant relationships, between xPOD 307 standard deviation and average slope (with a p-value of 0.06) and surface to planimetric area 308 ratio, are shown in Figure S3. All of these relationships were strengthened when we included 309 the two halves of each of the largest (≥ 50 ha) plots as independent points in the regressions, 310 but this was largely attributable to the increase in the number of data points as none were 311 dissimilar enough to substantially constrain the model fit. 312 313 No significant relationships were found between the xPODs and climatological or 314 biogeographical characteristics of the plots (see Figure S4). These characteristics included 315 mean elevation, dominant aspect, latitude, mean annual rainfall, maximum monthly average 316 rainfall difference, maximum monthly temperature difference, number of species and stem 317 density. These also had no significant relationships with the residuals of the significant 318 models listed above. It is clear from this that the main effect on the xPODs came from 319 environmental heterogeneity. 320 321 Discussion 322 This study was designed to test contrasting predictions of the neutral and niche theories about 323 spatial structure in tropical rainforests. We have shown here that the niche theory’s prediction 324 that the spatial overlap of species should vary with physical environmental heterogeneity is 325 supported, in a test involving 1,741,632 spatially mapped woody plants and 2,077 species, in 326 14 plots located on two continents. This result is not predicted by neutral theory, which 327 suggests that no systematic relationship between species overlap and environmental 328 heterogeneity exists. We conclude that niche differentiation is widespread and that its spatial 329 effects increase in strength as environmental heterogeneity increases. 330 331 Datasets used in this study span almost the entire geographic range of tropical forests and 332 vary greatly in their elevation, rainfall, seasonality and disturbance regimes, each of which is 333 known or expected to have profound consequences for tree communities [35, 36]. The clear 334 relationship we found between spatial overlap of species as measured by the xPOD and 335 environmental heterogeneity, despite the biogeographical and environmental differences, 336 suggests that niche differentiation linked to topography is a pervasive property of tree species 337 communities in tropical rainforests. It is important to note that these results do not imply a 338 relationship between environmental heterogeneity and species richness, because the latter is 339 subject to other strong influences related to the size of the regional species pool, climate, 340 elevation, latitude and (non-neutral) evolutionary processes [37]. The results are consistent, 341 however, with the hypothesis that topographic niche differentiation leads to greater variability 342 in species’ spatial overlaps, thus helping to stabilise species coexistence, in more 343 heterogeneous sites. While we cannot rule out the possibility that other factors associated 344 with topographic heterogeneity are responsible for our findings, and that these may be neutral 345 or non-neutral in nature, the lack of evidence for such factors leads us to identify niche 346 differentiation as the most parsimonious explanation. 347 348 The standard deviation of xPODs was strongly positively related to the within-plot elevation 349 range and standard deviation of elevation at both species abundance thresholds. Insignificant 350 positive relationships were also found with average slope and the surface to planimetric area 351 ratio, as was a negative relationship with the proportion of convex cells that became 352 significant under an increased species abundance threshold. The relationship with within-plot 353 elevation range is perhaps the most intuitive, apparently relating directly to the spatial 354 distribution of species via their environmental niches. As the elevation ranges increased, 355 species were more restricted to particular areas of the plots where their niche requirements 356 were satisfied, producing both positive overlaps with the species that had similar 357 requirements and negative overlaps (separation) with the species that had dissimilar 358 requirements. It is important to note that all of the plots included here contain reasonably 359 regular gradients between extremes of elevation, with none containing, for example, two 360 relatively homogenous areas separated by very steep ground (which might be expected to 361 give a bimodal xPOD distribution). Given this, the relationship between spatial structure and 362 elevation range is as expected under niche differentiation, with species separating out across 363 an elevation gradient according to environmental characteristics and the species’ 364 environmental preferences. This also conforms to previous findings of changes in tropical 365 rainforest species composition along single altitudinal gradients at small scales [38] and large 366 scales [39]. 367 368 The remaining environmental properties are functions of both within-plot elevation range and 369 roughness, with the exception of the proportion of convex cells, which is not sensitive to 370 range. The positive relationships between xPOD standard deviation and elevation standard 371 deviation and average slope confirm the effect of total elevation range, as both properties are 372 maximised in the plots with the greatest total range. The negative relationship between xPOD 373 standard deviation and the proportion of convex cells suggests that the ‘roughness’ of the 374 environment is also, as expected, a determinant of spatial structure. In this case, the scale of 375 physical variation appears to have determined the spatial extent of niche, and hence species, 376 overlap, with species in the roughest environments being more mixed than those on smooth 377 ground because of the proximity of different niches. As such, these relationships together 378 provide a consistent picture of strong niche differentiation along elevation gradients. 379 380 We are not suggesting that elevation is directly responsible for the spatial overlaps of species. 381 A number of environmental variables are likely to be correlated with elevation, such as soil 382 nutrient and water availability, and light regimes [34, 40-44]. Each of these might vary 383 closely with elevation and so any or all could be responsible for the observed effects. 384 Furthermore, their relationship with topography may not be constant across sites, suggesting 385 that considerable scope exists for niche differentiation beyond that which we identify here 386 (e.g. [44]). As a result, the number of habitats (and hence potential diversity) is not 387 necessarily maximised in the most topographically heterogeneous plots. In addition, the lack 388 of an effect of aspect perhaps indicates that light regimes are either largely independent of 389 aspect (being more related to aspect-independent disturbances and canopy gaps, for example) 390 or that their influence is limited to certain sites. Neither does spatial structure on the plots 391 correlate with described disturbance regimes, although these are hard to quantify (Table S1). 392 393 We predicted that the signals of niche differentiation would be stronger among adult trees, 394 because the inherent stochasticity in gap formation, seed arrival and germination means that 395 recruitment may be effectively neutral despite any niche differentiation at early life stages 396 [31]. Although none of our analyses include seedlings (the minimum dbh threshold being 1 397 cm), we still expect the association of trees and environments that are favourable to them to 398 increase as they grow [29, 30, 45]. Instead, the relationships we find are strongest when all 399 trees belonging to species with at least 100 individuals are included, and not when our 400 analysis is restricted to adult trees. This may be because environmental factors exert a similar 401 influence on young trees as on adults, so that niche effects are established by the time a tree’s 402 diameter reaches 1 cm (e.g. [46, 47]), or because limited dispersal around adult trees simply 403 leads to a reinforcement of the existing, environmentally-driven, spatial pattern. It is also 404 possible that the loss of information when a higher dbh threshold is used leads to more noise 405 in the signals, which would explain the fact that relationships are less clear under higher 406 abundance thresholds (Table S2). This would be exacerbated if rare species were more 407 strongly specialised to particular niches [48]. 408 409 Previously, mixed evidence has been found for niche differentiation in the plots that we have 410 included here. Neutral speciation and dispersal processes have been regularly found to 411 account for at least some observed spatial structure (e.g. [17, 29, 49]), and it has been 412 suggested that niche differentiation can be found for a minority of species [25], or only at 413 particular spatial scales [21]. Niche differentiation has been identified most clearly in forests 414 with greater amounts of physical heterogeneity. For example, 80% of species in the highly 415 heterogeneous Gutianshan plot are associated with particular soil properties [49], and most 416 species in Xishuangbanna have associations with several environmental factors which 417 increase with plant age [32]. However, [50] found widespread niche differentiation in the 418 environmentally homogeneous Yasuni plot at relatively small scales, and [26] and [47] also 419 identified habitat associations here. Evidence of niche differentiation has been found among 420 species at Pasoh [51], and associations with topographic habitats at Sinharaja [4, 29], but 421 little evidence has been found for them at Mudumalai [52]. 422 423 It is difficult to draw broad conclusions from the above studies because they used different 424 methods, considered different variables, proportions of the populations and areas of each plot, 425 and looked for niche differentiation on different axes. Our approach, in contrast, integrated 426 data-sets from plots under different biogeographical conditions to examine the trend across 427 all communities. This allowed us not only to test the compatibility of spatial patterns with 428 the predictions of neutral theory at large scales, but also to assess how the strength of niche 429 differentiation varied with community-scale environmental heterogeneity. Our results are 430 consistent with the more restricted comparisons of several plots that have previously 431 identified spatial signals of environmental structuring or deterministic coexistence 432 mechanisms [29, 43–45, 53], suggesting that neutral theory alone cannot account for 433 observed variation in spatial structure. 434 435 We also find that the signal of topographical niche differentiation increases in strength with 436 environmental heterogeneity, being strongest in plots such as Lienhuachih and Dinghushan 437 and weakest in Yasuni and Palanan. Additional processes, whether neutral or related to other 438 effects (such as the Janzen-Connell effect, which our findings do not speak to) may be 439 occurring in the plots, as may niche differentiation in ways that we cannot detect with current 440 data, for example temporally, at smaller scales, or at early life stages [46, 54, 55]. A 441 parsimonious interpretation of our observation of changes in spatial structure with 442 environmental heterogeneity over a wide sample of biogeographical conditions within the 443 range of tropical forests is that the increasing variability in spatial overlaps with increasing 444 heterogeneity stems from niche differentiation of the species. We can conclude that 445 environmental heterogeneity is an important driver of spatial differentiation and may 446 contribute to stabilising species coexistence in tropical rainforests, especially in 447 heterogeneous environments. 448 449 Acknowledgements 450 The CTFS plots were individually funded from a number of sources, details of which are 451 given in the ESM (Text S2). C.B. was funded by a Microsoft PhD Scholarship. 452 We are grateful for the assistance of Yu-Wen Pan, Sandeep Pulla, Hugo Romero-Saltos and 453 anonymous referees who provided helpful comments on the manuscript. 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Wildlife society 599 bulletin. 32, 829-839. 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 Table & Figure captions: 609 610 TABLE 1: The names, identities and characteristics described by the environmental metrics calculated for each 611 plot. Each measurement of elevation is taken as the centre-point of one ‘cell’, and metrics are calculated only 612 for those cells with eight neighbours (i.e. neglecting those at the plot edge). 613 𝑧 = elevation; 𝑧𝑖 = elevation of cell i; 𝑛𝑐 = total number of cells; 𝑛𝑛 = number of neighbours of each cell ( = 8); 614 𝑧𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = difference in elevation between two (neighbouring) cells; 𝑠𝑓𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = surface distance between two cells. 615 616 FIGURE 1: The contribution of species pairs to the xPOD for Lienhuachih: (a) and (b) show the locations of all 617 individuals of two species that are clearly separated in space, and have a log cross-pair correlation function 618 below zero at all radii (e). Figures 1c and 1d show the locations of two further species that clearly overlap in 619 space, both occurring along ridgelines. These species have a log cross-pair correlation function above zero (f). 620 As a result, the areas (Aij) under these functions are negative and positive respectively (shaded). These two Aijs 621 contribute as indicated to the full set of Aijs representing all possible species-pairs on the Lienhuachih plot, 622 which together give the complete xPOD for Lienhuachih in (g). 623 624 FIGURE 2: Significant relationships between cross-pair overlap distribution standard deviations and 625 environmental metrics. Fitted regression lines and their associated p-values are shown in (a-c). The 626 relationships in (a) and (b) are at a species abundance threshold of 100, while the relationship in (c) is at a 627 threshold of 500. Plots are identified as follows: BCI = Barro-Colorado Island; Di = Dinghushan; Fu = Fushan; 628 Gu = Gutianshan; La = Lambir; Li = Lienhuachih; Lu = Luquillo; MS = Mo Singto; Mu = Mudumalai; Pa = 629 Pasoh; Pal = Palanan: Si = Sinharaja: Xi = Xishuangbanna; Ya = Yasuni 630