Living with Dementia Festival

Living with Dementia Festival
Dementia-friendly art activities at Pallant House Gallery
13 April 7 June 2015
The newly formed Chichester Cultural Learning
Partnership (CCLP) launches the Living with Dementia
Festival this April 2015 to encourage those living with
dementia to engage with the rich offering of arts and
culture in the region.
There will be a range of dementia-friendly events in and
around Chichester including arts discussions and crafts
workshops, interactive history sessions, cultural tours and talks
- provided by the seven partners which includes Pallant
House Gallery, Chichester Cathedral, Chichester Festival Theatre,
Fishbourne Roman Palace & Gardens, The Novium, The Otter
Gallery and The Weald & Downland Open Air Museum.
Programme runs a range of creative workshops throughout the
year. During the Living with Dementia Festival, the Gallery
encourages people living with dementia to join and try out a
range of activities with their friends and family.
Head of Learning and Community at Pallant House Gallery, Sandra
Peaty, now a Dementia Champion, says
activities and opportunities for all members of our community,
whatever their needs or circumstance, is a central ethos of the
Community Programme here at Pallant House Gallery, and what
makes our approach unique. We are now pleased to be able to
offer accessible activities which we hope will have a really
positive impact on those
At Pallant House Gallery activities include:
Art Views
Thurs 23 April / Tues 5 May / Thurs 21 May 1.30
Fri 29 May 10.30 – 12pm
A new series of informal art discussions launched at the Gallery
this year, Art Views provides an opportunity for people to look
at, explore and discuss 5-6 selected artworks from the Pallant
House Gallery collections. The discussions are open to all and
completely dementia friendly. Facilitated by an Artist Educator,
stimulating conversations often emerge from different
interpretations and responses to the artworks. One hour art
discussions are followed by tea and cake in the Studio.
Care for Art
Tues 14 April / Tues 12 May 10.30 - 12.30pm
Care for Art runs monthly two hour worklshops on a wide
range of creative activities for carers with an interest in art.
The theme of the April workshop is decorating masks, inspired
by the Leon Underwood exhibition, using a range
of fabrics and materials. The theme of the May workshop is
Creative Response in Clay, exploring hand building clay
techniques in response to an artwork.
Guided Tour of the Gallery Collections
Tues 28 April 10.30 - 12.30pm
A Gallery Guide will give a general tour at the Gallery, looking
at key works from the collections, followed by refreshments
in the Studio. A chance to get to know the Pallant House
Gallery collections in a relaxed setting.
Experiment with Clay Workshop
Tues 2 June, 1.30 - 3.30pm
A hands-on creative workshop during which you will learn
different techniques with clay, exploring and discovering how
you like to work with the medium.
All events at Pallant House Gallery cost £3.50 and require
booking. Contact Sandra Peaty to book on or call 07788 489 536.
Image: An Art Views discussion at Pallant House Gallery
Pallant House Gallery is pleased to have received funding from
Riva for a series of ongoing workshops in the Gallery s
Community Programme, including those activities in the
INTERVIEWS/ IMAGES: Anna Zeuner, Head of Communications 01243 770 823 / 07734 710 212
Living with Dementia Festival. The Living with Dementia Festival
has been part-funded by Chichester in Partnership. Dementia
awareness training for the organisations taking
Elaine Thomas, Community Wellbeing Manager at Chichester
District Council, said: “There is a growing awareness of the
huge impact of living with dementia. The arts have a really
positive role to play in removing barriers and increasing
awareness and Chichester in Partnership are proud to support
this Festival, which is one of the first of its kind in the country
---ends--About Pallant House Gallery:
Pallant House Gallery is a unique combination of an historic
Queen Anne townhouse and contemporary extension,
housing one of the best collections of Modern British art in the
country. Widely acclaimed for its innovative temporary
exhibitions and exemplary
Learning and Community
Programme, the Gallery has won numerous awards since re
opening in 2006 including the Gulbenkian Prize (now The Art
Fund Prize), the largest for arts and cultural organisations in
the country.
provides people with disabilities, health issues and those who
are isolated with meaningful and long-term opportunities
to increase their confidence and improve their health
through their interest in art.
INTERVIEWS/ IMAGES: Anna Zeuner, Head of Communications 01243 770 823 / 07734 710 212