Name: 5. A typical menstrual cycle usually lasts how long Block: A. 28 days B. 21 days C. 3-5 days D. 5-7 days CPD 1. The term lightening means A. When electricity makes labor start B. When the baby drops C. When the baby loses weight D. When the labor is getting easier 2. A baby is considered full term at how many weeks A. 36 B. 38 C. 40 D. 42 3. A mother can usually start to feel the baby move at what month A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 4. What is lanugo? 6. When a woman ovulates she is having her period A. True B. False 7. Ovulation happens on about day 13 of a cycle A. True B. False 8. A woman can only get pregnant 3 days of her cycle A. True B. False 9. Sperm can live in the female reproductive system for how long A. 1 hour B. 24 hours C. 2 days D. 5 days A. style of delivery where breathing is the focus 10. All of the following are signs of being pregnant except B. fine downy hair that covers the fetus A. Morning sickness C. a baby hiccup B. Heavy bleeding D. waxy substance that covers the fetus C. Frequent urination D. Fatigue 11. How many stages of labor are there? 16. The third stage of labor includes A. 2 A. Dilation of the cervix B. 3 B. The delivery of the baby C. 4 C. The delivery of the placenta D. 5 D. The naming of the baby 12. What position should the baby be in for delivery? A. Breech B. Face down C. Face up D. Forward 13. What is the pain medication called that is inserted into your back? A. Episiotomy B. Epididymis C. Epidural D. Novocain 14. What happens during the longest stage of labor? A. Delivery of the afterbirth B. Cut the umbilical cord C. Delivery the baby D. Contractions 15. The baby gets its nourishment from 17. For a healthy baby, medical care and supervision should begin____. A. Only for the mothers first baby B. As soon as the woman thinks she might be pregnant C. A few months before delivery D. Only if the mother does not feel healthy 18. What is the baby called at 7 weeks of development? A. Zygote B. Embryo C. Fetus D. Blastocyst 19. The pregnant woman’s diet affects A. Her own weight gain during pregnancy B. Her baby’s brain development C. Her baby’s physical development D. All of the above A. The placenta 20. Doctors who specialize in pregnancy and birth are called B. The bag of waters A. Internists C. The amniotic fluids B. Gynecologists D. The uterus C. OBGYN D. Pediantricians 21. What disease might a pregnant woman get if she eats undercooked meat? A. Rh incompatibility B. Mad Cow C. Toxoplasmosis D. placenta previa 26. What does APGAR stand for? A. Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, Respiration B. Activity, Pulse, Grip, Appetite, Respiration C. Appetite, Presence, Grimace, Appearance, Release D. Arrival, Presence, Grip, Activity, Restoration 27. What range of score means the baby is normal? 22. If an average woman needs 2000 calories a day, how many extra calories does a pregnant woman need? A. 0-3 A. 0 B. 4-7 B. 300 C. 7-10 C. 1000 D. 1-10 D. 2000 28. If a mother is carrying fraternal twins how many placentas are there? 23. The method of childbirth that creates a calm environment with low lighting and soft music. A. 1 A. Traditional childbirth B.2 B. Lamaze method 29. What is the name of the 2nd stage of labor? C. Leboyer method A. Expulsion D. Cesarean section birth B. Active 24. A woman can help to prevent certain types of birth defects by including folic acid in her diet before she becomes pregnant. A. TRUE B. FALSE 25. The lifestyle of the father has no impact on the health of his baby. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Afterbirth D. Dilation 30. What is the purpose of amniotic fluid? A. Nourish the baby B. Feed the baby C. Protect the baby D. Help baby breath Label the Diagram 31 32 33 34 35