An Economic Analysis of FRDC Investment in Theme 2: Habitat And Ecosystem Protection (Part B) 7 September 2012 Peter Chudleigh, Buyani Thomy and Jessica Lai Agtrans Research Project Number: 2011/504 Background The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) has five programs. These are: Program 1: Environment Program 2: Industry Program 3: Communities Program 4: People development Program 5: Extension and adoption Within Program 1 (Environment), there are four themes: Theme 1: Biosecurity and aquatic animal health Theme 2: Habitat and ecosystem protection Theme 3: Climate change Theme 4: Ecologically sustainable development The following economic analysis is concerned with part of Theme 2 (Habitat and Ecosystem Protection). The objective of this theme is to minimise the effects of fishing, aquaculture, pollution, habitat destruction and land-based activities, and non-fishing occurrences, on fish, aquatic habitats and ecosystems. Due to the large number of projects that belong to this theme, Theme 2 was split into two parts for the purpose of the economic analyses. Part B includes those projects that were categorised as “stocking” and “other”. The economic analysis of Theme 2 (Part B) includes thirteen projects. The thirteen projects include investment in understanding ecosystem and environmental impacts, spatial and multispecies management, recreational fish stocking and artificial reef management and rebuilding. Summary of Projects There are thirteen projects in Theme 2 (Part B) included in this analysis. Table 1 identifies the projects and Table 2 provides a summary of each project. Table 1: Projects Included in Theme 2 (Habitat and Ecosystem Protection Part B) FRDC Project Number 2000/180 2002/017 2002/028 2003/034 2003/062 2004/002 2004/013 2004/063 FRDC Project Title Restocking of the Blackwood River Estuary with black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) Impact of environmental changes on the biota of Western Australian south coast estuaries Trophic dynamics of the eastern shelf and slope of the South East Fishery: impacts of and on the fishery An ecological approach to re-establishing Australian freshwater cod populations: an application to trout cod in the Murrumbidgee catchment Driving innovation in environmental performance in the Queensland fishing industry Spatial management of reef fisheries and ecosystems: understanding the importance of movement Towards integrated multi-species management of Australia’s SE reef fisheries: A Tasmanian example Determining ecological effects of longline fishing in the Eastern Tuna Page 2 2004/201 2004/410 2007/057 2007/248 2008/076 and Billfish Fishery Innovative Solutions for Aquaculture: planning and management – addressing seal interactions in the finfish aquaculture industry Reducing plastics in the Australian seafood industry – Phase 1 Towards responsible native fish stocking: Identifying management concerns and appropriate research methodologies Offshore Reefs – Best practice study Tactical Research Fund: cost-benefit analysis of implementing alternative techniques for rehabilitating reefs severely depleted by Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis epidemic Table 2: Description of Each of the 13 Projects 2000/180 – Restocking of the Blackwood River Estuary with black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) Project details Rationale Objectives Organisation: Challenger TAFE Period: December 2000 to June 2007 Principal Investigator: Greg Jenkins There was an urgent need to rehabilitate the stock of black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary and enable the stock subsequently to be sustained at a higher level than present. This was addressed by culturing black bream and restocking the estuary to confirm that released black bream survive in the estuary and make a significant contribution to the fishable stock. 1. To obtain baseline data on crucial biological parameters and catch statistics of black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary. 2. To obtain mature sized black bream from the Blackwood River Estuary to be used as brood stock for culturing juveniles on site. 3. To identify and determine the extent of habitats important to black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary. 4. To compare the densities of black bream in important habitats within the Blackwood River Estuary with those in similar habitats within other systems. 5. To introduce cultured juveniles into the Blackwood River Estuary, all of which will be tagged. 6. To estimate the proportion of released black bream, which represent a known year class, amongst the total number of that age class and thereby estimate the extent to which restocking has enhanced the population. 7. To obtain data on the biological parameters and catch statistics of black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary following restocking. 8. To evaluate the success of the restocking program by comparing biological parameters and catch statistics prior to and after restocking. 9. To provide advice that can be used by management to develop plans to sustain the enhanced stock of black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary. 10. Compare the growth rates of restocked and "wild" fish during the FRDC Page 3 Outputs Outcomes first three and a half years of their life. 11. Estimate the proportion of restocked fish amongst all fish of a corresponding age. 12. Determine whether the length and age at maturity and age at maturity and the age at the minimum legal length of hatchery reared black bream are the same as those for the "wild" stock. 13. Estimate the average cost to produce each fish that will survive to the minimum legal length and thus be available for exploitation. Baseline data on habitats, densities, and crucial biological parameters and catch statistics of black bream in the Blackwood River Estuary were assembled. Mature sized black bream from the Blackwood River Estuary were caught and used as brood stock for culturing juveniles on site. Cultured juveniles were tagged and released into the Blackwood River Estuary and later surveyed. Biological parameters (e.g. growth rates) and catch statistics of black bream following restocking were assembled; hatchery reared and wild stock were compared. Information on the cost to produce each fish to the minimum legal lengths was assembled. Advice was assembled for developing plans to implement an enhancement strategy and ensure the enhanced stock is sustained. Catch statistics were not available for wild catches prior to the restocking. However, there was only one commercial fisherman operating in the Estuary who had ceased fishing for black bream at the time of restocking due to the low numbers of fish in the river. The planning for the development of the enhancement strategy took place by way of a Blackwood River Workshop in 2003. The recreational value of the estuary has increased as approximately two thirds of the legal size black bream currently in the estuary were clearly identified (via chemical otolith marks) as those restocked in 2002 and 2003, the total number of black bream available to the recreational fishery is approximately 3 fold more than if no restocking was undertaken. The cost of rearing and release is less than the value of the additional recreational fish generated. The single remaining commercial Blackwood fisherman has recommenced fishing for black bream in the riverine section of the estuary, after giving it up for several years prior to the restocking due to declining catches. He is now catching commercial quantities of bream again, two thirds of them being of restocked origin. The restocked fish are all now mature and quantities of juvenile bream are again being observed in the Blackwood after an absence of many years (Trevor Price, pers. comm., 2009), providing evidence that the restocked fish are spawning and contributing to juvenile recruitment. This project has also clearly demonstrated how severely depleted the black bream stocks were prior to this FRDC project. Restocking of black bream has been a resounding success and a proven management method for fisheries managers. FRDC Page 4 Benefits However, the enhancement strategy developed has not been adopted in the Blackwood River Estuary and therefore juveniles are still not reared and released regularly. WA Department of Fisheries research officers have not supported the implementation of an enhancement strategy in the Blackwood River Estuary for the past 8 years. This has rested on an argument of a lack of understanding of genetic consequences and biological data. In May 2009, funding was granted from the Minister of Fisheries, against the advice of his research officers, to study both the genetics and the biology of restocked and wild fish in the Blackwood River Estuary in more detail. Preliminary indications are that the genetic compositions of the restocked and wild Blackwood black bream did not differ significantly from each other. Conversely, wild and restocked samples differed significantly from other black bream samples from a range of other Western Australian water bodies. Hence, the benefits have therefore yet to be realised fully via ongoing restocking activities in Western Australia. WA Department of Fisheries officers are now, on instruction by the Fisheries Minister, developing a restocking guideline for estuarine/marine finfish which may see restocking being viewed as a responsible fisheries management tool into the future. At a time when there is a well publicised decline in many recreational fish stocks in WA, without the Blackwood study there would now be little government or public interest or drive for the restocking of estuarine or marine fish. The FRDC Blackwood project has been instrumental in putting restocking on the fisheries management agenda in WA. The project results were reported at the Third International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching that was held in Seattle in 2006 and the presentation voted in the top two presentations at the Symposium. As of 2009, the availability of black bream in the fishery was 3 times the previous availability so recreational fishers have benefited. Renewal of economic activity of one commercial fisher. 2002/017 – Impact of environmental changes on the biota of Western Australian south coast estuaries Project details Rationale Objectives FRDC Organisation: Murdoch University Period: June 2002 to December 2006 Principal Investigator: Ian Potter Reliable data was urgently required to underpin strategies to conserve or improve the ecosystems and fisheries of normally-closed estuaries in the central region of the south coast of Western Australia. 1. Determine whether the compositions of the fish faunas of the basin and riverine regions of the Stokes, Culham and Hamersley inlets change seasonally and whether pools in the upstream regions of the Page 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Outputs Outcomes FRDC saline reaches of their major tributaries act as refugia for Black Bream. Relate any differences in the compositions of the fish faunas in the three estuaries to differences in the environmental characteristics within and between these estuaries, and in particular of salinity, dissolved oxygen and water levels. Use age composition data to determine the extent of variations in annual recruitment of Black Bream in the Stokes, Culham and Hamersley inlets during recent years, and relate these variations to environmental conditions, and particularly of freshwater discharge and whether or not the bar at the estuary mouth had been breached. Compare the growth of Black Bream in the above three estuaries and consider any differences in the context of variations in the environmental characteristics of those systems. Determine the diets of Black Bream in the inlets and attempt to relate any differences to any variations in the growth rates of this species among those estuaries. Provide to environmental and fisheries managers an assessment of the levels at which salinity and dissolved oxygen influence the abundance of the main fish species and how those critical levels vary among species. Data on the fish communities and environmental conditions in three normally-closed estuaries (Stokes, Culham and Hamersley inlets) on the central south coast of Western Australia have been obtained seasonally for three years. Fish faunas were sampled by seine and gill netting in each estuary, which yielded only 5-8 fish species. The very low diversity of fish fauna is due to a combination of these estuaries being normally-closed, which restricts the entry of marine species, and the naturally low diversity of the fish faunas of the estuaries in this region. Salinities in all three estuaries rose as a result of a combination of salt loading through land clearing, dry winters and high evaporation rates during summer. These increases were most marked in the Culham and Hamersley inlets, eventually resulting in the salinities in these two estuaries exceeding by several times that of sea water. Massive mortalities of Black Bream occurred in these two estuaries when salinities were approximately twice that of sea water, a finding that has been published in an international journal. Extremely high salinities were accompanied by a reduction in the number of species and density of fish in Culham and Hamersley inlets, with only a small species of hardyhead surviving when salinities reached levels equivalent to four times sea water. Dietary data emphasise that Black Bream is a highly opportunistic omnivore and thus able to withstand major changes in potential food types. Survival by Black Bream over several years was greatest in Stokes Inlet, the most environmentally stable estuary. Growth of Black Bream varied greatly among estuaries, which appeared to reflect differences in density rather than diet. The results emphasise that the stocks of Black Bream can only be sustained permanently in the basins of estuaries if the quality of Page 6 Benefits environmental conditions in those systems is maintained at an appropriate level. The results also show that upstream pools can act as refugia for Black Bream when extreme conditions exist downstream. Potentially improvements in ecosystems and fisheries of normally-closed estuaries in the central region of the south coast of Western Australia. 2002/028 – Trophic dynamics of the eastern shelf and slope of the South East Fishery: impacts of and on the fishery Project details Rationale Objectives Outputs FRDC Organisation: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Period: April 2002 to June 2006 Principal Investigator: Catherine Bulman The change in focus of fisheries management towards ecosystembased management is a worldwide trend. Within Australia it is particularly evident in the requirements of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act, and in the development of regional marine plans (RMPs) under Australia’s Oceans Policy. The former requires strategic assessment of the ecological impacts of fishing, including assessing trophic impacts. The latter seeks to integrate management of entire regions through an ecosystem approach that considers impacts from all uses of the marine environment (including impacts of other users on fishery ecosystems). The southeast region is the first to be evaluated under the Oceans Policy. 1. Develop circulation and trophic models to describe the past and present structure and dynamics of the food web on the eastern shelf and slope of the South East Fishery (SEF), the impacts of variability in primary production on catches, and to predict future changes in response to recovery of marine mammals and major reductions in discarding. 2. Provide a quantitative assessment of food web related risks, in support of strategic assessment of the fishery under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. 3. Contribute to a regional ecosystem model for use in the National Oceans Office’s Regional Marine Plan for the South East, including detailed scoping and preliminary trophodynamic models for the Eastern Bass Strait (EBS) Shelf. A synthesis of existing knowledge about the trophic dynamics of the SEF ecosystem which was achieved through the collation of data from: o Targeted trophic studies and other physical, biological and oceanographic studies within the study area and broader SEF zone; o Studies on the same or closely related species within other regions; and Identification of potential ecosystem responses to: o Changes in environmental conditions particularly through their impact on primary production; o Current trends in the recovery of seal populations; o Reductions in fishery bycatch; and Other ecosystem models with similar characteristics. Page 7 Outcomes Benefits o Changes in fishing effort. Key tools and information to support the SEF in establishing an ecosystem-based approach to management of the fishery and satisfying EPBC requirements. The models developed for the EBS have provided a good framework for ongoing exploration of the response of the eastern Australian marine ecosystem to environmental and anthropogenic disturbances. While the model captures some of the complexity of the trophic interactions that are fundamental to the ecosystem, there are still many knowledge gaps particularly in relation to lower trophic levels. The model has been used in a variety of subsequent studies such as the Small Pelagic Trophodynamics project (FRDC 2008/023), the Marine Stewardship Council investigation of global exploitation rates of small pelagic fish and has been adapted to use in the investigation of the role and management of Little Penguins in the ecosystem for the Phillip Island Nature Park (Catherine Bulman, pers. comm., 2012). Potentially improvements in sustainability of the ecosystem and of the SEF. 2003/034 – An ecological approach to re-establishing Australian freshwater cod populations: an application to trout cod in the Murrumbidgee catchment Project details Rationale Objectives Outputs FRDC Organisation: Environment ACT Period: July 2003 to November 2006 Principal Investigator: Mark Lintermans Factors and stocking strategies that can enhance the chances of fingerling stockings being successful were only just starting to be investigated in Australia. There was identified a need to explore the idea of re-establishing adult cod populations through seeding with fewer but much larger individuals (not fingerlings). 1. To compare population responses in sub-adult Trout Cod that are stocked at this developmental stage with those originally stocked into the wild as fingerlings. 2. To compare population responses of sub-adult Trout Cod in large verses small river habitats. 3. To apply and further develop innovative underwater video camera technology as a tool for investigating habitat use in freshwater environments. Information on population responses in sub-adult Trout Cod that are stocked at a more mature developmental stage with those originally stocked into the wild as fingerlings. Information on population responses of sub-adult Trout Cod in large versus small river habitats. Development of underwater video camera technology as a tool for investigating habitat use in freshwater environments. The first two information outputs above were delivered however the third output on the video camera technology was severely restricted due to poor visibility particularly through catchment degradation following the 2003 Bush Fire. An additional output was that differential movement in small wild fish as opposed to stocked sub adults was shown. Page 8 Outcomes Benefits Predations impacts on sub adult stocked fish were shown to be extreme. Major potential benefits were envisaged for recreational fishers in the long-term following the re-establishment of cod fisheries. The project demonstrated that significant post release mortality of sub adult stocked fish was due to the lack of predator education of hatchery raised fish (Sharon Lane, pers.comm., 2009). The predation on uneducated sub adult fish was at such a level that stocking efforts of the species or other cod species would be severely compromised. As such many of the anticipated outcomes and benefits were undelivered. The project has indicated that the grow-out of fish for recreational and conservation stocking requires predator education to be successful. The project has led to a MDBA funded project in Queensland (DPI Fisheries) investigating the survival of predator educated hatchery reared recreational fish (Murray Cod, Golden perch, Bass and Barramundi) being undertaken by Mike Hutchinson. No benefits of significance are likely from this investment. 2003/062 – Driving innovation in environmental performance in the Queensland fishing industry Project details Rationale Objectives FRDC Organisation: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Period: May 2003 to June 2006 Principal Investigator: Daryl McPhee Environmental performance will be one of the most important drivers of future fishing industry profitability. There was a growing recognition amongst the industry’s grass roots that long-term profitability will require maintenance of existing resource and market access – access that is only possible with improved environmental performance and demonstrated triple bottom line sustainability. Projects that assist in motivating and demonstrating continual improvement in the industry’s environmental performance are clearly within industry’s interest, and will assist in increasing community and consumer confidence in the sustainability of wild capture fisheries. 1. To develop and implement two Environmental Management System (EMS) projects for industry participants that will have utility for the fishing industry throughout Queensland. 2. To further refine the existing Green Chooser EMS methodology with a focus on identifying and overcoming any impediments to on-ground implementation. 3. To improve awareness of the triple-bottom line benefits of EMS amongst both the seafood industry and broader community in the pilot regions. 4. To provide EMS project officers, industry champions and industry participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to optimally carry out their roles and responsibilities. 5. To establish a grass roots culture amongst pilot regions of Page 9 Outputs Outcomes Benefits continual improvement in environmental performance, and to motivate the development of an industry-driven framework to demonstrate ongoing improvements in environmental performance post the life of the project. The Moreton Bay regional EMS was completed and implementation commenced. The EMSs for fisheries in far north Queensland were not completed within the project timeframe, however progress was made despite budget and staffing cuts during the life of the project. The seafood EMS methodology was refined further to meet the needs of grass roots participants. Fishermen involved in establishing the EMS have increased their knowledge and skill-base in terms of facilitation, communication, risk assessment and reporting practices. In the pilot regions, the traditional culture of conflict and resistance to change has slowly transformed into a culture of unity, common goals and performance planning. The development of common vision and goals means that the seafood industry groups involved will be well placed to negotiate with other stakeholders on a range of key issues. The unified approach assists the State Government and other stakeholders as they will now work with one group than a disparate range of groups and individuals. An increase in community and consumer confidence in the seafood industry’s performance within the pilot regions, allowing strengthened relationships between fishers and other members of coastal communities, as well as better equipping the broader community to develop informed opinions on the management of fisheries resources. The Moreton Bay EMS developed through the project has been very successful, and had some flow-ons to the Mackay region. Increased knowledge and skill-base of industry members with respect to risk assessment and reporting practices. Saved industry and government resources through a unified approach to working with State government and other stakeholders. An increase in community and consumer confidence in the seafood industry’s performance within the pilot regions, and therefore increased probability of retaining access to the fishery. 2004/002 – Spatial management of reef fisheries and ecosystems: understanding the importance of movement Project details Rationale FRDC Organisation: University of Tasmania Period: August 2004 to August 2008 Principal Investigator: Colin Buxton Little was known of the movement patterns of most commercial reef species, an aspect that is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of spatial management and interpretation of local stock dynamics. By Page 10 Objectives undertaking a broadly applicable movement study drawing on examples over an Australia wide scale and using model species representing differing life histories, the project will address a key issue identified in several national strategic priorities. That is, understanding the ecosystem effects of fishing and the need to assess the merits and performance of spatial management. 1. To study the movement patterns of key reef associated fishes in Tasmania and the Northern Territory. 2. To link movement patterns with critical life history events and habitat utilisation. 3. To evaluate these results in the context of spatial management options for specific fisheries, including performance of closed areas. Outputs FRDC The Northern Territory component of the study focused on the black jewfish Protonibea diacanthus. Fishers target spatially and temporally predictable aggregations, and catches have increased substantially over the past decade. Acoustically tagged fish were monitored at two of the three known major aggregation sites, Channel Point and Chambers Bay, to determine whether the aggregations were separate populations and whether management measures such as spatial and temporal closures might be effective. No evidence of movements between aggregations within the time frame of the study was observed although there was evidence for different behavioural types in the aggregations. Fish monitored for ≥ 1 year showed a decreased presence during cooler months, and an increased presence during warmer months, when peak spawning occurs. The existence of separate adult populations at each aggregation site has significant implications for assessment and management of the P.diacanthus resource in the NT, with the potential for each population to be highly vulnerable to localised depletion. Area closures during the peak summer spawning period may be a practical way to manage the resource, and would protect fish moving in and out of the aggregation sites to spawn. However, given P.diacanthus appears to form resident spawning aggregations, with fish present and caught at the sites year round, the fish would remain highly vulnerable during other periods of the year, potentially negating, or at least reducing the benefits of seasonal closures. Other management measures may need to be looked at in combinations with seasonal closures, such as reducing catches in the different sectors of the fishery. The Tasmanian component focussed on two key large temperate reef species, Cheilodactylus spectabilis and Latridopsis forsteri. Large- and fine-scale acoustic monitoring was used to examine the temporal/spatial movement patterns of both species on rocky reefs on the Tasman Peninsula. C.spectabilis only moved to depth during the spawning season, suggesting that the deep water stocks that fishers believe act as a refuge population are in fact temporary residents during the spawning seasons, and the fishery may in fact target a major component of the stock. Spatial protection, even at a small scale (<1km2), is likely to provide Page 11 Outcomes Benefits protection to C.spectabilis because they are highly site attached and are shown to share small patches of reef. L.forsteri, although relatively more mobile, are also likely to benefit from spatial protection because some individuals were shown to be site attached and were not detected moving across sand boundaries between reefs. An improved understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics of P.diacanthus aggregations in the Northern Territory. An improved understanding of the temporal and spatial movement patterns of C.spectabilis and L.forsteri in Tasmania. Potentially improvements in sustainability of ecosystems and fisheries. 2004/013 – Towards integrated multi-species management of Australia’s SE reef fisheries: A Tasmanian example Project details Rationale Objectives Outputs FRDC Organisation: University of Tasmania Period: January 2005 to September 2008 Principal Investigator: Stewart Frusher The project addresses FRDC’s strategic vision to move towards assessment and management of Australia’s fisheries at the ecosystem level rather than the single species level. A concern in embracing integrated multi-species or ecosystem-based management is the breadth of ecosystem issues that can be tackled. By focusing on specific issues identified by stakeholders, this project had the potential to demonstrate the benefits of multi-species management in two of SE Australia’s most valuable fisheries, and the need for this approach to be adopted as the future management framework. 1. To determine the impact of rock lobster fishing on abalone population dynamics. 2. To evaluate the effect of abalone fishing on the community structure of the reef. 3. To understand rock lobster predator-prey relationships, particularly in relation to changes that may have occurred as a consequence of fishing. The key observation in the marine protected area (MPA) was that the medium size class of abalone was missing compared to adjacent fished sites. The increase in lobster abundance and size within the MPA was a primary driver for this observation. Using standard survey techniques, it was identified that abalone emerge at a larger size within the MPA and that this was probably a behavioural response to the lobster biomass, the presence of larger lobsters or both. A series of manipulative experiments identified that newly emergent abalone were ten times more likely to be consumed by rock lobsters than either non-emergent abalone or larger abalone that had emerged earlier and survived the newly emergent phase. Using a novel approach that linked abalone shell markings to lobster attacks, the project provided further supporting evidence that lobsters were important predators of abalone and that the Page 12 abundance and larger size of lobsters in the MPA resulted in higher mortalities. The project undertook a combined stable isotope and fatty acid signature approach to evaluate the importance of abalone to lobster diet. Although this method did detect differences between diets of rock lobster found in MPAs and fished regions, the contribution of abalone to the diet was relatively minor. Using the latest technology in acoustic telemetry, the project demonstrated that fishing has impacted on lobster behaviour. Lobster activity patterns within the MPA demonstrated a degree of segregation between small and large lobsters of each sex that that these different activity patterns were not reflected in catchability of lobster in traps. Interviews with fishers indicated that the fished area of reefs is dynamic and is affected by a complex relationship between abalone abundance, the amount of catch to be taken and the financial rewards to abalone divers. Fishers stated that abalone populations fluctuated regionally although a general trend in more resilient populations was found further south in Tasmania. Most divers recognised that the abalone populations that they were fishing had been severely depleted. Several divers identified that after the removal of abalone, ‘preferred’ abalone habitat changed to ‘less preferred’ habitat. Outcomes This project has demonstrated a range of novel and innovative ways to address species interactions and paths the way for an improved understanding of the effects of fishing on ecosystems. Benefits Potentially the use of an integrated multi-species approach to fisheries management providing greater ecosystem sustainability. 2004/063 – Determining ecological effects of longline fishing in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery Project details Rationale Objectives FRDC Organisation: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Period: April 2005 to December 2008 Principal Investigator: Jock Young If the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF) is to move substantially toward ecosystem-based fishery management, as it is required to do under the EPBC Act, greater understanding and consideration of the broader ecosystem effects of fishing are required. 1. Identify the spatial extent and the temporal stability of the main ecosystems of the ETBF based on their species composition and physical environment. 2. Define the trophic structure within these ecosystems with emphasis on the relationship between target, bycatch and threatened and protected species. 3. Develop an ecosystem model for the ETBF fishery incorporating data on the relative abundance of the species, trophic linkages and the physical environment from which the impacts of longline fishing on the ecosystem can be investigated and from which Page 13 alternative future management strategies can be evaluated. Outputs Outcomes Benefits Detailed observations were made as well as a series of measurements were taken on a research voyage to the main region of the ETBF. Detailed acoustic data collected on the voyage was analysed to provide an estimate of prey biomass for the region. A desktop analysis of the spatial variability of the region was developed. A series of studies of the trophic ecology of target and prey species taken by the ETBF was completed, before a more focussed analysis of the trophic ecology of the ten major predator species. Predator prey matrices developed from the trophic analyses were used to compare the trophic pathways of the ETBF with other fisheries in the Pacific Ocean using a qualitative model. This study was the first of its kind and showed the differing effects of climate change on top predators across the Pacific. A quantitative model was developed for the ETBF using EwE (modelling software to address ecological issues). The model indicated that increased fishing effort on individual target species had a relatively minor effect on the abundance of other components of the ecosystem. Climate change scenarios indicated that predator abundance would increase under a warming ocean, through increases in the biomass of squids which are the prey of many predators in the region. Recommendations for further research include: o A comprehensive study of the inshore ecosystem adjacent to the ETBF so that impacts of commercial and recreational fishing in inshore waters can be evaluated against that of the offshore longline fishery. o Establishment of a mechanism for future monitoring of key biological indicators (e.g. trophodynamics, age, growth and reproduction) of target and non-target species within the ETBF so that early detection of ecosystem change, from fishing or climate change, is possible. The research has provided a much needed empirical and process understanding of the ecosystem of the ETBF. Greater understanding and consideration of the broader ecosystem effects of fishing in the ETBF that could lead to greater ecological sustainability. 2004/201– Innovative Solutions for Aquaculture: planning and management – addressing seal interactions in the finfish aquaculture industry Project details Rationale Objectives FRDC Organisation: South Australian Research and Development Institute Period: August 2004 to June 2008 Principal Investigator: Simon Goldsworthy Community groups such as the Marine and Coastal Community Network have expressed concern about the impacts that marine finfish aquaculture pose to the conservation of seals. The SA Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) Aquaculture Policy Group and the marine finfish industries have identified that improving zoning issues of finfish aquaculture relative to seal colonies and their foraging grounds as a key management need for the industry. 1. Assess the nature and extent of interactions between seals and finfish farms in the Port Lincoln region, to provide a baseline Page 14 against which future changes can be assessed. 2. Determine the distribution of foraging effort of seal populations in proximity to existing finfish aquaculture farms off the southern Eyre Peninsula. 3. Determine the distribution of foraging effort of seals, relative to the distribution of breeding and haulout sites off the west coast of the Eyre Peninsula in regions currently zoned for finfish farms, but where none currently exist. 4. Develop strategic GIS tools to assist in planning finfish aquaculture sites to minimise the costs of interactions to industry, and risks to seal populations and make specific recommendations on the positioning of finfish farms relative to seal colonies, seal haulout areas and seal foraging grounds. Outputs Outcomes FRDC Tuna farmers participated in a questionnaire to determine the types of equipment used on farms to deter seals and assess the nature and extent of seal interactions. Surveys were undertaken at finfish cages during the day and at night to determine the rates of seal sighting, and to provide a baseline against which changes in the abundance and activity of seals around finfish cages can be assessed. Extensive satellite tracking studies of Australian Sea Lions (ASL) were undertaken. Information was assembled on the behaviour of ASL and New Zealand fur seals (NZFS) that breed in close proximity to current or proposed aquaculture lease sites. The study provides the most comprehensive appraisal of the status of ASL populations in southern Spencer Gulf and the Nuyts Archipelago, and identifies several new breeding populations. Several management recommendations to minimise finfish mortality from seals include: o Incorporation of seal fences on pontoons o Regular and frequent net maintenance including repair of holes o Regular and frequent removal of tuna carcasses Recommendations for further research include: o Fish mortality forensics and industry training to assist accurate identification of seal caused mortality of fish, and the development of industry and management performance indicators; o Assessment of the risk of new farm systems to threatened ASL (e.g. sea cage technology for abalone); o Use of seal traps and new GPS tracking technology to target seals that interact with finfish farms. Efforts should be made to improve procedures for recording causes of death of farmed finfish. New technologies for caging kingfish and mulloway should be investigated. Universal proximity recommendations for the future siting of finfish farms relative to seal colonies may be inappropriate and where possible colony based assessment of critical foraging habitat and movement corridors should be undertaken. While the recommendations on siting and zoning of aquaculture farms are still relevant, no changes in these aspects have occurred. This has been due in part to the project showing that the extent of Page 15 Benefits interactions of the ASL with aquaculture farms was less than what was previously thought as foraging of the ASL is over a far wider area (Simon Goldsworthy, pers. comm., 2012). No improved mitigation methods emanated from the project regarding ASL as this was not a prime focus of the particular study. Partly as a result of the project, the emphasis by industry has changed from ASL to NZFS; the increasing NZFS population and their position as an obvious and smart predator of fish on aquaculture farms has led to potential further research studies on the NZFS (Simon Goldsworhty, pers.comm., 2012). Increased behavioural knowledge of ASL and NZFS. Avoided urgency of aquaculture farm siting and zoning changes that may have been costly to industry without any significant conservation impact. Assisted with further resource allocation with respect to aquaculture farm predation. 2004/410– Reducing plastics in the Australian seafood industry – Phase 1 Project details Rationale Objectives Outputs Outcomes Benefits Organisation: OceanWatch Australia Limited Period: June 2005 to April 2007 Principal Investigator: Anissa Lawrence There was a trend by groups such as Planet Ark, local councils, DEH and other industries to reduce plastics and other non-recyclable materials such as polystyrene. There was no forward planning in the Seafood industry to cover this issue, and due to the need for leak proof packaging, the issue needed to be addressed. 1. To undertake a desktop study to review where plastics are used within the Australian Seafood Industry (post harvest) and whether potential alternatives/substitutes are available. A desktop feasibility study was completed to quantify the size of the plastics problem in the industry, review alternative materials and packaging and handling options and suggest recommendations for the industry to move forward. The study indicated a great deal of R&D has been and is being undertaken to develop sustainable alternatives to virgin plastic products. The study also identified that there is an opportunity for the Australian seafood industry to undertake actions to replace plastics usage across the supply chain. Recommendations were made as to a number of surveys and pilot studies that could be undertaken by the Seafood industry to explore opportunities for alternatives and their adoption. The project has not directly led to any significant changes or developments with respect to the use of plastics in the capture industry. This project has increased knowledge regarding the use of plastics in the industry, but has not had any direct benefit. 2007/057 – Towards responsible native fish stocking: Identifying management concerns and appropriate research methodologies FRDC Page 16 Project details Rationale Objectives Outputs Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (QLD) Period: September 2007 to September 2008 Principal Investigator: John Russell Better understanding of the impacts of stocking was flagged as a key national issue at the National Workshop on Research, Development and Extension Priorities for Stock Enhancement, Fish Stocking and Stock Recovery (FRDC project 2005/323). The continued success of freshwater fish stocking in Australia is contingent on demonstrating that it is sustainable under the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD). The impacts of fish stocking on recipient ecosystems and wild fish stocks are poorly understood and these activities have drawn adverse criticism from conservation groups and environmental management agencies. 1. Identify the major management concerns regarding the impacts of native freshwater fish stocking activities on recipient ecosystems and wild stocks. 2. Hold a workshop of experts to agree on appropriate methodologies to address the previously identified management issues. Outcomes Benefits A questionnaire was developed for distribution to pertinent stakeholders to identify the major management concerns regarding the impacts of native freshwater fish stocking activities on recipient ecosystems and wild stocks. Of the 36 surveys that were sent out, 29 completed responses were received including 13 and 11 respectively from management and research organisations or personnel and 5 from industry or academia. Identified high priority issues fell into the following core areas: marking techniques, genetics, population dynamics, introduction of pathogens and exotic biological material and ecological, biological and conservation issues. A meeting of selected expert researchers and managers was held at the Joondoburri Conference Centre on Bribie Island in southeast Queensland on the 25-26 March 2008. Participants at the workshop agreed on a range of methodologies for addressing priority sustainability issues and decided under what circumstances that these methodologies should be employed. The identification and prioritisation of the major management issues related to the ecological impacts of fish stocking and the elucidation of appropriate research methodologies that can be used to investigate these issues. As a direct result of this project, FRDC funded a major three year research project titled “Fish stocking programs – assessing the benefits against potential long term genetic and ecological impacts” (2009/40) (John Russell, pers. comm., 2012). Potential continuation of effective and sustainable fish stocking. 2007/248 – Offshore Reefs – Best practice study Project details FRDC Organisation: Department of Primary Industries (NSW) Period: September 2007 to August 2008 Principal Investigator: John Diplock Page 17 Rationale Objectives FRDC In 2004 an estuarine artificial reefs program was initiated with funding from the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust. Reefs have been deployed in 3 coastal lagoons using concrete “reef ball” modules. Undertaking an environmental assessment is a precursor to expanding the artificial reefs program into inshore ocean waters. FRDC highlighted the need to ensure best practice in artificial reef technology. Well funded research and development on artificial reefs has been conducted in Korea and Japan for more than three decades. A study of the resultant sophisticated suite of tailored reef designs and deployment regimes was considered timely given the renascent interest in artificial reefs in Australia. 1. To investigate artificial reef construction and deployment methodologies to ensure that the NSW program employ world’s best practice. 2. To study artificial reef site selection techniques and site specific location criteria to maximise reef effectiveness. 3. To observe and record techniques for monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of artificial reefs in improving recreational fishing particularly those using innovative technologies to deliver enhanced fishing and environmental outcomes from NSW artificial reefs. 4. To provide up-to-date advice on artificial reef methodologies available to interested Australians by reporting to the NSW Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing (ACoRF), the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFSTEC), NSW Planning Dept. and FRDC, and through publications in the recreational fishing media, scientific journals, meetings of fishing organisations and fisheries managers, and on the web. 5. To improve the skills of key personnel responsible for artificial reef projects in NSW by meeting with artificial reef experts and inspecting artificial reefs in countries with extensive successful reef development experience. 6. To satisfy the FRDC that the deployment of artificial reefs in inshore ocean waters off NSW meets the highest environmental standards and is therefore eligible for FRDC funding. 7. To note the processes used for assessing the environmental impact of artificial reefs to ensure that artificial reefs in Australia are deployed and managed in an environmentally responsible way. Page 18 Outputs Outcomes Benefits Mr Diplock and Mr Folpp visited Korea from 2-8 September 2007 and Japan from 8-16 September 2007 to investigate artificial reef construction and deployment methodologies to ensure that the developing NSW program employ world’s best practice. They visited government research institutions, universities, and artificial reef construction sites and met with reef design and construction companies in both countries. The information obtained has been widely disseminated in Australia through presentations to government agencies and stakeholder groups, and to recreational fishers through radio and popular print media. The project has provided information otherwise unavailable in Australia that will assist the implementation of best-practice artificial reef design, construction and deployment throughout Australia. The project provided access to Japanese and Korean government and business contacts that will allow Australian artificial reef proponents to access state of the art artificial reef technology. The project provided an in-depth examination of artificial reef technology in Japan and Korea that fundamentally changed the direction of artificial reef design and construction for use in the new Offshore Artificial Reefs Program in NSW through adoption of purpose built, sophisticated reef designs and materials, and species-specific reef module groupings. The skills of the fisheries management team responsible for the artificial program in NSW has been significantly enhanced through exposure to Korean and Japanese artificial reef technology. The Environmental Assessment that was underway in NSW has been significantly improved through the incorporation of new reef technology observed in Korea and Japan, and through expert advice obtained from overseas experts met via the study. The information has been used in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia which has seen the deployment of purpose built artificial reefs. More effective artificial reefs in Australia. Increased catch rate for recreational fishers. 2008/076 – Tactical Research Fund: cost-benefit analysis of implementing alternative techniques for rehabilitating reefs severely depleted by Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis epidemic Project details Rationale FRDC Organisation: Western Abalone Divers Association Period: December 2008 to May 2009 Principal Investigator: Harry Peeters Following the epidemic in 2006 and 2007 caused by Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) through the Victorian western zone, the Western Abalone Divers Association (WADA) began discussing the relative merits of alternative methods for rehabilitating the most heavily impacted reefs. A workshop of experts convened by WADA in December 2007 recommended that prior to initiating costly field programs quantitatively rigorous analyses should be conducted comparing likely costs and benefits of pursuing alternative strategies Page 19 Objectives Outputs involving reseeding, translocation or natural recovery processes. Subsequently the National Abalone Health Workplan Priority Setting Workshop held in June 2008 also gave high priority to conducting an economic cost benefit analysis of rebuilding intervention. 1. Review of current and past research related to abalone reseeding to determine whether the approach is initially feasible. 2. Construct a quantitative economic and population dynamics model of reseeding, translocation and natural rebuilding for blacklip abalone reefs and use it to analyse the likely costs and benefits of alternative techniques of rehabilitating a reef code in the Victorian western zone. 3. Prepare and present a written and audio-visual report to WADA at their October 2008 and February 2009 reef assessment workshops detailing modelling methods, underlying assumptions and results of evaluating alternative rehabilitation techniques. Outcomes Benefits Past and current research related to abalone reseeding, translocation and mortality rates was surveyed. On the basis of the literature, a quantitative model of the population dynamics and economic processes underlying reseeding, translocation and natural rebuilding of a blacklip abalone reef in the western zone of Victoria was constructed, and used to analyse the likely costs and benefits of the alternative techniques of rehabilitating the Kilarney reef code in western Victoria. Taking into account the cost of capital, natural rebuilding is the most cost effective approach to recovering western zone reefs following AVG. Augmentation of breeding biomass immediately after a die-off will come closest to covering the cost of the capital involved. Translocation of adults was estimated to at least pay for direct costs but not cover the cost of capital. Reseeding only covered direct costs when the price of abalone exceeded $40/kg and seed is cheap. There has been no further outbreak of AVG in the Western Zone since it disappeared in 2007. Should there ever be another major die off of the resource the information from the project would be used to immediately implement a rebuilding program (Harry Peeters, pers. comm., 2012). Consideration is being given to use the information from the project to rebuild areas where the resource has collapsed due to other factors than disease (Harry Peeters, pers. comm., 2012). Potential (actual) cost savings from using natural rebuilding, the most cost effective approach, to rehabilitate a reef following AVG. Project Investment The following tables show the annual investment by project for both the FRDC (Table 3) and for researchers and other investors (Table 4). Table 5 provides the total investment by year from both sources. FRDC Page 20 Table 3: Investment by FRDC by Project for Years Ending June 2001 to 2010 (nominal $) Project 2000/180 2002/017 2002/028 2003/034 2003/062 2004/002 2004/013 2004/063 2004/201 2004/410 2007/057 2007/248 2008/076 Total 2001 37,020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,020 2002 115,248 0 40,287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155,535 2003 80,603 42,379 57,150 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196,132 2004 0 37,633 63,710 110,784 48,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260,127 2005 57,037 14,288 0 146,368 0 128,759 197,082 87,243 149,813 0 0 0 0 780,590 2006 0 14,937 40,288 91,996 16,000 (21,250) 71,815 128,784 47,978 4,000 0 0 0 394,548 2007 32,175 11,937 0 79,905 0 102,932 202,435 111,372 0 1,000 0 0 0 541,756 2008 2009 2010 0 0 0 0 0 71,476 40,000 149,319 98,896 0 24,000 19,000 0 402,691 0 0 0 0 0 59,916 18,916 55,639 0 0 3,000 0 18,860 156,331 0 0 0 0 0 0 58,916 0 0 0 0 0 17,150 76,066 Total 322,083 121,174 201,435 429,053 80,000 341,833 589,164 532,357 296,687 5,000 27,000 19,000 36,010 3,000,796 Source: FRDC project management database Table 4: Investment by Researchers and Others by Project for Years Ending June 2001 to 2010 (nominal $) Project 2000/180 2002/017 2002/028 2003/034 2003/062 2004/002 2004/013 2004/063 2004/201 2004/410 2007/057 2007/248 2008/076 Total 2001 176,569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176,569 2002 76,488 0 20,518 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97,006 2003 68,664 133,862 180,497 0 165,283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548,306 2004 41,626 73,683 79,157 197,357 439,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 830,973 2005 2006 42,870 0 63,597 0 0 0 156,969 104,532 0 0 183,454 160,108 514,885 538,409 931,557 163,633 57,500 77,500 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,950,832 1,049,182 2007 2008 2009 0 0 0 0 0 166,350 539,588 148,009 0 0 0 0 0 853,947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58,869 0 0 33,545 350,600 0 443,014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 Source: FRDC project management database; applicant and other investment based on project proposals. FRDC Page 21 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 406,217 271,142 280,172 458,858 604,433 509,912 1,592,882 1,302,068 135,000 5,000 33,545 350,600 40,000 5,989,829 Table 5: Annual Investment in Cluster (nominal $) Year ending June FRDC 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total 37,020 155,535 196,132 260,127 780,590 394,548 541,756 402,691 156,331 76,066 3,000,796 Researchers and Others 176,569 97,006 548,306 830,973 1,950,832 1,049,182 853,947 443,014 40,000 0 5,989,829 Total 213,589 252,541 744,438 1,091,100 2,731,422 1,443,730 1,395,703 845,705 196,331 76,066 8,990,625 Benefits Table 6 summarises the major benefits by category delivered by each of the projects. Table 6: Type of Benefit Delivered by Projects Project number 2000/180 2002/017 2002/028 2003/034 2003/062 2004/002 2004/013 2004/063 2004/201 2004/410 2007/057 2007/248 2008/076 Increased catch rate for commercial fishers Increased catch rate for recreational fishers Type of benefit Industry Maintain Increased cost access to industry savings fishery capacity Retained ecosystems and species; biodiversity Public cost savings Summary of Benefits Table 7 provides in a triple bottom line framework a summary of the principal types of benefits associated with the outcomes of the investment. Table 7: Summary of Benefits in a Triple Bottom Line Framework Economic (1) Increased catch rate for commercial fishers (2) Industry cost savings (3) Maintain access to fishery (4) Increased industry capacity Environmental (5) Retained ecosystems and species; biodiversity Social (6) Increased catch rate for recreational fishers (7) Public cost savings The benefits identified above (1 to7) have been classified into subjective beneficiary categories and a subjective estimate of their magnitudes is provided in Table 8. Table 8: Categories of Benefits from the Investment Benefit type Economic Environmental Social *** Major contribution Fishing industry Spillovers Other industries (1) * (2) * (3) * (4) * (5) ** ** Some contribution Public (5) ** (6) ** (7) * * Minor contribution Public versus Private Benefits Both private and public benefits will arise from the investment. On the basis of the distribution of the eight benefits listed in Table 8, and equal weighting for each benefit, it could be concluded that public benefits to Australia could make up 37.5% of the total benefits. If the subjective weightings are taken into account, the public benefits would make up 45% of the total benefits. Distribution of Benefits Along the Supply Chain The private benefits accruing to commercial fishers are likely to be shared along the supply chain including seafood consumers. Benefits to Other Industries It is likely that most industry benefits will be confined to the fishing industry. Benefits Overseas It would be unlikely that there would be any significant spillover benefits to overseas interests from the project investments. Additionality and Marginality In the event that FRDC did not receive funding from government, it is likely that many of these investments would still have been supported by FRDC (albeit at a lower dollar amount), assuming a levy system was still in place. A summary is provided in Table 9. Table 9: Potential Response to Reduced Public Funding to FRDC What priority were the projects in this cluster when funded? Would FRDC have funded this cluster if only half of public funding of FRDC had been available? Would the cluster have been funded if no public funding for FRDC had been available? Medium Yes, but with a lesser total investment (50%75%) of actual total investment Yes, but with a lesser total investment (2550%) of actual total investment Match with National Priorities The Australian Government’s National and Rural R&D Priorities are reproduced in Table 10 (updated in May 2007 and still current). FRDC Page 23 Table 10: Australian Government’s National and Rural R&D Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. Australian Government’s National and Rural R&D Priorities National Research Priorities Rural Research Priorities An environmentally sustainable Australia 1. Productivity and adding value Promoting and maintaining good health 2. Supply chain and markets Frontier technologies for building and 3. Natural resource management transforming Australian industries 4. Climate variability and climate change Safeguarding Australia 5. Biosecurity Supporting the priorities: 1. Innovation skills 2. Technology The investment has contributed to National Research Priorities 1 and 3, as well as and Rural Research Priorities 1 and 3, with both supporting priorities addressed. Quantification of Benefits Benefits valued Of the seven in dividual benefits produced from this investment, there are four benefits valued. They are: An increased catch rate for commercial fishers An increased catch rate for recreational fishers Maintenance of access by commercial fishers Retained ecosystem and species biodiversity Benefits not valued The three benefits not valued included: Public cost savings Industry cost savings Increased industry capacity These three benefits were not valued as their magnitude was thought to be relatively minor. Increased catch rate for commercial fishers This benefit from the restocking of the Blackwood River Estuary with black bream was the renewal of commercial fishing by a single operator with one boat. The commercial catch was about 875 kg black bream per annum (WA Department of Fisheries, 2004) valued at about $8 per kg (Recfish West, 2004). This gave a reinstated benefit of about $7,000 per annum, a relatively minor benefit. FRDC Page 24 Increased catch rate for recreational fishers The three projects contributing to this benefit varied in their scope and are of impact so they are difficult to value jointly. In a previous study the enhanced stocking of the Blackwood River Estuary was valued at $0.31 m per annum; this was based on 16,500 recreational fisher days per annum (WA Department of Fisheries, 2004), an improvement in the experience of 20%, and a willingness to pay estimate for this improvement by fishers based on a Queensland study for the Bjelke Petersen dam of $19 per day (Rolfe and Prayaga, 2007). The NSW project on offshore artificial reefs is likely to lead to more effective reefs with a likely increase in the recreational catch rate. The third project was more strategic in nature and may have had a potential impact on the maintenance of all restocking activities into the future due to improve understanding of the ecological impacts of restocking. Given this diversity and uncertainty of impact, a broad estimate of the value of the benefits was made from the Rolfe and Prayaga (2007) willingness to pay study. Details are provided in Table 11. Maintaining access and biodiversity This benefit is likely due to the industry being able to demonstrate that it is caring for the environment and the ecology of wild catch fisheries. It is likely that without this research investment, perceptions of environmental damage would have led to pressure from the community for regulators to place further limits on the take from wild catch fisheries. Understanding the marine ecology of fisheries and the potential environmental impact of the wild catch industry (and to some extent aquacultural impacts) can lead to improved regulatory management of fisheries that in turn leads to greater long-term sustainable commercial catches/fish farming as well as protection of the ecological systems that underpin biodiversity. Two elements of this benefit are valued. First, the maintenance of access is valued. A second benefit valued is the value of maintaining ecosystem and species biodiversity. Maintaining access There are also a number of potential benefits from the investment cluster that could be embedded in this value such as reduced legislation enforcement costs, potential industry cost reductions, and some potential increases in demand due to clean and green branding of fisheries products. The influence on the community and regulators is valued through assumptions on the probability of the wild fisheries extracted tonnage being more conservatively viewed than it is currently. For example, assuming there was a probability before the investment of 0.50 of regulators moving to a more conservative take across some fisheries, this could have fallen to a 0.40 probability with the investments as described. The fall in catch avoided is assumed to be a 5% fall for 20% of the fisheries as it is assumed that the probability change will not apply to some fisheries. The 5% fall in catch would be accommodated by 50% of the input resources applied previously being made redundant and therefore having no opportunity value. The total wild catch production before any impact is assumed to be 241,123 tonnes per annum (ABARE, 2011) and the average price received for wild catch is assumed to be $9.03 per kg whole fish (ABARE, 2011). A full set of assumptions for the valuation is provided in Table 11. Retained ecosystem and species biodiversity The improved knowledge regarding environmental and management impacts on ecosystems is expected to lead to improved management practices that in turn lead to environmental sustainability and the protection of biodiversity. The impact of the investment on ecosystems and species biodiversity was valued from willingness to pay studies. Details are summarised in Table 11. FRDC Page 25 Summary of Assumptions A summary of the key assumptions made is shown in Table 11. Table 11: Summary of Assumptions Variable Assumption Source Increased catch rate for commercial fishers (Blackwood River Estuary WA) Annual catch 875 kg per annum WA Fisheries (2004) Commercial value of black $8 per kg Recfishwest (2004) bream Year of first benefit 2006/07 Agtrans Research Increased catch rate for recreational fishers Improvement in recreational 20% Agtrans Research fishing experience Value of a 20% increase in Average willingness to pay Rolfe and Prayaga (2007) recreational fishing per annum for three experience restocked dams in Queensland was $0.246 m Number of restocked dams in 70 Based on discussions with Queensland Daniel Smith (2009) Queensland population as % 19.9% Based on 4,513,009 divided by Australian population 22,710,197 in 2012 Proportion of restocking 5% Agtrans Research areas that may be enhanced due to these projects Probability of this impact 10% Agtrans Research occurring Year of first benefit 2006/07 Agtrans Research Maintenance of access by commercial fishers Total wild catch tonnage 241,123 tonnes ABARES (2011) Average price received for $9.03 per kg ABARES (2011) wild catch product Access reduction 1% (based on 5% reduction Agtrans Research for 20% of fisheries) Proportion of reduced catch 50% Agtrans Research where there is no opportunity value of inputs Probability of loss of access 50% Agtrans Research without project Probability of loss of access 40% Agtrans Research with project Year of first impact 2007/08 Agtrans Research Year of maximum impact 10 years after first impact Agtrans Research Retained ecosystem and species biodiversity Willingness to pay per $0.89 per household per Agtrans Research based on van Australian household for annum Bueren and Bennett (2004) and preventing one species Lai (2011) extinction Agtrans Research; conservative estimate of 8 million households based on population of 22.5 m and Number of Australian household size of 2.5 persons households 8,000,000 per household FRDC Page 26 Total value per species saved Probability of usage of information in fisheries management Probability of species lost without investment Probability of species lost with investment Number of species at risk and addressed by the investment Year of first benefit $7,120,000 per annum 0.25 8,000,000 x $0.89 Agtrans Research 0.50 Agtrans Research 0.45 Agtrans Research Agtrans Research 3 2007/08 Agtrans Research Results All past costs and benefits were expressed in 2010/11 dollar terms using the CPI. All benefits after 2010/11 were expressed in 2010/11 dollar terms. All costs and benefits were discounted to 2010/11 using a discount rate of 5%. The base run used the best estimates of each variable, notwithstanding a high level of uncertainty for many of the estimates. Investment criteria were estimated for both total investment and for the FRDC investment alone. All analyses ran for the length of the investment period plus 30 years from the last year of investment (2009/10) to the final year of benefits assumed. Tables 12 and 13 show the investment criteria for the different periods of benefits for both the total investment and the FRDC investment. Table 12: Investment Criteria for Total Investment ($m) (discount rate 5%) Investment criteria Benefit period (number of years since last year of investment) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Present value of benefits ($m) Present value of costs ($m) Net present value ($m) Benefit–cost ratio Internal rate of return (%) 2.04 8.13 14.07 14.07 -12.03 -5.94 0.15 0.58 Negative Negative 14.44 14.07 0.37 1.03 5.3 19.45 14.07 5.38 1.38 8.1 23.38 14.07 9.31 1.66 9.2 26.46 14.07 12.38 1.88 9.8 28.87 14.07 14.80 2.05 10.1 Table 13: Investment Criteria for FRDC Investment (discount rate 5%) Investment criteria Present value of benefits ($m) Present value of costs ($m) Net present value ($m) Benefit–cost ratio Internal rate of return (%) Benefit period (number of years since last year of investment) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.67 2.68 4.57 4.57 -3.89 -1.88 0.15 0.59 Negative Negative 4.77 4.57 0.20 1.04 5.5 6.42 4.57 1.85 1.41 8.3 7.72 4.57 3.15 1.69 9.5 8.73 4.57 4.17 1.91 10.1 9.53 4.57 4.96 2.09 10.4 The annual cash flow of undiscounted benefits is shown in Figure 1 for both the total investment and for the FRDC investment. FRDC Page 27 2.00 Annual Benefit ($) 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 Total 0.80 FRDC 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 Years Figure 1: Annual Cash Flow of Benefits The present value of benefits (PVB) from each source of benefits was estimated separately and then summed to provide an estimate of the total value of benefits. Table 14 shows the sources of each benefit, its PVB, and its percentage of total benefits. Table 14: Source of Benefits (discount rate 5%, 30 year period) Benefit Commercial catch Blackwood River Estuary Increased catch rate for recreational fishers Maintenance of access by commercial fishers Retained ecosystem and species biodiversity Total Present Value of Benefit ($) % of Total Benefits 0.14 0.5 7.95 27.5 16.17 56.0 4.60 28.87 16.0 100.0 Table 15 shows a subjective assessment of the different benefits against the rural research priorities. Bear in mind that this assessment refers only to those benefits that were valued. FRDC Page 28 Table 15: Benefits Valued and Rural Research Priorities Benefit PVB ($m) Productivi ty and Adding Value Supply Chain and Markets Natural Resource Manageme nt Climate Variability and Climate Change % subjective allocation to each priority 0 0 0 Biosecurit y Commercial catch Blackwood River Estuary Increased catch rate for recreational fishers Maintenance of access Retained ecosystem and species biodiversity Total ($m) Total (%) 0.14 100 7.95 100 0 0 0 0 16.17 4.60 50 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 0 28.87 100 16.18 56 0 0 12.68 44 0 0 0 0 0 Sensitivity Analyses Table 16 presents a sensitivity analysis carried out on the discount rate for the total investment. The sensitivity analysis was performed with benefits taken over the life of the investment plus 30 years from the last year of investment. All other parameters were held at their base values. Table 16: Sensitivity to Discount Rate (Total investment, 30 years) Investment criteria 0% Present value of benefits ($m) Present value of costs ($m) Net present value ($m) Benefit-cost ratio 53.41 10.63 42.78 5.02 Discount Rate 5% (base) 28.87 14.07 14.80 2.05 10% 18.83 18.52 0.32 1.02 The sensitivity analysis on the discount rate demonstrates that the investment criteria are sensitive to the discount rate, potentially because of the time period between the investment costs and the benefits, particularly for the principal benefit that contributed 56% of the total benefit. At a 10% discount rate, the investment just breaks even. None of the four individual benefits on their own will pay for the investment except for the access maintenance benefit. Table 17 presents a sensitivity analysis carried out on the major benefit (maintenance of access) by varying the assumption of the averted fall in access. The averted fall in access can be reduced to 0.85% of GVP and the investment will still break even at a 5% discount rate. Table 17: Sensitivity to Wild Catch Fisheries GVP Fall Averted (Total investment, 30 years) Investment criteria Present value of benefits ($m) Present value of costs ($m) Net present value ($m) FRDC Averted Fall in Access (% Wild Catch GVP) 0.5% 1% (Base) 2% 20.78 28.87 45.03 14.07 14.07 14.07 6.71 14.80 30.96 Page 29 Benefit-cost ratio Internal rate of return (%) 1.48 7.7 2.05 10.1 3.20 13.8 Confidence Rating The results produced are highly dependent on the assumptions made, many of which are uncertain. There are two factors that warrant recognition. The first factor is the coverage of benefits. Where there are multiple types of benefits it is often not possible to quantify all the benefits that may be linked to the investment. The second factor involves uncertainty regarding the assumptions made, including the linkage between the research and the assumed outcomes. A confidence rating based on these two factors has been given to the results of the investment analysis (Table 18). The rating categories used are High, Medium and Low, where: High: denotes a good coverage of benefits or reasonable confidence in the assumptions made Medium: denotes only a reasonable coverage of benefits or some uncertainties in assumptions made Low: denotes a poor coverage of benefits or many uncertainties in assumptions made Table 18: Confidence in Analysis Coverage of Benefits Medium Confidence in Assumptions Low Observations for Future Investment and Evaluation Observations for future investment and evaluation include: The ratio of FRDC funding to total funding for projects funded by FRDC in this cluster was 33 (FRDC) to 100 (total) or 33%, somewhat below the average percentage of 40% found for 18 clusters in 2009. This result was driven largely by the high leverage exerted by FRDC within four major joint projects (2003/062, 2004/013, 2004/063 and 2007/248), joint projects with a diverse range of partners including an NGO, a university, CSIRO and NSW DPI. These percentages are worth summarising as they may be important in assessing the FRDC current and prospective roles in different R&D areas and where public benefits are manifest but external funding is difficult to attract. Improved knowledge of ecosystems is difficult to value as it has several different dimensions. The knowledge produced has implications for fisheries management that may result in supporting or discouraging a potential or planned restriction on commercial or recreational fishing activities. In turn these decisions have both short and long-term implications for fishers, but also short and long term implications for maintaining ecological and species biodiversity. Presumably the knowledge produced in these projects is used as one input to policy formation. There is usually limited evidence that can be identified to establish the importance of the knowledge produced to policy change and indeed how policy and fisheries management developments are formed with regard to increments in knowledge. This area may form the basis for a useful social science project that may better inform those producing the knowledge to focus on the key information and elicit key information needed by those involved in management and policy development. FRDC Page 30 Key Performance Indicators The two Theme 2 key performance indicators (KPIs) are described in Table 19. While the investments covered in the evaluation were funded well before the current strategic plan and therefore before the KPIs in Table 19 were developed, some commentary may be useful. Table 19: Key Performance Indicators for Theme 2 (Part B) KPI Description 1 Demonstrated improved sustainability performance from the use of RD&E outputs Development of innovative technologies to reduce fishery take and interaction with by catch and with threatened, endangered and protected species. 2 Number of projects contributing 11 7 Seven of the thirteen projects were considered to have contributed to both KPIs. It was considered that four projects contributed to only KPI 1 and two projects were assessed as not contributing to either KPI. The first KPI required demonstration of improved performance but this could not be pursued in detail within the time constraints of the current evaluation. Furthermore, sustainability performance is difficult to assess as it covers many dimensions and drivers and often a project has not demonstrated sustainability but that there may be some contribution or potential in the future. If this KPI is to be reported on meaningfully with regard to the investments in this plan in future, greater attention than is currently given to monitoring outcomes after the completion of projects will be required. The second KPI addressed innovative technologies. Many of the projects were innovative but produced knowledge rather than technologies. Also, it was not clear what was meant by “reduce fishery take”. Some stocking projects actually “increased fishery take”. Conclusions Investment was made in a total of 13 projects within the cluster with the FRDC contribution approximating 33% of the total costs of investment. On the basis of the distribution of the eight benefits listed in Table 8, and equal weighting for each benefit, it could be concluded that public benefits to Australia could make up 37.5% of the total benefits. If the subjective weightings are taken into account, the public benefits would make up about 45% of the total benefits. Of the benefits valued, the productivity benefits made up some 56% of total benefits with environmental benefits contributing 44%. Overall, the investment criteria estimated for the total investment of $14 million (present value of costs) in the cluster were positive with a present value of benefits of $29 million, a net present value estimated at $15 million, and a benefit-cost ratio of 2 to 1, all estimated using a discount rate of 5% (benefits estimated over 30 years from the final year of investment). Acknowledgments FRDC Page 31 Catherine Bulman, CSIRO Daniel Smith, Fisheries Queensland Greg Jenkins, WA Maritime Training Centre Harry Peeters, Western Abalone Divers Association John Diplock, DPI NSW John Russell, DAFF Qld Sharon Lane, Environment ACT Simon Goldsworthy, SARDI Trevor Price, Commercial Blackwood fisherman References ABARES (2011) “Australian Fisheries Statistics 2010”, Canberra. Lai J (2011) “Willingness to pay to prevent the extinction of vertebrate species in Australia and New Zealand”, Paper prepared by Agtrans Research for Australian Biodiversity CRC bid. Recfishwest (2004) “Submission to Fisheries Management Paper no 169 – Hardy Inlet Estuarine Fishery: Management Issues and Options”. Rolfe J and Prayaga P (2007) “Estimating Values for Recreational Fishing at Freshwater Dams in Queensland”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol 51, No 2. van Bueren, M and Bennett, J (2004) “Towards the development of a transferable set of value estimates for environmental attributes”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 48:1 pp 1-32. WA Fisheries (2004) “The Hardy Inlet Estuarine Fishery: Management Issues and Options”, Fisheries Management Paper no 169. FRDC Page 32