Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict: Bidding



10 – 13 June 2014

PSVI background

What is PSVI?

Sexual violence in conflict is widespread. It affects not only large numbers of women, but also men and children. In addition to the physical and psychological trauma suffered by survivors, sexual violence adds to ethnic, sectarian and other divisions, further entrenching conflict and instability.

The UK Government believes that combating sexual violence in conflict is an issue of common humanity and an issue of conflict prevention. The culture of impunity that exists for sexual violence in conflict feeds conflict and undermines peace and security in post conflict countries. The Foreign Secretary, William

Hague, believes that the UK has the moral obligation and the diplomatic power to change this. That is why on 29 May 2012 he launched the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative (PSVI) with the Special Envoy of the

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Angelina Jolie.

What is the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict?

The Summit will take place between 10 -13 June 2014 and will be the largest ever international Summit on this issue. Ministers from countries (currently 140) who have endorsed the Declaration as well as representatives from civil society, grassroots organisations, the judiciary, militaries and international organisations will come together to agree practical actions to help put an end to the use of sexual violence in conflict. The Foreign Secretary wants the Summit to be ambitious and to permanently change global attitudes on this issue. To ensure that this is a truly international Summit events will also take place around the world, organised by British Embassies and High Commissions working with local partners.

We want the summit to identify specific actions by the international community in the four areas where we believe greater progress is necessary. These four areas are:

(i) To improve investigations/documentation of sexual violence in conflict;

(ii) To provide greater support and assistance and reparation for survivors, including child survivors, of sexual violence;

(iii) To ensure sexual and gender based violence responses and the promotion of gender equality are fully integrated in all peace and security efforts, including security and justice sector reform; and

(iv) To improve international strategic co-ordination.

We will also use the summit to launch the new International Protocol on the Investigation and

Documentation of Sexual Violence in Conflict. In addition, we hope to secure agreement to revising military doctrine and training; improving peacekeeping training and operations; providing new support to local and grassroots organisations and human rights defenders; developing the deployment of international expertise to build national capacity; improved support for survivors; and forming new partnerships to support conflict-affected countries.

The Fringe

As a central part of the Summit there will be a significant programme of cultural and other events open to policy experts and the public. We are looking for bids that make use of innovative approaches to conflict prevention and tackling sexual violence as well as looking at wider related issues including, but not limited to, women’s rights, peace and reconciliation, children in armed conflict, international justice, business and human rights.

The first day of this programme (Tuesday 10 June) will concentrate on youth focussed events.

Within the venue we are building a gallery space, a cinema, a theatre, a performance space and a number of rooms. In addition, you can bid for a space for your own build.


As part of the event we would also like to include a market place which will sell products produced by people in conflict countries, including survivors of sexual violence (perhaps produced as part of an economic empowerment or livelihood programme).

What are we looking for?

The Summit will be creative, interactive and diverse; inspiring all stakeholders towards greater action, awareness and attention to the issues relating to the PSVI agenda.

The fringe events will run in the ExCel Centre in London from the morning of Tuesday 10 th until the evening of Thursday 12 th June. The Fringe will have a youth focus on Tuesday 10 th and we are looking for some activities that are aimed specifically at 16-25 year olds. We welcome bids that cover all three days of the


We will accept multiple ideas from one organisation but bids will be reviewed individually on the basis of merit only.

The following criteria set out the overarching objectives for the summit; your event should apply to at least

one from each section [please select as appropriate].

Achieving change


Achieve relevant policy changes that reduce the occurrence of sexual violence for women, men, boys and girls.


Increase implementation of policies and best practises relating to sexual violence in conflict.


Improve the quality (including collaboration/coordination) of international and local response to sexual violence in conflict.


Increase action towards tackling sexual violence in conflict.


Address the root causes of sexual violence in conflict.

Achieving impact


Increase long-term commitment towards ending sexual violence in conflict (achieving lasting momentum).


Engage new audiences in the fight against sexual violence.


Engage existing actors who have untapped influence over the sexual violence in conflict agenda.

Please answer in no more than 300 words how your proposed event would help meet the above summit objectives:


Will any of the following groups be involved in your event?

(Select as many as appropriate)


Celebrity ambassadors


The general public

Sector experts (please specify)..................................................................





Other (please state)...................................................................

Please outline in what capacity they will be engaged. (100 words)

Will you seek to engage local partners and field offices in the summit? If so, how? (100 words)

How will your organisation amplify/advertise your event and the summit more broadly? (100 words)

Please estimate the size of audience you would expect to attend each time you run your event (if a static event, please estimate total visitors for each day)?

40 - 60

60 – 80

80 – 100

100 – 150

150 – 200

200 – 250

300 + (please state)


The summit intends to have a diverse mix of formats and events styles in order to bring a lively atmosphere and broad appeal.

What format are you proposing for the event?

Please tick:

Static (e.g. exhibition space)

One-off public (e.g. theatre style public event)

One-off private (e.g. closed panel debate, invite only)

Other (please state below)

Why have you chosen this format? (100 words)

Which space (s) will make use of?



Performance space

Gallery space


Open plan space. If so, how much space will you require?

What is the duration of the event?

Less than 1 hour

1-2 hours

2-4 hours

All day

Could the event be held more than once on the same day?

Yes No Not applicable

If yes, how many times could it be hosted on the same day?


3-5 times

5+ times

Please indicate which slots you are bidding for space on. These are approximate timings and we encourage bidders to take space for all three days where possible:

Tuesday (youth focus)



Are you proposing to run a youth event on Tuesday 10 th June? If so, what would this be? How will be specifically aimed at 16-25 year olds? (150 words)

Would you be happy to provide communications content for us to use e.g. videos, images, policy papers?

Yes No

Are you happy for your proposed event to be filmed/streamed live online?

Yes No


Will you be seeking external funding for this event?

Yes No

If yes, please list potential sponsors and estimated cost gaps:

Market place

Are you hoping to participate in our marketplace?

Yes No

Please give details of the products are you hoping to sell, how they have been sourced and how the proceeds will be allocated (e.g. restricted or unrestricted)

What cost range would the products on your market fall within? (Tick all applicable)






Please indicate how long you would want a marketplace for (we encourage bids for three days where possible):

One day

Two days

Three days

Contact details

So we can keep in touch with the most appropriate people within your organisation, please can you give us the contact details for;

Lead contact for bid


Contact number(s):


Communications lead (this is not specifically linked to your bid but we are keen to ensure we are communicating with the correct people in your organisation)


Contact number(s):


This form should be completed and returned by email to by

17.30 on 7 March 2014