8 Cognitive Template- DAS

Intellectual functioning was assessed using formal instruments. An intelligence test was administered in
order to assess the student’s general range of intellectual functioning and to determine current strengths
and weaknesses across cognitive processing areas.
The Differential Abilities Scales-Second Edition (DAS-II) is an individually administered clinical
instrument designed for assessing cognitive abilities. The following results were obtained:
Standard/T- Scores Percentile
(mean = 100/50)
General Conceptual Ability
Verbal Ability
Word Definitions
Verbal Similarities
Nonverbal Reasoning Ability
Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning
Spatial Ability
Recall of Designs
Pattern Construction
Diagnostic Subtests
Working Memory
Recall of Sequential Order
Recall of Digits Backward
Processing Speed
Speed of Information Processing
Rapid Naming
Phonological Processing
Recall of Objects-Immediate
Recall of Objects-Delayed
Recall of Digits Forward
Recognition of Pictures
Xx’s General Conceptual Ability score indicates global intellectual functioning to be within the very low
range of intelligence. Results of a standard score of 70 or below (considering the standard error of
measurement) indicate sub-average cognitive ability.
An analysis of Xxx’s performance across the various tests indicates (summarize what student could and
couldn’t do)
If not for MR/ID and only using DAS-II
The General Conceptual Ability score indicates global intellectual functioning.
Xxx’s GCA (is within normal limits/indicates a normative deficit/indicates a normative strength).
The General Conceptual Ability score is attenuated (weakened) due to the degree of scatter across Xxx’s
profile of scores and should not be viewed as the most representative score of his/her overall ability.
The Verbal Ability cluster measures acquired verbal concepts and knowledge. This cluster is a
combination of Word Definitions (defining words) and Verbal Similarities (stating what is similar or
common about 3 different objects or ideas). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section
based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
The Nonverbal Reasoning Ability cluster is a measure of nonverbal, inductive reasoning and requires
complex mental processing. This cluster is composed of Matrices (completing a matrix of abstract
designs by choosing from among four or six designs) and Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning
(completing a series by providing a missing figure, determining the relationship between two pairs of
numbers and providing a missing number for an incomplete pair). Xxx’s performance indicates …
(personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
The Spatial Ability cluster measures visual-spatial processing. This cluster is a combination of Recall of
Designs (reproducing abstract line drawings from memory after 5 second exposure) and Pattern
Construction (using wooden blocks to copy two or three dimensional designs and/or using flat squares or
blocks to construct designs within a specified time). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this
section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Working Memory is the ability to process information that is being held in verbal short-term memory.
This was measured with Recall of Sequential Order (ordering a list of body parts from highest to lowest
when given in random order) and Recall of Digits Backward (repeating a series of orally presented digits
in reverse order). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of the
student’s responses)
Processing Speed is a measure of speed in making visual quantitative comparisons. This cluster is a
combination of Speed of Information Processing (identifying which set has the most boxes and/or mark
the largest number in each row) and Rapid Naming (naming colors, pictures, and colored pictures as
quickly as possible). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of
the student’s responses)
Other Subtests
Phonological Processing (rhyming, blending, segmenting, identifying, and deleting syllables, sounds, and
phonemes in words)
Recall of Objects-Immediate (recalling names of objects viewed from a picture card of 20 objects once
picture is removed)
Recall of Objects-Delayed (recalling as many objects as possible that were shown during Recall of
Recall of Digits Forward (repeating verbatim a series of orally presented digits)
Recognition of Pictures (identifying previously viewed pictures of objects within a larger array of objects)