PR EFFICIENCY MEASUREMENT M E A S U R I N G A N D M O N I TO RI N G T H E E F F I C I E N C Y O F P R I S D I F F I C U LT A N D M U LT ID I M E N S I ON A L RO L E , W H I C H R E S U LT S C A N N OT B E E X AC T LY D E T E R M I N E D . S E A RC H I N G T H E M E T H OD S FO R T H E M O S T AC C U R AT E A N SW E R IN G O N T H E G I V E N Q U E S T I ON I S T H E AC T UA L RO L E I N T H E A R E A O F T H E T H E ORY O F M A R K E T I N G TO O L S E F F I C I E N C Y Q UA N T I F I CAT I ON . T H I S I S T H E TA S K W H I C H F U R T H E R D E V E LO P M E N T WO U L D B E W E LC O M E D I N T H E E N T E R P RI S E S ´ P R AC T IC E , B E C AU S E T H E A DV E R T IS IN G C O S T S R E P R E S E N T A S I G N I F I C A N T I T E M I N T H E TOTA L C O S T O F T H E P RO D U C T. M E T H O D S A P P L I E D TO M E A S U R E T H E E F F I C I E N C Y O F P R P ROV I D E T H E I N FO R M AT I ON FO R T H E C O R P O RAT E M A N AG E M E N T FO R D E C IS IO N S M A K I N G A N D A L S O FO R E VA LUAT IN G T H I S D E C I S IO N S . EFFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS MONITORING THE EFFICIENCY OF ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS IS A SPECIFIC PROBLEM OF BUSINESS COSTS EFFICIENCY CONTROL. THIS FINDING IS BASED ON THE FACT THAT EFFICIENCY OF ADVERTISING AND PR IS BASED ON A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE DESIRED EFFECT AND THE ACTUAL EFFECT. • Non-economic • economic NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY The non-economic effects of PR are measured on the basis of categories of action: • the degree of knowledge • value of recollection • value of recognition • image NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Recognition test is realized in a very simple way by using the test workbook, which is presented to the tested person. Subsequently, the workbook is rebrowsed again and found out if the tested person recognised the ads or not and what features of ads are remembered the best. Recognition is very easy to achieve by using attention-getting devices like catchy visuals, unusual headlines, bizarre or odd shapes, flashy and vivid color etc. and recognition alone does not ensure purchase by consumers. Although the recognition test is widespread in practice, the results must be interpreted with caution, because the values do not show whether the effect is possitive or negative. Recognition test NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Recall test is a kind of a memory test that attempts to measure the impression or penetration made by an advertisement/PR article on the readers or viewers mind. Participants are presented with stimuli and then, after a delay, are asked to remember as many of the stimuli as possible. Memory performance can be indicated by measuring the percentage of stimuli the participant was able to recall. An example of this would be studying a list of 10 words and later recalling 5 of them. This is a 50 percent recall. • Cued recall • Free recall Recall test NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Image analysis can detect the emotional strength and motivation effects of advertising and PR. Obtaining testimony on how the customer sees the manufacturer and consequently the product may stimulate and create the preference. Terms that could be used in research of image are: reputation, credibility, reliability, responsibility, and further in response to it are also words that suggest perception of communication announcement, its style and perceptions of users (eg. Advertising/PR was alive, boring , attractive, normal, interesting, nice, semantically empty, serious etc.). Image analysis NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Efficiency of PR campaigns can be measured only if they there are set measurable objectives. This means mainly short-term or long-term awareness building, change of opinions and attitude to the company, which has to be measured in the target group. • Results of PR can be based on three performance indicators: • inputs • outputs • indicators of success: Efficiency of PR campaign NON –ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY • Variable inputs: measured PR activities, such as number of interviews, number of business meetings, etc. • Variable outputs: PR results measured in terms of media coverage and publicity (efficiency of press relations, Newton Media). • Indicator of success: measures the extent of achievement of predetermined objectives in relation to target group. This procedure is very similar to measuring advertising efficiency. Examples of measurement are: the proportion of the reached target audience, changes in knowledge and awareness, changes in opinions and attitudes, the development of image and reputation, the extent of changes in behavior. Efficiency of PR campaign ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY As methods of measuring the advertising efficiency on sales may be used the method of direct interview or the test method of the regional sales. Their results are only approximate quantification of the level of real findings. Economic efficiency EVENTS Event • external purpose: organized action of social or entertaining character • Internal purpose: direct addressing of recepient, good relations, improvement of company image EVENTS Any product information is better remembered when connected with some experience, if we can actively share on this experience. Event – impact on all our senses/perceptions WHY EVENTS? • • • • • • • Provide new information Launch new product Award/evaluate partners Increase awareness, esteem Recall brand/anniversary Increase loyalty of employees ….. PLANNING FOR WHOM? Target group • Internal –employees • External • Existing customers • Potential customers • Existing partners • Potential partners • Suppliers • Media and sponsors • Top management • Broad public PLANNING WHAT EVENTS? Work Festiv Prestigeous Meeting Gala dinner Foundation ev. Training Conference Award giving Seminar/workshop Promotion of new product Conference Benefit evening Teambuilding PLANNING WHERE? Practically anywhere (meadow, sports ground, community center… ) – location has to be assesed in regard to: • Capacity of the space • Acommodation and transport to/from • Sanitary facilities • Space for production and performers • Technical conditions – sound engineers. Caterers • Price of rent • Genius loci (Specific atmosphere of given place) WHAT PROGRAM? • Performers • Services • Catering (what, for whom) • Photographers • Decorators/decorations • FX • Equipment (indoor, outdoor, technical equipment) • Organizers • Dress code • Timing • Preparations • Event • Time keeper HOW MUCH? Service Invitations Leaflets Rent Decorations Assumpt ion Advance payment Settlement Reality EXAMPLES