Bridges assignment

Bridges Assignment
Go to the Prairie South Division Website ( On the top right in the search spot, type in
“career planning” and click on it when it pops up. Click paws in job land at the bottom.
Click on the site id tab and type in 0064325 and the password is pond. Go to paws in job land. Click on
job finder. Answer the questions. Then it will tell you possible sections of a job you may like and
information about that job.
Watch the video/go through the slides as many times as you need to answer the following questions.
Then go back to the job list and click on another job. Repeat four times.
Job #1
1) What is the job and list what they do?
The job is being a judge. They administer justice in the court room. They make sure that proper
procedures are taken, they listen to all of the evidence and they decide whether a person is
guilty or not and decide their punishment.
2) List one positive about the job.
A positive about the job is that it’s a pretty easy job some of the times and it pays really good
3) List one negative (if no negative list another positive) about the job.
It would be hard to decide if a person is guilty or not if it’s a really tricky case.
4) What kind of training or education is needed for this job?
No specific major of study is required to attend law school, but law students commonly hold
degrees in political science, history, business or economics. Most judges begin their careers as
lawyers, and prior legal practice is a prerequisite for many state and federal judgeships. Lawyers
must hold Juris Doctor Degrees, which require completing three years of legal education at a law
school approved by the American Bar Association. Some schools offer part-time programs,
which typically take four years to complete. After earning JD degrees, prospective lawyers must
apply for admission to the bar in their state or jurisdiction of practice. Most judges work as
attorneys prior to acquiring their judgeship. An attorney represents clients before a court or in
other legal proceedings to resolve disputes. Their tasks may include appearing in court, drafting
court documents and conducting legal research. To become judges, lawyers must be appointed
or elected. Lawyers may apply for judgeships by submitting their names for consideration to a
judicial nominating commission, or senators or other politicians may recommend them. After
being elected or appointed, judges may be required to complete state-administered
introductory training or attend training programs led by legal organizations, such as the ABA,
National Judicial College or National Center for State Courts.
Job #2
1) What is the job and list what they do?
The job is a policeman. They do things like help out at accidents, watch the crowd at a football
game, cruise around town and try to catch people who are speeding, drinking, etc.
2) List one positive about the job.
A positive about the job would be that it does pay a lot and you get to have a cool car and a lot
of people are afraid of you.
3) List one negative (if no negative list another positive) about the job.
A negative about that job is the long shifts, and the possibility of getting seriously hurt.
4) What kind of training or education is needed for this job?
 Be a United States citizen
 Be at least 21 years of age
 Have a high school diploma or equivalent education
 Possess a valid driver's license
 Have no prior convictions
In large police departments, new recruits receive 12-14 weeks of training through their own in-house
academy. Police officers who work for smaller agencies might attend a larger academy within their state
or region. Community colleges and universities provide police training academies as well. Typical
academy training includes regular physical fitness and stamina exercises. All graduates must pass a
written and physical fitness examination in order to be eligible for work. Academy training for new
recruits includes coursework in a classroom setting. In some cases, young recruits, under the minimum
age requirement of 21, will do simple work for a police department and attend classes for a few years
until they meet the minimum age for street duty. Common areas of education during police training
academies include:
State ordinances and local laws
Working with the public
Constitutional law
Accident investigation
Incident reporting
Civil rights
Mental preparation for hostility
Criminal psychology
While education is important, police officer recruits must learn by doing. Police jobs are dangerous, and
they require specific training to succeed in the field. Therefore, recruits also obtain work experience
under the supervision of training officers. This training includes common subjects such as:
Using firearms
Responding to emergencies
Controlling traffic
CPR and first-aid
Self-defense techniques
Apprehension techniques
Risk assessment
Role playing
Job #3
1) What is the job and list what they do?
The job is a police detective. They go to crime scenes and look for the evidence they are like
police officers but without the uniform.
2) List one positive about the job.
A positive about the job I think would be getting to know what happened at the crime scenes
and trying to predict what happened and looking for evidence.
3) List one negative (if no negative list another positive) about the job.
A negative about the job would be if you had to clean up and rummage through a really
disgusting crime scene and seeing things you didn’t want to see.
4) What kind of training or education is needed for this job?
While not required by all police departments, earning an associate's degree in criminal justice
can provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to work in law enforcement. Students
will have an opportunity to complete courses in criminal investigations, criminal procedures,
police services, juvenile justice and law enforcement training. Opportunities may also be
available to participate in an internship with local law enforcement agencies. Police academy
training is required for individuals who want to become police officers. Recruits are required to
participate in various classes related to law enforcement and pass several physical
examinations. Courses cover areas involving state and local laws, police ethics, community
policing, and civil rights. Recruits also participate in field training and learn about traffic control,
self-defense, firearms, and crash investigation. Police academy training also requires that
recruits pass several physical exams involving running, push-ups and sit-ups. Before earning a
promotion to a detective, individuals will need to work as a police officer for several years.
Police officers are responsible for enforcing laws and responding to emergencies. The
experience required to become a police detective varies by state or department. Some states or
departments require that prospective detectives take and pass a comprehensive exam. This
exam usually covers areas involving conflict management, decision-making, criminal law and
procedures, forensic science, investigative techniques, and state laws.
Job #4
1) What is the job and list what they do?
The job is a child care worker. They do several things like teaching the kids simple things, doing
crafts, etc.
2) List one positive about the job.
A positive about the job is that kids make me happy and they’re super cute so I get to enjoy
playing with me and teaching them almost all day.
3) List one negative (if no negative list another positive) about the job.
A negative about the job would be the kids that make you want to scream. The ones that ask a
million questions or tattle on everyone and who just pout if they don’t get their way.
4) What kind of training or education is needed for this job?
Many childcare worker positions require a minimum of a high school diploma. Some childcare
centers require workers have training in early childhood education. States may require childcare
workers to complete formal training in child development to work in a licensed facility.
Babysitter and nanny positions are not regulated, but employers, such as nanny agencies, may
require workers complete training in the field. Preschool programs may require workers to
complete a degree program in early childhood education or child development. Organizations
such as the Council for Professional Recognition and the National Child Care Association offer
certifications for childcare workers. Employers may require workers to meet the requirements
of a certifying organization. Requirements for certification may include coursework, work
experience and a high school education. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, some
employers of childcare workers may require certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary