
BSC 307 Concrete Lesson Plan Form
Grade Level:
Pump it in, Pump it out: Sodium- Potassium Pump
9 (Honors)
Objectives: TSWBAT:
 Understand the importance of the Sodium Potassium Pump.
 Illustrate the how the pump works.
 Demonstrate an understanding of how the sodium potassium pump
affects nerve and muscle cells.
Illinois State Learning Standards:
Stage I 12 A 1: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain
metabolic processes within cells and between organisms and their environment,
explaining gas exchange, food processing, transport, excretion, locomotion, body
regulation, and nervous control, investigating enzyme actions in various reactions, or
describing the applications of the polar nature of water and the pH index in biochemical
Stage I 12 A 2: Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze the
cellular organelles and functions, using different microscopic techniques, explaining
functional processes chemically and structurally (e.g., osmotic, active and facilitated
transport, enzyme action and protein/lipid/carbohydrate metabolism).
Activity Description:
A review of active transport will be given at the beginning of the class. A quick
overview of what the Sodium Potassium pump does will be given. The students
will then have an opportunity to design their own Sodium- Potassium pump and
give an explanation of why they designed it they way that they did. The students
will then go over the structure of the pump and how it works. The function of
the pump in nerve impulses and muscle contraction will be covered. They will
also go over some situations and pharmaceuticals where the pump does not
work the way it should.
Assessment Strategies:
Students will be given a quiz over all the forms of transport over the cell
membrane with at least one question being specifically about the purpose and
structure of the Sodium Potassium pump. The worksheet from the activity will
also act as an assessment.
The Sodium-Potassium pump is an important pump. It is involved with muscle
contractions and nerve impulses. In order to understand how these two work,
the students must understand the Sodium- Potassium pump. It is also an
excellent example of active transport.
K imba ll, J. ( 20 10, M a y 2 2) . E xci tea ble ce ll s . Ret r ie ve d fr o m
ht t p : / / u ser s. r c n. co m/ jk i mb a l l. ma . u lt r a net / B io lo g yP ag e s/ E / E x c it a b le C e l l s. ht m l
Kimme l, E. (2007). Sodi um pot assium pump . Ret r ieved fro m ht t p:// www. execu link. co m/~ekimme l/ cent ral/ na_k. ht m
Mc Kin le y, M, & O 'Lo ug h lin, V . (2006). Ani mati on: ho w t he sod iu m pot assi um p ump wo rks . Ret r ie ved fro m
ht t p:// highered. mcgr awh i l l. co m/ s it e s/ 0 0 7 2 4 9 5 8 5 5 / st u d e nt _ v ie w0 / c ha p t er 2 / a n i mat io n_ _ ho w_ t he _ so d iu m_ p o t as s iu m_ p u mp _ wo r k s. ht m l
* Please attach any and all handouts/worksheets to this lesson plan
Name:_______________________________________________ Class:______
Pump it in, Pump it out!
Goal: Design a pump, based on knowledge of active transport mechanisms, that
pumps 2 K+ ions in and 3 Na+ ions out of the cell.
 Be sure to show the state of the pump before transport, during the
transport of K+ ions in the cell, and 3 Na+ ions out of the cell.
Active transport mechanisms include:
 The pumps are specific to certain molecules/ions
(Use a square to symbolize K+ and a circle to symbolize
Moving ions across the gradient
Use of energy! (Need ATP)
Will return to resting state after the Phosphate is released.