Physical Fitness Health Lesson Plan

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Part 1: Lesson Overview
Title of Text – Holt, Reinhart, & Winston, (2005). Decisions for Health. 7th ed. Chapter 11:
Physical Fitness (pp.238-262). Orlando, Austin, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Quantitative Readability of Text – Total Words in Sample: 103 Total Sentences in Sample: 11
Average Number of Words Per Sentence: 9.36
Number of Words Not Matched to Revised Spache World List: 26
Percentage of Words Not Matched to Revised Spache Word List: 25.24
Spache Readability Index: 6.33
After receiving the information I plotted it on the Fry model to see where I could compare the
two systems and they both averaged out to 6.5 as the index per 100 words. The models are very
accurate determining the age group at11-12 years old, which is the average age of 6th graders. I
agree its grade level appropriate because its use of words and literacy is easily understood and
with visuals and examples makes the text easier to comprehend for students.
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Qualitative Features of Text: After reading the Text I believe for the level of meaning the text
is Middle high because it has more than one single meaning; it defines everyday terms with more
technical and appropriate terms to describe specific areas of text. For structure, the text is middle
- low it keeps it very simple. The narration is straight forward guided by terms, and use of
graphics. Language the text is middle – high level it uses reading level text, but keeps the terms
more technical. Knowledge demands are middle – low because the text is about everyday
activity just explaining in detail what is happening. It’s what we know just in a broader text. In
conclusion students will be able to understand the levels of meaning of Physical Fitness by using
the language and background knowledge to interpret new vocabulary, and assessing by clarity
and knowledge demands.
Text Summary – The text is a 6th grade level text and focuses on health habits for youth and
emerging adolescents, simple first aid procedures, lifestyle habits, drugs and alcohol, disease,
and development of the human body. I chose chapter 11 Physical Fitness for my lesson it
explains the basic concepts of fitness and how the body moves.
Pages used for this lesson; Ch.11 pages 238-262.
Rationale: I chose this text because it illustrates, explains, and provides details on important
topics for young adolescents emerging into early adulthood. The text is grade level appropriate
for 6th graders and the following years ahead. In this chapter of Physical fitness we will discuss
the components of physical fitness, how they are used and how we can assess individuals. To do
this my objective is to use the text for understanding than implement my knowledge and
students’ knowledge to assess and demonstrate the components of physical fitness and apply this
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to everyday life. After using the quantitative and qualitative measurements I have determined the
text is appropriate by common core standards 2.6.8.A.1 Knowing and applying a variety of
effective training principles over time enhances personal fitness level, performance, and health
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Part 2: Before Reading Activity
Objectives – Students will be able to use prior knowledge to define the topic of Physical fitness
by thinking and writing critically and identifying key words using a K.W.L. chart. To group
student’s accordingly to activate background knowledge, and to end the class day with 80-90
percent understanding material and terms.
Standards: A. Fitness and Physical Activity; Content: Knowing and applying a variety of
effective fitness principles over time enhances personal fitness level, performance, and health
status. 2.6.6.A.2. Determine to what extent various activities improve skill-related fitness versus
health-related fitness.
2.6.6.A.3. Develop and implement a fitness plan based on the assessment of one’s personal
fitness level, and monitor health/fitness indicators before, during, and after the program.
Literacy strand: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.1 - Write arguments focused on disciplinespecific content.
Steps for Teaching the Activity: I plan on using a K.W.L. chart on Chapter 11: Physical
Fitness. I’ am going to ask the class to just focus on the “K” and the “W” First they will begin
with the title I will model step by step instruction. Next I will give out specific terms (attached
on separate sheet) of the chapter and let them write any prior information about the terms. The
students next can work with the partner next to them to compare results. Final step we will
discuss results as a class to determine what is correct and give myself a better understanding of
what I need to focus on to better the lesson. I want the class to work individually for 5 minutes to
let them think about the topic and write what they know or remember, afterward working in pairs
using diverse needs a higher learner working with a lower learner will help the students compare
information to better understand the text. My rationale to these steps is to model the lesson and
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end the days lesson on what we “Know” now, and what we can expect to “Learn” by the end of
this lesson.
Assessment: To assess that students have met my objectives by using the KWL chart they have
first critically thought and written down terms; secondly pairing up with a partner of different
learning styles to compare results; and finally vocally as a class we will discuss one another’s
results to determine everyone’s understanding. My criteria for success is to collect K.W.L.
charts, using a rubric checking off is students listed information relative to topic, and finally
observation of class activity. My goal is to have students aware of the terms to be discussed in
future classes.
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Part 3: Vocabulary Activity
Objective: Students will be able to engage in reading, writing, and collaborative skills by
reviewing terms on note cards to discuss among their peers to get a variety of definitions of the
terms. Next they will hand their set of cards to the next group and in vice versa. Students have
seen 8-10 vocabulary words, and as a class be able to discuss these terms.
Standards: A. Fitness and Physical Activity. Appropriate types and amounts of physical
activity enhance personal health. 2.6.2.A.2 Explain what it means to be physically fit and
engage in moderate to vigorous age-appropriate activities that promote fitness. CCSS.ELALiteracy.RST.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific
words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades
6–8 texts and topics.
Steps for Teaching: Students will be able to read and define terms and write an example of this
term. I plan to model this activity also with a separate sheet with instructions and room to write
freely. For this activity I plan to have a variety of note cards with different terms written on
them. I will group the students in groups of 4 Higher level learners and lower level learners, each
student will be given a note card with a term, next using the text they will define the term and in
a sentence write an example or situation relative to the term. Next students will share among
their group the meaning of the term and an example. Once all students shared they will pass the
cards to the next group and vice-versa. The students will repeat this a couple more times. Finally
as a class we will discuss the terms that most students had trouble with to clarify any
misconceptions. My rationale for this activity is to get students familiar with the vocabulary that
will be in their readings. Have students work together to get different examples of terms. I chose
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groups because it gives students a chance to hear from their peers on how they are thinking, also
it helps struggling students get help without their knowledge, and finally as a teacher I can see if
each student is working to potential.
Assessment: To assess students I will model the activity briefly followed by specific
instructions. With this activity students must write the definition and a response, next I will see
how students interpret the terms in a range of 80-90 percent understanding; with discussion
amongst peers, and finally review terms with the class to clarify any misunderstandings and are
ready to begin reading on their own. I will collect term sheets and hand them back next class.
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PART 4: During Reading Activity
Objectives – Students will be able to read text by following the SQ3R strategy I want my
students look over topics and write any questions they might have. During the reading I want
students to read and on a separate sheet of paper write any questions or difficulties they are
having about topic or terms. I want my students to be able to understand 7 terms. Grouping
student’s accordingly to discuss reading, and to assess students’ knowledge with a quiz at the end
of class.
Standards: Taking personal responsibility to develop and maintain physical activity levels
provides opportunities for increased health, fitness, enjoyment, challenges, self-expression, and
social interaction. 2.6.12.A.4 Compare and contrast the impact of health-related fitness
components as a measure of fitness and health. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4. Determine the
meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in
a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
Steps for Teaching the Activity: To begin the reading I’ am going to model and explain what I
want the students to do while reading. I will write SQ3R on the board in detail. First I would like
the students to glance at the chapter write any questions they might have. During the reading
students will read pages 238-248 for day one of reading. As students read, they will have a blank
sheet of paper divided into two parts; confusing material and new material students will then
write any information they feel belongs into these categories. After about 10 minutes of reading
independently students will work in pairs, higher level learner paired with a lower level learner,
because I want the higher level students who better understand the text to help students who may
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not understand material very well. Students for a few minutes’ students will discuss information
with one another to find any similarities or differences in reading material. Next I will review the
reading material by asking the class quiz style questions and for students to answer questions on
a sheet of paper, also allowing students to use their notes. I chose to review by a quiz because it
gets the class more aware of what they will see on tests in the future and for me as a teacher
another way to assess what students have learned and are ready to move on. For homework I will
ask students to review notes from today’s class, and Read the next 5 pages and to take notes
similar to today’s lesson.
Assessment: To determine if my students have met my objective I will observe students as they
read and if they are note taking and engaged in the activity, next are students and their partner
discussing topics and terms accordingly, and finally my review of the reading as a class did they
understand the material are they meeting my goals by using the SQ3R. My criteria for success
will include the above details, results from quiz did they answer 80% or higher, I also will ask
the class if they need one on one help before or after class to set up a time during the day or after
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Part 5: After Reading
Objective: Students will be able to use knowledge learned in previous classes to engage in a
reinforcement activity that will have questions similar to test assessment in the future. The
activity will be a Jeopardy style review that is modified for the age group. Students will be
assessed collaborative skills and the number of attempts to answer questions. I want the class to
be able to answer 90 percent of questions
Standards: 2.6 Fitness All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts
and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. 2.6.2.A.2. Explain what it means to
be physically fit and engage in moderate to vigorous age-appropriate activities that promote
fitness. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.8 - Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on
research findings, and speculation in a text.
Steps for Teaching the Activity: Materials needed for this activity include a white board,
magnets, and a power point for a clock if needed. For this reinforcement strategy “Jeopardy” the
students will play a simulated style of Jeopardy with a twist. I will have five categories written
on the white board such as, Physical fitness, Types of fitness, injury prevention, Treating
wounds, and first aid steps. All these categories will have terms and examples. Once the board is
set up I will explain the power point which will include the categories and the questions and
answers, also with a 30 second clock. The game begins by dividing the class into two teams high
level learners and lower level learners divided equally on teams. A member from the team will
come up about 5 feet away will throw the magnet at the board and where it landed is the question
chosen, this will go back and forth until few questions are left. The students job when a question
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is chosen to write down the answer for extra review before the exam. I chose this activity
because it’s a different style it has a fun aspect and a learning aspect that involves everyone to
work together. There is no winner but competition between classmates can make for a better
learning environment if taught properly.
Assessment: To determine if students attained the knowledge they needed for testing is how long
did it take the class to answer difficult questions compared to easier questions. I will assess how
students interact with each other and engaged in activity. My criteria will consist of a rubric one
point for each 1. Behavior 2. Engagement of each individual 3. Collaborative skills. 4. Percent of
correct answers. 5. Observation.
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