Grammar Practice for Research (A) Grammar Practice 1.Which domain suffix will offer the MOST reliable sources? .com .org .net .edu .gov Why??? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Quoting the text. quoting passages with dialogue The teacher explained to the class, “When you quote the text, use double quotation marks around the whole thing.” Later she added, “If there’s dialogue inside the quote, put the dialogue inside single quotations.” Following the quotation, write the author’s name and the page number inside parentheses and place the period after the parentheses. Mrs. Ferry gave us directions about how to quote the text. “‘When you quote the text, use double quotation marks around the whole thing.’ Later she added, ‘If there’s dialogue inside the quote, put the dialogue inside single quotations’” (Ferry 1). quoting short passages According to some, dreams express "profound aspects of personality" (Foulkes 184), though others disagree. According to Foulkes's study, dreams may express "profound aspects of personality" (184). Is it possible that dreams may express "profound aspects of personality" (Foulkes 184)? quoting passages with 4 or more lines Start the quotation on a new line – indent the entire quote – put (author pg#) AFTER end punctuation As seen in this passage, Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration: They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78) Tangerine by Edward Bloor This scenery was not what I had expected at all, and I stared out the window, fascinated by it. We passed mile after mile of green fields overflowing with tomatoes and onions and watermelons. I suddenly had this crazy feeling like I wanted to bolt from the car and run through the fields until I couldn’t run anymore. I said to Mom, “This is Florida? This is what it looks like?” Mom laughed. “Yeah. What did you think it looked like?” “I don’t know. A beach with a fifty-story condo on it.” “Well, it looks like that, too. Florida’s a huge place. – page 4 Page 5 - We’ll be living in an area that’s more like this one. There are still a lot of farms around.” “What do they grow? I bet they grow tangerines.” “No. Not too many. Not anymore. This is too far north for citrus trees. Every few years they get a deep freeze that wipes them all out. Most of the citrus growers here have sold off their land to developers.” Quote a passage from the text that does NOT contain dialogue. Include the author’s name and page number in the parenthetical citation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Quote a passage from the text that DOES contain dialogue. Include the author’s name and page number in the parenthetical citation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Grammar Practice for Research (B) Grammar Practice Quoting the text hints - NO DIALOGUE Type your own words introducing your quote “Quote from the text” (author #), continue your words. Type your own words introducing the quote “Quote from the text” (author #). Type your own words introducing the quote “Quote question from the text” (author #)? Quoting the text hints – WITH DIALOGUE Original: “Bad boy!” he said, “Bad boy to chase the colts.” Quote: A young boy was throwing stones at the horses. He was caught by the horses’ owner. “‘ Bad boy!’ he said, ‘Bad boy to chase the colts’” (Sewell 5). Quoting the text hints – 1ST PERSON NARRATION WITH DIALOGUE Original: “They have found a hare,” said my mother, “and if they come this way we shall see the hunt.” Quote: “‘They have found a hare,’ said [Beauty’s mother], ‘and if they come this way we shall see the hunt’” (Sewell 5). Beauty and her mother watched earnestly as the hunters chased the rabbit. All of the following quotes come from page 8 in the book, Black Beauty, written by Anna Sewell. In the story, hunters, while riding their horses, have followed their dogs as they chase a hare. The hunt has stopped because there has been an accident. Rewrite each as a quote from the novel. Remember to use parenthetical citations. Original: One of the riders was getting out of the water covered with mud, the other lay quite still. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: “His neck is broken,” said my mother. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: “And serves him right, too” said one of the colts. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: I thought the same, but my mother did not join with us. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ANSWERS - Grammar Practice for Research (B) Grammar Practice Quoting the text hints - NO DIALOGUE Type your own words introducing your quote “Quote from the text” (author #), continue your words. Type your own words introducing the quote “Quote from the text” (author #). Type your own words introducing the quote “Quote question from the text” (author #)? Quoting the text hints – WITH DIALOGUE Original: “Bad boy!” he said, “Bad boy to chase the colts.” Quote: A young boy was throwing stones at the horses. He was caught by the horses’ owner. “‘ Bad boy!’ he said, ‘Bad boy to chase the colts’” (Sewell 5). Quoting the text hints – 1ST PERSON NARRATION WITH DIALOGUE Original: “They have found a hare,” said my mother, “and if they come this way we shall see the hunt.” Quote: “‘They have found a hare,’ said [Beauty’s mother], ‘and if they come this way we shall see the hunt’” (Sewell 5). Beauty and her mother watched earnestly as the hunters chased the rabbit. All of the following quotes come from page 8 in the book, Black Beauty, written by Anna Sewell. In the story, hunters, while riding their horses, have followed their dogs as they chase a hare. The hunt has stopped because there has been an accident. Rewrite each as a quote from the novel. Remember to use parenthetical citations. Original: One of the riders was getting out of the water covered with mud, the other lay quite still. “One of the riders was getting out of the water covered with mud, the other lay quite still” (Sewell 8).___________________________________________________________________ Original: “His neck is broken,” said my mother. “ ‘His neck is broken,’ said [Beauty’s] mother” (Sewell 8).____________________________ Original: “And serves him right, too,” said one of the colts. “‘And serves him right, too,’ said one of the colts” (Sewell 8).__________________________ Original: I thought the same, but my mother did not join with us. “[Beauty] thought the same, but [her] mother did not join with [them]” (Sewell 8).__________ Grammar Practice for Research (C) Grammar Practice 1. What is the first step when writing a problem – solution research paper? Circle the answer. a. research the topic b. design a visual presentation c. write a problem statement d. outline the evidence from sources 2. All of the following quotes come from page 32 in the book, Tangerine, written by Edward Bloor. In the story, Paul has just met Joey Costello and some of the other players from the Lake Windsor soccer team. Rewrite each as a quote from the novel. Remember to use parenthetical citations. Original: I never did hear the names of the other guys. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: Joey said, “Are you coming out for the Lake Windsor team?” __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: “When are tryouts?” __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Original: “I don’t know,” Joey turned to the other guys. “When are tryouts? Anybody heard?” __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ANSWERS - Grammar Practice for Research (C) Grammar Practice 1. What is the first step when writing a problem – solution research paper? Circle the answer. a. research the topic b. design a visual presentation c. write a problem statement d. outline the evidence from sources 2. All of the following quotes come from page 32 in the book, Tangerine, written by Edward Bloor. In the story, Paul has just met Joey Costello and some of the other players from the Lake Windsor soccer team. Rewrite each as a quote from the novel. Remember to use parenthetical citations. Original: I never did hear the names of the other guys. “[Paul] never did hear the names of the other guys” (Bloor 32). Original: Joey said, “Are you coming out for the Lake Windsor team?” “Joey said, ‘Are you coming out for the Lake Windsor team’” (Bloor 32)? Original: “When are tryouts?” “‘When are tryouts’” (Bloor 32)? Original: “I don’t know,” Joey turned to the other guys. “When are tryouts? Anybody heard?” “‘I don’t know,’ Joey turned to the other guys. ‘When are tryouts? (Bloor 32)? Anybody heard’”