LECTURE 28 Chapter 5 Perception and Individual Decision Making Robbins and Judge (2008): Organizational Behavior, Pearson, Prentice Hall Learning Objectives - What is perception? Determinants of attribution Shortcuts in judgment Perception and decision making Steps in rational decision making Bounded rationality Decision biases or errors Intuition and decision making Ethical decision Normative decision model Perception “Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment” - Perception is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret information. Individual behavior is based on perception of reality not on reality Process of Perception: Perception Factors Influencing Perception: 1. Perceiver 2. The Perceived 3. Situation Attribution Theory Attribution process is a perceptual process whereby we interpret the causes of behavior in terms of the person (internal attributions) or the situation (external attributions). Two Types of Causes: 1) Internal (internally caused behaviors are believed to be under control) 2) External (behaviors resulting from outside causes or out of control) Absence Internal: Sleeping, late night party: External: Road accident Factors of the Attribution Theory 1) Distinctiveness (whether person display different behaviors based on situation 2) Consensus (if everyone in given situation behaves in similar way) 3) Consistency (observer look for consistency in action) EXAMPLE: Arriving late in meeting Fundamental Attribution Error Fundamental Attribution Error When judge behaviors of others we often underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate influence of personal of internal factors EXAMPLE: Poor performance of salesperson is believed to be due to laziness and incompetence Individuals also tend to attribute success to internal factor such as hard work, intelligence and effort Individuals tend to attribute failure to external factors. Self Serving Bias • A perceptual error whereby people tend to attribute their own success to internal factors and their failures to external factors EXAMPLE: Iraq War Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Shortcuts in Judging Others • • • • Selective Perception The tendency to focus on those attributes of people and situations that fit our frame of reference. o Example: Notice Car like you Why we use selective perception? We can not analyze or assimilate all information We select information based on our interests, experience, attitude and background • Halo Effect • The tendency to overrate a person based on a single trait. Link between Perception and Individual Decision Making • • In organization individuals make decisions (choice between two or more alternatives) Decision making often occur in response to problem Decision require interpretation and evaluation of information and alternatives solutions/course of actions Quality of decision influenced by their perception Problem definition varies from person to person EXAMPLE: Quarterly Sales data Rational Decision Making The Rational Model 1)Define problem 2) Identify the decision criteria 3) Allocate weight to the criteria 4) Develop the alternatives 5) Evaluate the alternatives 6) Select the best alternative Assumptions 1) Problem clarity 2) Known options 4) Constant preferences 6) Maximum payoff Decision Making Individual Differences I) Personality ii) Gender 2) Organizational Constraints I) Performance evaluation ii) Reward system iii) Formal regulations 3) clear preferences 5) no time or cost constraints iv) System imposed time constraints v) Historical precedents 3) Cultural Differences Creativity in Decision Making Traits of Creativity: Openness to experience, intelligence, independence, self confidence, risk taking, internal locus of control, perseverance in frustration and tolerance for ambiguity 1. Expertise (knowledge, skills, and experience) 2. Creative thinking skills (analogies, apply idea from one context to other 3. Intrinsic Task Motivation (work with interest and joy, love their work). Other important thing is presence of creativity driven culture. The Normative Decision Model Decision Styles Focus on matching leadership decision making style and situation - Styles are assumed to be learnable Decision style depends on Quality requirement of decision Likelihood of commitment from employees The Normative Decision Model Decision Styles: 1 Decide - Leader makes decision with little or no subordinate input 2 Consult Individually -Input from subordinates but leader makes decision 3 Consult Group - Consensus building - Leader shares decision making with group 5 Facilitate: Helps define problems - Leader seeking participation and concurrence without pushing own ideas 6 Delegate - Leader gives total decision making authority to employees Managerial Implication Individuals behave based on their perception of environment and situation - Absenteeism, job turn over, and job satisfaction behaviors are influenced by perception of individuals - Individuals satisfaction and dissatisfaction level about work conditions, job, policies and structures are based on perception - Reducing Errors or Biases 1) Focus on goal 2) Analyze information that disconfirms your beliefs 3) Don't try to create meaning out/from random events 4) Increase your options 5) Ask from yourself: Are you committing biases - Enhance your decision quality by - Analyzing the situation - Adjust your style based on situation and culture – Be aware of biases Use creativity (out of the box thinking) – Use intuition with rationality Source: Robbins and Judge (2008): Organizational Behavior, Pearson, Prentice Hall