Задания для студентов II курса, обучающихся

Рассмотрены на заседании цикловой
комиссии общеобразовательных,
общих гуманитарных, социальноэкономических, математических и
общих естественнонаучных дисциплин
Зам. директора по учебной работе
«____» _______________ 20
Протокол № _______________________
Председатель __________ Ульянова Т.В.
«Английский язык»
специальность 250109 «Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство»
специальность 250110 «Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство»
Разработал преподаватель дисциплины «Английский язык»
Батова Татьяна Ивановна
с. Селиваново, 2013г
I.Контрольные задания по английскому языку по темам: времена активного и
пассивного залога, согласование времён в сложном предложении, основные
формы правильных и неправильных глаголов, причастие 2.
Задание 1.
Переведите, обращая внимание на согласование времён в английском и
русском языках.
1)I knew that you were ill. 2) The boy didn’t know that he had received a good
mark. 3) He said he would stay at home. 4) He asked me where I studied. 5) Nick
said he was very busy. 6) He says he worked at school two years ago.
Задание 2.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён.
1) She did not listen to the boy. 2) We asked for his address. 3) My brother looked
through these papers this morning. 4) She will give my brother English lessons.
Задание 3.
Переведите предложения в Passive Voice.
1) Have all these books been read? 2) She showed me the picture which had been
painted by her husband. 3) The door has been left open. 4) The dictation was
written without mistakes. 5) The room was cleaned and aired. 6) This article will
be translated at the lesson on Monday.
II. Письменно переведите текст 1 и ответьте на
вопросы, составьте рассказ о спорте в вашей жизни (8 –
10 предложений)
TEXT 1. Sports
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people
healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of
different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative.
They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football,
basketball, body-building etc.
All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport swimming pools,
skating-rinks, football fields. But, of course, one has to pay for these services.
Sport is paid much attention to in our schools and Institutes. Physical training is a
compulsory subject. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All
my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water sports (that is swimming,
sailing, rowing), gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing,
football, basketball, volleyball, etc.
And now a few words about our physical training lessons at school. In summer
they are held out-of-doors. When it is cold outside the lessons are held indoors in our
school gymnasium.
Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country. In the city where
I live, there are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools. Practically all
kinds of sports are popular in our country, but gymnastics and tennis enjoy the
greatest popularity.
The most popular kinds of sports in the United States are baseball, basketball and
American football. In England the popular kinds of sports are golf and rugby.
Englishmen like football top. It is their national kind of sports.
1. Why do people all over the world are fond of sports and games?
2. What are summer sports and what are winter sports?
3. What kinds of sports are popular with your friends and school
4. Do you have to pay for sports facilities, such as stadiums, swim
ming pools and tennis courts?
What can you say about physical training lessons at your school?
What kinds of sport are the most popular in our country?
What are the sports clubs in our country?
What are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England?
What other American or English sports do you know?
10. Are American football and baseball popular in Russia? Why and
why not?
11. What do you do to be healthy and fit?
III.Письменно переведите текст 2 и ответьте на вопросы
Text 2.Travelling
Modern life is impossible without travelling. Almost all people are fond of
travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. It
is very interesting to see new places, other towns and countries.
There are various means of travelling. People can travel by air, by train, by sea or
by road. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but
it is the most expensive, too.
Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. With a train you
have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. You can see much more interesting
places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable
seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest
journey enjoyable.
Speed, comfort, and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is
why many people prefer them for business trips to all other means of travelling.
Travelling by sea or sea voyages are popular mostly as pleasure journeys. Large
ships can visit foreign countries and different places of interest.
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many
places in a short time, you can stop anywhere you wish and spend as much time as
you like at any place.
Nowadays a very popular method of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot.
Walking tours are very interesting.
1 . Why do people travel?
2. What are the means of travelling?
3. What are the advantages of travelling by plane?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car,
train and ship?
5. Why do many people prefer to travel by car?
6. How do you prefer to travel and why? Tell about you last travelling.
IV. Письменно переведите текст 3 и ответьте на
вопросы, составьте рассказ о походе в магазин (6
Text 3. Shopping
People do shopping almost every day. When people want to buy something, they go
to shops where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what
is sold in this or that shop. Big supermarkets are self-service shop. Customers can
buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, meat, fish, grocery, sausages,
sweets, vegetables and fruit. When customers come into the shop, they take a food
basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they
want into the basket they come up to the cashier's desk. There is a computer with a
laser scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed goods at the cashier's
desk. The saleswoman tells how much to pay. The customers pay the money and
leave the shop.
At the grocer's you can buy sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, sausages,
frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker's, meat at the butcher's. We go to
the greengrocer's for vegetables and fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the
confectioner's. When we want to buy clothes, we go to men's and ladies clothes
shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweler's.
We buy books at the bookseller's.
Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department
stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for
different food products. Supermarkets sell thousands of food products: meat, fresh
fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen
items, and frozen foods. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol. The
supermarkets are located in shopping centres or malls and along main roads.
Supermarkets are popular because they save time, have low prices and variety of
products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need. These shops
are called self-service shops because there are no salespersons there but only
cashiers at the cash desks. The customers choose the goods they want to buy and pay
for them at the cash desk.
1. Do shops play an important role in our life?
2. Where do people go when they want to buy something?
3. What can see through the shop-window?
4. What can we buy at the grocer's?
5. What can we buy at the baker's?
6. What can we buy at the greengrocer's?
7. What can we buy at the butcher's?
8. What can we buy at the confectioner's?
9. What can we buy at the footwear shop?
10. What can we buy at the bookseller's?
11. Where do the customers pay for the goods at the self-service
12. What is a supermarket?
V.Письменно переведите текст 4 и послетекстовое упражнение.
The Russian Federation
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about 1/7
(one-seventh) of the Earth surface. The country is situated in Eastern Europe,
Northern and Central Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres.
The Russian Federation is washed by 12 seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the
Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on
fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.
There are no countries in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna
can be found as in our land. Our country has numerous forests, plains and steppes,
taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. The highest mountains in our land are the
Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus. There are over two thousand rivers in the Russian
Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob', the Yenisei, the Lena and
the Amur. Our land is also rich in lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Baikal,
The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 11 time zones. The climate
conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and
subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the
world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other
The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national
districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is
about 140 million people.
Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation, is the largest political, scientific,
cultural and industrial center of the country and one of the most beautiful cities on the
globe. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the
Russian Federation are a white-blue-red banner and a double-headed eagle.
The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the President.
The country government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and
judicial. The President controls only the executive branch of power — the
government, but not the Supreme Court and Federal Assembly.
The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two
chambers: the Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower
Chamber). Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. The executive power belongs to
the government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The
judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional
Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts. Our country has a multiparty system.
The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation,
peace and friendship with all nations irrespective of their political and social systems.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Общая площадь РФ составляет более 17 миллионов км. 2. В мире
нет стран с такой разнообразной флорой и фауной. 3. Озеро Байкал самое глубокое озеро на земном шаре. 4. На территории РФ 11 часовых
поясов. 5. Россия является конституционной республикой, с
президентом во главе. 6. Законодательная власть принадлежит
Федеральному Собранию, состоящему из двух палат. 7. Президент
контролирует только исполнительную ветвь власти.
VI.Прочитайте текст 5 и переведите его письменно. Составьте рассказ о
Великобритании – 8-10 предложений.
Text 5. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is situated near the north-west coast of Europe between the
Atlantic Ocean to the north and north-west and the North Sea to the east. The U.K.
includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The U.K. has an area of 95 square miles. The United Kingdom is made up of four
countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the
largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales.
The symbol of England is the Red Rose. London is the capital of England and
Great Britain. London is one of the biggest cities in the world situated on the river
Thames. London has three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East
End. The West End is the centre of London. There are many sights in the West
End. English is the official language. The population of the U.K. is nearly 80
million. The largest cities in the country are London, Manchester, Glasgow and
The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is not too hot in summer or too cold in
winter. It often rains in England. There are many rivers in Great Britain.
There are many universities, colleges, libraries, museums and theaters in the
country. The most famous universities are Cambridge University and Oxford
The U.K. is a parliamentary monarchy. The main political parties of Great Britain
are the Labour Party, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party.
Big Ben is the biggest clock bell in Britain. The other interesting place is The
Houses of Parliament are the building in which Parliament sit, Big Ben and
Westminster Abbey. It is situated in the centre of London. There are many nice
squares in London. Trafalgar Square is one of them and it is in the centre of the
West End. We can see a statue of Lord Nelson in the middle of this square.