Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Training Clinic

Mounted Police
Civilian Sensory Training Clinic
Registration Form
Kentucky Horse Park, Alltech Arena
October 17 & 18, 2014 8am-5pm
School your horse with the same sensory training techniques the mounted police use to train
their horses. The clinic, grounded in natural horsemanship fundamentals, is done in-hand and
under saddle. Riders work at their own speed and comfort level. All breeds of horses and
riding disciplines are welcome. Must be 18 years old to participate.
* The maximum number of participants will be 30ppl per day, but there will be a waiting list in case of
cancellations, to be called on a first come, first served basis. Cancellations 30 days out will receive a full
refund; cancellations 29-10 days out will receive a $75 refund.
Please contact Anne Anderson for more information at 859-299-5744/
Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Training Clinics
Friday, October 17 & Saturday, October 18, 2014
Supported by The Friends of the Lexington Mounted Police and the Kentucky Horse Park
Please submit this form with your payment of $175 (includes breakfast, lunch and stall) Circle the clinic date
you’ll attend and submit the following items:
A copy of your Coggins (Coggins must be current at the time of the clinic)
A copy of your Health Certificate (12 months if in-state, 30 days if outside state)
A signed release form
Auditors are welcome. Cost $25. Please fill out contact information on registration form and circle the clinic
date you will audit.
Make check payable to Kentucky Horse Park (or KHP) and mail to: Kentucky Horse Park
Attn: Jill Lee, 4089 Iron Works Pkway Lexington, Ky 40511
Use a separate form for each rider. Please fill out all information and print legibly.
City_________________________________________ State_______ Zip Code_____________
Email (we prefer to contact you via email)_____________________________________________
Phone (cell preferred)______________________________________________________________
Horse’s name (barn name/nickname is fine)_____________________________________________
Age and breed of horse_____________________________________________________________
Check the description that best fits your horse:
1.___ Calm, adjusts well to new settings, has been frequently exposed to new sites, sounds, environments.
2.___ Basically calm, but not exposed to new surroundings often or does not react well to new environments.
3.___ Nervous, spooky and very uncomfortable with new surroundings and unfamiliar objects.
4.___ Has your horse ridden in company (with other horses)?
Please tell us something about your riding experience, any particular behavior/sensory issues your horse may
have, and your training goals for this clinic. This helps us tailor the clinic to riders’ needs. Use back of this
Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Training Clinic
The undersigned Releasor, in consideration of being allowed to participate in the training course for civilian
equestrians to be conducted by the Kentucky Horse Park Mounted Police and the Friends of the Lexington
Mounted Police, Inc., at the Kentucky Horse Park on October 17 & 18th, 2014, to hereby warrant and represent
as follows:
1) I am fully aware that equestrian events such as the training course involve certain inherent risks
which I assume by participating in the training course.
2) I am aware that the sponsors and instructors in the training course for civilian equestrians do not
have the duty to eliminate all risk of injury of participation in said course. There are inherent risks
of injuries which I voluntarily accept by participating in the course.
3) The undersigned Releasor on behalf of himself or herself and on behalf of his or her spouse, legal
representative, heirs and assigns, hereby releases, waives and discharges the Kentucky Horse Park
Mounted Police, the Kentucky Horse Park, the Friends of the Lexington Mounted Police, Inc., and
the Lexington Mounted Police and the Division of Police of the Lexington Fayette Urban County
Government and their respective officials, supervisors, employees, representatives, departments and
divisions, including but not limited to, its Mounted Police (hereinafter “Releasees”) who participate
as instructors in the training course for civilian equestrians for any and all loss or damage, and any
claim or damages resulting therefrom, on account of injury to Releasor’s person or property, even
injury resulting in the death of the Releasor, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or
otherwise while Releasor is participating in the training course for civilian equestrian.
4) Releasor agrees to indemnify the Releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage or cost
they may incur due to the presence of Releasor in or upon the training course for civilian equestrians
whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise.
5) Releasor hereby assumes full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury, death or property damage
due to the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise while in or upon Kentucky Horse Park
participating in the training course for civilian equestrian.
6) Releasor expressly agrees that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as
broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and that if any
portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, not withstanding, continue in full
legal force and effect.
Signed of this _____ day of _______________, 20___.
Name of Releasor (Print)
Signature of Releasor
Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Clinic Schedule
Friday and Saturday, October 17 & 18, 2014
Alltech Arena (South Exhibit Hall)
Coffee/Donuts/ Introductions/Late Registration
Groundwork Demonstration
Prepare Mounts for Instruction
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group A
Group B
Group C
Lunch/Certificates/Q & A
Prepare Mounts for Instruction
Group A
Group B
Group C
Optional Obstacle competition/games
(Groundwork and Obstacles under Saddle)
(Troop Drill)
(Troop Drill)
(Groundwork and Obstacles under Saddle)
(Troop Drill)
(Groundwork and Obstacles under Saddle)
Contact Info:
Anne Anderson: 859-299-5744,
Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Training Clinic
Stall Information:
All participants will be furnished a 10x10 stall (asphalt flooring) in an enclosed barn (#22). Water will
be available from a freeze-proof hydrant at the end of each barn. You will need to provide your own
bedding and water/feed buckets. Shavings and/or feed can also be purchased from our on-site
concessionaire, Devers, by calling 859.233.9702. Stalls will be on a first-come, first-served basis but
there will be plenty available. Check out must be completed by Sunday (October 19th). Working out of
your trailer is also permitted but must be noted on the registration form.
Horse trailer parking is the main lot when you enter KHP near the Visitors Information Center. Vehicle
parking is the main parking lot of Alltech Arena. There is to be no parking between barn #22 and the
back of Alltech Arena except for unloading.
Medical & Veterinary Information:
Medical coverage will be provided by Lexington Division of Fire during clinic hours. An EMT will be
on-site and readily available. They can also be reached at 859.231.5600. Veterinary coverage will be
provided by Hagyard Equine Medical Institute and they can be reached at (859-255-8741).
Please bring:
Helmets! They are required!
Rope-style halter (if you don’t have this, we will have plenty)
12 ft. lead
Regular tack, feed/water buckets, etc.
*Additional information regarding the Kentucky Horse Park rules/regulations can be viewed at
Mounted Police Civilian Sensory Training Clinic
Mounted Police Instructors
Mounted Police Instructors for this year’s sensory clinic have extensive knowledge policing from
horseback and in teaching civilian sensory clinics. The instructors will utilize techniques from
the ground and under saddle to teach and build confidence in the horse to become a willing
partner over and through various obstacles. The instructors have not only trained their respective
units, but have trained mounted police officers and civilians from around the country and Canada
over the years.
Kentucky Horse Park Mounted Police
Lexington Mounted Police
Jerry Mayo (retired) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Megan Lau Maryland National Capital Park Police-MC
Ron Markland (retired) United States Park Police
Pat Berkery (retired) Philadelphia Mounted Police