allegato 4 al bando di selezione

General Information
- Project Title
Advanced technological solutions to improve the quality of life and care of people housed at health
and socio-health facilities, as well as at home
- Acronym
- Duration in months
- Number of Fellows
- Discipline
2. Biorobotics and Neuroscience
- Competition Sector: 09/G2 Bioengineering, Scientific Disciplinary Sector ING-IND/34 Industrial Bioengineering.
Dr. Fabrizio Vecchi ,, tel. +393407207845
at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, piazza Martiri della Libertà no. 33, PISA
DATE: December 21, 2012 at 2:30 pm
1. Project description, research motives, objectives, expected results and methodology
Objectives ToscoCare is an industrial research/intervention project whose objective is to develop an integrated
technological platform outfitted with an instrument panel for detection, control and guidance, in order to manage the
following processes using intelligent systems, robotics and domotics: care, treatment, technological systems, comfort,
consumption, food and beverage, pharmacy, storage, maintenance, communications, security, surveillance, hygiene,
Motives The demand for health and socio-health services and facilities is constantly growing due to increasing life
expectancy; therefore we must increase the supply of units, reduce their cost and make them more humane. The
production of these assistance activities is the result of multiple processes, currently managed separately by different
operating units. Interactions that have a significant effect on the appropriate course of business are overlooked in
daily use as well as in the design, organization and management of these different activities. The project is intended to
highlight and address all of these connections in the design of an integrated technological platform that integrates,
correlates and manages everything as a whole.
Methodology Fellows will work on two parallel activities:
A) the design and development of the platform and applications with innovative solutions that enhance and integrate
technologies and solutions already available on the market, highlighting new areas for development and problems to
be addressed;
B) the basic domotic system design, which is able to connect, support and facilitate production processes controlled
and managed by the technological platform and implemented by the applications,
according to the following schedule:
A1) State of the art analysis (month 1- month 4), A2) Design of technological systems and control programs of the
Park’s standard facilities (month 5- month 9), A3) Implementation and experimentation at the Park’s strategic
facilities (month 10 – month 24), A4) Planning and development of innovative solutions (month 5 – month 24)
Fellows will work in multidisciplinary teams composed of bioengineers, architects, doctors and socio-health assistants,
managers of socio-health facilities and experts in materials, artificial intelligence, biorobotics, AAL, at the proposing
party's laboratories and at facilities made available by the private companies involved.
Expected Results R1) State of the art report (month 4), R2) Technological systems and control programs projects
(month 9), R3) Concept of innovative technological solutions (month 12), R4) Results from experiments (month 24),
R5) Concept of innovative technological solutions (month 24)
2. Fellow profile
 - Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering with experience in the management and processing
of medical records and/or remote control and remote monitoring systems
 - Engineering degree with experience in the design of technological and mechanical systems as well as the
use of renewable energy sources
General Information
- Project Title: The Economics of Social Media: Information and Reputation on the Web
- Acronym: EcoMeSo
- Duration in months: twenty-four
- Number of Fellows: 1
- Discipline: Advanced systems of knowledge acceleration
- competition sector 13/A2 - Economic Policy; SDS: SECS P/02 Economic Policy, SECS S/06 Mathematical Methods
for Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences
Prof. Giulio Bottazzi,
at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, piazza Martiri della Libertà no. 33, PISA
DATE: December 21, 2012 at 2:30 pm
1. Project description, research motives, objectives, expected results and methodology
The advent of the internet, particularly its recent "social use", has radically changed the process of how information
travels, from who provides it to end users. While the internet is simply a channel of communication like that of
traditional means of mass communication (radio, television, newspapers, etc.), it also offers end users the possibility
to play a part in communication, acting as a channel of amplification, enrichment, and potential modification of the
original message. Although the phenomenon is pervasive, theoretical models currently do not exist, nor do empirical
studies that seek to characterize its nature, put its potential into use and provide alerts of potential critical issues. This
project's goal is to fill this gap.
Within this general issue, the project will focus on a particular example of this new kind of communication that we can
call "social", which is represented by digital marketing. While companies use the internet alongside traditional
methods of communication in order to advertise their products and influence consumers' purchasing decisions, they
also recognize that content creation by consumers, communication generated by the network itself, has a tangible
effect on the final purchasing choice. In its social sense, digital marketing offers an excellent example of social
communication. It also provides the opportunity to quantify and measure the phenomenon, and offers a unique case
for developing models of its behavior.
The empirical analysis and resulting theoretical modeling of the phenomenon of social communication in the area of
digital marketing was made possible through collaboration with InTarget Group s.r.l., a domestic market leader in
digital marketing that operates in the production context of the Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio. In particular, the
project will be developed in collaboration with the InTarget unit called InTarget Intelligence, which handles traffic data
analysis and strategic consulting through web analytics, web reputation, web usability and market analysis aimed at
optimizing companies' and brands' online investments.
2. Fellow profile
Ph.D. in Economics, Mathematics, Physics or IT. Solid quantitative foundation and distinct analytical skills. Proven
research experience in econometrics/statistics. Knowledge of network theory and the basic programming languages
(Pascal, C, C + +, etc.). Excellent knowledge of both written and spoken English.