SALCOD The effects of salinity on growth and biology in Atlantic cod Áhrif seltu á vaxtarhraða og líffræði þorsks Final activity report: R-065-08 Authors: Tómas Árnason, Marine Research Institute Bergljót Magnadóttir, Keldur Björn Björnsson, Marine Research Institute Agnar Steinarsson, Marine Research Institute Björn Þrándur Björnsson, University of Gothenburg and Matís Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Abstract The effects of salinity and temperature on growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment , small, medium and large juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (initial weights 2, 8, and 83 g) were reared at four constant salinities (6 to 32‰) for a short period (19-57 days, depending on size), then returned to seawater without acclimation and reared for another period (20-391 days). The highest growth rates were found at 10‰ in all size-classes, and the optimal salinity for growth was predicted to be 12.5 and 14.8‰ for the medium and large juveniles. After the fish were returned to seawater the growth rates were inversely related to the change in salinity in all size-classes. Long-term rearing of the medium sized fish revealed that abrupt exposure from 6 and 10‰ to seawater may permanently reduce the growth capacity of juvenile cod. In another long term experiment, there was no significant difference in the growth of cod (initial weight = 3.4g ) reared at either 13.5 or 32‰ for 187 days, and rearing at 13.5‰ neither enhanced growth at 6.3 nor 10°C in larger juveniles (>245g) compared to rearing in seawater. After transfer to seawater on day 187, the lowest growth rates were found in the groups prevously reared at 13.5‰, but the effects of abrupt increse in salinity did not differ between groups at 6.3 or 10°C. The study shows that salinity and abrupt increase in salinity has limited or no effects on stress and immune-related parameters, and there were no indications of ion regulatory disturbances at salinities as low as 6‰, suggesting that Atlantic cod is extremely euryhaline. 1 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Ágrip Áhrif seltu og hitastigs á vöxt, kortisól, jónir í blóðvökva og vessabundna ónæmisþætti voru könnuð í tveimur tilraunum. Í fyrri tilrauninni voru lítil, miðlungs og stór þorskseiði Gadus morhua (upphafsþyngdir 2, 8 og 83 g) alin við fjögur stöðug seltustig (6 til 32‰) yfir stutt tímabil (19-57 dagar eftir stærð), síðan færð aftur yfir í sjó án aðlögunar og alin í annað tímabil (20-391 dagar). Í öllum stærðarflokkum var mesti vöxturinn við 10‰ og áætluð kjörselta til vaxtar var 12.5 og 14.8‰ fyrir miðlungs og stór þorskseiði. Eftir að seiðin voru færð aftur í sjó var vöxturinn í öfugu hlutfalli við seltubreytinguna í öllum stærðarflokkum. Langtíma eldi á miðlungs stórum seiðum sýndi að skyndileg seltubreyting frá 6 og 10‰ í 32‰ getur haft varanleg neikvæð áhrif á vaxtargetu fisksins. Í annari langtíma tilraun var ekki marktækur munur á vexti þorska (upphafsþyngd = 3.4 g) sem aldir voru í 187 daga við 13.5 og 32‰. Samanburður á vexti stærri þorskseiða (>245g) milli sömu seltustiga og tveggja hitastiga (6.3 og 10°C), sýndi enga aukningu á vexti við 13.5‰, hvorki við 6.3°C né 10°C. Eftir að fiskurinn var fluttur í sjó án aðlögunar var vöxturinn marktækt lægri í fisknum sem varð fyrir seltubreytingu, en áhrif breytingarinnar voru ekki ólík milli hitastiga. Rannsóknin sýnir að selta og snöggar seltubreytingar hafa ýmist takmörkuð eða engin áhrif á stress og vessabundna ónæmisþætti. Það er ekkert sem bendir til röskunar á jónajafnvægi í seltu niður í 6‰ sem sýnir að Atlantshafs þorskur þrífst við seltu á mjög breiðu bili. 2 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Preface Two chapters are included in this report. The first chapter contains a manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific paper and the second chapter contains data which was excluded from the manuscript. I. Effects of salinity and temperature on growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) II. On growing of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) following direct transfer from different temperatures and salinities to seawater 3 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Chapter I 4 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Effects of salinity and temperature on growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Tómas Árnasona,*, Bergljót Magnadóttirb, Björn Björnssonc, Agnar Steinarssona, Björn Thrandur Björnssonde a Marine Research Institute, Box 42, IS-240 Grindavík, Iceland b Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur v/Vesturlandsvegur, IS-112 Reykjavík, Iceland c Marine Research Institute, Skúlagata 4,Box 1390, IS-121 Reykjavík, Iceland d Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 463, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden e Matís, Vinlandsleid 12, 113 Reykjavík, Iceland. Abstract The effects of salinity and temperature on growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment small, medium and large juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (initial weights 1.9 ± 0.4, 8 ± 0.8 and 83 ± 2.9 g, mean ± SEM) were reared at four constant salinities (6 to 32‰) for a short period (19-57 days, depending on size), then returned to seawater without acclimation and reared for another period (20-391 days). The highest growth rates were found at 10‰ in all sizeclasses, and the optimal salinity for growth was predicted to be 12.5 and 14.8‰ for the medium and large juveniles. After the fish were returned to seawater the growth rates were inversely related to the change in salinity in all size-classes and long-term rearing of the medium sized fish revealed that abrupt exposure from 6 and 10‰ to seawater may permanently reduce the growth capacity of juvenile cod. In another long term experiment, there was no significant difference in the growth of cod (initial weight 3.4 ± 0.55 g) reared at either 13.5 or 32‰ for 187 days, and rearing at 13.5‰ neither enhanced growth at 6.3°C nor 10°C in larger juveniles (>245g) compared to rearing in seawater. The study shows that 5 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 salinity and abrupt increase in salinity has limited or no effects on stress and immunerelated parameters, and there were no indications of ion regulatory disturbances at salinities as low as 6‰, suggesting that Atlantic cod is extremely euryhaline. Keywords: Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, growth, temperature, salinity; osmoregulation, stress, immunology 1. Introduction Although, the vast majority of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is distributed in oceanic waters with salinity around 34‰, cod tends to prefer salinities lower than full-strength seawater if a choice is provided (Claireaux et al. 1995) and tolerates long-term exposure to low salinities (Odense et al. 1966). Furthermore, Atlantic cod has been found to grow faster at low (7‰) and intermediate salinities (14 and 15‰) compared to seawater (Lambert et al. 1994; Dutil et al. 1997; Imsland et al. 2011), and it has been postulated that rearing cod at intermediate salinities could provide an economic advantage compared with rearing cod in seawater (Lambert et al. 1994). Marine teleosts such as the Atlantic cod are hypoosmotic regulators, maintaining plasma osmolality at about one-third of that of full-strength seawater. In order to maintain hydromineral homeostasis, the osmotic water loss is compensated by ingestion of seawater, followed by absorption of water and salts over the gastrointestinal tract, and subsequent secretion of monovalent and divalent ions, over the gills and kidneys, respectively. The environmental salinity may impact the physiological condition of euryhaline, marine teleost species in different ways and through various mechanisms, but understanding of this is currently limited. Salinities approaching isoosmotic conditions might improve growth due to lower energetic costs of osmoregulation, lower standard metabolic rate and a larger proportion of ingested energy being directed towards growth. Estimations of the energetic costs of osmoregulation range from 10 to 50% of the total energy budget of the fish (see Boeuf and Payan, 2001). Higher growth under isoosmotic conditions might also be related to a 6 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 hypothetical conflict between hydromineral and nutritional transport mechanisms in the intestine, which would be minimized at isoosmotic environmental conditions. On the other hand, changes in environmental salinity approaching the physiological tolerance limits of the species are likely to act as a stressor, leading to elevated cortisol levels which are known to adversely affect immune defence (Harris and Bird, 2000) and appetite (Gregory and Wood 1999). It is a well established paradigm that the immune system and disease resistance of poikilothermic animals like fish is affected by external as well as inherent factors (Magnadottir, 2010). The link between the environment and the immune defence of fish has received considerable attention, the main emphasis having been on the effects of temperature, pollution and seasonal or diurnal changes (Bowden et al., 2007, Bowden, 2008). A close link between the neuroendocrine system and the immune system of fish has been demonstrated in several studies (Weyts et al., 1999, Harris and Bird, 2000), and most studied are the suppressive effects of stress, signified by a raised plasma cortisol level, on the immune response and disease resistance (Fast et al., 2008, Castillo et al., 2009). While a decreased osmotic gradient may thus promote growth, and may thus be of applied interest in Atlantic cod aquaculture, such changes in salinity may potentially also influence other physiological systems. In particular, a question remains at which salinity the change may induce stress responses in the fish and lead to impaired immune competence. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the short and long term effects of salinity on growth and osmoregulation in Atlantic cod, as well as its effects on stress responses and immune function. As the impact of salinity on physiology may vary at different life-stages, three size-classes of cod were reared at four different salinities in order to define optimal salinities for growth (Sopt.G), and assessing plasma ion and cortisol levels, as well as immune parameters. As temperature is likely to influence salinity responses, a follow-up study was carried out, in which cod was reared at optimal salinity and at two temperatures (6.3 and 10°C). 7 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Fish material and rearing conditions Two experiments were conducted on juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, at the Mariculture Laboratory of the Marine Research Institute at Grindavík, SW Iceland. Fertilized eggs from the first generation of selectively bred cod from a commercial breeding selection facility (Icecod Ltd, Iceland) were brought to the laboratory in January and April 2008, and May 2009, incubated in 150 L silos at 7.5°C, and moved to 3200 L tanks where the larvae were fed on rotifers and Artemia until weaned on dry feed. In the experiments, salinity, oxygen and temperature were measured daily, and DST CTD data storage tags (Star-Oddi Ltd, Iceland) were used to record the temperature and salinity every hour. Oxygen saturation was close to 100% at all times and the water flow was adjusted to keep ammonia well below critical levels (Björnsson and Ólafsdóttir, 2006). Diluted seawater was obtained by mixing ground water (3‰) with seawater (32‰) taken from a 50-m deep well. All tanks had constant light by incandescent lamps (100-350 lx at the surface). Excess feeding was maintained in the experiments by stocking automatic feeders every day with commercial dry feed (Laxá, Iceland). The protein/fat ratio in the feed was 62/13 for the smallest juveniles (2 – 8 g) and 52/19 for larger fish. 2.2. Weight measurements and sampling All the experimental fish were individually weighed under anaesthesia (MS222, tricaine methane sulphonate, 0.1 g L-1, Pharmaq Ltd, UK). Unless otherwise stated, fish were killed by anaesthesia prior to blood sampling. Blood was collected from the caudal vessels using heparinized syringes (Sarstedt, Germany), centrifuged at 7000 × g for 10 min, the plasma collected, placed on dry ice, and stored at -80°C until analysis. During samplings, an inoculation from the kidney of every other fish was made on blood agar with 1.5% NaCl (BA-S) and incubated at 15°C for 72 h to check for symptomless infections. 2.3. Experiment 1A, B and C: Effects of salinity on juvenile cod at different size/age The experiment was carried out as three separate trials on (A) 3.5-month old, small (1.87 ± 0.40 g), (B) 4-month old, medium-sized (8.03 ± 0.82 g), and (C) 8.5-month old, large (82.9 ± 2.9 g) juveniles. In all three trials (Fig. 1), the fish were separated into four treatment 8 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 groups of which three were gradually acclimatized over a period of two days to lower salinities, while one group was kept in seawater (32‰). The fish were then kept at these salinities for a period of time, after which the fish at lower salinities were rapidly (1-2 hours) returned to seawater, and kept there for an additional period of time. All treatment groups were reared in two replicate tanks. The small and large juveniles were hatched in 14th January 2008 and the medium-sized juveniles in 22nd April 2008. Weight measurements and blood samples were taken as shown in Fig. 1. No blood samples were taken in experiment 1A due to the small size of the fish. In order to assess individual growth rates, 40 individuals from each experimental tank were PIT-tagged (Trovan Ltd, UK) under anaesthesia one week before the trial was initiated. However, due to the tag size, only medium-sized and large juveniles were tagged. 9 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 1. Design for experiment 1 in which juvenile Atlantic cod were exposed to decreased salinities for a period of time. (A) Small juveniles exposed to 32, 20, 15 and 10‰ for 19 days and returned to 32‰ for 20 days. (B) Medium-sized juveniles exposed to 32, 20, 10 and 6‰ for 33 days and returned to 32 %o for 391days. (C) Large juveniles exposed to 32, 20, 10 and 6‰ for 57 days and returned to 32‰ for 56 days. T, S and B indicate time of individual tagging, size measurement (body weight) and blood sampling, respectively. Experiment 1A: From April 25th 2008, 3.5-month old, small juveniles were reared at 10, 15, 20 and 32‰ for 19 days at 11.9°C in rectangular fibreglass tanks (90 × 90× 37 cm, 300 l), initially containing 130 fish per tank. Then, the fish were returned to 32‰ for additional 20 days. 10 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Experiment 1B: From August 14th 2008, 4-month old, medium-sized juveniles were reared at 6, 10, 20 and 32‰ for 33 days at 10.9°C, in rectangular fibreglass tanks (90 × 90 × 37 cm, 300 L), initially containing 110 fish per tank. Then, the fish were returned to 32‰ for additional 36 days. At that point, 27-32 tagged fish from each tank were transferred to one circular tank (2.9 m diameter and 0.8 m deep, 5300 l) where they were reared in 32‰ for additional 355 days. The rearing temperature was gradually decreased from 10.9°C to 7°C as the fish grew larger. Blood samples from twenty fish were taken on day 0 and from 12 fish from each tank on day 33 and 69 (Fig. 1B). Experiment 1C: From September 24th, 2008, 8.5-month old, large juveniles were reared at 6, 10, 20 and 32‰ for 57 days at 8.7°C in circular fibreglass tanks (5300 l), initially containing 110 fish per tank. Then, the fish were returned to 32‰ for additional 56 days. Twenty fish were sampled on day 0 and 12 fish from each tank on day 57 and 113 (Fig. 1C). 2.4. Experiment 2: Effects of salinity and temperature on juvenile cod Experiment 2 was carried out in two phases (Fig. 2). Phase 1 (day 0-187): Experimental phase 1 was initiated on August 13th 2009 by establishing two treatment groups in duplicate tanks by randomly dividing 800 fish with mean weight of 3.43 ± 0.55 g among four 300 L fibreglass tanks. For two tanks, the salinity was gradually lowered to 13.5‰ over two days, while keeping it at 32‰ for the other two tanks. After 69 days, blood samples were collected from 12 fish from each tank. Then, all the fish were anaesthetized, weighed, PIT-tagged and transferred to larger tanks (2.9 m in diameter and 0.8 m deep, 5300 l). All fish were weighed again on day 187 and blood samples collected from 12 fish from each tank after a mild anaesthesia, i.e. without sacrificing the fish. The fish were reared at 12.4°C for the first 69 days and at 11.6°C from day 69 to 187. Phase 2 (day 187- 278): On day 187, experimental phase 2 was initiated by transferring 8591 randomly selected individuals from each tank (50% of the fish) to tanks with the same rearing conditions. These fish were then either acclimatized to 6.3 or 10.0°C over a period of two days, without changing the salinities. Thus, four, duplicate experimental treatments were created; 10.0°C/13.5‰, 10.0°C/32‰, 6.3°C/13.5‰ and 6.3°C/32‰ (Fig. 2, phase 2). 11 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 The mean weights in the tanks on day 187, after the fish were transferred were from 235±4.2 to 253±4.0 g, but there was no significant difference in body weights between tanks (p>0.05). The fish were weighed again on day 278, and blood samples collected from 6 randomly selected individuals in each tank without sacrificing the fish as described above. Phase 1 2×300 l tanks 32‰ 12.4°C 2×5300 l tanks 32‰ 10°C 2×5300 l tanks 32‰ 11.6°C 2×300 l tanks 13.5‰ 12.4°C Day 0 Aug 13 2009 Phase 2 2×5300 l tanks 32‰ 6.3°C 2×5300 l tanks 13.5‰ 10°C 2×5300 l tanks 13.5‰ 11.6°C Day 69 Oct 21 2009 2×5300 l tanks 13.5‰ 6.3°C Day 187 Feb 16 2010 Day 278 May 20 2010 Fig. 2. Design for experiment 2 in which juvenile Atlantic cod were kept at two salinities (13.5 and 32‰) during phase 1, day 0-187. During phase 2, day 187-278, the salinity groups were divided between two rearing temperatures (6.3 and 10 °C). Weight and blood samples were obtained on days 69, 187 and 278. 2.5. Plasma analysis Plasma sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) levels were measured by flame photometry (Eppendorf ELEX 6361). Plasma cortisol levels were measured in unextracted plasma using a radioimmunoassay procedure according to Young (1986) and validated by Sundh et al. (2011). Cortisol antibody (Code: S020; Lot: 1014-180182) was purchased from Guildhay Ltd (Guildford, Surrey, U.K.). Total plasma proteins were analyzed using a protein assay kit from Thermo Scientific (IL, USA) based on the Bradford method (Bradford, 1976), with bovine serum albumin from the kit as a standard. 12 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Natural antibody (IgM) activity was measured using a modified ELISA method previously described (Magnadottir et al., 1999 a). The modification involved the expression of natural antibody activity, which was presented as the percentage of the mean optical density value of plasma from the same six individuals showing a relatively high natural antibody activity (OD405nm >1.2). The TNP-BSA coating antigen and polyclonal mouse anti-cod IgM antibody used in the analysis were prepared at the Institute for Experimental Pathology at Keldur, Iceland. Anti-trypsin activity was measured in 50% of the samples collected in experiment 1C and experiment 2. A modification (Magnadottir et al., 1999 a) of the method described by Bowden et al. was used (Bowden et al., 1997). The method was based on the plasma inhibition of standard trypsin solution (Sigma, USA), the enzyme substrate being azocasein (Sigma). 2.6. Statistical methods and data analysis All data are presented as means ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Specific growth rate (G) was calculated according to the formula G = 100(lnW2 – lnW1)/(t2-t1), where W1 and W2 are the weights of the fish at times t1 and t2. Tagged fish that were sacrificed for blood sampling and fish that died during the experiment were excluded from the growth data analysis. Tank means were calculated for both tagged and un-tagged fish and measurements of the PIT-tagged fish used to calculate individual growth rates. In experiment 1, a three parameter model developed by Shepherd (1982) for analyzing stock-recruitment relationship for fisheries was fitted to the data for the medium and large juveniles to describe the effect of salinity on growth rate: G = aS/[(1 + (S/b)c], , where G is the growth rate, S is salinity, and a, b and c are constants estimated by the method of least square. The relationships between natural antibody activity, plasma protein levels and body weights were studied with correlation matrix analyses. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to analyse whether the data were significantly different from a standard normal distribution and homogeneity of variances were tested using the Levene’s test. Data not normally distributed were log-transformed before statistical analyses. Replicates were pooled prior to analysis since there was no significant difference between replicates in any treatment. Data which did not conform to normality 13 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 even after log-transformation were analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, and followed by the Holm post-hoc test if differences between salinities were found. In experiment 1 and in phase 1 of experiment 2, a two-way ANOVA with time and salinity was used to test for possible differences in plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters, followed by Tukey HSD tests to locate any differences between treatments. Similarly, the data for growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters in phase 2 of experiment 2, were analysed with a two-way ANOVA with temperature and salinity. In all tests, a probability level of p<0.05 was considered significant. All statistical analyses were done using R version 2.11.1 (the R foundation for statistical computing). 3. Results 3.1. Experiment 1A, B and C: Effects of salinity on juvenile cod at different size/age 3.1.1. Growth Experiment 1A: The initial mean weight was significantly higher at 10‰ (1.94 ± 0.38g) than 32‰ (1.82 ± 0.38 g) (p <0.05). During the 19-day salinity exposure, the fish at 10‰ had the highest growth rate. The growth rate decreased linearly as the salinity increased to 20‰, but similar growth rates were found at 20 and 32‰ (Fig. 3A, Table 1). Optimal salinity for growth (Sopt.G) could not be calculated as the highest growth rate was found at the lowest salinity. After being returned to seawater, growth rate was found to be inversely related to the salinity change (Table 1). 14 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 3. Experiment 1: Average specific growth rates of small (A), medium (B) and large (C) cod juveniles reared at four salinities. The dots represent the overall mean growth rates in each replicate tank and the lines represent the fit of the model, G = aS/[(1 + (S/b)c]to the data, where G is the growth rate, S is salinity, and a, b and c are constants determined by the method of least squares. B: a = 1.0466, b = 4.7906, c = 1.2908 C: a = 0.2781, b = 9.6938, c = 1.5234 15 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Table 1. Experiment 1A and C: Growth data for the small and large juvenile cod. Values are given as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Number of fish in each experimental group (n), overall initial and final mean weights in period 1 (W1 and W2), final mean weight in period 2 (W3), growth rate (G), and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The growth data for the larger juveniles are from PIT tagged fish. Different letters denote significant differences between salinity groups (p<0.05). Different salinities Seawater Salinity (‰) n W1 W2 G(%) W3 G(%) a a a 10.1 260 1.94 ± 0.38 5.49 ± 0.57 5.48 12.3 ± 0.77 3.85 Small 14.8 260 1.90 ± 0.39ab 5.23 ± 0.56b 5.34 12.0 ± 0.75ab 3.96 (Exp 1A) 20.1 259 1.84 ± 0.43ab 4.95 ± 0.62c 5.20 11.6 ± 0.88b 4.12 b c ab 31.8 260 1.82 ± 0.38 4.89 ± 0.59 5.21 12.1 ± 0.78 4.27 c c b 5.7 73 83.6 ± 2.35 159 ± 3.49 1.12 ± 0.33 251 ± 5.18 0.82 ± 0.36c a a a Large 10.0 79 85.7 ± 2.75 193 ± 3.96 1.43 ± 0.18 314 ± 4.63 0.84 ± 0.14bc (Exp 1C) 20.1 79 85.9 ± 2.58 187 ± 3.88a 1.36 ± 0.18b 299 ± 5.15a 0.85 ± 0.22ab 31.9 79 83.1 ± 2.28 174 ± 3.26b 1.29 ± 0.20b 286 ± 4.32a 0.91 ± 0.20a Small, day 0 (W1), day 19 (W2) and day 39 (W3); Large, day 0 (W1), day 57 (W2) and day 113 (W3) Experiment 1B: During the period in different salinities, the relationship between the overall growth rate and salinity was adequately described with a three parameter model (Fig. 3B). There is a rapid increase in growth rate as salinity increases from 6‰, passing through a relatively flat peak at optimal salinity for growth (Sopt.G) and falling gradually as salinity increases up to 32‰. The model predicts that the growth rates for the medium juveniles are maximal at 12.5‰. There were no significant differences in the overall mean weights between groups at the start of the trial. The PIT-tagged fish at 6‰ and 32‰ were, however, significantly heavier than fish at 10‰ and 20‰ (Fig. 4, p <0.05), but after 33 days at different salinities, these weight differences were no longer significant (p >0.05). In the first 36-day period after the fish were returned to seawater, growth rates were inversely related to the salinity change (Table 2). From day 69 to end of the 424-day trial, growth rates were over-all fairly similar among the groups despite marked differences in mean weights. Thus, the negative effect on growth from abrupt transfer from low salinities to seawater persisted throughout the trial. At the termination of the trial, the group kept on 32‰ throughout had the highest mean weight (889 ± 10.4 g), while the group exposed to the lowest salinity 6‰ had the lowest mean weight (649 ± 9.5 g, Fig. 4). 16 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 4. Experiment 1: Mean weights (g) of PIT-tagged cod subjected to four different salinity treatments. The groups reared at 6 to 20‰ were subjected to abrupt increase in salinity to seawater on day 33. Means sharing the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. 17 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Table 2. Growth data for PIT tagged medium juveniles in experiment 1B. Body weights (W in g) and specific growth rates between measurements (G). Values are given as mean ± SEM. All groups were reared in seawater from day 33. treatment W1 W2 G1-2 (%) W3 G2-3 (%) W4 G3-4 (%) W5 G4-5 (%) W6 G5-6 (%) 0.44 ± 0.24 6/32‰ 8.84 ± 0.88 21.7 ± 1.4 2.72 ± 0.19b 35.6 ± 2.2 1.31 ± 0.45b 211 ± 5.2 1.28 ± 0.18b 291 ± 6.3 0.72 ± 0.41 649 ± 9.5 10/32‰ 7.62 ± 0.66 20.1 ± 1.1 2.94 ± 0.16a 34.4 ± 1.7 1.49 ± 0.29b 213 ± 5.3 1.30 ± 0.18ab 301 ± 6.4 0.76 ± 0.30 708 ± 10.5 0.47 ± 0.16 20/32‰ 8.03 ± 0.77 20.5 ± 1.4 2.80 ± 0.29b 37.5 ± 1.8 1.68 ± 0.62a 247 ± 5.5 1.35 ± 0.12a 357 ± 6.8 0.81 ± 0.23 793 ± 10.5 0.46 ± 0.19 32/32‰ 8.97 ± 0.72 21.7 ± 1.3 2.65 ± 0.23b 42.2 ± 1.8 1.84 ± 0.21a 276 ± 5.2 1.33 ± 0.10ab 390 ± 5.8 0.79 ± 0.27 889 ± 10.4 0.47 ± 0.18 Day 0 (W1), day 33 (W2), day 69 (W3), day 208 (W4), day 251 (W5), day 424 (W6) 18 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Experiment 1C: The overall initial weight was 82.9 ± 2.9 g and did not differ between experimental groups (p >0.05). During exposure to different salinities, the highest growth rate was found in fish reared at 10‰, closely followed by fish reared at 20‰. The relationship between the overall mean growth rate and salinity could be described using the same model as used for the medium juveniles, predicting the growth rates to be highest at 14.8‰ (Fig. 3C). During the recovery period, after all fish were returned to 32‰, the growth rate was lowest in fish that had been exposed to the lowest salinity and highest in fish kept on 32‰ throughout (Table 1). 3.1.2. Mortality Experiment 1A: The overall mortalities of the experimental groups were between 0 and 0.5%. No samples were collected from this fish for bacterial analysis. Experiment 1B: The overall mortality rates among the PIT-tagged medium fish exposed to 6, 10, 20 and 32‰ were 11, 13, 7 and 7% respectively. No size-dependent mortality was found when initial weights were compared to that of the surviving fish (p >0.05). No latent infections were detected in the fish at any time. Experiment 1C: Mortality rates in the groups reared at 10, 20 and 32‰ ranged between 0 and 2%, whereas 9% mortality was found in the group reared at 6‰. The highest mortality incidence in the lowest salinity group was recorded in the first 2 days after initial weighing (7.3%). No latent infections were detected in the fish at any time. 3.1.3. Experiment 1B: Plasma parameters Plasma Na and Ca levels did not differ among the salinity treatment groups, neither at the end of the low-salinity exposure period (Day 33) nor after a period back on seawater (Day 69). There is a time-dependent change in Na plasma levels, with the levels on day 33 (Fig. 5A). Plasma cortisol levels were generally low (<10 ng ml-1) and did not differ significantly with salinity treatment or time (Fig. 5B). Plasma protein levels did not differ significantly between the four salinity groups on day 33 or on day 69 (Fig. 5C). An increase in the plasma protein concentration was seen with increasing weight from 20.7 mg mL-1 on day 0 to 22 mg mL-1 on day 33 and 25 mg mL-1 on day 69 (mean values). On day 33, compared to day 0, the increase was statistically significant only in fish kept at 32‰ while all groups showed significant increase in protein level on day 19 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 69 compared to day 33. For all the data there was a significant positive correlation between the weight and the plasma protein level (r2 = 0.629, p <0.0001). Plasma natural antibody activity was significantly higher (55%) on day 33 for the fish kept at 10‰ than fish kept at 20‰ (39%), while the differences between the other groups were insignificant (Fig. 5D). There was no significant difference between the different groups on day 69, mean value 52%. An increase in the natural antibody activity was seen with increasing weight from about 28% on day 0 to 44% on day 33 and 55% on day 69 (mean values). On day 33, compared to day 0, the increase was statistically significant only in fish kept at 10‰, while on day 69 the natural antibody activity was significantly higher in all groups compared to day 0 but the change was not significant when compared to day 33. For all the data there was a significant positive correlation between weight and natural antibody activity (r2 = 0.351, p <0.0001). Fig. 5. Experiment 1B: Temporal changes in plasma ions (A), cortisol (B), total plasma proteins (C) and natural antibody activity (D) in cod juveniles reared at 6, 10, 20 and 32‰ for 33 days, then reared onwards at 32‰ for 36 days. 20 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 3.1.4. Experiment 1C: Plasma parameters Plasma Na and Ca levels were stable throughout the experiment (Fig. 6A). Plasma cortisol levels at day 0 were significantly higher than at any other point during the experiment (Fig. 6B). On day 57, plasma cortisol levels were <10 ng ml-1 for all groups except the group exposed to 6‰ which has significantly higher cortisol levels. On day 113, after a period in seawater, all groups had similar and low plasma cortisol levels. Plasma protein levels did not differ significantly between the four salinity groups on day 57 or on day 113 (Fig. 6C). An increase in the plasma protein concentration was seen with increasing weight from 26 mg mL-1 on day 0 to 38 mg mL-1 on day 57 and 45 mg mL-1 on day113 (mean values). On day 57, compared to day 0, the increase was statistically significant in all groups, while only fish kept initially at 6 or 20‰ showed significant increase from day 57 to 113. All the data showed a significant positive correlation between weight and the protein level (r2 = 0.637, p<0.0001). Plasma natural antibody activity did not differ significantly between the four salinity groups on day 57 or on day 113 (Fig. 6D). An increase in natural antibody activity was seen with increasing weight, from 50% on day 0 to 65% on day 57 and 82% on day 113 (mean values). On day 57, compared to day 0, the increase was statistically significant in all groups, while the increase from day 69 to day 113 was not significant. All the data showed a significant positive correlation between weight and the natural antibody activity (r2 = 0.234, p = 0.0282). Plasma anti-trypsin activity did not differ significantly between the salinity groups on day 57 or on day 113 and there was no significant change in the anti-trypsin activity between any dates (Fig. 6E). 21 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 6. Experiment 1C: Temporal changes in plasma ions (A), cortisol (B), total plasma proteins (C), natural antibody activity (D) and anti trypsin activity (E) in cod reared at 6, 10, 20 and 32‰ for 57 days, then returned to seawater and reared onwards for 56 days. 22 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 3.2. Experiment 2: Effects of salinity and temperature on juvenile cod 3.2.1. Growth: The initial mean weights (3.43 g) were not significantly different in the groups of cod reared at 13.5 and 32‰ (p>0.05, Fig. 7). After 69 days the fish reared at 13.5 and 32‰ weighed 36.0 ± 1.6 g and 35.3 ± 1.5 g on average and 247 ± 4.1 and 243 ± 4.0 g after further 118 days in the same salinities respectively. Thus, there were no significant differences in mean weights or growth rates between salinity groups during phase 1. At the start of phase 2, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in initial mean weights between tanks of different temperatures and salinities. The final mean weights on day 278 of fish reared at 6.3°C were 437 ± 5.8 and 425 ± 5.9 g at 13.5 and 32‰ respectively, and the mean weights of fish reared at 10°C were 493 ± 7.0 and 510 ± 6.9 g at the same salinities respectively. There were no significant differences in the final mean weights between salinity treatments at either 6.3 or 10°C, but fish reared at 10°C weighed significantly more on average than fish reared at 6.3°C (p<0.05, Fig. 7). The mean growth rates of fish reared at 6.3°C were 0.61 ± 0.02 and 0.59 ± 0.02%/day at 13.5 and 32‰ respectively, and were not significantly different. The growth rates of the fish reared at 10°C, however, were significantly lower (p<0.05) at 13.5 than 32‰, or 0.73 ± 0.02 compared to 0.78 ± 0.02%/day. No significant interaction was found between the effects temperature and salinity on growth rate (two-way ANOVA, p > 0.05). 23 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 7. Experiment 2: Growth of cod reared at two salinities (13.5 and 32‰) for 187 days (August to February, Phase 1), and for further 93 days (February to May) after the fish were either acclimated to 6.3°C or 10.0°C (Phase 2). Means sharing the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. 3.2.2. Mortality: The overall mortality per treatment from day 1 to 187 (phase 1) was between 0.5 to 1%. No latent infections were detected in the fish at any time. During phase 2, the mortality rate was between 0 and 0.5% and no latent infections were detected in the fish at any time. 3.2.3. Plasma Na and Ca levels were neither affected by salinity during phases 1 and 2, nor by temperature during phase 2 (Fig. 8A). 3.2.4. Plasma cortisol levels were not affected by salinity during the experiment (Fig. 8B). However, plasma cortisol levels changed significantly with time, being highest at the end of phase 1. At the end of phase 2, the groups at 6.3°C had significantly higher plasma cortisol levels than groups at 10°C. 3.2.5. Plasma protein levels did not differ significantly between fish kept at13.5 or 32‰ for 69 days, the mean value being 26 mg mL-1 or on day 187, the mean value being 27 mg mL-1 and the concentration had not changed significantly between the two dates (Fig. 8C). 24 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 At the end of phase 2, on day 278, there was no statistical difference between the four groups, the mean value being 35 mg mL-1. Compared to the protein level on day 187 the protein level had increased in all groups on day 278 except in fish kept at 32‰ and 10°C. For all the data in experiment 2 there was a significant positive correlation between the weight of the fish and the plasma protein level (r2 = 0.390, p = 0.0007). 3.2.6. Plasma natural antibody activity in phase 1 and 2 were not significantly different between fish kept at13.5 or 32‰ for 69 days, the mean value being 26 %, or on day 187, the mean value being 38% (Fig. 8D). The change in natural antibody activity from day 69 to day 187 was not significant in either salinity group. At the end of phase 2, on day 278, there was no significant difference between the four groups, the mean value being 52%. Compared to the natural antibody activity at the end of phase 1, the natural antibody activity at the end of phase 2 had increased significantly in fish kept at 32‰ salinity and 10°C but not in fish kept at 32‰ and 6°C or in fish kept at 13.5‰ at either temperature. For all the data there was a significant positive correlation between the weight of the fish and the natural antibody activity (r2 = 0.507, p< 0.0001). 3.2.7. Plasma anti-trypsin activity was not significantly different between the two salinity groups after 68 days, the mean activity being 59%, or on day 187, the mean activity being 73% (Fig. 8E). The increase in anti-trypsin activity seen on day 187 compared to day 68 was statistically significant in both salinity groups. At the end of phase 2 there was no significant difference between the anti-trypsin activity of the four groups, the mean activity being 46%. Compared to the anti-trypsin activity at the end of phase 1, the activity had decreased significantly in all groups. The level was also significantly lower than was observed in both salinity groups on day 69. 25 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Fig. 8. Experiment 2: Temporal changes in plasma ions (A), cortisol (B), total plasma proteins (C), natural antibody activity (D) and anti trypsin activity (E) in cod reared at two salinities (13.5 and 32‰) for 187 days (August to February, Phase 1), and for further 93 days (February to May) after the fish were either acclimated to 6.3°C or 10.0°C (Phase 2) 26 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 4. Discussion The present study reveals a size dependent response to salinity on growth of juvenile Atlantic cod. The highest growth rates were found at 10‰ in all size-classes (experiment 1), but salinity had the least effect on growth of the smallest juveniles. Moreover, the pattern of which growth rate of the smallest juveniles changed with salinity indicates that growth may be maximized at lower salinities in small juveniles (1 – 5 g) than in medium and large juveniles (10-100 g). A model originally developed for analysing stock-recruitment relationships for fisheries (Shepherd, 1982) provided a good fit for the medium and large juveniles. The curves are relatively flat near the optimal salinity for growth and ± 3‰ deviations from the optimal salinities (12.5 and 14.8‰) have little effects on the growth rates (0.6-1.4%). Although the model shows adequately the steep decline in growth rate as the salinity is decreased from 10 to 6‰, it cannot be used to predict growth for lower salinities than 6‰, because the model assumes that the growth always falls to zero at 0‰ but it is unlikely that cod tolerates much lower salinities than 6‰ for extended period of time. Overall, salinity had less effect on the growth rate in the present study compared to previous studies on cod (Lambert et al. 1994; Imsland et al. 2011) and halibut (Imsland et al. 2008), while studies on turbot (Imsland et al. 2001) and spotted wolffish (Foss et al. 2001) show comparably low effects. The largest difference in growth rate between 10 and 32‰ in the current study was 9.8%, whereas, Lambert et al. (1994) found that growth rates in cod at intermediate salinity (14‰) were between 14 and 63% higher than in seawater (28‰) depending on feeding regime and season, and Imsland et al. (2011) found that the growth rate of cod juveniles reared at 15‰ were around 14% higher than in fish reared at 32‰. The different results between the studies are unlikely to be explained by a single factor, but rather by complex interactions between the effects of salinity and various factors on growth due to differences in experimental designs among the studies. Moreover, an interaction between the effects of salinity and genetic sources (family) on growth has been observed (Imsland et al. 2011), indicating that genetic variation between cod from Canadian (Lambert et al. 1994), Norwegian (Imsland et al. 2011) and Icelandic origins (current study) may partly explain the different results. In experiment 1, the growth rates in the three size classes were consistently higher in fish kept at 10‰ compared to seawater. Therefore, it was surprising that rearing cod at 13.5‰ had 27 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 little or no long term effects on the growth in experiment 2 (phase 1), and the same salinity neither enhanced growth at 6.3°C nor 10°C in larger juveniles (>245g, phase 2) compared to cod reared in seawater. The reason for this discrepancy is not clear, but it may be related to the different time spans of the experiments. The period between the first and the second weighting in experiment 2 was 69 days and by that time the fish were on average ten times heavier than in the beginning of the experiment, whereas the fish in experiment 1 roughly doubled their weight during the growth periods in different salinities. Thus, the relatively small growth enhancing effects of rearing cod at 13.5‰ may have lasted for a short period and fish reared in seawater may have caught up with those reared at 13.5‰ in the long run. Atlantic cod has been found to be very tolerant of low salinities and is able to withstand direct transfer from seawater to salinities as low as 7‰ without any mortalities or significant indications of stress (Dutil et al. 1992). Moreover, a direct transfer of 500 g cod to 5‰ has been found to result in only slightly increased mortalities (Provencher et al. 1993), whereas 1700-1800 g cod exposed to gradual salinity decrease started to show agitated behaviour at 4.6‰ (Odense et al. 1966). In the present study, the fish were acclimated for two days to the different salinity regimes. No abnormal behaviour was seen in the medium and large juveniles during the two day acclimation to the lowest salinity (6‰). However, some of the large juveniles showed abnormal behaviour (e.g. swimming upside down) immediately after the initial weight measurements and most of these fish were dead within few days. Although the large juveniles showed no osmoregulatory disturbances after 57 days at 6‰, they showed plasma cortisol levels that were around 10 ng/mL higher compared to other salinities, and also the lowest growth rates. The same increase in cortisol levels has been found to indicate chronic stress situation in salmonids (Pickering and Pottinger, 1989). Thus, the data suggests that 6‰ is near the limit of tolerance for large cod juveniles of Icelandic origin and that cod is sensitive to handling under such conditions. Similarly, survival rates after handling have been found to be influenced by salinity in American shad (Alosa sapidissima) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) (Chittenden 1973; Wallin and Van Den Avyle, 1995). There was a marked decrease in growth rate in all size-classes after the fish were exposed to abrupt salinity increase, and the persistence of the effect was correlated to the salinity change. For the medium sized-juveniles, an increase in salinity from 20 to 32‰ appeared to have relatively transient effects, whereas an increase in salinity from 6 and 10‰ to 32‰ appeared to have a prolonged effect on growth rate. Thus, the specific growth rates of fish transferred from 6 and 10‰ to seawater never exceeded the growth rate in the group at 32‰ 28 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 during the 424 day trial despite having substantially lower mean body mean weight in all measurements. This indicates that an abrupt exposure from low salinity to seawater may permanently reduce the growth capacity of juvenile cod. Although not examined in the present study, it is possible that similar mechanisms exist as when anadromous salmonids are transferred from freshwater to seawater prematurely, prior to completion of smoltification. These salmonids cease to grow due to growth hormone (GH) resistance, indicated by extremely high plasma GH levels (Björnsson et al., 1988, Bolton et al., 1987) caused by down-regulation of hepatic GH receptors (Gray et al., 1992). Although prematurely transferred salmonids may also experience osmoregulatory problems in seawater (Björnsson et al., 1989), there is no indication that the transferred cod of the present study are experiencing any significant disturbances of their hydromineral balance, nor is there any indication, based on plasma cortisol levels, that abrupt transfers between salinities induced chronic stress. The presents study shows, that different salinities ranging from 6 to 32‰ and abrupt increase in salinity had limited or no effects on plasma protein concentration, natural antibody activity or anti-trypsin activity in cod. Plasma protein levels and natural antibody activity were positively correlated to fish size in both experiment 1 and 2, and this is in accordance to a previous study on wild Atlantic cod (Magnadottir et al., 1999 b). Despite higher body weights, the fish in experiment 2 generally showed lower plasma protein levels and natural antibody activity compared to fish in experiment 1B and C. Moreover, the positive correlation between the weight of the fish and the plasma protein level was weaker in experiment 2 compared to experiment 1, whereas the correlation was stronger between weight and antibody activity in experiment 2. This discrepancy is unlikely caused by stress or infection which is known to influence the plasma protein and natural antibody activity in cod (Magnadottir et al., 2001; Magnadottir et al., 2010; Magnadottir et al. 2011), and inherent factors which have been found to influence the immune system in many species (Magnadottir 2010) are also unlikely, since fertilized eggs and sperm were collected from many males and females in each experiment. However, plasma protein levels in cod have been found to be influenced by season (Magnadottir et al., 2001) and thus it is possible that the difference in protein levels in the present study may be attributed to the larger time span of experiment 2, primarily during the winter and spring. Seasonal influence is also suspected in the changes observed in the anti-trypsin activity. The anti-trypsin activity in experiment 2 was relatively high, especially in fish sampled in 29 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 February and comparable to the samples taken in the winter in experiment 1. However, relatively low values were seen in samples collected in May. Thus, it is likely that the reason for this variation may be related to the large time span and the concomitant seasonal changes in light intensity due to exposure from sunlight coming through windows on the roof (6 meters above the experimental tanks). Similar seasonal variation in anti-trypsin activity was observed in a previous long standing (18 months) experiment on cod kept under similar conditions (Magnadottir et al., 2001). Various studies have shown that environmental temperature modulates the immune system of fish (Bowden, 2008, Bowden et al. 2007). Maintaining cod at 1°C, 7°C and 14°C for 12 months has been shown to affect the protein level, the natural antibody activity and the anti-trypsin activity of cod serum (Magnadottir et al., 1999 a). However, the changes were only significant between cod kept at 1°C and 14°C and not between cod kept at 7°C and 14°C. Hence, maintaining cod at 6.3°C or 10°C for 3 months had no marked effects on these parameters in the present study. In conclusion, the present study shows that Atlantic cod is extremely euryhaline and showed no ion regulatory disturbances at salinities as low as 6‰, and there are no indications that low salinities have detrimental effects on immunity-related parameters. Growth rates are fairly similar over the salinity range studied, but the highest growth rates were estimated at about 13.5‰. The growth was, however, only enhanced by salinity in short term experiments but not when reared at 13.5‰ over extended time. The same salinity neither enhanced growth at 6.3 or 10°C in larger cod (>245g). Abrupt transfer from low salinities to full-strength seawater has clearly long-term negative effects on growth. Therefore, cod juveniles reared in salinities lower than seawater should be given gradual acclimation to seawater if the husbandry practice calls for a later transfer to sea-cages. Acknowledgements The authors thank Njáll Jónsson and Kristján Sigurdsson for taking care of the experimental fish, Sigridur Steinunn Audunsdottir for assisting with the blood sampling and serological analysis, Sigurdur Helgason for bacterial analysis, Linda Hasselberg for the ion analysis, Henrik Sundh for the cortisol analysis, and Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson for help with the with regression model analyzes. Financial support was given by the Icelandic AVS fund (R06508). 30 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 References Björnsson, B., Ólafsdóttir, S.R., 2006. 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Immunological Control of Fish Diseases. Marine Biotechnology 12, 361-379 Magnadottir, B. Gisladottir, B., Audunsdottir, S.S., Bragason, B.Th., Gudmundsdottir S., 2010. Humoral response in early stages of infection of cod (Gadus morhua L.) with atypical furunculosis. Icelnadic Agricultural Science 23: 23-35. Magnadottir, B., Jonsdottir, H., Helgason, S., Bjornsson, B., Jorgensen, T.O., Pilstrom, L., 1999a. Humoral immune parameters in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): I. The effects of environmental temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 122, 173-180. Magnadóttir, B., Jónsdóttir H, Helgason S, Björnsson B, Jørgensen T.Ø, Pilström L., 1999b. Humoral immune parameters in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): II. The effects of size and gender under different environmental conditions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 122, 181-188. 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Cortisol secretion in vitro by the interregnal of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during smoltification: relationship with plasma thyroxine and plasma cortisol. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 63, 191– 200. Young, G., Björnsson, B.Th., Prunet, P., Lin, R.J., Bern, H.A., 1989. Smoltification and seawater adaptation in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): Plasma prolactin, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and cortisol. General and Comparative Endocrinology 74, 335-345. 34 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Chapter II 35 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 On growing of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) following direct transfer from different temperatures and salinities to seawater Abstract The growth of Atlantic cod was monitored following transfer from different salinity/temperature combinations (13.5‰/6°C, 13.5‰/10°C, 32‰/6°C and 32‰/10°C) to seawater. The fish from the salinity/temperature groups were either transferred to a sea-cage (A) or to seawater in indoor tanks (B). A: Approximately 70% of the fish in each salinity/temperature group were transferred to the sea-cage on 20th May when the salinity and temperature in the fjord was 35‰ and 6.2°C. All groups showed almost no growth in the sea-cage. However, the highest mean growth was found in the group exposed to the least changes in environmental conditions (32‰/6°C) and the lowest mean growth rate was found in the group of fish subjected to changes in both temperature and salinity (13.5‰/10°C). B: The remaining fish from each salinity/temperature group were directly transferred to two tanks with seawater, one at 7.2°C and the other at 10°C. The fish previously kept at 6°C were transferred to the tank at 7.2°C. Cod subjected to abrupt increase in salinity from 13.5‰ to seawater showed significantly lower final mean weights and specific growth rates compared to the groups exposed to no change in salinity in seawater. The effects of the abrupt increase in salinity on growth were not different between temperatures. Introduction Several authors have studied the influence of salinity on growth and various physiological factors in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) (Lambert et al. 1994; Imsland et al. 2011; Árnason et al. in press). In most cases, the highest growth rates and feed conversion efficiencies were found at intermediate salinities around 15‰, but the benefits of reduced salinities on growth were highly variable between authors. Using brackish water as a rearing medium for cod juveniles may have practical implications for the farming of juvenile cod in land-based farms but under normal circumstances cod juveniles are eventually transferred to sea-cages in order to limit the production costs. Most studies on the ability of fish to tolerate transfer from fresh to seawater have been done on salmonids (see reviews by Folmar and Dickhoff 1980; McCormick and Saunders 1987) whereas, little is known about the effects of direct transfer from low salinities to seawater on euryhaline marine fish. In the preceding study (chapter I) we found that direct transfer of cod juveniles (20 g) from 6 and 10‰ to seawater resulted in substantial long-term reduction in growth rates (Árnason et al. in press). The aim of this study is to investigate effects of abrupt transfer from different salinity-temperature combinations on the growth, plasma ions and immune parameters in larger cod (423-532 g). 36 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Materials and methods Experimental design In chapter I, two experiments were described. In experiment 1 the optimal salinities for growth were found for two size-classes of cod and in experiment 2 the long term benefits of rearing cod at optimal salinity vs. seawater were evaluated. In this chapter, we present results from two follow up trials (A and B) which were carried out after the termination of experiment 2. A. In trial A approximately 70% of the fish in experiment 2 were transferred to a sea-cage in Álftafjörður, NW Iceland (Fig. 1, A). B. In trial B the remaining fish were transferred to tanks with seawater at either 7.2°C or 10°C (Fig. 1, B) with no acclimatisation for the fish kept at 13.5‰. Since both trials were carried out in continuation of experiment 2, we refer to day 278 as the first day in the trials. The main focus will be on the period after the fish were transferred to sea-water from day 278 to 420, but the growth in the period from day 1 to 278 will also be presented. Overview of the experimental design is given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Overview of the experimental design. The letters A and B denote the trials presented here. Trial A: On growing in a sea-cage At the start of trial A on day 278, 108-115 of PIT-tagged fish from each of the four salinitytemperature combination groups (13.5‰/6.3°C, 13.5‰/10.0°C, 32‰/6.3°C and 32‰/10.0°C) in experiment 2 were transported from Grindavík to Súðavík by a fish transport vehicle in 37 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 tanks containing 7°C sea-water (32‰). The groups were not acclimatized to the different temperature and/or salinity in the fish transport tanks and were therefore subjected to abrupt changes in temperature and/or salinity. At the arrival to Súðavík the fish were transferred by a boat in tanks with seawater (35‰ and 6°C) to a sea-cage (20 m circumference and 6 m deep) in the fjord, Álftafjörður and kept there from 20th May to 5th October 2010 (139 days). The temperature which was measured two meters below the surface at the sea-cage, 6 days a week ranged between 6.2 and 13.4°C (mean = 9.9°C) (Fig. 2). The fish were hand fed on dry feed (Laxá Ltd.) according to appetite two times a day and 6 days a week. All fish were slaughtered at the termination of the trial and transported to Reykjavík where whole body weight (g), total length (cm) and PIT-number of each individual were recorded. All fish had been measured previously on day 69, 187 and 278 (Experiment 2, Fig. 1). The data from these measurements were used to trace the growth performances of each group back to the tagging day (day 69). 16 14 Temperature (°C) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 20-May 09-Jun 29-Jun 19-Jul 08-Aug 28-Aug 17-Sep 07-Oct Day Figure 2. The temperature profile, two meters below the surface at the sea-cage in Álftafjörður from 20th May to 5th October 2010. Trial B: On growing in sea-water in tanks at 7.2 and 10.0°C At the start of trial B on day 278 (Fig. 1), subsamples of 24-29 tagged fish from each tank (49 – 56 per salinity-temperature group) were randomly selected and transferred to two 5300 L tanks with seawater, one at 7.2°C and the other at 10°C. The fish previously kept at 6°C were transferred to the tank at 7.2°C. Thus, half of the fish were exposed to abrupt increase in salinity from 13.5‰ to 32‰ at either 7.2°C or 10°C whereas the other half experienced little or no change in salinity or temperatures. After 139 days (on day 420), all the experimental fish were killed by anaesthesia and their weight and length recorded. Blood samples were collected from 12 fish from each group (i.e. 24 samples per tank). Plasma ion levels (Na and Ca), the natural antibody activity and plasma protein levels were measured in all blood samples collected using the same methods as described in chapter I. 38 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 Results and discussion Trial A: On-growing in a sea-cage The fish exhibited high growth-rates in the period at the Marine Research Institute (day 1-278, Fig. 3). The mean weight on day 278 in the lower temperature groups were 449 and 436 g in fish acclimated to 13.5‰ and 32‰ respectively, and 508 and 526 g in the higher temperature groups at the same salinities respectively. Soon after the fish were transferred to the sea-cage it became evident that they were not behaving normally. Under normal circumstances cod will swim towards the surface when feed is being dispersed into sea-cages. In the present study, however, the fish seemed stressed and remained close to the bottom of the cage at all times. Thus, it is likely that most of the feed sunk through the cage floor before it was eaten. As a result, the growth in most individuals stagnated and many fish lost weight (Fig. 3). We can only speculate as to what caused the abnormal behaviour in the fish, but it is very likely related to the small size of the cage. For example, wind and sunlight has greater effect on the fish in shallow cages such as the one used here (6 m deep) with a diameter of only 6 m compared to conventional sea-cages which are much deeper and larger in diameter. Moreover, the accessibility to the feed was sometimes limited because of strong currents which carried the feed through the cage walls before it reached the bottom. 800 700 13.5‰/10°C 32‰/10°C 13.5‰/6°C 32‰/6°C Untagged Weight (g) 600 500 400 Fish transferred to sea-cage a ab bc c Temperature changed 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Days Figure 3. Growth of cod reared at two salinities (13.5 and 32‰) for 187 days, then for 93 days after the fish were either acclimated to 6.3 or 10.0°C, and for 139 days after the fish were transferred to a sea-cage. All fish were tagged on day 69. There was no difference in growth rates between salinities before the fish were tagged on day 69. Means sharing the same letter in a row are not significantly different (P>0.05). Despite very low growth rates in the sea-cages there were marked differences in growth between groups. Fish acclimated to 32‰ and 6°C gained more weight in the sea-cage than the fish acclimated to 32‰ and 10°C (Fig. 3.), suggesting that the transfer from 10.0°C to the relatively low ambient temperature (6.2°C) had negative effect on the growth. The group exposed to the least changes in environmental conditions (32‰/6°C) exhibited the highest mean growth rate in the sea-cage (G = 0.09%), followed by the group acclimated to 10°C and 39 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 32‰ (G = 0.04%). The groups subjected to abrupt increase in salinity from 13.5‰ to seawater showed the lowest mean growth rates, or 0.01% and 0.00% for the groups transferred from 6°C and 10°C to seawater, respectively (Fig. 4). Thus, the negative effect of abrupt increase in salinity on growth was greater than the abrupt decrease in temperature, and the lowest growth was found for the group subjected to changes in both temperature and salinity. The mortality in the sea-cage was from 1 to 7 fish per treatment (1 to 6 %). 0.09 c Specific growth rate (%/day) 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 a 0.03 0.02 0.01 a a 0.00 13.5‰/10.0°C 32‰/10.0°C 13.5‰/6.3°C 32‰/6.3°C Figure 4. Specific growth rates in groups transferred from different salinity/temperature combinations to the sea-cage. Means sharing the same letter in a row are not significantly different (P>0.05). Trial B: On growing in sea-water in tanks at 7.2 and 10.0°C As in trial A the fish exhibited high growth-rates in the period at the Marine Research Institute (day 1-278, Fig. 5). The mean weights on day 278 in the lower temperature groups were 423 and 430 g in fish acclimated to 13.5 and 32‰ respectively, and the mean weights in the higher temperature groups were 532 and 510 g in fish acclimated to the same salinities respectively. There were no significant differences in mean weights on day 278 between salinity groups within the temperature treatments (ANOVA, P>0.05). The final mean weights (day 420) of the fish exposed to abrupt increase in salinity from 13.5 to 32‰ at 7°C was 872 g while the mean weight of fish reared at a relatively constant salinity of 32‰ was 942 g. At 10°C the final mean weight of the group exposed to the same increase in salinity was 1040 g and the final mean weights of the group reared at a constant salinity in seawater was 1080 g. At both temperature treatments, there were no significant differences in the final mean weights between fish subjected to increase in salinity from 13.5 to 32‰ compared to the groups exposed to no change in salinity in seawater (P<0.05, Fig. 5). However, the mean specific growth rates in fish subjected to increase in salinity were significantly lower than in fish kept at constant salinity in seawater (P>0.05). The mortality ranged between 1 and 3 fish per treatment from day 278 to 420 (2 – 6%). At the end of the trial there were no significant differences in plasma Na (mean = 164 mM), Ca (2.9 mM), protein levels (33 mg mL-1) or natural antibody activity (64%) between salinities or temperatures. 40 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 1200 800 Weight (g) a ab bc c 13.5‰/10°C 32‰/10°C 13.5‰/6°C 32‰/6°C Untagged 1000 Salinity increased 600 Temperature changed 400 200 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Days Figure 5. of cod reared at two salinities (13.5 and 32‰) for 187 days, then for 93 days after the fish were either acclimated to 6.3°C or 10.0°C, and for 139 days after the fish were trasferred to sea-water at either 7.2°C or 10.0°C. Means sharing the same letter in a row are not significantly different (P>0.05). 0.58 c Specific growth rate (%/day) 0.56 0.54 abc ab 0.52 0.5 0.48 a 0.46 0.44 0.42 13.5‰/10.0°C 32‰/10.0°C 13.5‰/6.3°C 32‰/6.3°C Figure 6. Specific growth rates in groups transferred from different salinity/temperature combinations to tanks with seawater at either 10°C or 7.2°C. Means sharing the same letter in a row are not significantly different (P>0.05). Concluding remarks Transfer from 13.5‰ to seawater had negative effect on growth rate but the effects were not significantly different between temperatures. Acclimatization is important when cod are transferred from intermediate salinity to seawater. There were no significant differences in plasma ion levels, plasma protein levels or natural antibody activity between salinity or temperature groups. 41 Lokaskýrsla - Final activity report R-065-08 References Árnason, T., Magnadóttir, B., Björnsson, B., Steinarsson, A., Björnsson, B. Th., In press. Effects of salinity and temperature on growth, plasma ions, cortisol and immune parameters of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Aquaculture. Folmar, L.C., Dickhoff, W.W., 1980. The parr-smolt transformation (smoltification) and seawater adaptation in salmonids. A review of selected literature. Aquaculture 21: 1-37. Imsland, A.K., Koedijk, R., Stefansson, S.O., Foss, A, Hjörleifsdóttir, S., Hreggviðsson, G.Ó., Otterlei E., Folkvord, A. 2011. A retrospective approach to fractionize variation in body mass of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Journal of Fish Biology 78, 251-264. Lambert, Y., Dutil, J.-D., Munro, J., 1994. Effects of intermediate and low salinity conditions on growth rate and food conversion of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Can. J. Fish . Aquat. Sci. 51, 1569-1576. McCormick, S.D., Saunders, R.L. 1987. Preparatory physiological adaptations for marine life of salmonids: osmoregulation, growth, and metabolism. Am. Fish .Soc. Symp. 1:211-229. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their thanks to the staff of the company Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör for taking care of the fish in the sea-cage, and we thank Mr Njáll Jónsson, Mr Kristján Sigurdsson and Mr Matthías Oddgeirsson, Marine Research Institute, for their assistance with the experiment in Grindavík. We also thank Sigridur Steinunn Audunsdottir, Keldur, for assisting with the blood sampling and serological analysis and Linda Hasselberg for the ion analysis. This study was financed by the Icelandic AVS fund (R065-08). 42