CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW ARTESUNATE Artesunate is part of the Artemisinin group of drugs that treat malaria. It is a semisynthetic derivative of Artemisinin that is water-soluble and may therefore be given by injection. It is sometimes abbreviated as AS. ARTESUNATE is used primarily as treatment for Malaria (Boulangier et al 2007). Artemisinin and its derivatives are the most important class of antimalarial drug effective for both uncomplicated and severe malaria. Besides, Artemisinin and its derivatives have been shown to possess anticancer, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activities (Looareesuwan et al, 1992). Artesunate is prepared from Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) by reacting it with Succinic acid anhydride in basic medium. Pyridine as base/solvent, sodium bicarbonate in chloroform and catalyst DMAP (N,N – dimethylaminopyridine) and triethylamine in 1,2 –dichloromethane have been used, with yields of up to 100%. A large scale process involves treatment of DHA in dichloromethane with a mixture of pyridine, a catalytic amount of DMAP and succinic anhydride. The dichloromethane mixture is stirred for 6-9 hour to get Artesunate in quantitative yield. The product is further re-crystalized from dichloromethane, alpha – Artesunate is exclusively formed (M.P 135c) (White, 2008). Artemisinin are derived from a biological active chemical called Quighaosu or Artemisinin. These compounds have impressive parasiticidal properties In vivo and Invitro. They rapidly arrest parasite more quickly than other antimalarial drugs. Artemisinin, which is the parent compound, is the antimalarial principle of 1 these compounds and is derived from the leaves of a plant called Sweet Worm Wood (Artemisia annua). Artemisinin was isolated by the Chinese Scientist from Artemisia annua leaves. This antimalarial principle is highly crystalline and does not dissolve in polar or non-polar solvents; hence, it is modified chemically to yield these derivatives: Artesunate, Artemether, Arteether, Artelinic acid and dihydroartemisinin. Artesunate is effective against Plasmodium Falciparum resistant to other operationally used antimalarial drugs. Serious concern has been raised about uncontrolled used of these drugs, because, at the moment they are the last resort in the combat against multi-drug resistant P. falciparum malaria. The use of these drugs should be controlled and restricted to multi-drug resistance on severe malaria in order to preserve their efficacy and avoid emergency of resistant strains. In malaria endemic areas such as Nigeria, self-medication is quiet common and the purchase of antimalarial in the open market is rampant. The possibility of administering overdose and misappropriation in the usage of antimalarial are very common. Drugs, though useful in the treatment of disease conditions, could be produce untoward effects in the individual. The untoward or toxic effect may be harmful to the patient. Studies on brain stem showed that, preclinical evidence of the brain toxicity in animals. Ferotoxicity studies based on animals are going on. However, not much investigations or information have been documented in the adverse effect of Artesunate on the liver since it is the organ of metabolism of drugs and other substances. Therefore, the present study is aimed at investigating the possible toxic potentials of the drug on the liver, using the hepatospecific enzyme markers. 2 TOXICITY OF ARTESUNATE Artemisinin derived drugs are available for the treatment of malaria, except for two case reports; no major side effects have been reported in humans at doses used for the treatment of malaria but it is still unknown whether the higher dose required for the treatment of cancer patients could cause major side effects. Invivio studies showed that dose of Artemisinin – related endoperoxides of at least 5 times higher than those used for malaria therapy are required in order to induce an effect. The safety of such doses has not yet been evaluated in phase clinical trials. A first case report, describes a boy who received Artesunate Suppositories and died 13 days. He had received a dose 7-fold higher than the maximum recommended dose which reportedly led to toxicity of the brainstem. In a second report a woman with recently resected early breast carcinoma described symptom of toxic brainstem encephalopathy: since the neuro toxicity has also been seen in animals, the authors of the case report ascribe the toxicity to Artemisinin consumption, although she received also chemotherapy and a mixture of other herbs on top. On the other hand, a review of the toxicity of Artemisinin derivatives suggested that the toxicity seen in laboratory animals does not necessarily occur in humans due to the difference in pharmacokinetic profile after different routes of administration. The oral administration used I human is unlikely to cause the neurotoxicity seen after intra oral muscular administration in rats. 3 METABOLOISM OF ARTESUNATE IN THE LIVER The metabolism of Artemisinin in human liver microsome is primarily mediated by cytochrome P-450 mono oxygenase enzyme (CYP) 2B6, with a secondary contribution of CYP2A6 to Artemisinin metabolism is likely of minor importance. There is a large body of evidence suggesting that Artemisinin influences the CYP activity which could result in drug – drug interactions. An induction of activity by Artemsinin was reported for CYP2A5, CYP2A6, CYP2B1, CYP2B6, CYP2B10, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4. In addition, Artemisinin activates the constitutive androstane receptor and pregnane X receptor, which explains the unregulation of CYP2B6 and CYP3A4. The data regarding CYP1A2 are contradictory, whereas Artemisinin inhibits CYP2D6. Artemisinin leads to an auto induction of drug metabolism, which reduces its own bioavailability. In various clinical studies, Artemisinin has been administered alone or in combination with other antimalarial drugs. EFFECTS OF ARTESUNATE IN THE LIVER Artemisinin derivatives are tolerated well by patients. Mild and hematological and electrocardiographic abnormalities, such as neutropenia and first degree heart block, have been observed infrequently. Neurotoxic effects have been repeatedly reported in experimental rats etc. Affected areas in the brainstem are recticular system with regard to autonomic control, the vestibular system, the auditory system (trapezoid nucleus), and the red nucleus, which is important for coordination. A longer exposure time to a lower peak blood concentration of an 4 artemisinin derivative is more neurotoxic than a shorter duration of exposure and a higher peak blood concentration. ETHANOL AND THE BODY Ethanol also called Ethyl Alcohol, Pure Alcohol, Grain Alcohol or Drinking Alcohol, is a volatile flammable colorless liquid. It is a powerful psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs. In common usage, it is commonly referred to as Alcohol or Spirits (ABITTAN, 1999). Ethanol is the principal psychoactive constituent in alcoholic beverages, with depressant effects on the central nervous system (CNS). It has a complex mode of action and affects multiple systems in the brain, most notably ethanol acts as an agonist to the GABA receptors. Similar psychoactive includes those that also interact with GABA receptors, such as gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). Ethanol is metabolized by the body as an energy providing nutrients, as it metabolizes into acetyl-coA, an intermediate common with glucose and fatty acid metabolism that can be used for energy in the citric acid cycle or for biosynthesis (Macdonald, 1999). Ethanol is metabolized extremely quickly by the body. Unlike foods, which require time for digestion, Ethanol needs no digestion and is quickly absorbed (Nutt et al, 2007). About 20% of ethanol is absorbed directly across the walls of an empty stomach and can reach the brain. Once ethanol reaches the stomach, it begins to break down with the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme. This process reduces the amount of ethanol entering the body by approximately 20% (Nutt et al., 2007). Ethanol is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestine. The ethanol laden blood then travels to the liver via the veins and capillaries of the digestive tract, which affects nearly every liver cell. The liver cells are the only cell 5 in the body that produces enough alcohol dehydrogenase to oxidize ethanol at an appreciable amount (Lieber, 1999). METABOLISM OF ETHANOL IN THE BODY Ethanol affects every parts of the body; its most impact is upon the liver. More than 90% of ethanol that enters the body is completely oxidized to acetic acid. This process primarily occur in the liver, the remainder of the ethanol is not metabolized and it is excreted either in the sweat, urine or given off in ones breathe. The liver cell normally prefer fatty acids as fuel, and package excess fatty acids as triglycerides (Sands et al., 1999), which then routes to other tissues of the body. However, when ethanol is present, the liver cells are forced to first metabolize the ethanol letting the fatty acids accumulate sometimes in huge amount (Sands et al., 1999). This explains the fact while heavy drinkers tend to develop fatty livers (fat deposition in the liver). The liver is able to metabolize about half ounce of ethanol per hour (approximately one drink, depending on a person body size, food intake, etc.) (Arnoid, 2005). If more ethanol arrives in the liver than the enzymes can handle, the excess ethanol travels to all parts of the body, circulating until the liver enzymes are finally able to process it. The major pathway involved in the liver and in particularly at higher alcohol concentrations is the oxidation of alcohol by the microsomal (small spherical vesicles) – cytochrome P-450 system (MESOS) system. In addition to these routes, there is catalase-dependent oxidation of ethyl alcohol and oxidation of it by the stomach when it is first ingested (Abittan and Lieber, 1999). These latter two routes of metabolism are minor in comparison to the ADH and MEOS system. As mentioned above perhaps the major route of metabolism of the ethyl alcohol is its oxidation in the liver catalyzed by the 6 cytosolic enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). It catalyzes the following reaction. CH3CH2OH +NAD+ → CH3CHO + NADH + H+ This reaction produces acetaldehydes, a highly toxic substance. The second step of ethanol metabolism is catalyzed by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This enzyme converts acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which is a normal metabolic in humans and hence is non-toxic. ADH has broad specificity, catalyzing various alcohols and steroids and catalyzing the oxidation of fatty acids. It is also not a solitary enzyme, in that there are five different ADH genes, two of which are ADH2 and ADH3 shown polymorphism (variations) of importance is that fact that the ability of people to oxidize ethyl alcohol is dependent upon the genetic make-up of the individual. People with alleles (types) of (ADH2) and ADH3 may protect those having those having these genes from developing alcoholism. These genes are common in the Asian population and convert alcohol to acetaldehyde; this toxic compound builds up and makes people who drink too much uncomfortable and ill. Therefore, these carriers are discouraged from consuming large amount of alcohol. A similar situation is found in the second step of ethanol metabolism which is catalyzed by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (this enzyme converts acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which is a normal metabolite in humans and hence is non-toxic). A person who drinks too much builds up acetaldehyde in their system and feels bad or is sick. This response discourage drinking, thus preventing the development of alcohol abuse, dependence, and alcoholism. Another system in the liver which oxidizes ethanol vice the enzyme cytochrome P45011E1 (CYP2E1) is called the MEOS system. The reaction catalyzed by MEOS is: 7 CH3CH2OH + NAPH + O2 → CH3CHO + NADP + H2O. Though the minor significance in comparison to ADH metabolism of ethanol; the MEOS system seems to play an increasingly important role at higher concentrations of ethanol. It is not surprising that there are variations in the P450E1 enzyme which lead to differences in the rate of ethanol metabolism. This may have implications for tissue damage from ethanol, particular in the liver (Abittan and Lieber, 1999). During ethanol metabolism, NAD becomes unavailable for many other vital body processes for which it is needed, including glycolsis, the TCA circle and the electron transport chain (Sands et al, 2005). Without NAD, the energy pathway is blocked and alternative routes are taken, with serious physical consequences. The accumulation of hydrogen atoms shifts the body’s balance toward acid (Sands et al, 2005). The accumulation of NADH shifts the TCA circle, resulting in a buildup of pyruvate and acetyl-coA. Excess acetylcoA results in fatty acid synthesis and fat begins to clog the liver (Lieber, 1999).Accumulation of fat in the liver can be observed after a single night of heavy drinking. EFFECT OF ETHANOL ON THE LIVER Ethanol induced oxidative stress in the liver cells plays a major role in the development of alcoholic liver disease. This condition results from several process related to ethanol metabolism (Shaw et al., 1983). Changes in the NAD/NADH ratio resulting from alcohol breakdown by the MEOS, this is particularly important after chronic alcohol consumption, which stimulates the activity of the MEOS (Shaw et al., 1983). Reduced level of the antioxidant GSH in the liver. GSH is a 8 small molecule consisting of three amino acids, including cysteine, Acetaldehyde the first product of alcohol breakdown, and bind to GSH and specifically to cysteine, thereby removing active GSH from the liver cells (Shaw et al., 1983). In addition, alcohol itself inhabits the production of new GSH. Both increased ROS production and GSH depletion lead among other harmful effects, to the abnormal breakdown of fat molecules (i.e. lipid per oxidation). This process results in the formation of toxic compounds that can stimulates scaring and damage liver cells. Thereby contributing to alcoholic liver disease. Accordingly, it is associated with alcohol metabolism one approach to achieve this is to ensure that the cells have adequate levels of antioxidants. Particularly GSH that can capture RDS and break them down or convert them to less harmful molecules because GSH depletion plays a key role in alcoholic liver injury, it is therapeutically important to increase GSH levels in the liver (Shaw et al., 1983). GSH cannot be administered discreetly; however, because the molecules cannot penetrate directly into liver cells similarly, the amino acid cysteine, which is most important for ensuring adequate GSH levels, cannot be used as a supplement because it cannot enter the liver cells. Therefore, clinicians have tried to administer precursors of cysteine such as the compound acetyl cysteine or the molecule S – adenosylmethionine (SAME) which can reach the cells and be converted to cysteine (Shaw et al., 1983). Another important antioxidant is vitamin E. Alcoholics with cirrhosis often have low vitamin E levels, within the normal range therefore administration of vitamin E moreover, studies, in baboons have found that animals with normal vitamin E levels in the liver still develop fibrosis or even cirrhosis (Lieber et al., 1999). Vitamin E also showed no possible effect in a trial of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis who received supplements of the compound (de la maza et al., 1995). These observations suggests that although 9 vitamin E deficiency increases the liver vulnerability to ethanol, normal vitamin E levels may not be able to prevent the development of alcoholic liver disease, particularly fibrosis. METABOLIC FATES OF NADH The metabolic pathways for the disposal of excess NADH and the consequent blocking of other normal metabolic pathways are as follows: Pyruvic acid to lactic acid The conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid requires NADH. Pyruvic acid + NADH + H → Lactic acid + NADH Pyruvic acid normally made by transamination of amino acids, is intended for conversion into glucose by gluconeogenesis. The pathway is inhibited by low concentration of pyruvic acid, since it has been converted to lactic acid. The final result may be acidosis from lactic acid build up and hypoglycemia from lack of glucose synthesis (McMurry, 2004). SYNTHESIS OF LIPIDS Excess NADH may be used as a reducing agent in two pathways. One to synthesis glycerol and the other to synthesis fatty acids. As a result, heavy drinkers may initially be over weight (McMurry, 2004). 10 ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN The NADH may be used directly in the electron transport chain to synthesize ATP in fatty acid spiral and citric cycle. Fats may accumulate or acetyl-coA may accumulate with the resulting production of ketone bodies. Accumulation of fat in the liver can be alleviated by secreting lipids into the blood stream. The higher lipid levels in the blood may be responsible for heart attacks (McMurry, 2004). Toxicity of alcohol may be by acetaldehyde although the liver converts acetaldehyde into acetic acid, it reaches a saturation point where some of it escapes into the blood stream. The accumulation acetaldehyde exerts its toxic effects by inhibiting the mitochondria reactions and functions. The alcoholic is a victim of a vicious circle; a highacetaldehydelevel impairs mitochondria function and ceases further liver damage hepatitis and cirrhosis (Lierber et al, 1994). Acetaldehyde in the brain may inhibit enzymes designed to convert certain nerve transmitters from aldehydes to acids. The nerve transmitters that accumulate may react with acetaldehyde to from compounds which are similar to certain morphine type compounds (Lieberet al., 1994). NORMAL LIVER The liver is the largest in the body, weighing 1.2 to 1.8kg in the adult. It occupies the entire right upper quadrant of the abdomen, extending into the left upper quadrant, in line with the nipple (Fawcett, 1994). In an anterior view, it is a roughly triangular shaped organ and is covered by smooth glistening capsule. The color is uniformly dark red to Maroon, with no little to no variation in color. The gallbladder is attached to the inferiorsurface and be visible view along the lower 11 border. The liver is divided into the right robe and left lobe (Fawcett, 1994). The liver is composed of lobules attached to each other by a scanty amount of connective tissue; the connective tissue septa between the lobules holds branches of the hepatics artery and the portal vein, as well as bile ducts. Each lobule of the liver is a spherical structure, a few millimeters in diameter. The outline of these lobules is extremely irregular in man, but is clearly demarcated and polygonal in pigs (Gray, 1995). CATEGORIES OF LIVER DAMAGE Cholestasis is the result of damage to the bile ducts caused by diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis. (PBC) obstetric cholestasis (OC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Obstruction of the common bile duct (Huff, 1984) the main bileduct from the liver may result in jaundice, caused conditions such as gallstones or a tumor infective damage such as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E (Huff,1984). Chemical damage such as poisoning and substance abuse – paracetamol overdose, recreational drugs and alcohol. (Levin, 1995). Genetic or hereditary damage such as Crigler – Najar Syndrome, Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, haemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease. Vascular damage such as Budd-Chiari syndrome (Levin, 1995).Autoimmune hepatitis such as PBC, PSC and (AIH).Congental damage such as choledochal cyst, Caroli’s syndrome and Gilbert’s syndrome.Metabolic damage ssuch as galactosaemia, fatty liver disease, nonn alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (Levin, 1995). 12 LIVER AND ITS MARKERS Due to the widespread of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a liver cancer with low survival rates if not detected and treated early (Jacobs et al, 2002). Liver cancer is usually a secondary cancer, caused by the spread of tumor cells from elsewhere in the body. In liver cancer HCC manifests as a primary cancer, which has been linked to hepatitis B and C infection and cirrhosis. Noticeable symptoms do not usually appear until the cancer has progressed, so it is rarely caught early, when intervention would be most effective and survival rates are typically low (Jacobs et al. 2002). RASSFIA is a tumor suppressing gene, in the blood of HCC patients. Healthy subjects show no signs of the altered gene researchers have known that the DNA of HCC tumor cells lack a functioning copy of RASSFIA (Jacobs et al, 2002). RASSFIA is hypermethylated ‘meaning the RASSFIA gene has been physically altered by cancer-related processes that added clusters of carbon and hydrogen atoms, called methyl groups, to portion of the DNA within the gene. Hypermethylation is epigenetic, the gene is altered by environmental circumstances and is not inherent since cells’ protein making system can’t access the hypermethylation effectively knocks out the tumor – suppressing RASSFIA gene, which is then unable to stop cells from becoming cancerous. \ 13 ALANINE TRANSAMINASE OR SERUM GLUTAMIC PYRUVATE TRANSMINASE (SGPT) It is an enzyme present in hepatocytes (liver cells). When a cell is damaged, it leaks this enzyme into the blood, where it is measured. ALT rises dramatically in acute liver damage, such as viral hepatitis or paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose. Elevations are often measured in multiples of the upper limit of normal (ULN) (Banerjee et al, 1986). ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (ALP) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme in the cells living ducys of the liver. ALP levels in plasma will rise with rise with large bile duct obstruction, intra hepatic cholestasis or infiltrative disease of the liver. ALP is also present in bone and placental tissues, so it is higher in growing children (as their bones are being remodeled) and elderly patients with Paget’s disease (Banerjee et al., 1986). 14 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Aims: To study the extent of damage of the liver through the assessment of liver enzyme activity and other induces in the serum of experimental animals in other to monitor the effects of ethanolalone and that of ethanol and artesunate solution on the liver. Objectives: - To monitor the effect of artesunate and ethanol on the liver. - Compare parameters between cases and control serum; that is to know whether there are any significant differences between the cases and the control. 15 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 MATERIAL AND METHOD 2.1 MATERIALS 2.1.1 CHEMICALS AND REAGENT Absolute Ethanol, Artesunate, and Distilled Water. 2.1.2 EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS The Rats were all purchased from the animal house, department of pharmacology, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. They were kept in the quarantine room and were fed with standard feed from Grand Cereals and Oil Mills (GCOML), Bukuru Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. They were also given water in a plastic bottle for two weeks to attain a very good body weight once in every 24 hours. 2.1.3 APPARATUS A digital Adventurer Ohaus weighing balance with sensitivity of 0.000 and model number: ARC 120, centrifuge tubes, syringes and needles, Pasteur pipettes, test tube racks, specimen bottles (plane, free of anti-coagulant), refrigerator, cotton wool, cannula, conical flask (250 ml), measuring cylinder, beaker (250 ml), glass rod, mortar and pestle, spatula, tray, razor blade and pins. 16 2.1.4 METHODS ANIMAL TREATMENT The rats were induced for 7 and 21 days with solution of artesunate, distilled water and ethanol and ethanol. At the end of the seven (7) days and fourteen (14) days of the treatment, anesthesia was induced using chloroform to anaesthetize them, prior to sacrifice; they were then sacrificed. Blood samples were collected by direct cardiac puncture andthen transferred into sample bottles free of anti-coagulant. RAT GROUPING The rats were grouped into four (4), from group I – IV of four (4) rats per group, carrying different color code marks on the head, tail, back, hind and limbs. The color code markings were made on the whole of the rats grouped both with the color. PREPARATION OF SOLUTION 0.57g of Artesunate was weighed and dissolved into a conical flask containing 3.04% v/v of ethanol and was made up to 100ml with distill water and was poured into a clean grease free container well labeled 2.5% v/v (control 1) of ethanol METHOD OF PREPARATION 0.57g of artesunate was weighed using an Adventurer Ohaus digital weighing balance and was dissolved into 3.04% v/v of ethanol measured using a calibrated 1ml micropipette and a distilled water (96.6ml) was also measured using 17 measuring cylinder in order to make it up to 100ml, mix and allowed to stand for 72 hours in order to turn into solutions. 3.04% v/v ethanol was measured using 1ml micropipette and 96.6ml of distilled water measured using measuring cylinder to make it up to 100ml and was poured into a conical flask, shake and then transferred into a labeled container as control 1. 2.5%v/v of ethanol was measured using 1ml micropipette and 97.5ml of distilled water was measured using measuring cylinder to make up to 100ml and was poured into a conical flask, mix and then transferred into a well labeled container as control 2. Administration (4 tablets dosage 20mg/120mg, body weight – 35kg & above. The weights of the experimental rats were used to calculate the amount of dosage administered, to the experimental animals. The drug solution was administered to the animals by oral compulsion for a period of 7 and 14 days. DRUGS The artesunate tablets were bought from La Med Pharmacy Jos, Plateau State and is manufactured by CIPLA Limited, MIDC patalganga M.S. 410 220 INDIA. The drug solution was made with distilled water and ethanol and was administered to the animals by oral compulsion for period of 7 and 14 days. 18 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The experimental animals were divided into 4 group of 4 albino wistar rat each. Group 1-2 were the treatment group, while the group 3 & 4 was the control group. The drug was administered to the group as follows; The group 1: 2.0mg/kg Artesunate in solution per body weight for seven (7) days. Group 2: 2.2mg/kg Artesunate in solution per body weight for 14 days. Control 1: 3.04% v/v suspension of the drug solution for 7 and 14 days. Control 2: 2.5% v/v of suspension of the drug for 7 and 24 days sacrificed 24 hours after the last dose on the 7th and 14th day. Milliters of the blood sample was collected by direct cardiac puncture into a plane sample bottle free of anti-coagulant and centrifuged at 12.000rpm for five (5) minutes using centrifuge machine and the serum was separated for analysis. ANALYTICAL METHODS Estimation of Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities were done using, Estimation of Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) using and total protein activities using method. 2.1.5 PRACTICALS/TESTS LIVER FUNCTION TEST (LFT) This is the test which is used to assay and tell the condition or state of the liver. As earlier discussed, the liver is seen as the main site of metabolism of xenobiotic 19 which may include drugs and toxicants. The test comprises of the following; Alanine amino transferase (ALT), Total protein, and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (ALP) This was analyzed using . This assay operates via or with respect to Beer lamber law. The alkaline phosphatase acts upon the AMP – buffed sodium thymolphthalein monophosphate. The addition of an alkaline reagent stops enzyme activity and simultaneously develops a blue chromogen, which is measure photometrically. The results are automatically printed out from the machine. TOTAL PROTEIN Protein forms a purple colored complex with cupric ions in alkaline solution. The reaction takes its name from the simple compound biuret which reacts in the same way. The intensity of the purple color is measured at 540nm/yellow green filter and compared with a standard serum of known protein concentration and can be determined photometrically. ALANINE AMINO TRANSFERASE (ALT) The enzymatic reaction sequence employed in the assay of ALT is as follows: L – Alanine + 2 – oxoghutarate → pyruvate + L – Glutamate. Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → Lactate + NAD+ +H2O. 20 The pyruvate formed in the first reaction is reduced to lactate in the presence of lactate dehydrogenase and NADH. The activity of ALT determined by measuring the rate of oxidation of NADH at 340nm. Endogenous sample pyruvate is converted to lactate by LDH during the lag phase prior to measurement. 21 CHAPTER THREE ALT Paired Samples Statistics Std. Std. N Deviation Mean Pair 1 control 81.3333 3 14.57166 8.41295 sample 120.666 3 35.90729 20.73108 Pair 2 control 81.3333 3 14.57166 8.41295 sample2 115.000 3 25.51470 14.73092 7.78888 3.89444 Mean Error 7 0 Pair 3 controlo 90.0000 4 2 sample 232.000 4 224.58851 112.29426 0 Pair 4 controlo 90.0000 4 7.78888 3.89444 21.31314 10.65657 2 sample2 112.750 4 0 22 Paired Samples Correlations Correla Pair 1 Control (3.04%v/v) N tion Sig. 13 .550 .629 .951 .201 & sample (7 days) Pair 2 control (3.04%v/v) 13 & sample 2 (14 days) Pair 3 Control 2 (2.5%v/v) 4 -.209 .791 & sample (7 days) Pair 4 Control 2 (2.5%v/v) 4 -.888 .112 & sample 2 (14 days) ALP 23 Paired Samples Statistics Std. Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Mean N Std. Deviation Mean Control 157.6667 3 80.64945 46.56298 Sample 95.6667 3 17.78576 10.26861 Control 157.6667 3 80.64945 46.56298 sample2 164.0000 3 22.60531 13.05118 control2 117.5000 4 59.23119 29.61559 Sample 91.0000 4 17.26268 8.63134 control2 117.5000 4 59.23119 29.61559 sample2 180.2500 4 37.37535 18.68767 Error Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 control & sample 3 -.999 .027 Pair 2 control & sample2 3 -.132 .916 Pair 3 control2 & sample 4 -.331 .669 Pair 4 control2 & sample2 4 .214 .786 N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean TOTAL PROTEIN Paired Samples Statistics Mean 24 Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Control 63.6667 3 9.29157 5.36449 Sample 70.6667 3 5.77350 3.33333 Control 63.6667 3 9.29157 5.36449 sample2 68.6667 3 4.61880 2.66667 control2 62.7500 4 2.21736 1.10868 Sample 69.0000 4 5.77350 2.88675 control2 62.7500 4 2.21736 1.10868 sample2 67.5000 4 4.43471 2.21736 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 control & sample 3 .994 .069 Pair 2 control & sample2 3 .590 .598 Pair 3 control2 & sample 4 .651 .349 Pair 4 control2 & sample2 4 -.153 .847 25 CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Discussion: artesunate comes in 50mg tablets. The commonly used effective adult dose in Nigeria is 6.8mg/kg in three divided daily doses. This informed the use of grade daily doses of 2.02.2mg/kg body weight in the experimental rats exposed to ethanol. This dose range gave the opportunity of studying the effect of the drug solution. The administration of 2.0-2.2 mg/kg of artesunate in alcoholic solution caused increase in the activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (P<0.05) when compared with control. The significant increase in the mean value of the serum hepato specific markers are the other dose level (p>0.05) when compared withy the control. The current investigation or study suggests toxicity of the liver cells of the experimental animal upon artesunate in alcoholic solution administration. The findings in this study agree with the work of Ngokere et al (2004), in which artesunate administration caused significant increase in the liver marker enzymes in rat. They also agree with woodrow et al, (2005) a transient rise in the liver transaminases. The results are also in agreement withy other result. The liver cell damage may have been caused by free radicals generate by artesunate in alcoholic solution, which are also responsible for their anti malaria actions. The deleterious effects were considered to be caused by free radicals produced during peroxide formation. The level of hydroxyl and peroxide radicals induced by artesunate treatments may be responsible for the hepatotoxicity to the experimental animal. 4.2 CONCLUSION: The results of the experiment indicated that artesunate solution in ethanol administered to the experimental animals caused a significant increase in hepatic biochemical parameters analyzed for these work. This shows that the treatment with artesunate in ethanol solution. Some level of damage to the organs and consequently their normal functions which also affect other organs of the body leading to opportunity infections and death. Therefore artesunate in alcoholic solution indicate more damage to hepatic biochemical parameters. 4.3 RECOMMENDATION 26 Based on the experiment conducted and the findings, artesunate oral intake or injection in the presence of ethanol consumption poses damage to health. 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