Mathematics-Grade 2 SAS - Curriculum Framework (Mathematics / 2nd Grade) PART I Standards/Desired Results (Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Concepts, and Competencies) Big Idea Essential Questions Concepts Competencies Base Ten System: Hundreds, Tens, Ones Represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1000, and their equivalents (e.g. 35 is 3 tens and 5 ones or two tens and 15 ones), including using the number line and expanded notation, while grouping in hundreds, tens and ones. Equivalence: Whole Numbers to 1000 Represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1000, and their equivalents (e.g. 35 is 3 tens and 5 ones or two tens and 15 ones), including using the number line and expanded notation, while grouping in hundreds, tens and ones. Operations: Additions and Subtraction of multi-digit Numbers Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples) Properties: Commutative, Associative, Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and 22875 The base-ten number system is a way to organize, represent and compare numbers using groups of ten and place value. How can we represent and compare numbers? How can using number patterns help us to add or subtract? 22876 Numbers, measures, expressions, equations, and inequalities can represent mathematical situations and structures in many equivalent forms. 22877 The same number sentence (e.g., 12 - 4 = 8) can be associated with different concrete or real Standards / Eligible Content world situations, AND different number sentences can be associated with the same concrete or real world situation. 22878 Numerical quantities and calculations can be estimated by using numbers that are close to the actual values, but easier to compute with. 22879 Some attributes of objects are measureable, e.g., length, mass, capacity, and can be quantified. 22880 Measures can be estimated by using known referents. 22881 Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended, Identity related to Mutli-digit numbers operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples) Patterns: apply to extend properties of numbers and operations Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples) described, and generalized. 22882 Two- and threedimensional objects can be described, classified, and analyzed by their attributes, and their location can be described quantitatively. 22883 Some questions can be answered by collecting, representing, and analyzing data, and the question to be answered determines the data to be collected, how best to collect it, and how best to represent it. SAS - Curriculum Framework (Mathematics / 2nd Grade) Big Idea 22875 Essential Questions How can we Concepts Competencies Standards / Eligible The base-ten number system is a way to organize, represent and compare numbers using groups of ten and place value. represent and compare numbers? What strategies and models can we use to understand how to solve an addition or subtraction problem? How do we know when it is Numbers, appropriate to measures, estimate or when it expressions, is appropriate to equations, and use mental math inequalities can for an exact represent answer? mathematical situations and How do we structures in measure length? many How can using equivalent number patterns forms. help us to add or 22877 subtract? The same number sentence (e.g., 12 - 4 = 8) can be associated with different concrete or real world situations, AND different number sentences can be associated with the same concrete or real Content Base Ten System: Hundreds, Tens, Ones Represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1000, and their equivalents (e.g. 35 is 3 tens and 5 ones or two tens and 15 ones), including using the number line and expanded notation, while grouping in hundreds, tens and ones. Equivalence: Whole Numbers to 1000 Represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 1000, and their equivalents (e.g. 35 is 3 tens and 5 ones or two tens and 15 ones), including using the number line and expanded notation, while grouping in hundreds, tens and ones. Base Ten System: Hundreds, Tens, Ones Develop extended understanding of multiple models, and properties of addition and subtraction, leading to fluency with efficient, accurate and generalizable methods to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers and develop quick recall of addition and related subtraction facts. Select and apply appropriate methods to estimate sums and differences or to calculate them mentally. Operations: Develop extended 22876 world situation. 22878 Numerical quantities and calculations can be estimated by using numbers that are close to the actual values, but easier to compute with. Additions and Subtraction of multi-digit Numbers understanding of multiple models, and properties of addition and subtraction, leading to fluency with efficient, accurate and generalizable methods to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers and develop quick recall of addition and related subtraction facts. Select and apply appropriate methods to estimate sums and differences or to calculate them mentally. Properties: Commutative, Associative, Identity related to Mutli-digit numbers Develop extended understanding of multiple models, and properties of addition and subtraction, leading to fluency with efficient, accurate and generalizable methods to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers and develop quick recall of addition and related subtraction facts. Select and apply appropriate methods to estimate sums and differences or to calculate them mentally. Estimation: Multi-digit addition, subtraction and length. Develop extended understanding of multiple models, and properties of addition and subtraction, leading to fluency with efficient, accurate and generalizable methods to 22879 Some attributes of objects are measureable, e.g., length, mass, capacity, and can be quantified. 22880 Measures can be estimated by using known referents. 22881 Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended, described, and generalized. 22882 Two- and threedimensional objects can be described, classified, and analyzed by their attributes, and their location can be described quantitatively. add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers and develop quick recall of addition and related subtraction facts. Select and apply appropriate methods to estimate sums and differences or to calculate them mentally. 22883 Some questions can be answered by collecting, representing, and analyzing data, and the question to be answered determines the data to be collected, how best to collect it, and how best to represent it. Patterns: apply to extend properties of numbers and operations Identify a measurable attribute (length, weight or time) and select appropriate units, strategies (e.g., decomposing) and tools to solve problems or make estimations. Estimation: Multi-digit addition, subtraction and length. Identify a measurable attribute (length, weight or time) and select appropriate units, strategies (e.g., decomposing) and tools to solve problems or make estimations. Operations: Additions and Subtraction of multi-digit Numbers Use processes (e.g. partitioning, transitivity, inverse relationships) to estimate, measure, and compute lengths to solve problems involving data, space and movement, including standard measures such as centimeter and inch. Estimation: Multi-digit addition, subtraction and length. Use processes (e.g. partitioning, transitivity, inverse relationships) to estimate, measure, and compute lengths to solve problems involving data, space and movement, including standard measures such as centimeter and inch. Measurement: Processes of partitioning, transitivity and inverse relationships Use processes (e.g. partitioning, transitivity, inverse relationships) to estimate, measure, and compute lengths to solve problems involving data, space and movement, including standard measures such as centimeter and inch. Operations: Additions and Subtraction of multi-digit Numbers Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples) Properties: Commutative, Associative, Identity related to Mutli-digit numbers Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples) Patterns: apply to extend properties of Use number patterns to extend knowledge of properties of numbers and numbers and operations operations (skip counting as a foundation for understanding multiples)