
DBBS Thesis Committee Report
Choose one: Pre-proposal
GR Level
Proposal (Approved?
Y or
Progress Report
Date of Meeting
Committee Members Present:
Committee Members Absent:
Please rate performance on a 5-point scale
1= unsatisfactory 2 = marginal
3= average
4 = above average
5= outstanding
Research Progress
Project Effort
Does the Thesis Mentor concur with this report?
Individual Development Plan (IDP): Students should complete IDPs to assist with career planning and discuss their career
plans with their PI or other faculty member each year. Please confirm this has occurred by completing the information
Student confirms an IDP has been discussed with
_________________________________________ on
Summary of Committee Recommendations: (Please comment specifically on progress since last committing meeting. Is a
change in emphasis required? If so, describe. What are the specific points to be clarified in the data collected thus far?
What remaining data must be collected? Note any change in committee membership. Attach additional sheets, if
Date of next:
Thesis Update Meeting
(Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY)
Defense Date
(Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY)
Is student funded by a source that is restricted by a confidentiality agreement?
If yes, please see the “Conflict of Interest Policy” section below. If not previously completed, or if there has been a change
to the agreement, please update.
Committee Chair Signature
(typed name constitutes signature) Date
(Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY)
This form must be completed and emailed to “” following the thesis meeting.
Student is expected to provide a copy of prior DBBS Thesis Committee Report and research update document to the thesis
committee one week prior to the meeting.
Conflict of Interest Policy for Research Involving Ph.D. Students
Approved by DBBS Executive Council, March 11, 2009
Research funding from sources that have intellectual property interests in the research, or in which the PI has personal
financial interest, may create a real or perceived conflict of interest, given the dual roles of the principal investigator in
obtaining funding for the lab and as a mentor for graduate students. Issues of paramount importance are (i) the ability to
publish results in a timely fashion; (ii) the ability to communicate research results openly, especially to members of the
thesis committee; and (iii) academic rights to publish and speak freely, especially as related to a graduate student’s thesis
and defense.
Statement of policy.
The following principles should apply to any situation involving a graduate student supported by funding that is
associated with a confidentiality agreement:
The limitations and nature of the confidentiality agreement must be fully disclosed to and approved by the
student, the thesis committee, and the DBBS Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs;
The confidentiality agreement must not place an unreasonable burden or delay in publication or reporting at
scientific meetings;
The confidentiality agreement must not delay the writing or defense of the thesis;
Examples of inappropriate projects:
1. Research involving chemical compounds whose structure or mechanism of action is proprietary and failure to disclose
would preclude peer-reviewed publication.
2. Research involving genes or proteins whose original or modified sequences are proprietary and failure to disclose
would preclude peer-reviewed publication.
3. Research involving organisms or cell lines that are proprietary and failure to disclose would preclude peer-reviewed
4. Research in which the thesis advisor has a significant personal or corporate financial interest.
Process for handling potential conflicts of interest involving students
If a faculty member receives industry-sponsored research support that entails a confidentiality agreement or has a personal
financial interest related to the thesis work, the following process must be followed in order for the graduate student to be
supported by this source:
As soon as the proposed arrangement becomes a concrete plan, the faculty member and student involved discuss
and sign an appropriately specific disclosure statement that is based on a standard template (see attached).
The signed statement should be submitted to the DBBS Associate Dean for Graduate Education, who will review
the material and forward a provisional recommendation to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.
If approved by the Vice Chancellor for Research, the student may proceed with this research and receive industrysponsored support pending final approval by the student’s thesis committee.
Once a thesis committee is established (or at the next scheduled thesis committee meeting if one already exists),
copies of the disclosure statement are provided to the committee. The committee meets with the faculty advisor
and student initially present and decides whether the constraints imposed by the confidentiality agreement are
The thesis committee chair forwards its recommendation to the DBBS Associate Dean for Graduate Education by
indicating on the disclosure statement whether or not the thesis committee approves the arrangement.
The DBBS Associate Dean for Graduate Education reviews the material and forwards a final recommendation to
the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, where a final decision is made.
Disclosure statement for graduate students
Approved by Executive Council, DBBS
March, 2009
(Template; to be customized by the P.I. before presenting to the student)
From: PI
To: Graduate Student
This memo is to inform you that I intend to support $X of your salary with funds provided by company Y. In accepting
this support, I am obliged to sign a confidentiality agreement that puts constraints on the release of proprietary
information that may pertain to your research. Research findings generated in whole or in part by this support must be
reviewed by company Y prior to public release by presentation at scientific meetings or submission for publication
(abstracts or manuscripts). According to the terms of the grant, the maximum time the results may be held for review is Z
days. It is my understanding that this delay will be the only restriction on publication of your research. [OR, if chemical
structure or other information remains proprietary, spell out the specifics.] For your protection, this arrangement will be
discussed with and must receive approval by your thesis committee, the DBBS Associate Dean for Graduate Education,
and the Vice Chancellor for Research or his/her designee.
Signature of PI
Signature of Trainee
The thesis committee has reviewed the relevant material and [ ] approves [ ] disapproves of the proposed arrangement.
Signature of thesis committee chair:
The Associate Dean for Graduate Education has reviewed the relevant material and [ ] approves [ ] disapproves of the
proposed arrangement.
Signature of Associate Dean:
The Vice Chancellor for Research has reviewed the relevant material and [ ] approves [ ] disapproves of the proposed
Signature of Vice Chancellor of Research:
(Signed copy should be returned to the Associate Dean for Graduate Education, DBBS, Campus Box 8226)