Name:__________________________________ Date:_________________________ Rocks and Fossils Review 1. What are the following? a. Trace fossil b. Mold/cast fossil c. Replacement fossil d. True form fossil 2. What kind of fossils are the following? Write one of these in the space beside each word: true form, cast/mold, replacement, trace Coprolite Footprint Burrow Mosquito in amber Dinosaur bone Petrified Wood Impression of a shell Sabertooth cat skeleton in tar 3. What are the three main types of rocks? 4. Draw the rock cycle without looking at your notes and label the following things: sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic, weather/erosion, melting and cooling, pressure/cementation, heat/pressure. 5. What is the difference between weathering and erosion? 6. Who was Nicolas Steno? 7. What is absolute dating? 8. What is relative dating? 9. Is carbon-14 dating of a fossil “relative” or “absolute” dating? 10. Layers are always formed in horizontal layers. Which of Steno’s laws is this? 11. Mafic inclusions are older than the rock around them. Which of Steno’s laws is this? 12. Faults and igneous intrusions that cut across layers are younger than the layers. Which of steno’s laws is this? 13. What is an “intrusion?” 14. What is a clast? 15. What is a vesicle? 16. What is a chemical sedimentary rock? 17. What is an organic sedimentary rock? 18. You find a rock made of rounded pebbles cemented together. What type of rock is it, and how was it formed? 19. You find a shiny black rock that looks like glass. What type of rock is it, and how was it formed? 20. You find a light-weight rock with vesicles in it. What type of rock is it and how was it formed? 21. Fill in the table below. On the left is a description of a rock. On the right, you write what type of rock it is. Marble (heated limestone) Obsidian (volcanic glass) Granite (intrusive rock) Conglomerate (a rock made of bits of rounded river rocks cemented together) Breccia (a rock made of jagged volcanic rocks cemented together) Halite (salt) Gneiss (black and white layers) Mudstone (mud cemented together) 22. What does the size of crystals in igneous rock tell you? 23. What is the difference between an extrusive and an intrusive rock? 24. How old is the layer in the middle? Fern fossil – 50 million years old Trilobite fossil – 100 million years old 25. Label these layers in order from oldest to youngest. (Layer A is an intrusion)