Colones Math (Costa Rica) Grade Level: Third Grade IEP Objective: When given word problems, the student will be able to solve them with 70% accuracy. Lesson Plan Title: Colones Math Subject Area: Social Studies/ Mathematics Concept/Topic to Teach: Money Sunshine State Standard(s) Addressed: SS.3.E.1.4: Distinguish between currencies used in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. SS.3.E.1.3: Recognize that buyers and sellers interact to exchange goods and services through the use of trade or money. MACC.3.OA.4.8: Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. General outcome: Students will also be able to distinguish between U.S. Dollars and Costa Rican Colones. Students will be able to solve two-step word problems. General Goal(s): To recognize the difference between Colones and U.S. money To understand that buyers and sellers exchange goods and services through the use of money. To solve word problems. Specific Objectives: When presented with word problems, the student will be able to solve them with 90% accuracy. Anticipatory Set: Set up the room to look like an open air market. Tell students that today we are going to go shopping in the open air markets of Costa Rica. Step-by-Step Procedures: 1. Read Market Day by Lois Ehlert. Then discuss how in Costa Rica they have many open-air markets like the one in the story. 2. Show the class real Costa Rican Colones. 3. In groups have students compare and contrast Costa Rican Colones to U.S. money using a Venn diagram. 4. Demonstrate how to solve an addition word problem and a subtraction word problem. 5. Distribute play Colones and produce price list. 6. In groups have students act out different roles in the open-air market like seller and consumer. Have students create word problems like the ones demonstrated. 7. Let some students share their word problems and see if the class can solve them together. Independent Practice: 1. Handout the Math worksheet 2. Have students complete the worksheet Closure: Discuss what they learned about Costa Rica today and the differences between Colones and U.S. Dollars. Assessment Based on Objectives: The student will be given a word problem worksheet and asked to solve the problems. Evaluations of objectives: I will collect worksheets and give a brief assessment on understanding of how U.S. dollars and Colones are similar and different. Required Materials: Colones (artifact) Venn Diagram Math Worksheets Market Day by Lois Ehlert Adaptations (for students with specific learning disabilities): Allow students to use calculators to compute math problems. Extensions (for gifted students): Provide students with multiplication and division word problems.