1.5 AS90993 Design & Plan a Radio Story

Media Studies Level 1
This resource supports assessment against Achievement Standard 90994
Complete a media product from a design and plan using a specified range of conventions
Modified from Media Studies 1.6B "Show Me How" from TKI
(6 credits)
This resource:
● Clarifies the requirements of the standard
● Supports good assessment practice
● Should be subjected to the school’s usual assessment quality assurance process
● Should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school
environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic
This assignment is intended to work with AS90993 (1.5) Design and Plan a media product for a
media product using a specified range of conventions.
Inspiring Stories intends to share a selection of short films nationwide, especially those that aim
to celebrate communities and local solutions-focused initiatives and individuals, and that
celebrate young Kiwis making a difference. These stories will have potential to make a positive
impact on listeners and their communities, not simply raising awareness of an issue.
This assignment could also work well with externally assessed AS90991 (1.3) Demonstrate
understanding of the media coverage of a current issue or event.
Inspiring Stories constantly updates their website with more information on their national Film
Competition and other initiatives. Further information, education resources, exercise
suggestions, competition updates and contact information can be found at
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Inspiring Stories Trust has travel around New Zealand working with thousands of Media Studies
students and young aspiring filmmakers for over 3 years. Our team works towards creating ways
to encourage young people in New Zealand to celebrate what we have, what we can achieve
and why we should share our incredible stories. These positive stories can inspire young kiwis to
unleash their potential and help make New Zealand more awesome.
To help make life easier for teachers who share the same vision and kaupapa as us, we have
worked closely with a group of teachers of the Wellington Media Studies cluster group to
develop a range of Units of Work for Media Studies Levels 1, 2 and 3. This is one of them. Others
included modified versions of the QAAM'd Assessments for Achievement Standards 1.5
(AS90993), 1.6 (AS90994), 2.2 (AS91249), 2.3 (AS91250), 2.5 (AS91252), 2.6 (AS91253), 2.8
(AS91255), 3.5 (AS91494), & 3.6 (AS91495). These Units of Work are designed for easy
moderation and are free for all to use. They also work towards helping students to enter
external competitions such as the IST National Film Competition themed 'Young Kiwis Making a
Difference', which plans to not only have national major prizes, but also regional incentives and
prizes. We are currently designing more competitions and incentives to get young people
motivated in being pro-active in their communities, including Radio Story and Photography
These Units of work, information on the Film Competition, other initiative and supportive
educational resources and links are constantly growing and adapting on the IST
website: www.inspiringstories.org.nz
We are happy to add to the collection of resources and recommended classroom exercises over
time, responding to teachers' requests. Simply email Lu at lu@inspiringstories.org.nz with any
queries or suggestions.
If you and your students are interested in running a one-day filmmaking workshop at your
school, get in touch with them via their website ASAP. More info about the Inspiring Stories
Roadtrip and its Filmmaking Workshops are online and available via PDF.
If you wish to be kept up to date with useful information relating to this Unit of Work, such as
competitions, possible outlets for their stories and classroom resources and exercises, please let
Lu know: lu@inspiringstories.org.nz
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Internal Assessment Resource
This resource:
• clarifies the requirements of the standard
• supports good assessment practice
• should be subjected to the school’s usual assessment quality assurance
• should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school
environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic
Authenticity of evidence
Teachers must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source,
because students may have access to the assessment schedule or student
exemplar material.
Internal Assessment Resource
Achievement Standard Media Studies 90994: Complete a media product from a
design and plan using a specified range of conventions
Modified from Media Studies 1.6B v2 "Show Me How" from TKI
(6 Credits)
The following guidelines are supplied to enable teachers to carry out valid and consistent
assessment using this internal assessment resource.
Teachers need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by Achievement Standard
Media Studies 90994. The achievement criteria and the explanatory notes contain information,
definitions, and requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing
students against it.
In this activity, students work as individuals or pairs to produce a 5-minute radio story
about an inspiring story for Radio New Zealand or local community radio station.
Students need to have a clear understanding of the target audience for the video.
You could link this activity to assessment of Achievement Standard 90993: Produce a
design and plan for a media product using a specified range of conventions.
Alternatively, you could provide a design and plan for students to use.
Before beginning this activity, provide opportunities for the students to explore codes
and conventions in radio stories, including interviews and profiles.
The students need to keep a record, including dates and locations, of their involvement
in the production of their radio story.
This activity will take approximately eight weeks of in- and out-of-class time to complete.
Resource requirements
Students will require access to recording and editing equipment, for example,
computers, editing hardware/software, recording equipment (ie: phones), quiet recording
space, and microphone. Students may also need access to the Internet.
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Audacity is sound-editing software and available for free at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and
works well on many platforms.
Achievement Standard Media Studies 90994: Complete a media product from a design and
plan using a specified range of conventions
Modified from Media Studies 1.6A v2 "Show Me How" from TKI
Credits: 6
Achievement with Excellence
Achievement with Merit
Complete a crafted media
product from a design and
plan using a specified range
of conventions.
Complete a developed
media product from a
design and plan using a
specified range of
Complete a media product
from a design and plan
using a specified range of
This activity requires you to produce a 5-minute radio story about an inspiring story from
a design and plan using a specified range of conventions. Your story may be played on
the local community radio station or Radio New Zealand.
Use the design and plan you developed for assessment of Achievement Standard
90993: Produce a design and plan for a media product using a specified range of
Teacher note: If students have not already developed a design and plan for
assessment of Achievement Standard 90993, provide a design and plan for them
to follow or allow time for them to develop one before they begin this activity.
You will work either on your own or in a pair.
You have eight weeks of in-class and homework time for this task.
You will be assessed individually on how well you can produce your radio story
from your design and plan. This includes using appropriate media conventions,
achieving your intended purpose, appealing to the audience, and using
appropriate media technology.
Use your design and plan to guide you as you complete this task.
Keep a detailed log of your involvement in all stages of this work. Include dates and
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
See Resource A for further guidance.
 Assign roles.
 Draft scripts (AS90996) & Decide which draft-script is better/adapt the two.
 Write interview questions after researching person and issue.
 Record interview
 Create or edit music and sound effects.
 Make sure you allow plenty of time for pick-ups as backup for recordings that do
not work or in case you need more detail.
 Record scripted narrations, segues, etc.
 Edit the sound (adjust levels, transitions, effects, soundbed, etc.)
 Re-record pick-ups if needed.
 Export you final cut.
Final submission
Submit a copy of your finished radio story together with a copy of the design and plan
you worked from and your log.
You could provide one copy of the story and the design and plan for the group, but you
need to provide an individual log of your involvement in the work, including your use of
media technology.
You can use any medium that allows information to be stored and retrieved, for example,
a text, photo, audio, and/or video log. Consider collection behind-the-scenes photos suitable
to share publicly.
Include details of all your use of production and post-production technology.
In your log, consider:
 your roles in the tasks
 your contribution to the finished product, including the technology you used
 the success of your contribution in terms of timeliness, detail, effort
 the roles of the other/s in your group
 the success of their contribution in terms of timeliness, detail, effort.
The log will not be assessed, but it provides a record that helps verify your involvement
and your use and control of media technology.
Changing your design and/or plan
You may make changes to your original design and/or plan to complete your final
product as long as the changes:
 maintain the original intent of the design and plan
 maintain the conventions of the radio story
 enhance the story and/or enable its completion.
DOCUMENT these changes and reasons for them in your logs.
Appendix A: Useful resources
Audacity is an audio editing software and is available for free at
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Editing Audio: http://www.tizianoproject.org/classroom/tutorials/Tiziano-Tutorial-Audacity.pdf
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Assessment schedule: Media Studies 90994 – PRODUCE AN INSPIRING RADIO SHOW
Modified from Media Studies 1.6B "Show Me How" from TKI
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Merit
Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Excellence
The student produces a design and plan for a media
product using at least five conventions taken from a
specified range of appropriate media conventions. The
design and plan complete a concept, a treatment, and
pre-production activities. This includes:
meeting the requirements of the brief (for
example, audience, length format, practicalities,
copyright considerations)
using five of a specified range of media
conventions (teacher-provided list)
identifying practicalities that will affect the
completion of the product (for example, locations,
transport, weather, equipment, costs, casting/crew,
time restrictions)
utilising appropriate templates to complete the
design and plan (teacher provided, for example,
storyboard frames, script template).
The student produces a design and plan for a
developed media product using at least five
conventions taken from a specified range of
appropriate media conventions. The design and plan
complete a concept, a treatment, and pre-production
activities. This includes:
meeting the requirements of the brief (for
example, audience, length format, practicalities,
copyright considerations)
using five of a specified range of media
conventions (teacher-provided list)
identifying and considering the impact of
practicalities that will affect the process and/or
completion of the product (for example, locations,
transport, weather, equipment, costs,
casting/crew, time restrictions)
utilising appropriate templates to complete
the design and plan (teacher provided, for example,
storyboard frames, script template)
demonstrating evidence of the development
of ideas through reflection and reworking
throughout the planning process.
The student produces a design and plan for a crafted media
product using at least five conventions taken from a specified
range of appropriate media conventions. The design and plan
complete a precise concept, a detailed treatment, and detailed
pre-production activities. This includes:
meeting the requirements of the brief (for example,
audience, length format, practicalities, copyright
using five of a specified range of media conventions
(teacher-provided list)
identifying and considering the impact of practicalities
that will affect the process and/or completion of the
product (for example, locations, transport, weather,
equipment, costs, casting/crew, time restrictions) and
outlining strategies to overcome potential obstacles
utilising appropriate templates to complete the design
and plan (teacher provided, for example, storyboard frames,
script template)
demonstrating evidence of effective crafting of
developed ideas through reflection and reworking
throughout the planning process. The final design and plan
should enable the final product to appeal to its target
audience and achieve its intended outcomes.
For Example:
Conventions in production
When the student creates the introduction for the story,
s/he considers the main purpose of the story and the need
for creating context. The introduction contains mostly
relevant background information about the topic and the
person being interviewed.
Use of conventions
The student selects sound bites in editing to respond to
the questions asked.
For Example:
Conventions in production and appeals
When the student creates the introduction for the story,
s/he considers the main purpose of the story and the
need for creating context. The introduction contains
relevant background information about the topic and
For Example:
Conventions in production, and appeals / effectiveness
When the student creates the introduction for the story, s/he
considers the main purpose of the story and the need for
creating context. The introduction contains relevant background
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
The student chooses a local subject who is doing good for
the local community to have appeal to people from the
community who are listening.
Some control of production technology
the person being interviewed without introducing ideas
that are off-topic.
The story is edited to include a variety of sound bites
that provide essential information about the topic and
create a positive feeling about the person and/or topic.
Recorded audio is mostly but not always audible, some
audio levels are inappropriate, occasional intrusive audio
variations are evident and the audio is not always clean,
i.e. there is some undue distortion or unwanted audio etc.
This appeals to the listeners who are young people who
want to know how they can contribute to their local
community too.
Some control of post-production technology
Recorded audio is audible, occasional audio levels are
inappropriate, some audio variations are evident but
not intrusive and the audio is mostly clean, i.e. there is
occasional undue distortion or unwanted audio etc.
The student uses appropriate software to adjust the sound
levels, but levels are not consistent and it is sometimes
difficult to follow the main points of the interview.
Control of production technology
Control of production technology
The student uses appropriate software to adjust the
sound levels, sound levels are mostly consistent and
enable most essential information and ideas to be
Reflection or adaptation of the design and plan
When the student creates the introduction, s/he
considers the main purpose of the story and the
introduction for a radio story. The introduction clearly
demonstrates an understanding of the target audience
and changes made are based on considerations of the
target audience
information about the topic and the person being interviewed
without introducing ideas that are off-topic. It effectively sets the
stage for an inspiring story.
The story is edited to include a variety of sound bites that
provide essential information about the topic and consistently
create a positive feeling about the person and/or topic, perhaps
by the inclusion of information that allow the listeners to feel as
if the person is a ‘friend’. This effectively captures the interest of
the listeners who are young people who want to know how they
can contribute to their local community too by making them feel
as though the person is ‘ordinary’ or just like them.
Control of production technology
Recorded and/or dubbed and edited audio is consistently
audible, levels largely consistent and appropriate and the audio
is clean, i.e. there is very rare undue distortion or unwanted
audio etc.
Control of production technology
The student uses appropriate software to adjust the sound
levels, sound levels are consistent and enable essential
information and ideas to be communicated clearly.
Reflection or appropriate adaptation of the design and plan
When the student creates the introduction, s/he considers the
main purpose of the story and the introduction for a radio story.
The introduction clearly demonstrates an understanding of the
target audience and changes made are based on considerations
of the target audience. The changes made are effective in
appealing to the target audience and in conveying the main idea
of the story.
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B
Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement
AS90994 Produce an Inspiring Radio Show – Inspiring Stories Trust Resource, Dec 2013 – Modified from Media Studies 1.6B