Unit 2 Test Review Multiple Choice 1. Ecozones List the 4 components that make up an ecozone. landform climate vegetation soil 2. Rock Cycle- explain how each type of rock is formed i. Igneous- cooling and hardening of hot liquid rock/lava ii. Metamorphic-formed when rocks are exposed to extreme heat and/or pressure iii. Sedimentary-formed when sediments are pressed and cemented together 3. Continental Drift i. Name of the supercontinent formed over 200 million years ago- Pangea ii. List the 4 pieces of proof that Wegener had that supported his Continental Drift Theory a) Jigsaw Effect- continents fit together like a jig saw puzzle b) Fossils – fossils of the same species are found on 2 separate continents c) Geologic Evidence-mountains of the same age and structure on both sides of the Atlantic d) Ice Sheets- there is evidence of ice sheets in areas that are too hot to have ice today 4. Layers on the Earth i. For each layer of earth, state the size and composition Layer Size Composition Crust Tectonic plates Very thin- 1% of earth Mantle 2 regions- upper and lower Largest- 2850km thick Inner Core Liquid iron and nickel nd 2 largest- 2270km thick Outer Solid metal 3rd largest-1216 km thick Core 5. Mountain Formation i. Match the type of mountain formation with its description _B_ Folding A. Happens when lava is added to the earth’s surface and then cools _C_ Faulting B. Happens when layers of rock are squeezed together and bend _A_ Volcanism C. Happens when the crust cracks where the two plates meet 6. Landform Regions i. Describe how each of the 7 landform regions are formed Landform Formation Great Lakes- St. -sediments from the eroded Canadian Shield built up under an ancient sea Lawrence Lowlands and formed new land Canadian Shield -Volcanic eruptions over 3 billion years ago Interior Plains -sediments settled at the bottom of an inland sea and when the sea disappeared, it left a very flat and nutrient rich soil -combination of plate movement and volcanic eruptions formed the mountains and interior plateau Western Cordillera Innuitions Arctic- Hudson Bay Lowlands Appalachians -folded sedimentary rock from the ocean floor -sedimentary rock left from erosion and glacier scraping -plate movement- folded rock from ocean floor and mountain tops eroded to make flattened tops 7. Moisture in Soil i. Describe the difference between Leaching and Calicification -Leaching is when there is too much water in the soil and the nutrients and minerals are pushed downward and Calcification is when there is too little moisture in the soil and water is pulled upward toward plant roots. Calcification leave a toxic amount of minerals in the soil 8. Vegetation Regions i. Describe the type of vegetation found in each Vegetation region Region Tundra Types of Vegetation -shrubs, mosses, lichens, small flowers Parkland -long grass and clumps of trees Grassland -grass, sagebrush and cactus, grains, oil seeds Boreal Forest -coniferous trees and hearty deciduous Mixed Forest - Coniferous and Deciduous trees, small shrubs Broad Leaf Forest -Deciduous trees West Coast Forest -temperate rain forest Cordilleran -coniferous trees on lower slopes, flowers and shrubs in Tundra areas and higher slopes, grasses in dry valleys Matching Match the Climate factor to the description of how it affects climate. _C_ Latitude _E_ Ocean Currents A. The higher up you go, it gets colder and drier it gets. B. Large bodies of water make the temperature range quite small. _F_ Wind C. The closer to the poles you get, the colder it gets. _A_ Elevation D. Leeward side of mountains are cooler than the windward side. _D_ Relief E. Warm currents create a warmer climate. _B_ Near Water F. When warmer, it holds more moisture making climate more humid Labelling Label Label the Typical Soil Profile. Label both the Horizon and the type of soil in that Horizon. Horizon O- Leaf Litter and Orgainic Material Horizon A- Top Soil Horizon B- Sub Soil Horizon C- Parent Material and Bedrock Short Answer 1. Describe the difference between climate and weather. Climate is a long term trend where weather is what happens in the atmosphere from day to day 2. List the 4 components of soil - Moisture, Organic and Bacterial Material, Minerals, Air 3. Describe the temperature and precipitation of climate regions Arctic Temperature Summers- cool Temperature- varies- depends on elevation Summers Winters- cold Precipitation- very litte/dry West Coast Temperature Summers- cool Winters- mild Winters Precipitation-varies- depends on elelvation and side of the mountain Boreal Temperature- varies-depends on latitude Summers-warm Winters- cold Precipitation- very wet Southeastern Temperature Summers- hot Winters- cool Precipitation- moderate Mountain Precipitation- generally low Prairie Temperature Summers-hot Winters-cold Precipitatiom- dry 4. You will choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph to answer the question. This question will be out of 7, so make sure your answer has sufficient amount of information to support this . a. Explain how the landform, climate and vegetation of an ecozone is connected to it’s GDP. b. Describe why it is difficult for a person to describe the climate of Canada. c. Explain how humans can affect the soil in an area. d. Explain the difference between the three types of precipitation- relief, convection and cyclonic. e. Look at the climate graph for Vancouver, using LOWERN, explain why this city has a moderate temperature range and high precipitation