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The subject: "Intersubject communication in English Language
Performed by Ussenova Khiuaz Kuanyshkalievna,
Teacher of English language
Secondary school №15 named by Abay
Atyrau city, 2014
The main importance of interdisciplinary relationships is that they are means
students' motivation to learn English………………………………………….…1
Using of interdisciplinary perspectives ties in teaching English language…..….2
Used Books………………………………………………………………………5
Feature of a foreign language as a school subject is that it seems to be
"pointless" (IA Winter): it is studied as a mean of communication, and the themes
and situations for speech are introduced from outside. Therefore, foreign
languages, like no other subject, open to use material from the different areas of
knowledge, the contents of other items.
But, despite this, the question of interdisciplinary relationships are not well
developed in the methods of teaching the subject, but these connections are not
implemented almost in the practice of teaching in regular school. Meanwhile, the
value of interdisciplinary connections increases:with current trends in the synthesis
and integration of knowledge is one of the ways of integrating school
educationwhich is the objective basis for updating and improvement of its
contents, in principle, as well as a means of increasing the capacity of general
education common cultural school.
This year, special attention was paid to such form as interdisciplinary
communication, which investigated the lexical and grammatical topicson which to
draw analogies such as those applicable to the analysis of the most practice of
"common ground" with other items.
The need for the proposed study is caused by problems that arise from the
teacher, as a rule, in explaining grammatical material. For example, "Personal,
possessive, demonstrative pronouns" program for 5th grade English language study
children in their native language only in second class and a lot of such examples.
The main importance of interdisciplinary relationships is that they are
1) Means students' motivation to learn English
2) Using of interdisciplinary perspectives ties in teaching English language
1. The main importance of interdisciplinary relationships is that they are means
students' motivation to learn English
At the present stage of development of the theory and practice of teaching
the issue of creating motifs learning activities students considered to be one of the
central.Quality education depends largely on how it is justified in the eyes of
The problem of motivation is particularly important in the absence of natural
communication needs.Therefore, foreign language teacher is so important not only
to interest pupils and so in the results of their work, but in the process of achieving
this result. One of the reserves motivates learning activities students can be rational
use of interdisciplinary connections.
Not lost contemporary sound thoughts NG Chernyshevsky of whether to use
a knowledge of science in studying of other mental abilities for the development of
students. These thoughts are in tune with the modern requirements for
interconnection of subjects when the explanation of the new material and repetition
is encouraged to seek information from other subjects, rely on them.
"A major role is played interdisciplinary communication in teaching any
subject. They are, first, represent a support foundation for the full perception and
understanding of new knowledge, skills development and skills development, and
secondly, allow generalizing and systematizing the existing language and speech
experience and thirdly, ensuring the completeness of knowledge. " (VA Onischuk)
I studied materials on the subject suggested ways of implementing
interdisciplinary ties in teaching English, but never mentioned,that the material is
given in English ahead of a year or two, or even more, in connection with what
difficulties arise not only from the teacher (because he needs to properly explain
the first material in Russian, and it takes time, besides it is not welcome, and
perhaps in some cases only)but also in children, who must learn a foreign language
on the basis of knowledge of the native language.Hence the purpose of the study,
there was consideration of the prospects for interdisciplinary connections in view
of thematic planning for 7-11th grades in English and other subjects, which were
analyzed as a substantive and procedural aspect of the subject.
In my practice, I am teaching English is widely used communication with
Russian language, literature, mathematics, biology, history, geography, physics,
psychology, music, painting, etc. Deem it appropriate to include in the content of
teaching English facts from science and from the life and work of scientists,
outstanding people.
Considered interdisciplinary communication regarding the use of certain
school subjects in different themes for speaking and reading in English lessons.But
it should be noted that there is a school discipline cycle, support for which is
required for teaching English as a whole. Such notions of Russian language as
synonyms, antonyms, dialogue, monologue, description, narration, reasoning,
compositional structure of expression, etc.; literature - text citation, the idea of the
main idea, poetry, proverbs, sayings, etc., of art - portraiture, landscape, object
composition, are the basis for an English teacher.
2. Using of interdisciplinary perspectives ties in teaching English language
The relationship of a foreign language with other subjects is varied and
versatile. The most fruitful ways to improve the learning process in foreign
languages when used intersubject connections can be taken as a meaningful
improvement plan as an academic subject, and its procedural aspects. In this
regard, I highlight two areas in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections
foreign language with other subjects. The first direction is an extension of the
subject-substantive plan reading in English due to its enrichment of linguistic (and
extra linguistic - in profile classes) information from different domains. The
second direction, which characterizes the procedural side of the academic subject,
involves improving general educational skills that would enhance the effectiveness
of teaching reading in a foreign language, students would be targeted for updating
and systematization of the knowledge acquired in the course of a foreign language
and other subjects, as well as their subsequent use in the classroom in a foreign
language and other subjects.
First we consider the problem with respect to the content side of our school
Concerning the relationship of a foreign language with other subjects
through the enrichment of speech students (extra) linguistic information, I think it
is important the two perspectives of its use in learning a foreign language:increase
the overall share of universal information and strengthening cross-cultural aspects
of foreign language teaching, gain factual aspects of foreign language teaching in
schools seems necessary for the following reasons:first, cross-cultural materials in
principle reflect the specifics of a foreign language as a means of foreign language
communication, and secondly. When reading material about the language is
spoken in English students significantly increase opportunities for getting
acquainted with the realities of the country the language with which they have
virtually no chance to meet in the study of other subjects. The modern era of broad
international cooperation and dialogue between cultures forced to rethink attitude
towards the language is spoken, in particular, to avoid ideological labels, see it as
primarily another way to appeal to universal values. The idea of integrating
knowledge from different subjects, as a rule, most fruitfully implemented in the
texts, which contain the facts (or phenomena, events, evaluation) of history and
literature.Traditionally, literature and history are included in the range of subjects
closest to the English language. These two pieces of synthesizing a universal and
specific historical as two areas of knowledge, put forward a number of moral,
human problems that have always set them artists word. This group of subjects can
be attributed to music, painting, that solve human problems their artistic means.
These issues raised in works of art, can also be refracted and on the English
"Synthesis of the knowledge obtained in school occurs during such
fundamental knowledge objects as nature, society, people, work, technology,
language" (I. Zverev). Topics in which occurs the mastery of foreign language
communicative skills, mostly limited to the objects of knowledge.
It is important to note that there is a definite relationship between the
interdisciplinary communication and communicative abilities. Interdisciplinary
communications are both the foundation and formation of communicative abilities
resulting from the implementation of communicative activity.
Their main value is that they provide an opportunity to "link" in a single
system all the knowledge obtained in different classes, as well as produce new
knowledge as a result of these links.
From this perspective, I analyzed the texts of English language textbooks for
7-11th grades. Novelty factor content of certain texts I determined taking into
account the existing programs in other subjects. As shown by the following
analysis, the novelty and educational value of these texts are based on crosscultural information, usually historical and geographical plan. By additional texts
are also implemented interdisciplinary communications with literature, history, art,
music, geography, technology.
In the process, I discovered that students need to learn the ability to retrieve
and apply the lessons of English language information received by them in the
study of other subjects. It meets the requirement of teachers and psychologists that
"it is necessary to form inside the learning activities of students at orientation
method of obtaining knowledge, and not only on the knowledge itself"
Concerning the general educational skills necessary to give priority to those
of them are aimed at extracting information from text and characterize as
informative reading process, ie the ability to divide the text into meaningful parts
and to provide important information from them , to distinguish between the basic
and detail information . These and other skills are the basis of formation of specific
interdisciplinary skills such as the ability to get into the specifics of the nationalcultural concepts of the English language, the ability to understand the comment
regional studies, the ability to establish cause - effect relationship between the facts
of history, geography, literature, reading English texts, the ability to apply the
knowledge gained in the classroom for other subjects. In connection with the
development of specific and general educational interdisciplinary skills and
methods appropriate to define their formation, which can be attributed, and
techniques such as updating, comparing and ordering. Mastering these techniques
will allow students to establish and maintain the relationship of English to other
It should be noted that there are great possibilities of using interdisciplinary
relations as a means of motivation of foreign language speech activity in the school
with proper organization of familiarization, training and use of language material.
These capabilities inherent in the very specifics of a foreign language as a school
subject. Language is a means of expression of the objective reality, the properties
which are subject to the laws of other disciplines, so the language is pointless. But
being pointless, it has many common points of contact with other objects of
The foregoing provisions can be considered quite convincing evidence for
the importance of support and commitment to the other items in the process of
learning English. Mastering a foreign language speech activity drawing on
interdisciplinary communication (where clearly defined common ground school
subjects and proposed techniques for creating motivation) to meet the various
interests of students , allowing them to take into account individual characteristics
and propensities, which, of course , create the most favorable conditions for the
practical application of the language as a means of communication.
1. Experience shows that it is possible to distinguish two types of interdisciplinary
connections in English teaching:
a) Through common knowledge;
b) Skills through community
2. Interdisciplinary communication is effective stimulus communicative-cognitive
activity arouses interest in the subject, encourages students to independent
research, the use of different sources of information (including the native
3. English teacher, it is important to know the amount of knowledge students in
various disciplines of the learning cycle to ensure the content of the interested
foreign language communication in the classroom.
4. Ultimately using of interdisciplinary ties in teaching English creates additional
opportunities for:
a) Development of students by enriching the content of texts and improve their
skills in reading;
b) The development of communicative skills.
Azhigulova M.S. "Implementation of interdisciplinary ties in teaching foreign
languages "
Zoteeva I.N. "Using interdisciplinary connections in extracurricular activities ";
Kharisova L.V." Intersubject communication in the teaching of English ";
Dolgov L.A. " Intersubject communication as a way to motivate the educational
process in the English language ";
Zelentsov B.P. "Mathematics as a means of mastering a foreign language ";
Gomeleva O.V." Intersubject communication in shaping communicative skills ";
Kate Pickering, Jackie Mcawoy-Global, Teacher's, Macmillan
Zoteeva I.N. "Ways of implementation and prospects for the use of
interdisciplinary connections.”