Zion Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 Council members present: Ken Benson, Emily Jones, Nathan Norquist, John Bye, Martha West, Jessica Aasheim, Jamie Gaboury. Council members excused: Steve Will, Tricia Porter (attended Executive Committee meeting only). Pastors present: Connie Tiede. Others present: Dee Ann Cameron, Director of Administration. President John Bye called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Christ Care Prayers Pastor Connie led the group in Christ Care Prayers. Adoption of Consent Agenda John stated that the Executive Committee reviewed the reports included in the Consent Agenda during their earlier meeting. John also thanked Pastor Connie for sending out the meeting minutes ahead of time. Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda made by Martha and seconded by Jamie. Nathan inquired about the General Fund ending balance for 2014. Dee Ann stated that the General Fund ended at $69,342. Nathan also asked for verification that the goal of this fund is a balance of $115,000. Dee Ann confirmed this amount. No further discussion. Motion carried. Old and New Business Hope4Youth Sheltering Project Pastor Connie reminded the group that last year Council approved this sheltering project to happen at Zion. Pastor Connie went on to report that Deb Lande, Hope4Youth Executive Director, has stepped down and that the group that was working on this project has decided to go in a different direction working in cooperation with the Anoka Police Department to do some sheltering during the winter months. Zion facilities will not be needed at this time. Pastor Connie also stated that Hope4Youth’s goal of raising a million dollars to build a permanent youth shelter has been exceeded. John asked if this decision to work with the Anoka Police Department came out of the Homelessness Summit. Pastor Connie stated that it was a separate group that arose out of the Homelessness Summit who met and made a lot of these decisions. Pastor Connie went on to say that the Homelessness Summit has met again and has divided into work groups—communication, fundraisers, volunteers, education—to set goals and develop specific actions based on these goals. The Homelessness Summit will meet again in March. Annual Meeting John stated that Zion’s annual meeting will be held on Sunday, February 8 at noon. Dee Ann reported that instead of receiving a bag lunch as in previous years, those attending the annual meeting will have a selfservice lunch available to them. This method will save time and will reduce food and condiment waste. Pastor Connie stated that the annual meeting will highlight various staff reports and will also include the 2014 Treasurer’s Report and 2015 General Fund and Building Fund Budget presentations by Jamie. The congregation will also be asked to adopt the proposed changes to Zion’s constitution and bylaws. Pastor Connie went on to explain that the proposed changes to our constitution will bring the document in line with the current ELCA Model Constitution. Pastor Connie also stated that the bylaws were pared way down. This will allow the church council to write continuing resolutions and work within these continuing resolutions instead of having to go to the congregation to make changes. John asked if there was any feedback from the December 18 constitution/bylaws open congregational meeting. Pastor Connie responded saying that only a couple of people attended the meeting. The main concern expressed was that the bylaws are now too vague, they don’t give us enough structure. Dee Ann interjected that, in addition to the bylaws, Zion’s constitution provides structure for many issues. Pastor Connie concluded by saying that a ballot will also be presented for approval at the meeting for nominees for Church Council, Zion Foundation, Zion Pre-K board and Nominating Committee. 2015 General Fund Budget John asked Jamie, as an addition to the agenda, to go over the 2015 budget. Jamie stated that anticipated giving for 2015 is down and expenses for 2015 will probably remain about the same as 2014 so we will have a shortfall somewhere between $135,000 and $150,000. We will be asking the congregation to adopt a deficit budget. This puts pressure on the council to either come up with more income or cut programs. Jamie went on to say that while he applauds the effort to come up with a balanced budget he is not necessarily in favor of cutting programs and staff to do so before we even know how the Lord will provide. If we had a history of passing deficit budgets which resulted in financial troubles he would be worried but we have a history of just the opposite—somehow it has always turned out in the end. It is a journey of faith. Ken suggested a temple talk to get a few people to pledge a little bit extra before the annual meeting. Dee Ann stated that the temple talk would have to take place this weekend because the annual report is scheduled to be printed next week and the 2015 budget is included in this report. Jamie stated that it doesn’t really matter if you have the temple talk before or after the meeting. Discussion took place about membership and worship attendance. John stated that 2014 worship attendance of 52,888 was down just about 200 people from 2013 worship attendance of 53,192. That is pretty stable membership. John went on to say however, that for the last several years we have consistently seen a decrease in worship attendance during the last two quarters of the year. Along with this decline in attendance there has been a decline in revenue. John agreed with Jamie stating that the problem is not controlling expenses but increasing revenue. We have Stewardship working very hard on revenue as well as the staff working hard at controlling expenses. We need new ideas and thoughts on how to drive revenue into this place. We also need to look at not just revenue but how to get people involved in the various ministries. Jamie stated that he would prefer to do a temple talk after the annual meeting. Jamie reminded the group of the meetings last fall where the congregation was told about the financial situation. 2014 pledge to giving ended up being down approximately 5% or $100,000 for the General Fund and the Building Fund revenue came in $1,000 under the pledged amount. Jamie went on to say that last year coming out of 2013 into 2014 council voted to apply $120,000 to our loan principal. The 2015 Building Fund budget will have available approximately $165,000 of which $120,000 will be applied to loan principal and $45,000 held for unanticipated expenses. Dee Ann stated that the Properties Committee has looked at new drinking fountains. Pastor Connie stated that most of the Pre-K rooms do not have a water source in the room so we are looking at updating all of the existing water fountains and adding an additional one near the Pre-K rooms. The cost for these fountains is approximately $9,000. John stated that last year the council approved the transfer of $120,000 from a dedicated account to be applied to the loan principal. John asked if council needs to apply the excess of 2014 to the 2015 budget for principal reduction. Dee Ann stated that we are talking about two separate things. Jamie went on to explain that the Building Fund ended the year at $148,486. This fund has a target balance of $50,000 so that leaves $98,000 that the council needs to decide what to do with. We do not have to decide on that tonight. We can put it in a restricted account and decide later. Jamie went on to clarify that within the 2015 Building Fund budget, of the $165,000 available within the budget, $120,000 will be used for additional principal payment on our loan. Jamie asked for confirmation that the council is comfortable with the $120,000 additional principal payment that is included in the 2015 Building Fund budget. We can always apply more towards principal if we want to. Dee Ann stated that the remaining $43,000-45,000 will be reflected in the additional building expense line. Staff Benefits John stated that last year it was decided to go with the Gold+ Plan for healthcare benefits and that the pastors would pay $50 per month and staff would continue to pay $100 per month. This equates to a cost to Zion of approximately $95,000 per year. This year we will be changing this cost to $200 per month for both pastors and staff. This will be a cost savings of approximately $15,000 in our 2015 budget. If costs continue to rise, we will probably have to do the same thing next year. We stayed with a robust plan so that the co-pays and deductibles remain somewhat manageable but that comes with a cost. Our overall ELCA backed benefits went up 14% this year. Nathan asked how much of the 14% increase will be offset by the increase to the employee contribution. Dee Ann stated that healthcare went up 11.7% and new this year is the disability costs of 2.7% that previously were paid by the ELCA. Last year’s medical costs were $85,293. Jamie interjected that overall we will actually see a reduction of last year’s actual costs by approximately $5,000. Nathan stated that we basically are cost shifting and that we have to be careful of how much we are balancing on our employees. Pastor Connie stated that Pastor Peter had worked hard to make sure that all of the pastoral staff is at or above the ELCA salary guidelines. Prior to Pastor Peter coming to Zion this was not true. Dee Ann stated that there is money in the 2015 budget for potential moving costs for the new Lead Pastor and also money for costs incurred by the call committee. Nathan asked about the budget that is being presented, has it been voted on by the Executive Committee or who will present it to the congregation? Dee Ann stated that the budget will be presented by Jamie at the annual meeting for the congregation to vote on. Nathan asked if we could potentially take money from the Building Fund overage to offset the deficit in the General Fund budget. Jamie stated that we cannot co-mingle funds. We can offset some of the expenses that would have come out of the General Fund if they are building related. Nathan asked if in the years that we have had a deficit budget, has there been an influx of money in November and December that has offset the deficit or is it that the staff saw the shortage and tightened things up in order to balance. Jamie replied that he has seen it go both ways. It gets bad when we squeeze staff and reduce hours or eliminate positions. But we also have had people give extra. Jessica asked if the staff has been told of the potential increase to their monthly medical premium deduction. Dee Ann stated that staff have been told that it is possible that their medical benefit contribution could increase and that council would be making that decision tonight. Strategic Mission Information and Action Items Five Year Vision Conversations John stated that the Ministry Site Profile will contain information from council’s earlier discussions on this topic. It will also contain comments from Pastor Peter’s exit interview along with information and suggestions that come out of Pastor John Hulden’s meeting with the Call Committee this evening. Pastor Connie shared a handout with the group that contained the visions that Pastor Peter had the council write and send to him. Pastor Connie went on to state that it is important as lay leaders of the congregation that the council understands its own vision and that the council takes time to read and discuss what their fellow council members have written about their vision for Zion. John stated that we have just come through a whirlwind the last couple of months and it seems that now is a good time to re-ignite this area of the agenda. It would be timely for us to take a look at long range planning and see if there are any updates and then re-think our agenda especially with the turnover on council during the next couple of months—make this a common piece of our agenda that we get to every month. Pastor Connie agreed stating that the Strategic Mission Information and Action Items should be the main chunk of the conversation at council meetings. John also stated that it would be great after the last couple of months of transition, to get feedback from those council members that are going off council—what has changed, what is still relevant, what new ideas have been uncovered during this time. Martha suggested that maybe it is time to define what our sacred cows are that we are willing to give up—are we not willing to have a more casual service, a little more up tempo. Martha also suggested that maybe everyone gets a window cling as they leave worship. We need to be a little less introverted overall in our effort to get the word out beyond our own community. We have to decide what we want to be and what we don’t want to be and what we are willing to sacrifice or not. Martha reminded the group of the statistic that Pastor Peter shared about only 19% of people in Anoka County have a church home—that leaves +80% that are out there prime for the picking. These are the people we need to go after—social media, surveys. Jamie interjected that this is what Christ calls us to do. In the same way Christ wants us also to give, the church needs money but Christ also calls us to give, it is part of the mission, not just about the money. John asked that everyone take a look at these visions and update or add to them. When the new council members come on board we will ask them to do the same. Other Items Ken asked Pastor Connie how she is holding up with the added work load. Pastor Connie responded that everything is fine. She went on to state that she has a great staff and great council leadership to work with and all work well together. Miscellaneous discussion took place about the Zion Pre-K dynamics and also the upcoming accreditation process. Ken stated that we need a pop and water machine in the building. Dee Ann stated that it is already in the works. Miscellaneous discussion took place about rental of the CLC. Emily asked how many Zion members are a part of Boy Scout Troop 233. Dee Ann said she would find out. Motion to adjourn made by Jamie and seconded by Emily. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.