Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed Launching: WDC June 14, 2012 Overall goal. End preventable child deaths in every country Interim goals. Reach MDGs 4 and 5 by 2015 ( Annex 1) In countries with an under-five mortality rate above 20 under-five deaths per 1,000, reduce the mortality rate to 20 deaths or fewer by 2035 and continue to make progress. U5 Mortality x 1000l.v SOWC 2012 in TACRO: Example: Haiti (165), Bolivia (54), Guatemala (32), Suriname (31) Guyana (30), Dominican Republic (27), Nicaragua (27), Trinidad Tobago ( 27), Honduras (24), Paraguay (25), Jamaica (24). (Annex 2) Signed pledge by: In LAC 18 countries signed so far: Belize, Bolvia, Colombia,El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Antigua, Barbuda. (closing September 3). All partners’ pledge Vision: Committing to Child Survival- A Promise Renewed: - Pledge to be signed by the Ministers of Health - To support partners in fulfilling the renewed commitment to child survival, UNICEF will establish a small secretariat in HQ to facilitate collective action on three fronts: i. Evidence - based country plans ii. At the national level, participating governments will lead the effort to sharpen country action plans for child survival. iii. Five-year milestones for maternal, newborn and child survival will be identified to track and hasten declines in child mortality. - Transparency and mutual accountability - As part of A Promise Renewed, governments and partners from civil society, the U.N. and the private sector will track and report the global progress of child survival strategies - Global communication and social mobilization - Social media, publications, and other communication channels will be used to sustain the focus on and generate momentum for the goal to end preventable child deaths UNICEF Vision. UNICEF Country Offices can cultivate the country ownership that is so critical to the goals of A Promise Renewed, while helping governments identify and respond to the children in greatest need. We see the momentum building around A Promise Renewed as a movement, anchored in local initiative. UNICEF Roles at global level they will continue to support Cos and Regional efforts by providing technical assistance, mobilizing resources and political support, establishing a secretariat to report on annual progress, and posting the latest data and analysis on the website for A Promise Renewed. UNICEF Roles at the regional level …… How we in TACRO will comply and deliver on the regional office commitments/contributions. - Information, Communication and Dissemination ( E.Paz with ALopez) i. Disseminate the promise renewed documents to countries offices and partners including UNICEF staff, civil society, religious groups, private sector and governments. ii. Translate all the materials into Spanish, French, and Portuguese and some indigenous languages. For example the brochure, the Global Road Map Vision for 2035. iii. Positioning of the initiative in different forums and medias - Update the MNCH strategy and disparity analysis ( E.Paz with EDL) i. Update the MNCH regional situation today and disparity analysis ( Annex 3) ii. Update the MNCH regional strategic orientation to the proposed strategic shifts described in the global road map and annex below to accelerate progress and sustain commitment strategy. - Planning process (E. Paz with A.Oliver and Planning section) i. Introduce in the Planning process of concerned countries the strategic shifts to accelerate progress and sustain commitment in their current CPDs and future MTR to accelerate actions to achieve 20 or FEWER under - five deaths per 1,000 live births by 2020 - Technical Assistance and Follow up of the overall process in the region to incorporate strategic shifts Cos ( E. Paz and others) (Annex 4) i. Develop global, regional and country scorecard indicators, tracking with a publication process and provide technical support for country scorecard development ii. Support the promise renewed, incorporate U5MR milestones and targets in programs and partnerships’ tracking and reporting iii. Provide and support forums for leaders to assess progress and share lessons Call to action promise renewed LAC version conference in 2013: PAHO, UNFPA, IDB, Alliance on maternal health GTR and Neonatal health. Conference advocacy in regional forums such as the SLAN, ALAPE, Latino San, Education iv. Provide country support to sharpen national plans v. In partnership with multilateral/bilateral initiatives, UNICEF will: Allocate funding and technical support using criteria tied to objective data on highest burdens - geographies, causes and populations. Align and make emphasis on overall metrics for progress across child, neonate and maternal health vi. Provide unified support of potential country re-prioritization based on objective data. Each country to choose its own path e.g. equitable reduction in U5MR throughout country, coverage targets of specific interventions, policy and technology innovations vii.Update funding process to support multi sector and multi-cause country priorities viii. Support country planning and implementation tools up to the global targets There will be a five year interim targets to track progress. Monitor the Milestones that would be re-evaluated based on sharpened national child survival plans for 2020. This will create a fact-base and starting point for engaging RO in post 2015 discussions: Child survival and development prioritized Greater shared knowledge of countries at starting points Planning process underway in many countries in the region Greater resource alignment and accountability and transparent information UNICEF roles at CO level supported by RO ( E. Paz and others) 1) Provide Political Support to Governments in their efforts to encourage governments to sign the child survival pledge 2) Provide Technical Assistance to Governments to develop evidence-based action plans and milestones for accelerating declines in preventable child deaths: ( E.Paz and others) a. In districts or provinces where child mortality is higher than the national average. b. Detailed analysis of the nature, distribution and social determinants of maternal and child mortality, including girls’ education. c. Implement modelling tools such as the Lives Saved Tool (LiST), to identify the most effective and efficient strategies for reducing child mortality. d. Encourage governments to incorporate analytic findings within their country action plans for child survival, with the goal of accelerating progress towards the MDG target. e. Encouraging governments to set five year milestones for the period after 2015, beginning with a new 2020 target that will bend the curve in child mortality. f. Technical support to implement the four strategic Shifts requested ( Annex 4) 3) Provide Technical Support to Governments in Monitoring efforts: Reinforce government-led efforts to monitor national and sub-national progress on maternal, new-born and child survival through processes that encourage public participation and strengthen accountability. ( with Bastiaan Vant Hoff) a. Country scorecard development (generic monitoring template). The template builds on indicators developed by the U.N. Commission for Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health, and offers countries a menu of options that can be simplified or augmented, based on national priorities and planning processes. ( Annex 4) b. Promote innovative applications that use mobile technology to enable civil society groups and individual citizens to report on the quality of public services. The information generated through these participatory approaches can supplement and strengthen data obtained through existing monitoring mechanisms, including MoRES. 4) Provide Strategic Representation at country level to call on partners from government, civil society, the private sector, and the development community to strengthen coordination and scale-up action, in support of government priorities for maternal, new-born and child survival. (Annex 6)